While I agree that these wars were ultimately created by the machinations of the banksters, as you put it, WW2 was very real, and if the US had not engaged, then its very possible, maybe even likely, that the Uk would have fallen and Europe would have become a Nazi dictatorship rivaling the Soviet Union.
The US had a hard enough time battling against the Soviet communist agenda. How would it have fared with a dead or worse Europe?
Wars are all regrettable, and only cause suffering. But in some cases, it becomes necessary for a nation or nations to engage in war in order to prevent much greater suffering, which would be the result if the chosen provocateurs had their way without resistance.
But ultimately, wars are simply a reflection of the conflict within each human heart, which embodies the sorry contradiction of being a residence of both good and evil. Wars will end when human beings overcome evil within themselves.
I hate this is the case, but I'm an attorney and read Brunson's petition for cert for SCOTUS and it's just so poorly written. It's like a sovereign citizen with no law background wrote it. A basic tenet of law is that when pleading fraud, you have to be very specific. He wasn't. He just makes these conclusory statements without any factual background.
The case for standing is similar as well. To have standing, a Plaintiff needs to have a concrete, particularized injury. No "general grievances" are allowed. But the attorney just wrote that Brunson "has been clearly injured" and that Biden is "destroying the country". Both I agree with, but way too conclusory.
Admialty law is a bearcat, black robed reps for the Crown enforcing obfuscating language formulae. I believe the Brunsons are attempting common law approach. right now DC is a snakepit of hypocrisy..
You are talking out your ass. Paralegals cannot perform pro bono legal work. I know hundreds of attorneys and I'm telling you it happens all the time. What makes you think you know what you're talking about?
Fixing 2020 does not matter if 1913 is not fixed first. The Death of the Federal Reserve Note is the main event, and it has to happen on Biden's watch.
Well Wilson PROMISED he would not get US=USA into WWI which is precisely what he DID.
Ditto FDR, WWII.
JFK, LBJ have Viet Nam as their failed legacies. JFK less so, so hence LBJ, but Diem was murdered on his watch. He knew that Diem was to be taken out, so apparently approved.
We did NOT fall for the babies in incubators! We did not even fall for the babies supposedly killed by German soldiers. We KNEW it was all propaganda! We had no choice, they did it over our objections and over our heads!
OK just don't blame previous generations for what they could not stop, that we still now are not able to stop.
Some volunteered because they were "saving democracy" -- by fighting in Europe. WWI and WWII.
At the Command and General Staff College, we read original Army History. They had to use a different font, for the German and American commanders, because so many of the Americans had German surnames.
The German people were subject to the Schuld, the Guilt, for decades. As though the Hitler / Nazi actions were THEIR fault AS Germans. When in reality, the American descendants of those same German families who were assigned to perpetual guilt and humiliation, defeated Hitler and Nazism. Too bad they were not allowed to defeat Stalinism at the same time.
When was the last good war? Probably the Revolution. The Civil War, should have been prevented, but the South just would not have peace. How they thought they could win?
I love that! Used to have it pretty much memorized. I looked it up just now. [Recently on vacation I saw of photo commemorating it and started singing, a lady walking down the hallway took up the next verse!]
"In 1814 we took a little trip
Along with Colonel Jackson down the mighty Mississip
We took a little bacon and we took a little beans
And we caught the bloody British in a town near New Orleans
We fired our guns and the British kept a-comin'
There wasn't nigh as many as there was a while ago
We fired once more and they begin to runnin'
On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico"
Boomer lady here. We protested Viet Nam (what did those guys ever do to us?) but to no avail. Didn't believe 911 narrative. Didn't believe "weapons of mass destruction" or "babies in incubators" (some did). I still applaud our soldiers for being willing to sacrifice their lives and for learning how to fight and win. The Great Awakening will reveal that our enemies are the bankers and are within our gates, then we will be emancipated. Looking forward to it.
To be fair, we have a far better opportunity to discover the truth. My grandfathers fought in the wars and listening to them is why I have always questioned things in the first place
Naturally, the common people don’t want war, but after all, it is the leaders of a country who determine its policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag people along whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliamentary system or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. This is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifist for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in every country.
