Hunter stayed at the White House from June 21 to July 5... oops!
When was the cocaine found? Cocaine was found July 2.
Well, son of a bitch!
He is, indeed!
He got wired!
He got Fired Up!
Woo hoo !!!!💥 45th thumbs up 👍 !!!!
No pun intended , but Occams Razor
Underrated comment
Hold the lines, frens!
But give us a bump now and then when we need it
I snort when I laugh, so this is perfect.
Remember frens, only users lose dope.
This is the way the Mockingbird media says
Federal agencies, federal drug possession charge for drugs found on the premises. Someone should have gone to jail for questioning. Everyone in the WH would be a suspect. Be it you or me there wouldn’t have been a question about going to jail.
So tell me there’s not a double set of laws.
Yea hes too much of a loose end. Im gonna say after they get him, they will say he overdosed .. drug addiction cuz of his deep mental health issues, " lets champion mental health now"
Fuckin treasonous scum
Hittin that booger sugar with the big man.
Yeah I mean we already knew he was there around that time lol, that's where all the speculation started. We also know that he left with Joe the Friday before it was found -
Well of course it was his. Fucking genius to figure this one out, Sherlock.
Obumer prob not loving Hunter; maybe the white hats aren’t the ones “hunting” him? They’re the ones who threw him out, I’m thinking. WH prob seemed like the safest place to hang out? Hunter Biden did/did not kill himself…..
When’s he not gonna do that? I’m goin off the wagon that day, paying my respects like.
Some times the cases are simple
He should have shared.
well how about that.........
Nice one fren Date & time a little better source than wikipedia.
Good catch Patriot.