The elections need a complete overhaul. The current machines need to be dismantled and scattered to the wind. It’s the only way we can trust ant election again without glitches, or power failures or someone monkeying with the software.
I believe we are witnessing the exposure of their crimes but we can’t be ready for 2024 until we fix 2020. Are we truly supposed to believe this? “Well, we caught em. We’re gonna let 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 slide, But don’t worry, we’ll get ‘em next time.”
Programmed is the new word for cheating and stealing the election. Just like disinformation and misinformation is the truth the cabal doesn't want we the people to know. I'm in PA and those who are in the know knows what they are doing. I can't wait for their fall. God's hand of justice is coming.
Yea, no shit. The fact that it's even possible to "program" the damn thing is reason enough to never use it. Our elections shouldn't be "programmed" like slot machines in Vegas to give an advantage to the house. We need voter ID, paper ballots printed on currency style paper that looks and feels different than any other paper. Each counted by hand in small batches locally with observers from each party present. No mail in or absentee ballots other than those from people in the Armed Services and bona fide residents in nursing homes. That's it. Until that happens, elections can't be trusted.
I am convinced that the Democrats have compromised the Republican Party by planting their people in it for years until they were able to neuter it. RINO's are numerous, and a cancer that is going to completely destroy the GOP if it is not cut out.
Until that happens, the RINO's will not fight the corruption, because they are the corruption, or a party to the cabal, which is the overall corruption.
At some point there will need to be a drastic change. Be that the "White Hats" stepping in, or The People reasserting their control over government. Depending on the GOP, or the Government, to fix themselves is just a foolish dream. History proves that liberty lost is never regained without significant cost and sacrifice from those who lost it.
Then the election should not be certified and a special election be performed.
Bwhahaha this is PA.
How do you think Commie Shapiro and Fetterman got there?
and Gov Wolf, the nursing home murderer.
Don't you mean Fetterman's standi in?
I mean the original one who was installed.
Probably still a stand in. Just the first generation.
Fetterman was real.
I noticed that you used "was"
Fake News: "Anyone saying an election can be programmed is a conspiracy theorist spreading Trump's debunked, discredited Big Lie."
Voting Machine Company: "Someone from our team programmed the election."
no duh!
Why admit it? Isn't this basically their business model.
Because someone sees what is coming and they want off easier.
Fuck that it needs corrected for this election. And previous ones. Class action lawsuits against these companies are needed. For disenfranchisement.
Commie Shapiro.
He surely is and I LOVE every time you write that here. That prick also slimed into HIS office because of voter fraud...guaranteed.
I used to say Rat Bastard Wolf and Cousin IT. That was in reference to PA health secretary Levine now in Biden administration.
That was payment for the covid nursing homes and the election steal of 2020.
They are absolutely disgusting. And TY for calling them out at every opportunity, fren.
You are welcome.
PA votes flipped all over the state.
The elections need a complete overhaul. The current machines need to be dismantled and scattered to the wind. It’s the only way we can trust ant election again without glitches, or power failures or someone monkeying with the software.
Imagine being intelligent enough to say let’s have free and fair elections we are going to paper ballots with serial numbers
No! Pa. must nullify the election now.
I believe we are witnessing the exposure of their crimes but we can’t be ready for 2024 until we fix 2020. Are we truly supposed to believe this? “Well, we caught em. We’re gonna let 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 slide, But don’t worry, we’ll get ‘em next time.”
“What you read and what the computer reads are two different things,” he said.*
'They' truly do think we are stupid.
I'm hoping there will be no 24 election.
You think this will wake up some people?! I hope so!!!
this info needs to be put in the normies news programs or they won't believe it.
Watch the Keystone
Oh is that all?
Whew lad! Glad you caught the "glitch"
Everyone can just F the F right off and then F off some more forever.
Programmed is the new word for cheating and stealing the election. Just like disinformation and misinformation is the truth the cabal doesn't want we the people to know. I'm in PA and those who are in the know knows what they are doing. I can't wait for their fall. God's hand of justice is coming.
Yea, no shit. The fact that it's even possible to "program" the damn thing is reason enough to never use it. Our elections shouldn't be "programmed" like slot machines in Vegas to give an advantage to the house. We need voter ID, paper ballots printed on currency style paper that looks and feels different than any other paper. Each counted by hand in small batches locally with observers from each party present. No mail in or absentee ballots other than those from people in the Armed Services and bona fide residents in nursing homes. That's it. Until that happens, elections can't be trusted.
Oh yeah somebody gave us these diamonds... But your next shipment will be just fine...
I am convinced that the Democrats have compromised the Republican Party by planting their people in it for years until they were able to neuter it. RINO's are numerous, and a cancer that is going to completely destroy the GOP if it is not cut out.
Until that happens, the RINO's will not fight the corruption, because they are the corruption, or a party to the cabal, which is the overall corruption.
At some point there will need to be a drastic change. Be that the "White Hats" stepping in, or The People reasserting their control over government. Depending on the GOP, or the Government, to fix themselves is just a foolish dream. History proves that liberty lost is never regained without significant cost and sacrifice from those who lost it.
It needs to be CORRECTED NOW!!!!! And people arrested and HANGED for the seditious treason
Needs to be corrected for 2020! Fraud vitiates everything!
Um, 2023!
No not 2024 now.