Live and let live. Your choices or lifestyle infringes on another, pay the price. It doesnt, then go forth and prosper. Irrelevant to whats really happening out there
I agree in principle and on Constitutional grounds, but also I won't give them that out anymore.
They need to work to clean up their shit too, and Gays Against Groomers with their retarded mouth pieces who go on shows like Timcast and make fools out of themselves as they attempt to shit on Trump ain't it.
It doesn't concern me what you do in the bedroom, but it does concern me when you make it your entire point of living and force me to hear about it while you groom kids.
Not all, but enough that they need to acknowledge the problem.
The problem is multifaceted and requires a massive joint approach to get the reins on culture.
It is true that for some people, it is hard wired into their brains from birth. That's not a lie; preferences are not always from learned experiences.
BUT, and this is where culture comes in, you can also create situations that teach it in children from a young age.
There are all these nerds who will watch something like Star Trek, specifically be hit hard by the episode where Picard is brainwashed, understand the power that is shown there (it's really a 1984 representation, honestly) and then turn around and act like this can't be done with training and grooming children.
Nurture is powerful. It is why abused can often turn into abusers.
We are all trained as kids. We can be trained to be gay too.
See, you say that gays need to acknowledge the problem, and I agree wholeheartedly. But you also look at people like Gays Against Groomers, who do exactly that, and say that ain't good enough 'cause they don't agree with you on everything. Pick a lane, man!
We can't be trained to be gay. What can, and does unfortunately, happen is a straight boy is sexually abused and traumatized, then as an adult he seeks out sex with men because psychologically he's "returning to the scene of the crime" in an attempt to address the trauma. But that's not a gay man. That's a straight man who needs compassion and a good therapist. I've met a few of these, and they always ask to be dominated because they're trying to process. They don't understand why, and are disgusted with themselves because of the compulsion. They don't want intimacy or a relationship. It's a big tell, and I wish them well and go on my way. But they are by no means a large portion of the population which identifies as gay. Maybe 10% or so, I'd guess.
Genuine homosexuality is about brain wiring that happens before birth. It's immutable. A gay guy can try to fake being straight, but he's not. A horny straight guy can have sexual activity with other guys, and thereby think he's gay, but he's not. Time and perspective resolves both scenarios.
But you also look at people like Gays Against Groomers, who do exactly that, and say that ain't good enough 'cause they don't agree with you on everything. Pick a lane, man!
No, they're actually retarded and can't even follow through on an argument. She didn't just disagree and dislike Trump, she literally went full retard with deflection and shitting on Trump supporters and calling us a cult, the same wording used by the leftist retards. Sorry, fuck that shit.
That isn't just "disagreeing".
We can't be trained to be gay.
Yes we can, just like we can be trained to be trans. This is the way most people end up becoming gay or trans nowadays, as it does not come up naturally with the sort of frequency that we are seeing.
What can, and does unfortunately, happen is a straight boy is sexually abused and traumatized, then as an adult he seeks out sex with men because psychologically he's "returning to the scene of the crime" in an attempt to address the trauma.
This happens, but if you think this is the only way a child turns out gay then you need to go back to your armchair and read a few books on the subject as well as watch what is happening with keener eyes.
I mean tell me, do you believe MK Ultra exists? You should. It's officially documented fact on the CIA's website.
So why do you believe you can brainwash someone and strip everything that made them who they are, all of their personal instincts and guide them into doing what you want them to do...
..But somehow you can't train an impressionable child from infancy?
Why stop showing kids these things in school then? After all, it's not influencing them at all.
Oh wait. It is. Because you can groom them. You don't have to sexually abuse them directly to reach this outcome.
A LOT of gay people were sexually abused as children and teens or had a rough upbringing. It doesn’t apply to all of them, of course, but if someone did a study I’d say it would be statistically significant.
You have no idea what you're talking about, and I'm not going to repeat the arguments I've presented elsewhere in this comment section. Take a look if you actually want to learn something.
Ok, do YOU have any fact or proof that it's NOT biologically determined? Or just personal feelings?
