BREAKING: Russia's Supreme Court Designates The "International LGBT Movement" As An Extremist Organization - Here's What's Next ...
A hearing by Russia's Supreme Court on whether to designate the "international LGBT movement" as an extremist organization was closed to the public,
Good move. Trans is a mental illness. Too bad bad gays and lesbians are so stupid they don’t see how they have been co- opted into the evil plan.
Gay and Lesbians are also a mental illness, just lesser in impact than genital mutilation. We said decades ago that indulging the gay lifestyle would lead to greater perversion, and here we are.
I say this as someone with this mental illness running through my family. It comes from a fundamental inability to accept one's self as we are--and seeking out some validation for that unacceptance. The gay cult welcomed these people with open arms and grew fabulously over the past fifty years. Now the Trans cult is recruiting the same young minds.
I knew a guy in HS that I'm pretty sure became "gay" because he was hideously ugly, and figured he wouldn't be able to have sex otherwise; seriously!
Everybody wants to belong to something. Cults have always welcomed outcasts with open arms.
They have the best kool-ade. So I hear.
lots do
I remember a "Gays against Grooming" organization.
Yeah but one of the major voices is a NeverTrumping bitch.
The odds of a congenital birth deformity are ~3%,the%20United%20States%20each%20year.&text=Read%20more%20about%20what%20we,born%20without%20a%20birth%20defect.
The rate of homosexuality is ~3%, before it came into fashion. May I submit for consideration, that true homosexuality is a congenital disorder, this those with similar disorders are just another expression of a mental disorder or mental illness.
That's what happens when you let yourself be pulled into an umbrella stretching to include literally everyone but straight whites and normalize actually bad behavior of them.
Russia is protecting their culture. They like who they are and don't want the "Western influence" of wokeism. can you blame them? Do they have Military leaders dressed up in skirts?
Russia has actual military leaders.
The west has cheerleaders. With pompons and all.
Totally agreed
Its spelled tampons
Russia is more American than we are at this point
Love it
The same 'people' that have a burning hatred for Russia.
The same behind abortion and moving women into the workforce and modern divorce law
Deport them to Muslim countries.
...where they'll be no tranny at all! 🤪
I've been saying it for awhile: Russia has been passing laws against LGBT perversion while we here in the west have been passing laws for LGBT perversion.
Putin on the Ritz....
What is "the rope", Alexi?
I like it!
They get it.
Thank God, and God Bless Russia!
I was amazed to see a promo for a Sheryl Atkinson story on the Albany, NY, CBS station, about how the tranny movement is being pushed by a minority of LGBTQ organizations (or perhaps minority of people in the organizations; I didn't catch the exact wording). She seems to provide actual journalism, so I'm surprised a MSM station, especially in NY, would air her shows.
This seems like a lot of local air time to me. Wonder who's buying the time.
The promo (December 3, 2023) you mentioned is here.
It seems like so many leftist things; a small number of people are able to make it seem like a MAJOR portion of society cares about it.
Getting out…