No. McCarthy promised all the J6 video too. I haven’t seen it. But worse, he did a deal to give more money to Ukraine whilst Congress thought he didn’t!
We know they're some in congress. I didn't think so either, until I saw him side with over 200 Democrats. He's either a complete idiot, or they have some serious dirt on him.
Yes, and maybe some people in both parties made deals to flip. Was what we saw happen in Congress yesterday real or a movie? I saw 8 Republican Representatives behave like Statesmen. They used the rules and their votes that were granted by the authority of their office to do what their constituents wanted. It was fantastic!
You don't just broadcast your plans. McCarthy is also decent at acting. He's pretending to fumble around, basically the art that President Trump mastered, so he can't come across as too cunning or smart. The whole point is to make the Republicans look weak, so that the Democrats would get complacent and not shove through some more stimulus to prop up the economy when the elections happen. Its a dangerous play though, because the Republicans are revealing how weak they truly are.
Never underestimate your enemy. My guess is that they have some dirt of a few Republicans and could seize power at any time, but want to try and make it look like the Republicans is still in control. Don't you find it suspicious that the Republicans took the house, but only barely. Just enough margin to be blamed for all the bad things, but not enough to actually do damage to the DS. It looks like a setup to me, classic Sun Tzu tactics here.
Sacrifices have to be made to take the DS down. Everyone knew this was going to hurt and real conservatives have known for decades not to become dependent on government handouts. They will always use those whom we love as hostages in order for us to keep voting them more money and power. Its our job as true patriots to take care of veterans, retirees, and widows, but, of course, only those who deserve it.
Lots of assumptions. Whos to say whos right? Trump said make him speaker. Flynn said good he is gone. Gaetz did what he said he would do all along. McCarthy lied all the time. Boebert turns out to not really be that tough on holding people accountable. Who knows how this will play out with the impeachments. Hunter getting subpoenaed.
I also remember a LOT of people thinking Trump trusted some to tell him who should be speaker. And everyone hated McCarthy. From the start. I remember the consensus was that Trump was listening to MTG, that this was never a "Trump pick". Not sure why people are hanging onto it like it was all Trump who brought him forth and made it so.
At some point, you come to the conclusion that either President Trump is just endorsing and picking people willy nilly, or there is a deeper more elaborate plan here at play. We can't lose faith. We have to trust the plan.
It's not the worst theory out there. But you aren't thinking about the right question: WHY did Trump endorse McCarthy?
Given Pelosi never left the hideaway office, one might think that could have been a sign that McCarthy was controlled by the Dems. Perhaps Trump knew this and wanted to give the Dems some time to continue their destructive actions.
Or perhaps Trump was just being pragmatic. McCarthy was the only one who was going to get enough votes. If nobody can stop what is coming, does it really matter who the SOH is? Why continue fighting for somebody else to lead when there is not a path forward other than McCarthy?
Maybe Trump is supposed to backdoor into the Presidency by way of the Speaker position. He can serve the rest of this term and another if Biden and Harris end up being removed. But for that to happen, it has to be so bad that not even the Dem held senate can't keep them in power. If we're on a path to the Precipice, that seems like something that might be bad and severe enough to make it happen. Trump did say the election mess would be fixed within 5 months recently. That seems to reinforce this theory and even the two above.
Just throwing out some alternate paths forward. I have no clue how this is going to play out.
I've just found his actions to be suspiciously convenient for the DS and the goals of the Democrats. If he was guilty of something like being a pedo, then I could see them holding it over his head to embarrass Republicans. We know there are some in Congress, I'm just looking at the likely suspects here.
But he was not, he was attacked with obviously fabricated smear. So as far as Anon's analysis, he is just like every other GOP member, and whatever hypothesis you postulate should fit in with that.
Otherwise anytime anyone on our side does anything we find questionable, we can use the same logic "What if he is a pedo?", and that destroys whatever analysis we are doing.
Denounced the division in the republican party , but how do we know that's not for show and optics? Gaetz was pretty adamant that he was operating with Trumps blessing and Trump didn't rebuke him on it.
Gaetz is like a puppy chasing a that he caught it, what the hell is he going to do? He can't get anything done, but he can sure F@#% up a lot of stuff.
It's not about being a shill. Dude had his chance to do it right and failed. Trump should have known and read the room that at some point this would happen. This nicely insulates him from what comes next, at least.