From today's perspective, the "Third Reich" began with a surprise: in 1933, the vaccination practice, which had been liberalized shortly before, was not only retained, but even politically codified. Since the "seizure of power" there has been a noticeable skepticism about vaccination, even a rejection of coercive measures, which Winfried Süss rightly expressed astonishment about: "In a country [...] that [...] since the [...] seizure of power the individual rights to bodily self-determination in favor of the health of an imaginary 'national body' and thus increased the chances of such a vaccination being enforced, [...] this development can come as a surprise."60
How could the reticence in this important area of public health care be explained? Why was it that in 1933, of all things, were government claims to power abandoned when it came to providing for the “national body”? The ongoing debate about the Lübeck vaccination scandal offers an initial explanation for the concerns at the time. A second factor is rooted in the NS ideology itself, since vaccination raises serious problems from a “racial hygiene” point of view. Finally, immunization against disease is in sharp opposition to the idea of hardening and selection.
This was at least emphasized by numerous opponents of vaccination, who sensed the dawning of the dawn since the "seizure of power", especially since they were able to refer to authorities from the NS leadership in their criticism. The reference to a statement by Julius Schleicher, “Vaccination is a racial disgrace” 61, or the assertion that the Reich vaccination law “demonstrably was passed by the Jewish deputies Löwe, Lasker and Eulenburg, who called themselves the 'fathers' of this Law of April 8, 1974," 62 as the "German anti-vaccination medical association e.V." warned in October 1935. Rather unusual, however, was the rhyming form in which the “Vaccination research sheets” published at the end of 1933 declared the “elimination of compulsory vaccination” as a “basic condition [...] for the development and advancement of people and humanity”: “German people, have ' Nothing in common with vaccinations, / It is a mockery of all true health care, / And you don't want to be your gravedigger yourself, / Then you resolutely commit to the anti-vaccine nation!”63
This story is also a story of social change that has been gaining momentum since the late 1920s. At the end of the Weimar Republic, the attitude of state actors to coercive measures was already changing cautiously, but the "Third Reich" heralded the transition from coercion to voluntariness: while Weimar relied on state authority for vaccinations, politics took hold in the "Third Reich". Beginning that could be continued seamlessly after the end of the war133. Corresponding continuities can be found in the Federal Republic both in the fundamental voluntary nature of all programs - with the exception of smallpox vaccination, which remained compulsory even after the end of the war - and in the appeals with which participation in vaccination programs was called for. Up until the 1970s there was talk of an obligation, albeit less frequently for the “national community”134 than for “public health”. An instrumentalization of fears also continued after 1945. Vaccination was still promoted, sometimes quite drastically. One example is the Lower Saxony medical administration, which in early 1967 recommended all “parents who do not bring their children to oral vaccinations” via the “Bild-Zeitung” to visit a “home for paralyzed children”: “There they will come to their senses when they see the poor little ones walking with sticks or barely able to move.”135
Continuities can also be found in the expanded range of preventive measures that were established in the Nazi state. In addition to smallpox vaccinations, diphtheria and, where available, typhus vaccinations have been included in the preventive arsenal since the 1930s. During the war, the scarlet fever vaccination and finally even the controversial tuberculosis vaccination were added, which was expressly introduced as a voluntary measure in January 1945, especially since fears of vaccination damage were still an issue 15 years after the Lübeck vaccination scandal. Consequently, the Reich Ministry of the Interior, in its decree introducing vaccination in 1945, expressly pointed out "that the Lübeck accident" is not to be blamed on the vaccination technology "but was based on an unfortunate mix-up"136. Admittedly, these vaccinations were only used on a large scale in the immediate post-war period, which, from an epidemiological point of view, took on more catastrophic features than the Nazi era.
In the long term, the expansion of the range of vaccinations in the "Third Reich" paved the way for health policy since the 1950s, with the Federal Republic and the GDR proceeding differently. Smallpox vaccinations were compulsory in both Germanys. However, while in the West all further vaccinations were voluntary, in the East they soon went back to compulsory. Prophylaxis was too deeply enshrined as a basic principle of a new society in the GDR for people to want to take the risk of careless immunizations. The ubiquitous motto "Socialism is the best prophylaxis" also applied in reverse.
