Yup. And to see if vulnerable residents who lost their homes want to sell their properties to her or her elite puppet masters.
What a miserable PoS Oprah is. No amount of billions is gonna save this woman's black (no pun intended) soul. She really sold out. Best she repent, but it appears she enjoys her high profile, rich lifestyle too much.
Seriously, I think that's Oprah's real motive. Kudos to the shelter victims who refused her and the film crew access. Betcha more than a few had refused an offer to buy their land prior to this suspicious fire by the aforementioned Female Pimp, Blackrock and other Globalist scum.
Either make it new epstien island or a smart city first, then smart island. I've been thinking about their 15 minute cities more lately. Why put us in walled off cities with massive surveillance when you could just air drop us on an island. We would find a way outside the walls. But an island, that may be harder for us to escape lol.
If she gives all her property to Native Hawaiians for a sanctuary and gets her rich friends Gates, Zuckerberg, Bezos, Obama to do the same, and then THEY ALL LEAVE FOREVER, they might earn a little good karma. But they won't be forgotten.
Thinking??? she has to think….Good grief. Dolly Parton jumped in herself and pledged 1000 dollars a family every month for a year for the fire victims in her county in Tennessee! Dolly, at the time she made the pledge, did not know how many families were homeless but she knew she wanted to help!
You're right about that ratio though, that was glorious to see! Someone even mentioned she's been building an underground place for years and that she rented the largest crane on the island and a bunch of concrete. We'd never see a ratio of that many awakened people if twitter hadn't been taken over
Now the billionaires can rebuild Maui to “THEIR” standards. No middle class allowed only the mega rich. I’ve been to Maui numerous times. First time 47 years ago. Only place that I know that a lower income person (natives) can have a multimillion piece of ocean front property. Take a look of what happen to the Black family beach front property taken away https://thehill.com/changing-america/respect/accessibility/547792-black-familys-beachfront-ca-property-seized-during-jim/ Take a look at American Indians in Florida land taken away Which Native American tribe left for Florida after losing their land? There were about 5,000 Seminole Indians who claimed Florida's 32 million acres of land as their own. In 1823 under the treaty of Moultrie Creek, they gave up their claim which resulted in reducing their land to 4 millions acres, with no access to their cultivated lands, game, and either ocean. Take a look at African American slaves land taken away in Florida for condos https://www.cbsnews.com/news/eatonville-florida-residents-fight-over-land/ Fake President (F) Joe Biden wants another 24 billion for Ukraine what’s so IRONIC is Maui is a democrat town.
Is she also wanting to go in to "check on a few things right quick?"
I remember that extraordinary faggot David Leavitt made a beeline toward UKR within mere hours of "The war" breaking out. He talked about how he got money out of an atm there to, you know, hand out to people and help them. He offered up an intense word salad upon return with some coded warnings to others who had...special projects in UKR.
Oprah was probably looking for straggler kids to snatch. Pedo
Yup. And to see if vulnerable residents who lost their homes want to sell their properties to her or her elite puppet masters.
What a miserable PoS Oprah is. No amount of billions is gonna save this woman's black (no pun intended) soul. She really sold out. Best she repent, but it appears she enjoys her high profile, rich lifestyle too much.
My first thought was "is she & her cronies looking to buy up the whole island for themselves?"
Seriously, I think that's Oprah's real motive. Kudos to the shelter victims who refused her and the film crew access. Betcha more than a few had refused an offer to buy their land prior to this suspicious fire by the aforementioned Female Pimp, Blackrock and other Globalist scum.
Either make it new epstien island or a smart city first, then smart island. I've been thinking about their 15 minute cities more lately. Why put us in walled off cities with massive surveillance when you could just air drop us on an island. We would find a way outside the walls. But an island, that may be harder for us to escape lol.
Now I'm wondering if the kids were hustled away before the burn instead of dying in the fire.
I tuned Oprah out when she said Jesus was not the only way to get into heaven.
I tuned Oprah out when she said God is jealous of HER.
I just never tuned into that bitch.
If she gives all her property to Native Hawaiians for a sanctuary and gets her rich friends Gates, Zuckerberg, Bezos, Obama to do the same, and then THEY ALL LEAVE FOREVER, they might earn a little good karma. But they won't be forgotten.
Well said. Thinking about a donation is less than nothing.
Isn't that the Amber Herd gambit?
I wonder if you sink slower if you have some good karma, assuming all millstones have the same weight.
Thinking??? she has to think….Good grief. Dolly Parton jumped in herself and pledged 1000 dollars a family every month for a year for the fire victims in her county in Tennessee! Dolly, at the time she made the pledge, did not know how many families were homeless but she knew she wanted to help!
I hope they hid their kids and run tbat filth outta town.
Maui Under SIEGE: Govt & Red Cross Reportedly BLOCKING Aid But Good Samaritans Are Breaking Through! https://www.bitchute.com/video/hKmkVwEKlr6I/
The elite parasites want that land. So they murdered people and leveled it to the ground. Oprah owns 1,000 acres of land in Maui.
Sorry, Nitter.net link doesn't work...
You're right about that ratio though, that was glorious to see! Someone even mentioned she's been building an underground place for years and that she rented the largest crane on the island and a bunch of concrete. We'd never see a ratio of that many awakened people if twitter hadn't been taken over
pilau = dirty, rotten, stinky, oprah
Never forget she is on video saying a pedophile rubbing a child's penis feels good...
Your tax just went up, for the restore.
She's a scheming vulture.... probably had to get there right away to enjoy their misery (loosh?)
If she doesn't do this, it only hurts her reputation further
Stop calling them elite, shes a filthy pedophile.
Think of all the children lives have been saved
The "elites" seem to like "burnt offerings"
How much money, land and homes do you FN need, Oprah? 😡
You get 700.00, you get 700.00 everyone gets 700.00. I’ll take your land.
Now the billionaires can rebuild Maui to “THEIR” standards. No middle class allowed only the mega rich. I’ve been to Maui numerous times. First time 47 years ago. Only place that I know that a lower income person (natives) can have a multimillion piece of ocean front property. Take a look of what happen to the Black family beach front property taken away https://thehill.com/changing-america/respect/accessibility/547792-black-familys-beachfront-ca-property-seized-during-jim/ Take a look at American Indians in Florida land taken away Which Native American tribe left for Florida after losing their land? There were about 5,000 Seminole Indians who claimed Florida's 32 million acres of land as their own. In 1823 under the treaty of Moultrie Creek, they gave up their claim which resulted in reducing their land to 4 millions acres, with no access to their cultivated lands, game, and either ocean. Take a look at African American slaves land taken away in Florida for condos https://www.cbsnews.com/news/eatonville-florida-residents-fight-over-land/ Fake President (F) Joe Biden wants another 24 billion for Ukraine what’s so IRONIC is Maui is a democrat town.
“Thinking” about donating. Anyone with integrity and compassion would not take a moment to think. If I had her money, I know what I would do.
Is she also wanting to go in to "check on a few things right quick?" I remember that extraordinary faggot David Leavitt made a beeline toward UKR within mere hours of "The war" breaking out. He talked about how he got money out of an atm there to, you know, hand out to people and help them. He offered up an intense word salad upon return with some coded warnings to others who had...special projects in UKR.
Was the hideous Cnut playing a violin?
Lots of good comments.