Hate on me if ya want - every zoomer I know is pretty based. All antivax and unvaxd. All see the corruption that is US gov and see beyond the BS and narrative. They're smarter than you think.....
Tik tok and instagram will return better search data then google imo they are making the right choice. Google is useless compared to what it was years ago.
My Grandson is a Gen Z. He is based and loves America. And he is very smart but I will have to ask him if he uses Tic Tock and Instagram as a search engine.
So using the evil google would make them smart? It's wrong to dunk on a whole generation. Like any other generation, some are smart and some are losers. This is no better than complaining about boomers or millennials.
Gen Z never had a chance. They got the eroded educational standards, pedophile teachers, DEI, LGBTQ, social media, COVID19 lockdowns, more childhood vaccines than any prior generation, and helicopter parenting. They had no control over any of that.
Hate on me if ya want - every zoomer I know is pretty based. All antivax and unvaxd. All see the corruption that is US gov and see beyond the BS and narrative. They're smarter than you think.....
Good on ya for sticking up for young people
Name checks out
As a contractor I hire tons of Gen Z every year. They are as you describe as far as my experience shows.
I don’t know about that there’s also a large percentage that think Taylor swift is just amazing lol
lol at Google being the "smart" choice
Yeah I'm out on that.
Tik tok and instagram will return better search data then google imo they are making the right choice. Google is useless compared to what it was years ago.
I was going to say, those sites have a better ratio of truth to propaganda than Google does, any day of the week.
Not that google is much better but yeah, that's disturbing, Now tell us what their most popular search terms are, that will be equally as disturbing.
I thought it was the 89 vaxines they took and the f-ing crap they are tought in school....
... the 89 vaxes their parents took them to get,
Yes we made them stupid.
Using Google as a search engine is also stupid.
Corporate Spyware, Chinese Spyware, and CIA Spyware. Respectively
Those and yandex are pretty good search engines.
Yandex is, what Google was.
My Grandson is a Gen Z. He is based and loves America. And he is very smart but I will have to ask him if he uses Tic Tock and Instagram as a search engine.
If he doesn't, don't point him to google.
"New data shows". Gonna need a sauce for that.
I'm gen Z and I don't know a single person who uses either of those as a search engine.
That didn't make them stupid. the schools did that. This just SHOWS how stupid they are......
What's the difference between using TikTok or Google? Both are biased.
So using the evil google would make them smart? It's wrong to dunk on a whole generation. Like any other generation, some are smart and some are losers. This is no better than complaining about boomers or millennials.
And Gen Z is supposedly smart and strong enough to band together to ensure that bad orange man doesn’t get elected next year. 😆
Some things aren't worth searching on google
Gen Z never had a chance. They got the eroded educational standards, pedophile teachers, DEI, LGBTQ, social media, COVID19 lockdowns, more childhood vaccines than any prior generation, and helicopter parenting. They had no control over any of that.
Gen Z is driving nails with a wet noodle instead of a raw hotdog. Get my point?
Gen Zzzzzzz