And you know who's apparently really good at psyops. Flynn. His recent rant on the Q psyop was cleverly calculated to whip yall into a frenzy. Why? Because when people get excited they can't think straight and can no longer see that inside the mean message he was communicating with morse code in the punctuation.
I mean really! Yer all arguing about the color of the envelope and missing the message within. Just stop and think, it ain't illegal yet.
Qanon is the infiltration of intelligence Agencie from around the world on social media platforms. an unknown number of social influencers that talk about Q drops actually belong to different intelligence agencies Like China, Russia, Great Brittan.
Qanon == a modern MALEVOLENT twist on the bolsheviks infamous psyop, Operation Trust?
The bolsheviks Operation Trust psyop narrative targeting those who opposed the commie take over of Russia == relax, white hats have a secret plan to save you, you don't need to do anything but wait and watch while they get rid of the commies for you.
Those who believed that the bolsheviks Operation Trust psyop lies were true did not help those who WERE actively resisting the commies so the resistance failed.
Solzenhitzens "Gulag Archipelago" describes what happened to millions of human beings because the resistance failed.
Hopefully anons don't believe that Qs message to anons, WWG1WGA == watch while Captain Trump saves our ship from sinking and all of of us from drowning or being eaten alive by sharks.
Instead hopefully anons, realizing the grave danger we're all in, will be motivated to do everything they can to help Captain Trump get our ship safely through these horrific storms.
Q anon/Q+ PsyOp =/= the MALEVOLENTs counter PsyOp, Qanon.
Q anon/Q + PsyOp == Leave Screen World Dream World. WAKE UP. Get up. Get busy in the Real World.
Qanon counter PsyOp== Stay in Dream World. Don't worry. Be comfy. Just keep sleeping, dreaming, and waiting to be saved.
But it’s not like people are asking him about Q and he has to either confirm or deny. Flynn and his brother bash Q unprovoked and he makes it a point to call the followers/plan stupid. Do we accept the possibility of a reality where Flynn doesn’t see the faintly watermarked Q and is just liking an image he sees of himself?
Is Flynn suppose to say, "I can neither confirm or deny'? Or refuse to answer? Doing so only targets him more.... The enemy wants him to say 'Yes' because it implicates him. In a court of law, a non-answer is interpreted as confirmation of the questioners intent.
IMHO, Flynn is providing 'Disinformation'. Why? Because 'Q' stated (more than once) that Disinformation is necessary. In the end, you and me simply don't know what Flynn knows. By criticizing Flynn for an answer you don't like is tough love and part of life's many disappointments. You and me aren't privy to Flynn's knowledge. IMHO, his 'Q' denial doesn't have any affect on the 'Q' following. It continues to grow. The reason for this is due to the many, many incontrovertible proofs. The proof is in the pudding....... not what Flynn says.
But that’s the thing - he bashed Q when he’s not even asked or provoked. Like I said earlier, it would be different if someone asked him and he denied it, but he denies Q without even being asked.
IMHO and this is no reflection on you, but I could care less what Flynn says. I don't agree with him on everything, but that is on me. What is important in my mind is that we have to keep our eyes on the ball, not on any one who distracts from it. Like I said previously, What Flynn said, ... whether asked or not, has zero effect on the 'Q' message or the growing popularity of 'Q'. It is an impossibility to disprove the 'Q' proofs and the Book of Q Proofs already recorded.
I get it about your apparent dislike of Flynn. I'm a not big fan of some of General Flynn's political views, but he's a figure in the beltway. He supposedly knows 'where the bodies are buried'. I have no idea exactly what this means. At this point in time, it's irrelevant to me... and just like everything else, we'll just have to sit back and see if it means anything at all. Is it more disinformation? I have no idea.... Its more than likely the same is true with you. The same goes with Flynn's statements about 'Q'.
bashed == rebuking those who use the anti Q, Qanon narrative, "Q will save us", to excuse their decision to sit around watching our ship sink rather than pitching in to help?
Does Qs WWG1WGA == When storms hit, sit, watch and wait for Captain Trump to save everyone?
Read the transcript from the CNN case; he called us all retards. Q is what made him and he turned on us after Jan 6th just like Stone too. He's the biggest LARP there ever was...
There is an account on X making some waves and getting alot of attention. @Prolotario1 Ariel.
He has been calling out Flynn hard and giving lots of info why. He claims he is a Q & Trump supporter. He has no blue check but leaves really long posts and never has Community Notes under his tweets.
As /pol/ famously reacts to unsourced assertions of fact
Source: dude trust me.
"Flynn is the biggest psyop of all"
Bigger than Q and Q+ PDJT?
Btw, psyop =/= malevolent OR benevolent, its just a term for one, of many, types of ops; ops that are NOT new.
Example: Sun Tzus, Art of War.
Kudos for echoing Qs warning, anon.
Q warning, " beware" of believing "unsourced " facts", or opinions about the meaning of sourced facts, from other anons, alt media opiners or anything coming from Screen World people is a vital warning to remember and heed.
Consequently, thanks for providing a quick "How Q Trained and PsyWar Savvy Are you?" diagnostic quiz.