As for myself, I have a lifetime of experience that convinces me. If that's not enough for you, take a look at the video I linked to. A list of citations to relevant research is in the description.
Well, the best indication of how sexual orientation is determined is indicated by the sexual orientation of pedophiles in 80% of cases was determined by childhood sexual abuse.
Add to that that the feverish search for the "gay gene" has gone on for decades, with no result.
Add to that Darwin's science of natural selection. Are you aware that sexual acts between same gender individuals PRODUCE NO OFFSPRING? If it had ANY basis in genetics, the behavior would have extinguished itself in a few generations, many millennia ago.
That's just skimming the top of the reasons rational thought excludes that as a possibility. The attempt to excuse responsibility for behavior by magically transforming oneself into a "victim" is a childish tactic of the loonie left. And they are wearing it very thin.
The vast majority - ~90% - of child molestation is committed by straight people. Let's do some math, with numbers you might find credible: Gays are (according to you, I suspect) 2% of the population. Gays are supposedly 3.5x more likely to molest children. 2 x 3.5 = 7% of the molestation is committed by gays. 100 - 7 = 93. If you're concerned about child abuse, your plan for addressing it better include talking to the straight people who are doing 93% of it instead of obsessing about tHe HomOs.
In a social species, which those of us humans who get out of our basement are, genes are not passed on by "survival of the fittest." They are passed on by "survival of the family group." Anthropologically speaking, a gay man provides resources to the family group without contributing to the number of offspring that must be fed. Therefore, a family group with a smattering of gays in it is more likely to pass on their genetics to the next generation. So there's your evolutionary imperative.
If homosexuality were so self-terminating, why do we keep on showing up? By your logic, the "gene" would have selected out thousands of years ago. So maybe the biology is a tad more complex than you're expecting. That's why I've pointed to the evidence for epigenetics - which as it happens actually has at least as much to do with how we turn out as genetics does. Clearly, there is an evolutionary advantage conferred by having a few gay people around or we wouldn't be having this discussion.
As for your "victim" point, I've not engaged in that here so I don't see how it's relevant beyond your desire to kvetch. On the contrary, people like you are vanishingly rare around here. I haven't been "victimized" at all. The vast majority just don't care about the topic, as evidenced by the pathetic number of upvotes this post received.
Please let me know if you come up with more "rational thought" that I can demolish. Before you do, understand that I've been studying this for many years. I know more, and I know your arguments better than you do.
LOL - As expected, the first words out of your mouth are a poor attempt at mental three card monte. The vast majority of child molestation is committed by straight people? Straight people, by definition, are one adult male with one adult female. If you think your sleight of hand is working, it is only working in people who have already greased their minds to accept any level of absurdity that they can pretend supports what they want to believe.
My assumption is that you are referring to peds who hide their orientation behind heterosexual relationships the same way many homosexuals do? Again another childish attempt at mental gymnastics that only work for those who are eager to accept any morsel that they (and only they) can file away in their mental "this proves it" file, no matter the level of absurdity.
You then move on to ignore that 3 out of 4 child molestations are same sex in nature...umm...doesn't same sex mean homosexual - having nothing whatsoever to do with "straight" people?"
If homosexuality were so self-terminating, why do we keep on showing up?
Uhh....maybe the same self evident reason pedophilia orientation keeps showing up - 80& of peds were molested by adults during childhood.
As for your "victim" point, I've not engaged in that here so I don't see how it's relevant beyond your desire to kvetch
Aren't you the one who expressed your self-immolation at the hand of God, who refused to obey your command for his action, while hearing the prayers of so many others who testify to his transformation of their lives?
If you have any desire to understand, there is an entire book written on that subject. I highly recommend you look at it. It's explanations are clear and to the point. It takes no mental gymnastics to understand why and how everything works.
Oh, you think that straight men don't diddle boys? Have you been paying attention at all to the world around you? Pedophiles are opportunistic. Boys are fucked by straight men with alarming frequency, because a prepubescent boy looks a whole lot more like a girl than he does a man.
