I've got my notifications on. I was sitting on the sofa last night mindlessly watching the live eviction on Big Brother when his tweet came through. I damn near catapulted off the sofa.
There was literally a dead body found at Obama's place..... naked, at that.
Also, think of the poetic justice if Obama gets arrested for homicide. All the clowns bagging on Trump for getting arrested for defending free speech will be beside themselves when their hero gets hauled off for murdering his gay lover, if that's the case.
Someone mentioned that his booking time was very near 19:33. Online doesn’t have a time stamp but the announced arrest time was 7:30 and he was done by 7:44.
I’m thinking the 30 and the :28 mean we are almost to the end. Still two minutes, (figuratively), till “30”. Several posts refer to “done in 30” with a Chan post tagged about what the over/under is that this means done in 30 months. The 30 tying into Flynn’s timeframe somehow.
I’m in Ireland. US Navy is here for the weekend to play American Football. Might be irrelevant, but timing? Menace is fully in control here. There are some awake, but there is fragmentation & internal accusations of controlled opposition. Not much trust in groups.
Did you see the time stamp of Trump's tweet of his mug shot?
His return to Twitter (X). And time stamp brings us to:
Why don't these dang links work on my phone?
Which links? It should be an image. Is it not showing one?
If not here is the q post:
That did it. It's just annoying because I can't follow anything on my dang phone. Thank you!
Perhaps the Tweet will come tonight.
I've got my notifications on. I was sitting on the sofa last night mindlessly watching the live eviction on Big Brother when his tweet came through. I damn near catapulted off the sofa.
Can you please set up the AmberCam? We want to see that.
Yeah but I gotta warn you, make sure the sound is turned down.
BWAHAHA!!! I can hear it already. I can also hear my wife freaking out from someone screaming that's NOT one of her children.
When his tweet came through I yelled out loud! Startled everyone in the living room!!
Maybe also this is the first time Aug 26 is on a weekend since it was originally posted.
He's been training for this his entire life.....
Done in 30?
First comes the trial this fall, where Trump introduces the evidence. Then he gets wrongfully convicted anyway, then the military steps in.
Prolly this
Ever look at the National Suicide hotline? Last four numbers are 8255 think mirror and it’s 2855- say whuuuuuut😂
Sticked for Q-Delta. Nice work Anon.
Hands Up ?
an arrest?
arrest BIDEN
There was literally a dead body found at Obama's place..... naked, at that.
Also, think of the poetic justice if Obama gets arrested for homicide. All the clowns bagging on Trump for getting arrested for defending free speech will be beside themselves when their hero gets hauled off for murdering his gay lover, if that's the case.
He was naked?
I hope the "he" that get hauled off is Muchelle and those kids come forward with their own horrors of what happened to them.
Notice the [0:28]. Maybe there will be a 0:28 video someone (special) puts out. Let's watch for that....among other things.
This post came out 2 days after John McCain died. Remember the photo where no name had his hands up?
I am wondering, in the future, when these evil people get executed, they will tell the public they committed suicide?
Maybe for their minions that would be ok (sort of) but not the big ones.
Those must be public
Someone mentioned that his booking time was very near 19:33. Online doesn’t have a time stamp but the announced arrest time was 7:30 and he was done by 7:44.
I’m thinking the 30 and the :28 mean we are almost to the end. Still two minutes, (figuratively), till “30”. Several posts refer to “done in 30” with a Chan post tagged about what the over/under is that this means done in 30 months. The 30 tying into Flynn’s timeframe somehow.
If done in [30] is in the kill box could it be that is months then maybe the 28 is days? Sep 23rd is quite relevant https://qalerts.app/?q=sep+23
I’m in Ireland. US Navy is here for the weekend to play American Football. Might be irrelevant, but timing? Menace is fully in control here. There are some awake, but there is fragmentation & internal accusations of controlled opposition. Not much trust in groups.
What are the year matchups for q posts? Does 2018 line up with 2023 and 2020 with 2025?
There aren't any year matchups. This delta happens to be five years. Its the content that counts in "future proves past".
Can someone explain to me where the idea for the 5 year delta originated?
Any delta is part of "future proves past". The number of years is not the important part.