How about...."Local parents have the RIGHT to tell the school board what needs and not needs to be taught in their tax supported schools". Does that rhyme?
Yes, but a few things from a once smaller town that has grown into being a part of a major metropolitan area:
"Local" parents don't exist anymore in a lot of these places; you would have to shift it to "parents of children who attend" or some such because now children are essentially bussed in from less savory areas since those areas have no accountability for the gangs that prowl the area and thus have no schools.
It's very possible that the local parents get outvoted, and you lose.
So, in my opinion, schools should only be funded by the taxes of the parents who choose to use them, home schooling or community schooling should be encouraged with tax breaks, and on top of that waivers are still a good idea so that parents can get their kids to good schools that they are comfortable with.
The republicans didn’t call it don’t say gay the Dems cal called it that it wouldn’t have mattered what they called it the left would have hijacked it
Once you give in, they just incrementally move the window until society is destroyed.
So he's oh-so-reasonably calling for 'waiting' until children are eight years old to sexualize them. Once upon a time, that would have been a scandalously early age to suggest 'sex education' begin.
Then comes seven, then six, and so on until soon there is no separation at all between birth and the sexual targeting of babies.
Sounds ridiculous? That's how they get us. Pursue the most outrageous destruction of society right in our faces all the while mocking us for calling them out on it.
"Owning fully automatic weapons is constitutionally required". Fed plants don't say that. Guy is running on his own money just like Trump did. Best VP choice out there. Stop being reactive fanboys who attack anyone who isn't Trump it's embarrassing.
How about:
Leave other people's kids alone or we throw you off a bridge.
That rhymes, right?
How about:
Considering the amount of money I'm about to pay tomorrow for school taxes, I'm with you!
How about...."Local parents have the RIGHT to tell the school board what needs and not needs to be taught in their tax supported schools". Does that rhyme?
Yes, but a few things from a once smaller town that has grown into being a part of a major metropolitan area:
"Local" parents don't exist anymore in a lot of these places; you would have to shift it to "parents of children who attend" or some such because now children are essentially bussed in from less savory areas since those areas have no accountability for the gangs that prowl the area and thus have no schools.
It's very possible that the local parents get outvoted, and you lose.
So, in my opinion, schools should only be funded by the taxes of the parents who choose to use them, home schooling or community schooling should be encouraged with tax breaks, and on top of that waivers are still a good idea so that parents can get their kids to good schools that they are comfortable with.
Sounds good to me.
This bridge:
That's a shot at desantis. He's saying that the bill was nothing because all it does is, well, make them wait till 8 as If that's suddenly ok.
Then he is stupid, as most will not catch that....
Yup. Here's a link that might help him:
I prefer to belive he is stupid....
That might be comforting, but he's well above average and practiced spinning BS. He's just used to doing it for other 'elites'.
It doesn't matter, he's a side show!
Smart people do the dumbest thing.
Like his above reference.
Damn what the actual 😂😂😂 this dude has to be a troll candidate
The republicans didn’t call it don’t say gay the Dems cal called it that it wouldn’t have mattered what they called it the left would have hijacked it
He seems not too bright if he doesn’t realize that.
the more I hear about what this guy has been saying, the less he seems like a republican.
how about don't talk to kids about sex at all? that's a good slogan.
That was his point.
What a rump-swab.
Slippery slope.
Once you give in, they just incrementally move the window until society is destroyed.
So he's oh-so-reasonably calling for 'waiting' until children are eight years old to sexualize them. Once upon a time, that would have been a scandalously early age to suggest 'sex education' begin.
Then comes seven, then six, and so on until soon there is no separation at all between birth and the sexual targeting of babies.
Sounds ridiculous? That's how they get us. Pursue the most outrageous destruction of society right in our faces all the while mocking us for calling them out on it.
LOL he actually thinks 8 is a compromise.
Millstone and rope
I'll wait until eight decades before this bum gets my vote.
Do 11 year old girls need to see erection videos (drawn sketch) or discuss in mixed company wet dreams?
My public school thinks 5th graders need to know about this and boys & girls sitting together.
Who would Vivek rather bone? 🤔
One fifty-eight year old? Or fifty eight-year Olds?
You people are too thick to get satire?
Y'all are hate filled and stupid. Obviously he's not saying what you think he's saying.
"Owning fully automatic weapons is constitutionally required". Fed plants don't say that. Guy is running on his own money just like Trump did. Best VP choice out there. Stop being reactive fanboys who attack anyone who isn't Trump it's embarrassing.
He wanted to say 8th grade?