my wife: when are you going to stop w/ this q s**t? it's been 3 years (since Biden's residency), nothing is happening!
me (in my head): dear god, help me get through this day
me (outloud): you're right honey. It's fun to think about though.
She's still in her slumber. She's longing for the world to return to pre-covid days but she has no idea. I've learned so much about myself during this journey. We are so blessed to be awake and witnesses to this time.
yet it seems like most of the people around me just treat the years 2019-2021 as "That Weird Time Where There Was COVID Hysteria and Other Adventures in Government Overreach" or TWTWTWCHOAGO
Ever since I reread my employer's vaccine mandates, masking, and social distancing protocols, I've been reeling. There's no way things where that crazy. Did I really live through that?!
They openly violated the law and were completely ok with violating people's rights, all because the media told them to be afraid of a virus with a <1% kill rate.
Of course they'll want everyone to just forget about it.
For me Russia's involvement in Ukraine put everything in perspective. Russia should have been able to brute force their way through the operation to end the initial skirmish in a short amount of time.
Instead what they did was they took and extremely methodical approach of taking their time, and doing everything by the book in order to bleed out NATO, and put strain on all of the deep state actors to keep pouring money and resources into a conflict where they were not able to declare an all out war.
Once Russia had the clear upper hand in Ukraine, Israel/Gaza breaks out. And it exposed the Israel regime for the homicidal maniacs that they are of, "look Russia did everything by the book for the last few years", as well as the [DS] already exhausting all of their assets on the ground in Ukraine.
And with Zelenskyy being left out to dry and no one is there to shower him with cash, is he going to start exposing the [DS] on his end? It doesn't seem like an oversight that he has been left holding the bag.
And also Xi Jinping who is taking out his adversaries in the CCP one by one, all the while the Chinese economy is collapsing. A lot of manufacturing has been taken out of China and they are now in huge trouble.
Many people living in big cities in China are returning to the villages they grew up in and many streets in Shanghai and Beijing are now empty. No more people shopping and many shops have been closed.
China is going to fall hard which is good for the world.
IF you think bringing down an international criminal cabal should be done and finished in only a couple years, just look how long it took to take down Pablo Escobar. They still can't even completely eradicate the cartels, but on the other hand maybe that's because they don't want to...
One also does not simply serve one term, then step aside after winning re-election and let child-trafficking pedophile traitors simply steal the next term with absolutely zero repercussions—reversing the great strides forward in the first term and intentionally destroying the nation with unrestrained introduction of foreign criminals across the border, fentanyl, wars, inflation, etc., etc.
Something is definitely up—and I expect it's up Trump's sleeve.
I am not looking forward to the day after Election Day next year, or the whole "Election-Stealing Month of November".
This movie has been going on most of my adult life (73 here). Actors have changed. Maybe it's more like those long running series with seasons. I would say Season one started with a bang, they assassinated JFK, Seasons after that included his brother, Vietnam, Abortion, and on and on. There will be a finale, I am sure of it, my sanity remains as long as I take time to deal with what I can in my own life, with one eye kept on the outside world, and the other right here in my own backyard. Always stay prepared, prep, save cash or silver, ammo, food, medicine, learn what you can about survival, check into the movie house daily, but you cannot live on popcorn alone. The rug will be pulled out of from under everybody, just know how to fall softly, but don't be afraid to tread where you have to. It's a balancing act.
I think season one started back in the Garden on Eden. This season likely started at 911, the last with JKF, previous seasons with 18th century enlightenment, formation of FED, Banking etc Al.
The swamp has been drained. All draining does is expose the swamp monsters, not remove them. No water in the swamp for them to hide. If they aren't exposed by now, they never will be. If you aren't willing to look at the exposed swamp monsters by now, you never will. Regardless, removal is the next step.
I don't want things to go back normal. I want a whole new world, without evil or corruption. At times, I feel like a kid on a lonnnnnng road trip asking "are we there yet" and "how much longer" but I truly believe the wait will be worth it. I'll just keep holding the line one day at a time.
my wife: when are you going to stop w/ this q s**t? it's been 3 years (since Biden's residency), nothing is happening!
me (in my head): dear god, help me get through this day
me (outloud): you're right honey. It's fun to think about though.
She's still in her slumber. She's longing for the world to return to pre-covid days but she has no idea. I've learned so much about myself during this journey. We are so blessed to be awake and witnesses to this time.
