I just received an email from the ONA (Ohio Nurses Association) yesterday. They were putting out a Code Red regarding unsafe staffing numbers and letting nurses know “they will hold the government and corporations responsible”, because unsafe staffing levels effect patient outcomes. I was steaming! The ONA got behind hospitals mandating their staff take the Covid shot, get an exemption, or be fired. Where were they back when this happened? They were right there with the AMA, AAP, pharmacists, FDA, CDC, Ohio Public Health, the federal government in supporting masking and the Covid shot. They are hypocrits.
That's pretty interesting - so what are they going to do to "hold them accountable?" They don't have any authority. What will they do about all of the poor outcomes? "Uhhhh, Mrs Smith, here's three months added back to your life. We're sorry your nurse was so overloaded she missed the aspiration pneumonia that caused your extended stay and shortened your lifespan, and that now you have asthma after being on a ventilator for 45 days. We're holding the hospitals accountable!" ha ha
Caution: Rima Laibow a ‘Longtime Top Whistleblower' (???) vs. uber sinister cabal psyops agent w/ MKULTRA &_or s_ist associates Stubblebine, Alexander, Aquino & Vallely - The Great Awakening - Where We Go Qne, We Go All!
‘Caution: Rima Laibow a ‘Longtime Top Whistleblower' (???) vs. uber sinister cabal psyops agent? w / MKULTRA &/or s_ist associates Stubblebine, Alexander, Aquino & Vallely
Contrary to many glowing citations cropping up on PW (where these comments were immediately scrubbed 2x) - down the years Rima Laibow appears to have been (then and now) 1000% a cabal psyops operative.
There’s lots for research here (decades, archived elsewhere), but here is a surface introduction:
She’s had psychotherapeutic tentacles in the gaslighting and discrediting of children who claimed sat_nic ritual abuse; plus MKULTRA projects along with husband Maj. Gen. Bert Stubblebine, a notorious Army Intelligence cabal asset specializing in MASS MIND CONTROL;
And both were close associates with Maj. John Alexander and occult sat-ist temple of Set founder / psyops expert Lt. Col. Michael Aquino: …’
The simpler version is that Q let us know AJ is a MOS operative. So many things click into place with that tidbit. Including the over-the-top professional wrestling type vibe of this video.
Remember they always telegraph ahead what they are going to do. I think they are following contract law, and this gives them permission (informed consent) to go ahead with their operations.
Not to her own kind, but there have been ongoing attempts to insert her as a 'trusted voice' into the patriot community.
But previously, her online activities since @1998 have included offering her 'professional' psychiatric opinion discounting and gaslighting childhood ritual abuse victims' testimonies, as well as that of victims of chemical injury.
Her late husband Maj. Gen. Bert Stubblebine was definitely a cabal mass psyops operative, and in partnership at one time with the notorious Michael Aquino and John Alexander.
The latter is contrived and done for both karmic forgiveness and as a type of permission to proceed, completely disingenuous; the former would imply taking altruistic action to avoid inflicting hurt, done with sincerity.
this gives me the same vibes as the Freemason Founding Fathers of the USA (aka The Great Experiment), who in their own words (Ben Franklin)... "GAVE US" a Republic, IF we could keep it.
these people STUDY the human race, they are masters of human psychology. they know that people would give up their rights & freedoms in return for so-called "safety".
they created this country, the only country that has ever allowed men to be FREE, because they KNEW we would give it up, so they could at a later point in time, come in & say the following:
"Ha! See, we knew you wouldn't have what it takes to govern yourselves! We've given you all everything you need to be free & you blew it! You are not worthy of a free Republic & so now, we are instituting our totalitarian, socialist government, ruled by God-men"
they tell us what they are going to do, because they know we won't be able to stop it before its too late & they then have the high ground of being able to say "we told you so, we'll be you mommy & daddy from now on"
I just received an email from the ONA (Ohio Nurses Association) yesterday. They were putting out a Code Red regarding unsafe staffing numbers and letting nurses know “they will hold the government and corporations responsible”, because unsafe staffing levels effect patient outcomes. I was steaming! The ONA got behind hospitals mandating their staff take the Covid shot, get an exemption, or be fired. Where were they back when this happened? They were right there with the AMA, AAP, pharmacists, FDA, CDC, Ohio Public Health, the federal government in supporting masking and the Covid shot. They are hypocrits.
