posted ago by GetsTheNogginJoggin ago by GetsTheNogginJoggin +70 / -0

I just need to vent. I feel like I’m living in We Happy Few. Which, maybe I am, since I appear to be one of the only people on this college campus not drinking the kool-aid.

Incoming freshmen are indoctrinated with pronoun bullshit from the very first meeting of their orientation group at college. You have to announce your pronouns when you join any new class. You have to announce your pronouns when introducing yourself to new student groups. You have to have your pronouns on your name tag.

I have yet to meet a single new person who is using non-traditional pronouns and doesn’t have more than one mental health diagnosis and/or a history of pretty severe trauma, whether that trauma is physical, emotional, or psychological.

This is supposed to be a world class institution. You aren’t allowed to discuss how gender dysphoria is known to present itself in cases of schizophrenia. These people worship the NIH, but won’t even examine peer reviewed studies on PubHealth discussing that schizophrenics seem to experience GID more than the rest of the population. Or that brain structures are literally different in these people and maybe we need to think about what’s causing that. There is scientific evidence that suggests these people might be experiencing this due to hormonal exposure in sensitive periods. And we all know endocrine disruptors are everywhere in our society.

You can’t even ponder out loud if gender dysphoria may be similar to dissociative identity disorder, where someone creates a totally different persona to escape the stress of trauma. You are supposed to just go along with people casually talking about mutilating themselves as if they’re “reclaiming their truth.”

I don’t know how anyone can function well in society today with all of this madness. I am thankful I had good mental health help and not whatever these poor people were subjected to. I am not seeing signs of any positive change in higher education; my hopes are not high for 2024 to move the pendulum in the opposite direction.