There is no going back.
yet it seems like most of the people around me just treat the years 2019-2021 as "That Weird Time Where There Was COVID Hysteria and Other Adventures in Government Overreach" or TWTWTWCHOAGO
Ever since I reread my employer's vaccine mandates, masking, and social distancing protocols, I've been reeling. There's no way things where that crazy. Did I really live through that?!
Don't let them get away with that.
They openly violated the law and were completely ok with violating people's rights, all because the media told them to be afraid of a virus with a <1% kill rate.
Of course they'll want everyone to just forget about it.
For me Russia's involvement in Ukraine put everything in perspective. Russia should have been able to brute force their way through the operation to end the initial skirmish in a short amount of time.
Instead what they did was they took and extremely methodical approach of taking their time, and doing everything by the book in order to bleed out NATO, and put strain on all of the deep state actors to keep pouring money and resources into a conflict where they were not able to declare an all out war.
Once Russia had the clear upper hand in Ukraine, Israel/Gaza breaks out. And it exposed the Israel regime for the homicidal maniacs that they are of, "look Russia did everything by the book for the last few years", as well as the [DS] already exhausting all of their assets on the ground in Ukraine.
And with Zelenskyy being left out to dry and no one is there to shower him with cash, is he going to start exposing the [DS] on his end? It doesn't seem like an oversight that he has been left holding the bag.
And also Xi Jinping who is taking out his adversaries in the CCP one by one, all the while the Chinese economy is collapsing. A lot of manufacturing has been taken out of China and they are now in huge trouble.
Many people living in big cities in China are returning to the villages they grew up in and many streets in Shanghai and Beijing are now empty. No more people shopping and many shops have been closed.
China is going to fall hard which is good for the world.
IF you think bringing down an international criminal cabal should be done and finished in only a couple years, just look how long it took to take down Pablo Escobar. They still can't even completely eradicate the cartels, but on the other hand maybe that's because they don't want to...
HEY! its the LOTR cycle for Modern times. the action is in the last book. 😂
One also does not simply serve one term, then step aside after winning re-election and let child-trafficking pedophile traitors simply steal the next term with absolutely zero repercussions—reversing the great strides forward in the first term and intentionally destroying the nation with unrestrained introduction of foreign criminals across the border, fentanyl, wars, inflation, etc., etc.
Something is definitely up—and I expect it's up Trump's sleeve.
I am not looking forward to the day after Election Day next year, or the whole "Election-Stealing Month of November".
This movie has been going on most of my adult life (73 here). Actors have changed. Maybe it's more like those long running series with seasons. I would say Season one started with a bang, they assassinated JFK, Seasons after that included his brother, Vietnam, Abortion, and on and on. There will be a finale, I am sure of it, my sanity remains as long as I take time to deal with what I can in my own life, with one eye kept on the outside world, and the other right here in my own backyard. Always stay prepared, prep, save cash or silver, ammo, food, medicine, learn what you can about survival, check into the movie house daily, but you cannot live on popcorn alone. The rug will be pulled out of from under everybody, just know how to fall softly, but don't be afraid to tread where you have to. It's a balancing act.
I think season one started back in the Garden on Eden. This season likely started at 911, the last with JKF, previous seasons with 18th century enlightenment, formation of FED, Banking etc Al.
1st term drained the swamp to levels so low you can see it all.
Are we at the last chapter?
There’s an epilogue also.
And another two books after that.
I'm all ok with doing things nice and slow, but it's not as easy when the "hostages" are dying by the millions because of loose cabal activities.
keep it in perspective, the bh goal was to get us down to 300 mil.
🤣😂🤣Thanks I needed that! Have a great week Fren!
The swamp has been drained. All draining does is expose the swamp monsters, not remove them. No water in the swamp for them to hide. If they aren't exposed by now, they never will be. If you aren't willing to look at the exposed swamp monsters by now, you never will. Regardless, removal is the next step.
It takes 3 terms
that the world
is being saved
Good people are bleeding out, Let's get to it.
we're all there fren. i've paid a heavy personal price and so has my family. but this is a permanent fix, it has to be done right.
Not sure it will be permanent until Jesus returns. Even then after 1000 years of benevolent rule man will still come against God.
The best line is probably from Matix III where Oracle relies the peace will last as long as possible.
Lol, for a second I thought your kids were saying LOTR was too long🐸
Are we there yet?
I don't want things to go back normal. I want a whole new world, without evil or corruption. At times, I feel like a kid on a lonnnnnng road trip asking "are we there yet" and "how much longer" but I truly believe the wait will be worth it. I'll just keep holding the line one day at a time.
One decade FTFY