Ever wonder why people are being called 'nazis' for merely following the Nuremberg Code?
Fell for what? They all got drafted against their will. Some wanted to fight but no one got tricked into anything. Our government declared war and forced people to fight. .what were the people supposed to do?
Bullshit. If you people had done your research, you'd know damned well there was no option given: A couple people have said it was banks, but you should know who was behind the banking schemes. If not, get off your butts and find out.
My war was Vietnam. I didn't have a choice: nobody asked me. I volunteered because the USN had the best schools, or so I thought. Otherwise, I would have been a grunt. As it was, I was under fire every fucking day anyway.
The common idea here is that us "boomers" had everything easy. That's bullshit. I have memories of my Mom doing laundry - using a Maytag that had a gas engine, back in the 1940s. I had ration books. We lived in an apartment building that was loaded with bedbugs. I remember Korea, and I asked questions. That wasn't their war either: it was a UN war, jews, same as the bullshit in Vietnam. All a total lie, and NOBODY had a choice: either deny your country/parents/relatives/home or go fight some goddam politician's war, that was initially fake. Everyone who was in Nam knew it within a month or two, or they were dead. We got sprayed with AO. Those people still are suffering, and that wasn't our choice. I was lucky: I spent most of my time over north Nam in a helo.
WWII had no choice. FDR, the prime progressive, khazar puppet, intentionally got is in there. Same as WWI. Bullshit. Khaz bullshit, for world control.
Quit with the generational bullshit: you know it's wrong, if you know anything.
Frankly, I'm sick of this crap. Those who are to blame for this need punished. You screw around blaming generations, but you know nothing of them. You think they should have stopped it: NOBODY could have stopped it. They didn't know, they were brainwashed, they thought truth was in the papers. It wasn't. It was all programmed.
If you don't know that by now, you should do your damned research.
When I was in the Navy, the ship I was on was going from Sydney Aus to Long Beach Callie; while underway near the equator, the ship went to flank speed with a sharp turn to port-a bit later we resumed the original course.
During our overhaul, we got a new radioman in the comm shack-he was from the USS Maddox and he had the most haunted look on his face-like something was following him; later I was to find out it was a genuine FF and he probably signed the National Secrets Act, with Leavenworth as punishment at disclosure...
Great irony of this all. They know people can't stand brutality to children. They whip us into war frenzy over the slaughter of kids. Meanwhile they traffic millions annually. Kill only God knows how many.
This person must be a baby. May grandfather might have been in a position to fall for the Spanish - American war, or WWI, my father might have fallen for Pearl Harbor, me and my bros for Gulf of Tokin.
See, I was around and following the news back then. But I listened to Rush and AM radio, not Cronkite and his cronies, so none of that hit us hard. Seriously, I used to fall for all that crap, thinking that our country was basically "good". But since Covid, everything is upside down. If they say one thing, I withhold judgement or tend to go the opposite way. If I feel "triggered" about something, then that is likely a Psy-op.
He shouldn't have skipped WWII.
All our wars have been bankster wars. The only thing the rank and file get in return is dead patriot husbands, fathers, and sons.
Pearl Harbor
Sinking of the USS Maine
While I agree that these wars were ultimately created by the machinations of the banksters, as you put it, WW2 was very real, and if the US had not engaged, then its very possible, maybe even likely, that the Uk would have fallen and Europe would have become a Nazi dictatorship rivaling the Soviet Union.
The US had a hard enough time battling against the Soviet communist agenda. How would it have fared with a dead or worse Europe?
Wars are all regrettable, and only cause suffering. But in some cases, it becomes necessary for a nation or nations to engage in war in order to prevent much greater suffering, which would be the result if the chosen provocateurs had their way without resistance.
But ultimately, wars are simply a reflection of the conflict within each human heart, which embodies the sorry contradiction of being a residence of both good and evil. Wars will end when human beings overcome evil within themselves.
How about we just fix 2020?
That simple maneuver will ultimately fix the world, crush the cabal and flush the traitors of humanity.
Step to the plate SCOTUS... you have a nice softball being tee'd up for you called Bruson.