Ok, let's test your theory with some more math. ~90% of molestation is committed by people who do not identify as gay, simply because there aren't enough gays to make the numbers work otherwise. You say 75% of child molestations are same sex in nature. So that means that 67.5% (0.9 x 0.75) of the molestations are committed by people who identify as straight, but are in fact fucking boys. Since self-identified gays commit ~10% of the molestation, that means there are 7 times as many pedophiles who claim to be straight (but are actually gay because they fuck boys, according to you) as there are openly gay pedophiles. Since self-identified gays are about 3-5% of the population, and assuming the ratio of pedophiles is the same in both groups, that means that around 28% (4 x 7) of the straight population is secretly gay. Which is ridiculous on its face. Your claims, turned into numbers, start to look pretty damn retarded.
I hope you're getting a sense for the degree to which I cannot take you seriously.
I expressed no "self-immolation," whatever you mean by that. What I said was that it wasn't until I got to the point where I asked God directly, rather than trusting Christian tradition, that he told me to accept myself, find a decent man to commit to, and be a good person. Meanwhile, I was living what would be called a good Christian life, complete with service and celibacy. So stop putting words in my mouth as if it's some kind of own, you self-righteous midwit.
By "there is an entire book written on that subject" I'm assuming from context that you are referring to the Bible? Please, oh please, dare me to explain to you exactly how the Bible says exactly nothing in condemnation of homosexuality when it's understood in context and is translated correctly, instead of through the distorted lens of traditional Christianity. Please!
Or not. I'm kinda getting tired of arguing with an idiot.
Except... it is. It seems to be an epigenetic expression caused by the timing of hormone exposure in utero. This expression affects the development of certain brain structures. Those brain structures are similar in gay men vs straight women, as well as in straight men vs gay women.
Behavior is a choice. Sexual orientation is not.
If you're willing to open your mind, this fellow does a roundup of the neuroscience:
I am anecdotal evidence of this. I tried to "pray the gay away" for two decades, including voluntary celibacy. It didn't work. It wasn't until I'd developed my relationship with God sufficiently that we could converse that he told me to accept who I am, find someone to commit to, and be a good person. I'm working on the "good person" part, but being gay doesn't factor into it.
There's a difference between someone who is born with specific brain wiring and someone who is trying to process trauma.
Some boys who are abused grow up to be men who seek to be dominated sexually by other men. This is the psyche's attempt to process the trauma by "returning to the scene of the crime." These men hate that they have this compulsion, but they don't understand what to do about it. They might call themselves gay in order to justify it, but they want neither intimacy nor relationship with the men who dominate them.
But these are not gay men; they are straight men who need understanding and a good therapist.
Do you have other siblings and are you among the youngest? I've heard there's a disproportionate amount of gay people with many older siblings. It's like something physiologically changes in the mom after many kids. This is something I read about years ago. Maybe it's all bunk.
Yeah, statistically a boy is 33% more likely to be gay for each older brother his mother has borne. The theory is that the mother develops antibodies in response to carrying a boy, and those antibodies kick in and increase cortisol production in subsequent male pregnancies. The cortisol impacts fetal development.
Another clear statistical signal is if a mother's life is very stressful during gestation. (Again, cortisol. IIRC, ~4% of straight men report this, over 25% of gay men report this.) That theory fits me better.
It's like nature is saying either "I'm in trouble and need a resource provider if my genes are to be passed on" or "Ok, we have enough mouths to feed, time to make more resource providers so that the next generation can survive."
Some people are just wired for a bad life. Most are just good people from birth who are shaped by their environment.
I know kids who knew from a very young age, without being groomed by anyone, that they were gay. Sometimes it just happens, but it's rare, and certainly the human species doesn't progress and procreate to survive when 20% of young adults identify in some way with the LGBT spectrum. That's more likely an effect of spending all their time on social media when their brains are still developing.
I agree, 20% is ridiculous, but I think "rare" isn't an appropriate description. The best studies I can find on the topic center around 4-5% natural homosexual orientation.
