I agree but have to admit I voted that he should debate in Navarro’s poll. He really shouldn’t as there’s no need but I just like watching him do what he does.
Why would you debate? Because we so enjoy watching you destroy these pedo death cult puppets and we need something to put a smile on our faces and deserve to see the Peoples Champion in all his glory. In short, it is good for morale.
Debating any of these wannabes would HELP ONLY THEM.
It could do absolutely ZERO good for Trump, but would provide HOURS of cannon fodder for the selective editors of the mainstream media to attack him with.
The media that knowingly took "There were good people on both sides" out of context and simply chopped off the part where he said "...and I'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and white supremacists, who should be CONDEMNED TOTALLY".
And, to make it worse, they did this AFTER Jake Tapper told the CNN audience and the panel of eight wobbleheads that Trump had added the disclaimer, so "We can't accuse Trump of supporting neo-Nazis and white supremacists." After all that, they STILL ran with it. Worst lie in political history, next to the Big Lie (that Biden won the election).
There's no "former" involved. I've noticed that even Newsmax has jumped on that idiotic bandwagon, while referring to President Lincoln, President Reagan, President Eisenhower and President Truman (that I've heard) in their history clips without using the leftard Opporation Mockingbird "former" tag.
If anything, it strongly suggests that GOAT President Trump is not "former" at all. Why ELSE would it be so important to try brainwashing their minions and sheep to think otherwise? The whole moronically capitalized "Black" nonsense is in the same category of idiocy, and racist as hell for completely diminishing every other skin color? I thought they LOVED rainbows, and that We (were) the World??
But I digress . . .
Godspeed, Mr. President. We eagerly await your resumption of office.
Why lend his presidential aura to miniature candidates with little appeal?
I agree but have to admit I voted that he should debate in Navarro’s poll. He really shouldn’t as there’s no need but I just like watching him do what he does.
One of many EPIC posts by Trump that will be admired by future generations for centuries to come.
And every word is true.
Trump TS post - https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/110907855329090048
No need to debate we have The Boss!
He is my huckleberry.
Why would you debate? Because we so enjoy watching you destroy these pedo death cult puppets and we need something to put a smile on our faces and deserve to see the Peoples Champion in all his glory. In short, it is good for morale.
Yes, only reason to debate is for the lulz. I'd love to see him destroy RonnyD in person on national TV for sure.
Lots of capitalizations of first letters. High Intelligence, Poll, Points, Record, Debate.
He does it Consistently, for Emphasis.
Drives word nerds crazy but what can ya do
It's just a Trump Quirk (with capital Q :)
High Intelligence
HI = Hawaii
Debating any of these wannabes would HELP ONLY THEM.
It could do absolutely ZERO good for Trump, but would provide HOURS of cannon fodder for the selective editors of the mainstream media to attack him with.
The media that knowingly took "There were good people on both sides" out of context and simply chopped off the part where he said "...and I'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and white supremacists, who should be CONDEMNED TOTALLY".
And, to make it worse, they did this AFTER Jake Tapper told the CNN audience and the panel of eight wobbleheads that Trump had added the disclaimer, so "We can't accuse Trump of supporting neo-Nazis and white supremacists." After all that, they STILL ran with it. Worst lie in political history, next to the Big Lie (that Biden won the election).
Spot on, Mr. President!
There's no "former" involved. I've noticed that even Newsmax has jumped on that idiotic bandwagon, while referring to President Lincoln, President Reagan, President Eisenhower and President Truman (that I've heard) in their history clips without using the leftard Opporation Mockingbird "former" tag.
If anything, it strongly suggests that GOAT President Trump is not "former" at all. Why ELSE would it be so important to try brainwashing their minions and sheep to think otherwise? The whole moronically capitalized "Black" nonsense is in the same category of idiocy, and racist as hell for completely diminishing every other skin color? I thought they LOVED rainbows, and that We (were) the World??
But I digress . . .
Godspeed, Mr. President. We eagerly await your resumption of office.
Qposts with "All Americans" in them -
Now = six years later? No one in the public knows what the hell is going on. No one.
Qpost with "Record" in it - #4888 - Delta from 8/17/2020
Common sense.
Personally, I like watching him punch down on the mental midgets.
Why would he debate? He's been the best president we've already had. He doesn't need to convince 100 million of his voters from the 2020 election.