I hate this is the case, but I'm an attorney and read Brunson's petition for cert for SCOTUS and it's just so poorly written. It's like a sovereign citizen with no law background wrote it. A basic tenet of law is that when pleading fraud, you have to be very specific. He wasn't. He just makes these conclusory statements without any factual background.
The case for standing is similar as well. To have standing, a Plaintiff needs to have a concrete, particularized injury. No "general grievances" are allowed. But the attorney just wrote that Brunson "has been clearly injured" and that Biden is "destroying the country". Both I agree with, but way too conclusory.
I wish a competent attorney was in charge is all.
Admialty law is a bearcat, black robed reps for the Crown enforcing obfuscating language formulae. I believe the Brunsons are attempting common law approach. right now DC is a snakepit of hypocrisy..
Sov Cit spotted.
Seriously man. Drop this nonsense. Please. You flag yourself as extremely stupid around any competent person.
Spasiba, Tovarich... but which point?? Stupid?? so sorry, charlie no speekee engrish..
Can't fix stupid.
Sounds like you could write one up for yourself.
Yeah, do that. I would be very grateful.
Well, fuck the BAR altogether.
The bar is not an acronym unless you're talking about the Browning Automatic Rifle.
This is what non-attorneys think. They are wrong. It literally refers to the partition separating the spectators from the judge/attorneys.
..."competent" i.e. successful attorneys rarely do pro bono publico work personally..
...but your observation is accurate nonetheless....
Yes we do. All the time.
...you are to be commended for being the exception,not the rule...
...most firms delegate this type of outreach to idle paralegals...
You are talking out your ass. Paralegals cannot perform pro bono legal work. I know hundreds of attorneys and I'm telling you it happens all the time. What makes you think you know what you're talking about?
...paralegals can do the paperwork....
You legit have no clue. I'd stop.
Fixing 2020 does not matter if 1913 is not fixed first. The Death of the Federal Reserve Note is the main event, and it has to happen on Biden's watch.
Well Wilson PROMISED he would not get US=USA into WWI which is precisely what he DID.
Ditto FDR, WWII.
JFK, LBJ have Viet Nam as their failed legacies. JFK less so, so hence LBJ, but Diem was murdered on his watch. He knew that Diem was to be taken out, so apparently approved.
We did NOT fall for the babies in incubators! We did not even fall for the babies supposedly killed by German soldiers. We KNEW it was all propaganda! We had no choice, they did it over our objections and over our heads!
OK just don't blame previous generations for what they could not stop, that we still now are not able to stop.
exactly armylady, ask the guys who were drafted into this bullshit.
Some volunteered because they were "saving democracy" -- by fighting in Europe. WWI and WWII.
At the Command and General Staff College, we read original Army History. They had to use a different font, for the German and American commanders, because so many of the Americans had German surnames.
The German people were subject to the Schuld, the Guilt, for decades. As though the Hitler / Nazi actions were THEIR fault AS Germans. When in reality, the American descendants of those same German families who were assigned to perpetual guilt and humiliation, defeated Hitler and Nazism. Too bad they were not allowed to defeat Stalinism at the same time.
When was the last good war? Probably the Revolution. The Civil War, should have been prevented, but the South just would not have peace. How they thought they could win?
There was a song written about that battle... No.1 with a bullet in my time. 😁
Ha! I can still sing that song! https://youtu.be/aXfuQqkwa5I?si=w1j2sz88zYgMPaYX
I love that! Used to have it pretty much memorized. I looked it up just now. [Recently on vacation I saw of photo commemorating it and started singing, a lady walking down the hallway took up the next verse!]
"In 1814 we took a little trip Along with Colonel Jackson down the mighty Mississip We took a little bacon and we took a little beans And we caught the bloody British in a town near New Orleans
[Chorus] We fired our guns and the British kept a-comin' There wasn't nigh as many as there was a while ago We fired once more and they begin to runnin' On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico"
Right after Wilson was re-elected in 1916, promise... Then war next year
Boomer lady here. We protested Viet Nam (what did those guys ever do to us?) but to no avail. Didn't believe 911 narrative. Didn't believe "weapons of mass destruction" or "babies in incubators" (some did). I still applaud our soldiers for being willing to sacrifice their lives and for learning how to fight and win. The Great Awakening will reveal that our enemies are the bankers and are within our gates, then we will be emancipated. Looking forward to it.