If it's not part of the plan it was predictable enough that it should have been.
If removing him was the right move, then I think more than four Republicans would have done it. It seems shillish to be cheering for the take down of a high powered Republican leader by Democrats.
By the numbers it was the right call based off public information. Perhaps there was stuff behind the scenes that we don't know, but Gaetz was awfully chipper and cheaky when he said Trump supported him.
We know that the current state of the Omnibus spending is horrible and McCarthy has stated so, several times. He was pushing for a shutdown, but then backed off. Either he is an utter coward which I find hard to believe as President Trump's pick for the office, or he saw an opportunity and decided to risk it for a payoff that was worth it. Something big.
IF, McCarthy had become the anti/clone of the criminal Ruler pelosi and lead Congress with an iron Conservative fist, AS SHE DID. He would be a hero and still be the Speaker. THAT IS why he is gone.
Too risky in the current climate. We can't look like we're trying to be too authoritarian. We have to widdle away at these excessive freedoms gradually.
LMAO, BS. Your argument is weak and liberal. The 'current climate' is NOT what the criminal MSM is reporting, it is The American citizen Waiting on their Elected officials to Kill the Liberal/communist COUP, and End this absurd lie that biden could Ever be elected pres.
It’s always good to listen to all views on a topic. Thank you for posting. But I do not think Gaetz is a pedo.
No. McCarthy promised all the J6 video too. I haven’t seen it. But worse, he did a deal to give more money to Ukraine whilst Congress thought he didn’t!
Didn't he give it to Fox News? That should have been enough. Maybe he's holding out to show that Fox News is being used against us.
We know they're some in congress. I didn't think so either, until I saw him side with over 200 Democrats. He's either a complete idiot, or they have some serious dirt on him.
Yes, and maybe some people in both parties made deals to flip. Was what we saw happen in Congress yesterday real or a movie? I saw 8 Republican Representatives behave like Statesmen. They used the rules and their votes that were granted by the authority of their office to do what their constituents wanted. It was fantastic!
Suspected Pedo Gaetz. BS that alone tells me where your heads at.
I'm suspicious of anyone who is in lock step with the Democrats.
You sound like Laura Joomer who’s been suddenly hating on Mr. Gaetz.
Edit: Laura Loomer.
Nope… McCarthy was part of the problem
So, why did McCarthy keep That a secret, and not SAY IT out loud to explain his position?
You don't just broadcast your plans. McCarthy is also decent at acting. He's pretending to fumble around, basically the art that President Trump mastered, so he can't come across as too cunning or smart. The whole point is to make the Republicans look weak, so that the Democrats would get complacent and not shove through some more stimulus to prop up the economy when the elections happen. Its a dangerous play though, because the Republicans are revealing how weak they truly are.
The GOP Owns the House, so the liberal/communists can not Shove Anything through, if they do their job.
Never underestimate your enemy. My guess is that they have some dirt of a few Republicans and could seize power at any time, but want to try and make it look like the Republicans is still in control. Don't you find it suspicious that the Republicans took the house, but only barely. Just enough margin to be blamed for all the bad things, but not enough to actually do damage to the DS. It looks like a setup to me, classic Sun Tzu tactics here.
Pro Tip: Calling those who disagree with your assessment is a bad look...
If you make a promise, you need to keep it, McCarthy.
Repeal IRS agents, did he?
Litany of broken promises, J6, Ukraine, what else?
If you hired someone in your company and this person has broken that many promises. Are you going to keep that employee?
Trump was never going to let shut down ever happen
Big Don abandon his people, leaving every single veteran, retiree, widow, etc without a penny when the payments stop going out?
That was never and will never be in Trump's playbook
Sacrifices have to be made to take the DS down. Everyone knew this was going to hurt and real conservatives have known for decades not to become dependent on government handouts. They will always use those whom we love as hostages in order for us to keep voting them more money and power. Its our job as true patriots to take care of veterans, retirees, and widows, but, of course, only those who deserve it.
Hahahahaha!!! Good one!
Lots of assumptions. Whos to say whos right? Trump said make him speaker. Flynn said good he is gone. Gaetz did what he said he would do all along. McCarthy lied all the time. Boebert turns out to not really be that tough on holding people accountable. Who knows how this will play out with the impeachments. Hunter getting subpoenaed.
