#1 – Vivek the SNAKE tells Americans to BAN business w CHINA, but he PARTNERED DIRECTLY w Chinese government to launch HIS pharmaceutical company
#2 – DURING COVID, this #BigPharma BROWN-NOSER promoted lockdowns eg social distancing, said nothing against Fauci, was all in for mask and vaccine mandates, AND, NOW he says what you want to hear: he’s against mandates. BULLSHIT!
#3. Just 5 months before, he was FULLY SUPPORTIVE of the BULLSHIT “science” of “climate change” and carbon taxes, NOW, at the GOP debate he says “climate change is a hoax.” He slithers to tell you what you want to hear. He is POS D list actor chosen by the SWARM.
#4 – This SNAKE says he is for “meritocracy” & “TRUTH”?! This F**cker, made billions IPO’ng a bogus company to sell a USELESS drug that he KNEW had failed FOUR clinical trials. He sold his stock before the Company crashed and burned when the truth came out! SCAM ARTIST!
#5 – The lying POS writes a book attacking Democrats and being “anti-Woke”; however, he donated $7,000 to ActBlue Democrats, AND, NEVER voted for “anti-Woke” Trump in 2016! This SNAKE #FakeIndian, #FakeAmerican, like Obama, was manufactured by THE SWARM to mislead you.
#6 – The SNAKE spits about “excellence”: cream rising to top, no nepotism, etc. BUT, dirtbag literally had HIS Mama – in his company – “reanalyze” clinical data of failed drug & release a report deeming it successful. Mama’s boy used report to BULLSHIT investors. All here:
#7 – He bullshits MAGA cult by saying he is AGAINST the ESG (climate change, sustainability, etc) UN agenda, BUT, his LATEST VENTURE Strive Asset Management, purchases shares precisely in those companies who are supportive of the UN’s ESG Agenda:
#8 – The liar presents himself as “rags to riches” American story. Total BS. Insulting to those of us who actually suffered. -comes from the elite: Tamil Upper-Caste Brahmins -went to elite PREP SCHOOL costs $16k/yr -funded by SOROS – parents are doctors & engineers
#9 – Here’s #BigPharma’s Brahmin BROWN-NOSER all in for BIDEN’s pro-VAXX mandating rollout to ALL ADULTS: “Biden says all adults will be vaccine eligible by May 1. That’s GOOD NEWS. Give credit where due” -Vivek SNAKE, 3/11/21
Phenomenal. He brings the fire. He's also controlled opposition designed to appeal to Trump's base.
How else could he possibly get away with what he's been saying?!
Watch out for Ramaswampy / Ramasnakey.
Almost had me fooled.
But you have to admit, when the tool humilited the "china balloon" Christy, it was priceless. No one has ever gotten under Christy's skin before, and it showed his rage when he got off the stage and went over to Megyan. Whatever he said to her, and by listening to her podcast today, it was obvious how shaken-up she was. She could not have praise him enough, saying that no other person can supersede his debating skills. Her excuse on why he confronted her, was he was upset he was not asked enough questions. She's probably still shaking, and for now on, she'll be more attentive when the tool and 'china balloon' Christy are combative, again. I know President Trump enjoyed watching the exchange, because he knows Christy's ONLY purpose in the debates, is to destroy his ascension to the White House. What wisdom President Trump has to avoid all debates with Christy. And what was Christy's closing statement? That President Trump will be indicted and won't be able to vote for himself.
Of course! I think it hurts our movement when we post someone who is clearly a fake but said something we wanted to hear. All we end up doing is muddying the waters, boost Viveks platform and eyeballs on him, and may inadvertently sway/influence people toward him because at the end of the day - we've become trusted news to so many that are waking up... but what happens when the trusted news [us] promotes a snake? It makes us no better than the fake news.
Exactly. Everyone is free to run for POTUS if they want, and no harm discussing that of course, but who in their right mind would even admire a guy that wants to keep Trump out of the White House a little bit at this point?
They may as well kiss up to Fani Willis and Jack Smith, that rotten judge, the corrupt FBI, Biden, Hillary, Soros, and the rest of the rotten filth shitting on our futures that are also working hard and doing interviews trying to keep Trump from being re-elected. Those people say good things too when they want something, but I don't see posts here talking about how wonderful they are.
Extremely well said. It absolutely matters who says what and it matters that their actions speak louder than their words. When their history is at odds with their words we shouldn't be promoting them.
Why the fuck should anyone trust us if we're promoting a guy who's a known wef puppet, pharma bro, hedge fund bro, soros fellow (everything we supposedly hate)
We might as well be hyping up DeSantis and Haley while we're at it.
We're here to help steer people to the truth. What people here aren't understanding is that people will vote based off short clips they view, and we're pushing short out of context clips of vivek pretending like he's CrUsHiN tHe LiBs
Not Jeb, but “ Dick Cheney in 3-inch heels”. To which Nikki replied , “
“They’re 5 -inch heels”. I bet she thought that was cute, and liberating to reveal who she truly was, without having to work at it. But at least WE know the truth, because of truth tellers like Vivek.
And sorry, but it makes NO sense if you’re voting for Trump, to assume the candidate who defends him the most is a deep state stooge .
Did you not hear that he threatened to sue the WEF for misrepresenting him. He’s not a member. I don’t hear anyone suspicious of Tulsi Gabbard lately, so what’s the difference with him?