To be fair, we have a far better opportunity to discover the truth. My grandfathers fought in the wars and listening to them is why I have always questioned things in the first place
"Babies in incubators?"
Daughter of a Kuwaiti royal said Saddam was killing babies in incubators. It was a lie.
I had completely forgotten about that. And I supported the invasion at the time, when I didn't know any better.
— Hermann Goering
Was this an admission or an accusation?
We just went through three years of what amounts to the mandates of 1933 (text is German), what else is stunningly similar?
Ever wonder why people are being called 'nazis' for merely following the Nuremberg Code?
No more generational wars
We will no longer be lambs to the slaughter
Fell for what? They all got drafted against their will. Some wanted to fight but no one got tricked into anything. Our government declared war and forced people to fight. .what were the people supposed to do?
How do you feel about Jim Morrison's father arranging Vietnam?
Bullshit. If you people had done your research, you'd know damned well there was no option given: A couple people have said it was banks, but you should know who was behind the banking schemes. If not, get off your butts and find out. My war was Vietnam. I didn't have a choice: nobody asked me. I volunteered because the USN had the best schools, or so I thought. Otherwise, I would have been a grunt. As it was, I was under fire every fucking day anyway.
The common idea here is that us "boomers" had everything easy. That's bullshit. I have memories of my Mom doing laundry - using a Maytag that had a gas engine, back in the 1940s. I had ration books. We lived in an apartment building that was loaded with bedbugs. I remember Korea, and I asked questions. That wasn't their war either: it was a UN war, jews, same as the bullshit in Vietnam. All a total lie, and NOBODY had a choice: either deny your country/parents/relatives/home or go fight some goddam politician's war, that was initially fake. Everyone who was in Nam knew it within a month or two, or they were dead. We got sprayed with AO. Those people still are suffering, and that wasn't our choice. I was lucky: I spent most of my time over north Nam in a helo. WWII had no choice. FDR, the prime progressive, khazar puppet, intentionally got is in there. Same as WWI. Bullshit. Khaz bullshit, for world control. Quit with the generational bullshit: you know it's wrong, if you know anything.
Frankly, I'm sick of this crap. Those who are to blame for this need punished. You screw around blaming generations, but you know nothing of them. You think they should have stopped it: NOBODY could have stopped it. They didn't know, they were brainwashed, they thought truth was in the papers. It wasn't. It was all programmed.
If you don't know that by now, you should do your damned research.
Truer words were never spoken. Sorry you went through so much Fren.
When I was in the Navy, the ship I was on was going from Sydney Aus to Long Beach Callie; while underway near the equator, the ship went to flank speed with a sharp turn to port-a bit later we resumed the original course. During our overhaul, we got a new radioman in the comm shack-he was from the USS Maddox and he had the most haunted look on his face-like something was following him; later I was to find out it was a genuine FF and he probably signed the National Secrets Act, with Leavenworth as punishment at disclosure...
Our job as digital warriors is to take the fight to them. Please include a Twitter link so that we can go and contribute.
I believe conservatives will not send their kids to any war hopefully.
We know good from evil.
Great irony of this all. They know people can't stand brutality to children. They whip us into war frenzy over the slaughter of kids. Meanwhile they traffic millions annually. Kill only God knows how many.
This person must be a baby. May grandfather might have been in a position to fall for the Spanish - American war, or WWI, my father might have fallen for Pearl Harbor, me and my bros for Gulf of Tokin.
Incubators when?
Oh yeah why is that what did they do? Cut the power off accidentally or was it a "fake" event?
See, I was around and following the news back then. But I listened to Rush and AM radio, not Cronkite and his cronies, so none of that hit us hard. Seriously, I used to fall for all that crap, thinking that our country was basically "good". But since Covid, everything is upside down. If they say one thing, I withhold judgement or tend to go the opposite way. If I feel "triggered" about something, then that is likely a Psy-op.
Was this incubators thing for Iraq 1992 or 2003?