I assure you that it is not the Holy Trinity. Freemasonry is a satanic deception. The demons have no problem if people talk about the βOprah godβ who is this nebulous thing that we can define into whatever makes us feel good. Start insisting on details that Jesus Christ revealed to us, start insisting on His name, and you find out pretty quickly who worships what.
"Most masons" don't understand how bad the organization really is. I don't doubt that a lot of people involved are blind to it and that they're good people in their communities.
"like many groups is infiltrated". An organization, any organization is always prone to infiltration. All that is really necessary is to capture one of the top positions in the organization. Then that organization becomes a captured operation.
The first mention I ever came across of the word Twitter was in the movie Bambi by an owl. Referring to spring time when the animals mate, he calls it Twitter-pating
I'm pretty sure bluebird is one thing and MK is another.
According to publicintelligence.net CIAβs Project BLUEBIRD was an offshoot of Project MKULTRA which focused on hypnosis and behavior modification as a means of preventing Agency employees from providing intelligence to adversaries. In other words, BLUEBIRD is both heavily inspired and related to MKULTRA.
FOIA request about PROJECT BLUEBIRD. This is the CIA answer:
here is subnitted for your approval and authorization for allocation
of funds Project Bluebird. in view of the extreme sensitivity of this project
and its covert nature, it -t_s deemed advisable to submit this project directly
to you., rather than ftrou ;h the channel of the Projects Review Committee.
X symbolizes the death of these agencies. SpaceX kills NASA, X kills twitter
His kid is X
That's right. If it's true, who would really name their kid that?
Their x logo is still masonic, see picture in link. I'm still wary of musk.
yes we should be
They practice a satanic religion, and the Q drops explicitly show their involvement in evil subversion.
What does "G" stand for?
Why not "God?"
Who is the "Grand Creator?"
I assure you that it is not the Holy Trinity. Freemasonry is a satanic deception. The demons have no problem if people talk about the βOprah godβ who is this nebulous thing that we can define into whatever makes us feel good. Start insisting on details that Jesus Christ revealed to us, start insisting on His name, and you find out pretty quickly who worships what.
I didn't downvote you. I'm just saying I'm being careful who I trust and Musk has set off enough red flags for me that I'm wary.
I agree that most ground-level Masons are amazing people. It's the ones further up the ladder that are the evil ones.
"Most masons" don't understand how bad the organization really is. I don't doubt that a lot of people involved are blind to it and that they're good people in their communities.
"like many groups is infiltrated". An organization, any organization is always prone to infiltration. All that is really necessary is to capture one of the top positions in the organization. Then that organization becomes a captured operation.
If you mirror the X symbol, it's the Masonic compass.
More than happy to provide content to the Paytriot's of the movement:
The first mention I ever came across of the word Twitter was in the movie Bambi by an owl. Referring to spring time when the animals mate, he calls it Twitter-pating
that was "spring fever" when everyone becomes "twitterpated."
A twit is an idiot To "twitter" is to make idiots
I'm pretty sure bluebird is one thing and MK is another.
i guess its pretty obvious what kind of mind control bluebird was supposed to be...
MK Ultra is as follows: https://vigilantcitizen.com/vigilantreport/the-world-of-mind-control-through-the-eyes-of-an-artist-with-13-alter-personas/
According to publicintelligence.net CIAβs Project BLUEBIRD was an offshoot of Project MKULTRA which focused on hypnosis and behavior modification as a means of preventing Agency employees from providing intelligence to adversaries. In other words, BLUEBIRD is both heavily inspired and related to MKULTRA.
According to the CIA themselves, MKUltra was preceded by Project ARTICHOKE
FOIA request about PROJECT BLUEBIRD. This is the CIA answer:
Original at https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/document/cia-rdp83-01042r000800010003-1
Over the target! π―
Wow! Very interesting!
βSI and H techniquesβ = βsleep induction and hypnotic techniquesβ
Was the blue bird caged? Did Elon set it free?
He's a martyr scented with Musk.