That's pretty interesting - so what are they going to do to "hold them accountable?" They don't have any authority. What will they do about all of the poor outcomes? "Uhhhh, Mrs Smith, here's three months added back to your life. We're sorry your nurse was so overloaded she missed the aspiration pneumonia that caused your extended stay and shortened your lifespan, and that now you have asthma after being on a ventilator for 45 days. We're holding the hospitals accountable!" ha ha
Amazing how all that is going in the world was actually out in the open for years but just ignored or written off as this couldn't happen.
Alex Jones and probable cabal psyops operative Rima Laibow?
Caution: Rima Laibow a ‘Longtime Top Whistleblower' (???) vs. uber sinister cabal psyops agent w/ MKULTRA &_or s_ist associates Stubblebine, Alexander, Aquino & Vallely - The Great Awakening - Where We Go Qne, We Go All!
‘Caution: Rima Laibow a ‘Longtime Top Whistleblower' (???) vs. uber sinister cabal psyops agent? w / MKULTRA &/or s_ist associates Stubblebine, Alexander, Aquino & Vallely
Contrary to many glowing citations cropping up on PW (where these comments were immediately scrubbed 2x) - down the years Rima Laibow appears to have been (then and now) 1000% a cabal psyops operative.
There’s lots for research here (decades, archived elsewhere), but here is a surface introduction:
She’s had psychotherapeutic tentacles in the gaslighting and discrediting of children who claimed sat_nic ritual abuse; plus MKULTRA projects along with husband Maj. Gen. Bert Stubblebine, a notorious Army Intelligence cabal asset specializing in MASS MIND CONTROL;
And both were close associates with Maj. John Alexander and occult sat-ist temple of Set founder / psyops expert Lt. Col. Michael Aquino: …’
The simpler version is that Q let us know AJ is a MOS operative. So many things click into place with that tidbit. Including the over-the-top professional wrestling type vibe of this video.
Remember they always telegraph ahead what they are going to do. I think they are following contract law, and this gives them permission (informed consent) to go ahead with their operations.
So you think this lady in this video was a tool of the cabal? And her message was to inform their own kind perhaps?
Not to her own kind, but there have been ongoing attempts to insert her as a 'trusted voice' into the patriot community.
But previously, her online activities since @1998 have included offering her 'professional' psychiatric opinion discounting and gaslighting childhood ritual abuse victims' testimonies, as well as that of victims of chemical injury.
Her late husband Maj. Gen. Bert Stubblebine was definitely a cabal mass psyops operative, and in partnership at one time with the notorious Michael Aquino and John Alexander.
I might be a useless eater, but at least I'm not retarded.
My Alex Jones jar is full and i need to start another one.
I still can't believe Jesse Ventura hired Mike Lindell to do all his voiceovers
Yep. But those of us that followed him were labeled fools and kooks.
I watched this episode of Jesse Ventura's Conspiracy Theory tv series.
Backup if it gets removed
That show slapped
From 4 years ago by Mike Adams: the perfect storm for a jab Holocaust is here. Sounds like he also knew…
This was not a warning, it was a revelation of the method. Do some of us still fall for this shit?
What's the subtle difference?
The latter is contrived and done for both karmic forgiveness and as a type of permission to proceed, completely disingenuous; the former would imply taking altruistic action to avoid inflicting hurt, done with sincerity.
I'm I missing something there's no Date on the video that it's 15 yrs ago it looks old?
It's from the television show Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura on TruTV, which ran from 2009-2012.
I think it's around 09
this gives me the same vibes as the Freemason Founding Fathers of the USA (aka The Great Experiment), who in their own words (Ben Franklin)... "GAVE US" a Republic, IF we could keep it.
these people STUDY the human race, they are masters of human psychology. they know that people would give up their rights & freedoms in return for so-called "safety".
they created this country, the only country that has ever allowed men to be FREE, because they KNEW we would give it up, so they could at a later point in time, come in & say the following:
"Ha! See, we knew you wouldn't have what it takes to govern yourselves! We've given you all everything you need to be free & you blew it! You are not worthy of a free Republic & so now, we are instituting our totalitarian, socialist government, ruled by God-men"
they tell us what they are going to do, because they know we won't be able to stop it before its too late & they then have the high ground of being able to say "we told you so, we'll be you mommy & daddy from now on"
People I know would watch this and scoff 'what's this prove'? Will not click for them, even a little.
I think it has something to do with, look how stupid you are, we warned you so you deserve it.
I believe that's it. You hit it right on the nail.