That said, it's very dangerous to tell these kids they should be something they aren't, in either direction. The straight kids will snap out of it as they mature, I think, but there's no doubt that LGBTQ ideology (not gays - the radical ideology) is deeply dangerous.
A whole lot of difference between in-utero brain structure formation on the one hand and a toxic culture on the other. You're comparing apples and oranges.
Look at him, walkin' around grabbin' his you-know-what Flippin' the you-know-who, yeah, but he's so cute though!" Yeah, I probably got a couple of screws up in my head loose But no worse, than what's goin' on in your parents' bedrooms Sometimes, I wanna get on T.V. and just let loose, but can't But it's cool for Tom Green to hump a dead moose "My bum is on your lips, my bum is on your lips And if I'm lucky, you might just give it a little kiss" And that's the message that we deliver to little kids And expect them not to know what a woman's clitoris is Of course they gonna know what intercourse is By the time they hit fourth grade They got the discovery channel don't they? "We ain't nothing but mammals", well, some of us cannibals Who cut other people open like cantaloupes But if we can hump dead animals and antelopes Then there's no reason that a man and another man can't elope But if you feel like I feel, I got the antidote Women wave your pantyhose, sing the chorus and it goes
(Yes, Eminem but Vivek like to promote the Epstein Island greatest hits.)
Some things should not be conserved. Self-righteous cruelty toward your fellow man is one of them. Oh, and thanks for the downvote! You really hurt me in my fake Internet points.
I am going on record as saying I dont care…
Live and let live. Your choices or lifestyle infringes on another, pay the price. It doesnt, then go forth and prosper. Irrelevant to whats really happening out there
I agree in principle and on Constitutional grounds, but also I won't give them that out anymore.
They need to work to clean up their shit too, and Gays Against Groomers with their retarded mouth pieces who go on shows like Timcast and make fools out of themselves as they attempt to shit on Trump ain't it.
It doesn't concern me what you do in the bedroom, but it does concern me when you make it your entire point of living and force me to hear about it while you groom kids.
Not all, but enough that they need to acknowledge the problem.
The problem is multifaceted and requires a massive joint approach to get the reins on culture.
It is true that for some people, it is hard wired into their brains from birth. That's not a lie; preferences are not always from learned experiences.
BUT, and this is where culture comes in, you can also create situations that teach it in children from a young age.
There are all these nerds who will watch something like Star Trek, specifically be hit hard by the episode where Picard is brainwashed, understand the power that is shown there (it's really a 1984 representation, honestly) and then turn around and act like this can't be done with training and grooming children.
Nurture is powerful. It is why abused can often turn into abusers.
We are all trained as kids. We can be trained to be gay too.
See, you say that gays need to acknowledge the problem, and I agree wholeheartedly. But you also look at people like Gays Against Groomers, who do exactly that, and say that ain't good enough 'cause they don't agree with you on everything. Pick a lane, man!
We can't be trained to be gay. What can, and does unfortunately, happen is a straight boy is sexually abused and traumatized, then as an adult he seeks out sex with men because psychologically he's "returning to the scene of the crime" in an attempt to address the trauma. But that's not a gay man. That's a straight man who needs compassion and a good therapist. I've met a few of these, and they always ask to be dominated because they're trying to process. They don't understand why, and are disgusted with themselves because of the compulsion. They don't want intimacy or a relationship. It's a big tell, and I wish them well and go on my way. But they are by no means a large portion of the population which identifies as gay. Maybe 10% or so, I'd guess.
Genuine homosexuality is about brain wiring that happens before birth. It's immutable. A gay guy can try to fake being straight, but he's not. A horny straight guy can have sexual activity with other guys, and thereby think he's gay, but he's not. Time and perspective resolves both scenarios.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
No, they're actually retarded and can't even follow through on an argument. She didn't just disagree and dislike Trump, she literally went full retard with deflection and shitting on Trump supporters and calling us a cult, the same wording used by the leftist retards. Sorry, fuck that shit.