I also remember a LOT of people thinking Trump trusted some to tell him who should be speaker. And everyone hated McCarthy. From the start. I remember the consensus was that Trump was listening to MTG, that this was never a "Trump pick". Not sure why people are hanging onto it like it was all Trump who brought him forth and made it so.
At some point, you come to the conclusion that either President Trump is just endorsing and picking people willy nilly, or there is a deeper more elaborate plan here at play. We can't lose faith. We have to trust the plan.
He wouldn't have been removed if he didn't do the behind the scenes Ukraine funding deal. Not sure what I am missing here
It's not the worst theory out there. But you aren't thinking about the right question: WHY did Trump endorse McCarthy?
Given Pelosi never left the hideaway office, one might think that could have been a sign that McCarthy was controlled by the Dems. Perhaps Trump knew this and wanted to give the Dems some time to continue their destructive actions.
Or perhaps Trump was just being pragmatic. McCarthy was the only one who was going to get enough votes. If nobody can stop what is coming, does it really matter who the SOH is? Why continue fighting for somebody else to lead when there is not a path forward other than McCarthy?
Maybe Trump is supposed to backdoor into the Presidency by way of the Speaker position. He can serve the rest of this term and another if Biden and Harris end up being removed. But for that to happen, it has to be so bad that not even the Dem held senate can't keep them in power. If we're on a path to the Precipice, that seems like something that might be bad and severe enough to make it happen. Trump did say the election mess would be fixed within 5 months recently. That seems to reinforce this theory and even the two above.
Just throwing out some alternate paths forward. I have no clue how this is going to play out.
Enough to take this post down.
You can if you want, but I'm suspicious of anyone who follows in lock step with 200+ Democrats.
Thats healthy skepticism.
But using deep states completely baseless fabricated attack against Gaetz is an entirely different matter.
I've just found his actions to be suspiciously convenient for the DS and the goals of the Democrats. If he was guilty of something like being a pedo, then I could see them holding it over his head to embarrass Republicans. We know there are some in Congress, I'm just looking at the likely suspects here.
But he was not, he was attacked with obviously fabricated smear. So as far as Anon's analysis, he is just like every other GOP member, and whatever hypothesis you postulate should fit in with that.
Otherwise anytime anyone on our side does anything we find questionable, we can use the same logic "What if he is a pedo?", and that destroys whatever analysis we are doing.
So you're suspicious of McCarthy then? Lol
No, he was hand picked by President Trump, who also recently denounced his removal.
Denounced the division in the republican party , but how do we know that's not for show and optics? Gaetz was pretty adamant that he was operating with Trumps blessing and Trump didn't rebuke him on it.
Gaetz is like a puppy chasing a that he caught it, what the hell is he going to do? He can't get anything done, but he can sure F@#% up a lot of stuff.
Insert Joker speech here
It's not about being a shill. Dude had his chance to do it right and failed. Trump should have known and read the room that at some point this would happen. This nicely insulates him from what comes next, at least.
If it's not part of the plan it was predictable enough that it should have been.
If removing him was the right move, then I think more than four Republicans would have done it. It seems shillish to be cheering for the take down of a high powered Republican leader by Democrats.
By the numbers it was the right call based off public information. Perhaps there was stuff behind the scenes that we don't know, but Gaetz was awfully chipper and cheaky when he said Trump supported him.
We know that the current state of the Omnibus spending is horrible and McCarthy has stated so, several times. He was pushing for a shutdown, but then backed off. Either he is an utter coward which I find hard to believe as President Trump's pick for the office, or he saw an opportunity and decided to risk it for a payoff that was worth it. Something big.
Trump doesn't always do people a favor by putting them front and center.
All we really know is what’s been revealed so far, and even that’s up for debate. Yeah, I downvoted it.
IF, McCarthy had become the anti/clone of the criminal Ruler pelosi and lead Congress with an iron Conservative fist, AS SHE DID. He would be a hero and still be the Speaker. THAT IS why he is gone.
We will never win if we use the methods of our enemies. We must be both wise and gentle.
I said Anti pelosi. That means By THE LAW, with an Iron fist. That is What The Congress is For.
Too risky in the current climate. We can't look like we're trying to be too authoritarian. We have to widdle away at these excessive freedoms gradually.
LMAO, BS. Your argument is weak and liberal. The 'current climate' is NOT what the criminal MSM is reporting, it is The American citizen Waiting on their Elected officials to Kill the Liberal/communist COUP, and End this absurd lie that biden could Ever be elected pres.