I always found it odd that Q posted many references to movies from the 80s, 90s & 2000s. Who would be old enough to know these movies well enough that sort of relate to Q posts and the parallels of The Plan?
Side note: If Flynn was indeed involved closely in the Q operation, his recent declaration that 'whoever did the Q operation' "did a major disservice" could be a frank admission that the operation had one impact that wasn't planned for or that it wasn't perfectly successful, AS WELL as be an initiative to rectify or redirect it.
Remember this is a war, deception is a strategic important tool.
So why this illusion?
First by sowing disinformation and information at the same time you can control the narrative and friends and enemies cant come to any sensible conclusion.
Secondly our commanders in charge want normies to take charge and get engaged, in US, they need patriots committed in school boards and local election etc.
Thirdly its also psychological warfare when the leftover of the cult see this they get confused and on edge because what if Q really exist, this will make the usefully idiots on edge and then they will do mistakes.
And fourth its also a smart part of the massive social engineering event that is happening on all social media and mainstream media that we captured in 2021.
Is this a real Flynn account? Why all the sudden bs? Why bash Dave and Q? Then turn around and put out the line that made him famous. Trying to save face? Good guy vs bad guy? Who really knows? Could be an actor for all we know. Bottom line is he's becoming a freaking DISTRACTION and needs to step the f down and shut up, imho. We really should have more important things to discuss than this guy.
It is a psyop. By the good guys.
Yes...the key word is "PSYOP"
The key words should be Counter-Insurgency
And you know who's apparently really good at psyops. Flynn. His recent rant on the Q psyop was cleverly calculated to whip yall into a frenzy. Why? Because when people get excited they can't think straight and can no longer see that inside the mean message he was communicating with morse code in the punctuation.
I mean really! Yer all arguing about the color of the envelope and missing the message within. Just stop and think, it ain't illegal yet.
Then on Twitter, he liked an image with a Q in it
QAnon is a psyop by the enemy. The Q drops are a psyop by patriots.
Qanon is the infiltration of intelligence Agencie from around the world on social media platforms. an unknown number of social influencers that talk about Q drops actually belong to different intelligence agencies Like China, Russia, Great Brittan.
Q highlighted US, UK M16, 5Eye and Mossad intelligence agencies.
Go back to his interview. He said "QAnon". Not Q. There is no QAnon. There is only Q and Anons.
Q drops warned anons, Q anon =/= Qanon, the regimes counter psyop
Qanon == a modern MALEVOLENT twist on the bolsheviks infamous psyop, Operation Trust?
The bolsheviks Operation Trust psyop narrative targeting those who opposed the commie take over of Russia == relax, white hats have a secret plan to save you, you don't need to do anything but wait and watch while they get rid of the commies for you.
Those who believed that the bolsheviks Operation Trust psyop lies were true did not help those who WERE actively resisting the commies so the resistance failed.
Solzenhitzens "Gulag Archipelago" describes what happened to millions of human beings because the resistance failed.
Hopefully anons don't believe that Qs message to anons, WWG1WGA == watch while Captain Trump saves our ship from sinking and all of of us from drowning or being eaten alive by sharks.
Instead hopefully anons, realizing the grave danger we're all in, will be motivated to do everything they can to help Captain Trump get our ship safely through these horrific storms.
Q anon/Q+ PsyOp =/= the MALEVOLENTs counter PsyOp, Qanon.
Q anon/Q + PsyOp == Leave Screen World Dream World. WAKE UP. Get up. Get busy in the Real World.
Qanon counter PsyOp== Stay in Dream World. Don't worry. Be comfy. Just keep sleeping, dreaming, and waiting to be saved.
A good read on why Operation Trust is not to be confused with Q
Operation Trust is not the same. It has malevolent end goals. Q wakes people up. Big difference.
Thank you for sharing a succinct, one sentence, summary of my much longer comment, anon.
Like Kevin said, "Why use many words when few work better".
Read the many posts on Disinformation. Flynn is not going to admit this. Think of the hornets nest he'd find himself in if he said Yes.
But it’s not like people are asking him about Q and he has to either confirm or deny. Flynn and his brother bash Q unprovoked and he makes it a point to call the followers/plan stupid. Do we accept the possibility of a reality where Flynn doesn’t see the faintly watermarked Q and is just liking an image he sees of himself?
Is Flynn suppose to say, "I can neither confirm or deny'? Or refuse to answer? Doing so only targets him more.... The enemy wants him to say 'Yes' because it implicates him. In a court of law, a non-answer is interpreted as confirmation of the questioners intent.
IMHO, Flynn is providing 'Disinformation'. Why? Because 'Q' stated (more than once) that Disinformation is necessary. In the end, you and me simply don't know what Flynn knows. By criticizing Flynn for an answer you don't like is tough love and part of life's many disappointments. You and me aren't privy to Flynn's knowledge. IMHO, his 'Q' denial doesn't have any affect on the 'Q' following. It continues to grow. The reason for this is due to the many, many incontrovertible proofs. The proof is in the pudding....... not what Flynn says.
But that’s the thing - he bashed Q when he’s not even asked or provoked. Like I said earlier, it would be different if someone asked him and he denied it, but he denies Q without even being asked.