That isn't just "disagreeing".
Yes we can, just like we can be trained to be trans. This is the way most people end up becoming gay or trans nowadays, as it does not come up naturally with the sort of frequency that we are seeing.
This happens, but if you think this is the only way a child turns out gay then you need to go back to your armchair and read a few books on the subject as well as watch what is happening with keener eyes.
I mean tell me, do you believe MK Ultra exists? You should. It's officially documented fact on the CIA's website.
So why do you believe you can brainwash someone and strip everything that made them who they are, all of their personal instincts and guide them into doing what you want them to do...
..But somehow you can't train an impressionable child from infancy?
Why stop showing kids these things in school then? After all, it's not influencing them at all.
Oh wait. It is. Because you can groom them. You don't have to sexually abuse them directly to reach this outcome.
So you're condemning all of Gays Against Groomers because of one feckless idiot? Got it.
You can condition behavior. You cannot condition brain structure. You're just plain wrong.
Yep. Be a good person, gay or straight, and let everyone else do the same.
A LOT of gay people were sexually abused as children and teens or had a rough upbringing. It doesn’t apply to all of them, of course, but if someone did a study I’d say it would be statistically significant.
if it is in their dna, then why havent they located that particular gene?
Ivermectin will cure it
It could have something to do with being the second son.
Epigenetics. Check out this roundup of the neuroscience:
It is well established science that 80% of adult pedophiles were sexually molested as children. That is learned behavior from childhood trauma.
So pedophilia as sexual orientation is well known to be caused by behaviors, but any other orientation is said to be fully a genetic issue?
And those who hold the genetic view have been searching to find a genetic cause for decades, with zero results to back that assessment.
The obvious conclusion is: blatant lie, but with powerful backers.
The left: sexual orientation is hard wired from birth and cant be changed.
Also the left: biological sex is a social construct and literally anybody can switch their sex if they want to.
You have no idea what you're talking about, and I'm not going to repeat the arguments I've presented elsewhere in this comment section. Take a look if you actually want to learn something.
It might be. It could be.........on and on.
But you do, know what you're talking about by ignoring all fact and proof in favor of your personal feelings?
Ok, do YOU have any fact or proof that it's NOT biologically determined? Or just personal feelings?
As for myself, I have a lifetime of experience that convinces me. If that's not enough for you, take a look at the video I linked to. A list of citations to relevant research is in the description.
Well, the best indication of how sexual orientation is determined is indicated by the sexual orientation of pedophiles in 80% of cases was determined by childhood sexual abuse.
Add to that that the feverish search for the "gay gene" has gone on for decades, with no result.
Add to that Darwin's science of natural selection. Are you aware that sexual acts between same gender individuals PRODUCE NO OFFSPRING? If it had ANY basis in genetics, the behavior would have extinguished itself in a few generations, many millennia ago.
That's just skimming the top of the reasons rational thought excludes that as a possibility. The attempt to excuse responsibility for behavior by magically transforming oneself into a "victim" is a childish tactic of the loonie left. And they are wearing it very thin.
The vast majority - ~90% - of child molestation is committed by straight people. Let's do some math, with numbers you might find credible: Gays are (according to you, I suspect) 2% of the population. Gays are supposedly 3.5x more likely to molest children. 2 x 3.5 = 7% of the molestation is committed by gays. 100 - 7 = 93. If you're concerned about child abuse, your plan for addressing it better include talking to the straight people who are doing 93% of it instead of obsessing about tHe HomOs.
In a social species, which those of us humans who get out of our basement are, genes are not passed on by "survival of the fittest." They are passed on by "survival of the family group." Anthropologically speaking, a gay man provides resources to the family group without contributing to the number of offspring that must be fed. Therefore, a family group with a smattering of gays in it is more likely to pass on their genetics to the next generation. So there's your evolutionary imperative.
If homosexuality were so self-terminating, why do we keep on showing up? By your logic, the "gene" would have selected out thousands of years ago. So maybe the biology is a tad more complex than you're expecting. That's why I've pointed to the evidence for epigenetics - which as it happens actually has at least as much to do with how we turn out as genetics does. Clearly, there is an evolutionary advantage conferred by having a few gay people around or we wouldn't be having this discussion.
It's also worth pointing out that homosexual behavior is rampant throughout the animal kingdom:
As for your "victim" point, I've not engaged in that here so I don't see how it's relevant beyond your desire to kvetch. On the contrary, people like you are vanishingly rare around here. I haven't been "victimized" at all. The vast majority just don't care about the topic, as evidenced by the pathetic number of upvotes this post received.
Please let me know if you come up with more "rational thought" that I can demolish. Before you do, understand that I've been studying this for many years. I know more, and I know your arguments better than you do.
LOL - As expected, the first words out of your mouth are a poor attempt at mental three card monte. The vast majority of child molestation is committed by straight people? Straight people, by definition, are one adult male with one adult female. If you think your sleight of hand is working, it is only working in people who have already greased their minds to accept any level of absurdity that they can pretend supports what they want to believe.
My assumption is that you are referring to peds who hide their orientation behind heterosexual relationships the same way many homosexuals do? Again another childish attempt at mental gymnastics that only work for those who are eager to accept any morsel that they (and only they) can file away in their mental "this proves it" file, no matter the level of absurdity.
You then move on to ignore that 3 out of 4 child molestations are same sex in nature...umm...doesn't same sex mean homosexual - having nothing whatsoever to do with "straight" people?"
Uhh....maybe the same self evident reason pedophilia orientation keeps showing up - 80& of peds were molested by adults during childhood.
Aren't you the one who expressed your self-immolation at the hand of God, who refused to obey your command for his action, while hearing the prayers of so many others who testify to his transformation of their lives?
If you have any desire to understand, there is an entire book written on that subject. I highly recommend you look at it. It's explanations are clear and to the point. It takes no mental gymnastics to understand why and how everything works.
Oh, you think that straight men don't diddle boys? Have you been paying attention at all to the world around you? Pedophiles are opportunistic. Boys are fucked by straight men with alarming frequency, because a prepubescent boy looks a whole lot more like a girl than he does a man.
Ok, let's test your theory with some more math. ~90% of molestation is committed by people who do not identify as gay, simply because there aren't enough gays to make the numbers work otherwise. You say 75% of child molestations are same sex in nature. So that means that 67.5% (0.9 x 0.75) of the molestations are committed by people who identify as straight, but are in fact fucking boys. Since self-identified gays commit ~10% of the molestation, that means there are 7 times as many pedophiles who claim to be straight (but are actually gay because they fuck boys, according to you) as there are openly gay pedophiles. Since self-identified gays are about 3-5% of the population, and assuming the ratio of pedophiles is the same in both groups, that means that around 28% (4 x 7) of the straight population is secretly gay. Which is ridiculous on its face. Your claims, turned into numbers, start to look pretty damn retarded.
I hope you're getting a sense for the degree to which I cannot take you seriously.
I expressed no "self-immolation," whatever you mean by that. What I said was that it wasn't until I got to the point where I asked God directly, rather than trusting Christian tradition, that he told me to accept myself, find a decent man to commit to, and be a good person. Meanwhile, I was living what would be called a good Christian life, complete with service and celibacy. So stop putting words in my mouth as if it's some kind of own, you self-righteous midwit.
By "there is an entire book written on that subject" I'm assuming from context that you are referring to the Bible? Please, oh please, dare me to explain to you exactly how the Bible says exactly nothing in condemnation of homosexuality when it's understood in context and is translated correctly, instead of through the distorted lens of traditional Christianity. Please!
Or not. I'm kinda getting tired of arguing with an idiot.
Except... it is. It seems to be an epigenetic expression caused by the timing of hormone exposure in utero. This expression affects the development of certain brain structures. Those brain structures are similar in gay men vs straight women, as well as in straight men vs gay women.
Behavior is a choice. Sexual orientation is not.