IMHO and this is no reflection on you, but I could care less what Flynn says. I don't agree with him on everything, but that is on me. What is important in my mind is that we have to keep our eyes on the ball, not on any one who distracts from it. Like I said previously, What Flynn said, ... whether asked or not, has zero effect on the 'Q' message or the growing popularity of 'Q'. It is an impossibility to disprove the 'Q' proofs and the Book of Q Proofs already recorded.
I get it about your apparent dislike of Flynn. I'm a not big fan of some of General Flynn's political views, but he's a figure in the beltway. He supposedly knows 'where the bodies are buried'. I have no idea exactly what this means. At this point in time, it's irrelevant to me... and just like everything else, we'll just have to sit back and see if it means anything at all. Is it more disinformation? I have no idea.... Its more than likely the same is true with you. The same goes with Flynn's statements about 'Q'.
"he bashed Q".
" bashed" == ?????
bashed == rebuking those who use the anti Q, Qanon narrative, "Q will save us", to excuse their decision to sit around watching our ship sink rather than pitching in to help?
Does Qs WWG1WGA == When storms hit, sit, watch and wait for Captain Trump to save everyone?
He said it was a Psyop.
He never said it was fake, or untrue, or just a LARP by some kid in his bedroom.
Q continues here:
Read the transcript from the CNN case; he called us all retards. Q is what made him and he turned on us after Jan 6th just like Stone too. He's the biggest LARP there ever was...
Yeah, sure. That's why Q mentioned him 54 times.
Maybe you should re-read them again. Q also mentioned Barr, Sessions, and Wray several times also, and look how they turned out. Just saying...
"Maybe you should reread them (Q drops) again".
Perhaps take this advice, anon?
Or, rather than preying on Screen World others, instead consider praying for them then refocusing on anons Real World?
Maybe you should read general Kellogg's book "war by other means" before you put your foot in your mouth like that...
Which General has Trump invited into his next admin? Kellogg, or Flynn?
Neither, but who served throughout the whole Trump administration and who got sacked after 25 days? That says it all...
Flynn is the biggest psy-op of them all; beware...
Yes, Cabal. Beware.
Who knows where the bodies are buried....
There is an account on X making some waves and getting alot of attention. @Prolotario1 Ariel. He has been calling out Flynn hard and giving lots of info why. He claims he is a Q & Trump supporter. He has no blue check but leaves really long posts and never has Community Notes under his tweets.
Lack of community notes is hardly proof of that clown's accusations.
Every post he makes is sauceless garbage.
As /pol/ famously reacts to unsourced assertions of fact
Source: dude trust me.
"Flynn is the biggest psyop of all"
Bigger than Q and Q+ PDJT?
Btw, psyop =/= malevolent OR benevolent, its just a term for one, of many, types of ops; ops that are NOT new.
Example: Sun Tzus, Art of War.
Kudos for echoing Qs warning, anon.
Q warning, " beware" of believing "unsourced " facts", or opinions about the meaning of sourced facts, from other anons, alt media opiners or anything coming from Screen World people is a vital warning to remember and heed.
Consequently, thanks for providing a quick "How Q Trained and PsyWar Savvy Are you?" diagnostic quiz.
I always found it odd that Q posted many references to movies from the 80s, 90s & 2000s. Who would be old enough to know these movies well enough that sort of relate to Q posts and the parallels of The Plan?
Interesting point!
Trump and AI
He makes a good point that we should all be active and not just sit back and wait for savior
Where do you get the information that Flynn liked this?
It is a reply to Flynn to a comment/response of his
Answer: You get the information from Flynn's twitter account in the LIKES feed.
Just saying. Confirmed, that Flynn liked this.
Side note: If Flynn was indeed involved closely in the Q operation, his recent declaration that 'whoever did the Q operation' "did a major disservice" could be a frank admission that the operation had one impact that wasn't planned for or that it wasn't perfectly successful, AS WELL as be an initiative to rectify or redirect it.
I think that's an interesting thought.
BIG fan of Gen. M. Flynn....
Its important to keep up the illusion.
Remember this is a war, deception is a strategic important tool.
So why this illusion?
First by sowing disinformation and information at the same time you can control the narrative and friends and enemies cant come to any sensible conclusion.
Secondly our commanders in charge want normies to take charge and get engaged, in US, they need patriots committed in school boards and local election etc.
Thirdly its also psychological warfare when the leftover of the cult see this they get confused and on edge because what if Q really exist, this will make the usefully idiots on edge and then they will do mistakes.
And fourth its also a smart part of the massive social engineering event that is happening on all social media and mainstream media that we captured in 2021.
Is this a real Flynn account? Why all the sudden bs? Why bash Dave and Q? Then turn around and put out the line that made him famous. Trying to save face? Good guy vs bad guy? Who really knows? Could be an actor for all we know. Bottom line is he's becoming a freaking DISTRACTION and needs to step the f down and shut up, imho. We really should have more important things to discuss than this guy.
Because he actually said that in a speech.
Enjoy the movie!
Meets all the criteria of a TV General.
Even kinda looks like Brian Dennehy