If you're willing to open your mind, this fellow does a roundup of the neuroscience:
I am anecdotal evidence of this. I tried to "pray the gay away" for two decades, including voluntary celibacy. It didn't work. It wasn't until I'd developed my relationship with God sufficiently that we could converse that he told me to accept who I am, find someone to commit to, and be a good person. I'm working on the "good person" part, but being gay doesn't factor into it.
Ok but what about the strong correlation between abuse victims and homosexuality.
I'm not saying this doesn't happen, I think hormones are a huge part of it, but it's not entirely the case.
There's a difference between someone who is born with specific brain wiring and someone who is trying to process trauma.
Some boys who are abused grow up to be men who seek to be dominated sexually by other men. This is the psyche's attempt to process the trauma by "returning to the scene of the crime." These men hate that they have this compulsion, but they don't understand what to do about it. They might call themselves gay in order to justify it, but they want neither intimacy nor relationship with the men who dominate them.
But these are not gay men; they are straight men who need understanding and a good therapist.
Do you have other siblings and are you among the youngest? I've heard there's a disproportionate amount of gay people with many older siblings. It's like something physiologically changes in the mom after many kids. This is something I read about years ago. Maybe it's all bunk.
Yeah, statistically a boy is 33% more likely to be gay for each older brother his mother has borne. The theory is that the mother develops antibodies in response to carrying a boy, and those antibodies kick in and increase cortisol production in subsequent male pregnancies. The cortisol impacts fetal development.
Another clear statistical signal is if a mother's life is very stressful during gestation. (Again, cortisol. IIRC, ~4% of straight men report this, over 25% of gay men report this.) That theory fits me better.
It's like nature is saying either "I'm in trouble and need a resource provider if my genes are to be passed on" or "Ok, we have enough mouths to feed, time to make more resource providers so that the next generation can survive."
If that's true then Black on Black crime is hardwired from birth.
It's more nuanced than that.
Some people are just wired for a bad life. Most are just good people from birth who are shaped by their environment.
I know kids who knew from a very young age, without being groomed by anyone, that they were gay. Sometimes it just happens, but it's rare, and certainly the human species doesn't progress and procreate to survive when 20% of young adults identify in some way with the LGBT spectrum. That's more likely an effect of spending all their time on social media when their brains are still developing.
I agree, 20% is ridiculous, but I think "rare" isn't an appropriate description. The best studies I can find on the topic center around 4-5% natural homosexual orientation.
That said, it's very dangerous to tell these kids they should be something they aren't, in either direction. The straight kids will snap out of it as they mature, I think, but there's no doubt that LGBTQ ideology (not gays - the radical ideology) is deeply dangerous.
A whole lot of difference between in-utero brain structure formation on the one hand and a toxic culture on the other. You're comparing apples and oranges.
Also, Vivek...
Look at him, walkin' around grabbin' his you-know-what Flippin' the you-know-who, yeah, but he's so cute though!" Yeah, I probably got a couple of screws up in my head loose But no worse, than what's goin' on in your parents' bedrooms Sometimes, I wanna get on T.V. and just let loose, but can't But it's cool for Tom Green to hump a dead moose "My bum is on your lips, my bum is on your lips And if I'm lucky, you might just give it a little kiss" And that's the message that we deliver to little kids And expect them not to know what a woman's clitoris is Of course they gonna know what intercourse is By the time they hit fourth grade They got the discovery channel don't they? "We ain't nothing but mammals", well, some of us cannibals Who cut other people open like cantaloupes But if we can hump dead animals and antelopes Then there's no reason that a man and another man can't elope But if you feel like I feel, I got the antidote Women wave your pantyhose, sing the chorus and it goes
(Yes, Eminem but Vivek like to promote the Epstein Island greatest hits.)
How #brave of him to come out like that.
If the comments here reveal anything, it's that conservatives don't conserve anything.
Some things should not be conserved. Self-righteous cruelty toward your fellow man is one of them. Oh, and thanks for the downvote! You really hurt me in my fake Internet points.