And this leads me to my last point. We’re worlds apart mentally, from
Where we were 8-9 years ago. I would
Not have viewed Big Pharma with the disdain that I do today. I consider my last several red pills to be from the election fraud of 2020, and the death jab. And Vivek is younger than I.
Maybe he’s learned a LOT since 2014, as we all have .
Im getting really tired of seeing conservatives cheering obama swamy.
Controlled op doesn't get any more obvious.
He's a WEF 3rd worlder. Disregard anything coming out of his curry hole.
Calling people "Jeb in high heels" or "go get some lunch" are NOT gotchas. Those things might "win the day" in 3rd world politics, but they don't actually mean anything.
A REAL "gotcha" is disassembling your opponent's narrative, not their appearance or appetite.........or even mere rhetoric like "so and so is the most fascist person on stage"....<< that's just saying stuff. Holding up signs.......none of that sh** means anything at all.
He's playing a literal Swamy with the coconut shells by saying lots of stuff without saying anything meaningful at all. Like John Madden.......
People need to stop falling for vivek. This is why we never win.
Additional Reading: https://vashiva.com/dr-shiva-vivek-the-snake/
From Dr. Shiva's link above:
#1 – Vivek the SNAKE tells Americans to BAN business w CHINA, but he PARTNERED DIRECTLY w Chinese government to launch HIS pharmaceutical company
#2 – DURING COVID, this #BigPharma BROWN-NOSER promoted lockdowns eg social distancing, said nothing against Fauci, was all in for mask and vaccine mandates, AND, NOW he says what you want to hear: he’s against mandates. BULLSHIT!
#3. Just 5 months before, he was FULLY SUPPORTIVE of the BULLSHIT “science” of “climate change” and carbon taxes, NOW, at the GOP debate he says “climate change is a hoax.” He slithers to tell you what you want to hear. He is POS D list actor chosen by the SWARM.
#4 – This SNAKE says he is for “meritocracy” & “TRUTH”?! This F**cker, made billions IPO’ng a bogus company to sell a USELESS drug that he KNEW had failed FOUR clinical trials. He sold his stock before the Company crashed and burned when the truth came out! SCAM ARTIST!
#5 – The lying POS writes a book attacking Democrats and being “anti-Woke”; however, he donated $7,000 to ActBlue Democrats, AND, NEVER voted for “anti-Woke” Trump in 2016! This SNAKE #FakeIndian, #FakeAmerican, like Obama, was manufactured by THE SWARM to mislead you.
#6 – The SNAKE spits about “excellence”: cream rising to top, no nepotism, etc. BUT, dirtbag literally had HIS Mama – in his company – “reanalyze” clinical data of failed drug & release a report deeming it successful. Mama’s boy used report to BULLSHIT investors. All here:
#7 – He bullshits MAGA cult by saying he is AGAINST the ESG (climate change, sustainability, etc) UN agenda, BUT, his LATEST VENTURE Strive Asset Management, purchases shares precisely in those companies who are supportive of the UN’s ESG Agenda:
#8 – The liar presents himself as “rags to riches” American story. Total BS. Insulting to those of us who actually suffered. -comes from the elite: Tamil Upper-Caste Brahmins -went to elite PREP SCHOOL costs $16k/yr -funded by SOROS – parents are doctors & engineers
#9 – Here’s #BigPharma’s Brahmin BROWN-NOSER all in for BIDEN’s pro-VAXX mandating rollout to ALL ADULTS: “Biden says all adults will be vaccine eligible by May 1. That’s GOOD NEWS. Give credit where due” -Vivek SNAKE, 3/11/21
Much Truth here.
Good stuff. Thanks for the link.
Phenomenal. He brings the fire. He's also controlled opposition designed to appeal to Trump's base. How else could he possibly get away with what he's been saying?! Watch out for Ramaswampy / Ramasnakey. Almost had me fooled.
THANKS FOR ALL THE ABOVE INFO on Vivek....am SO SHARING on other social media !!!
I can simplify this - use him for the tool he is...
And then vote for Donald Trump.
Seems obvious to me now, Vivek works for Trump. And Trump is using him for the tool he is.
He has that Lindsay Graham vibe
But you have to admit, when the tool humilited the "china balloon" Christy, it was priceless. No one has ever gotten under Christy's skin before, and it showed his rage when he got off the stage and went over to Megyan. Whatever he said to her, and by listening to her podcast today, it was obvious how shaken-up she was. She could not have praise him enough, saying that no other person can supersede his debating skills. Her excuse on why he confronted her, was he was upset he was not asked enough questions. She's probably still shaking, and for now on, she'll be more attentive when the tool and 'china balloon' Christy are combative, again. I know President Trump enjoyed watching the exchange, because he knows Christy's ONLY purpose in the debates, is to destroy his ascension to the White House. What wisdom President Trump has to avoid all debates with Christy. And what was Christy's closing statement? That President Trump will be indicted and won't be able to vote for himself.
Why would they do that?
I’m sure they all agreed not to call each other out on that.
My toenails are nice and trimmed too. There was a debate?
Obama 2.0.
Sounds like this guy is perfect for the next residential position. Fake voting won't stop it
Hmmm. Same pictures?
Street shitters of the world - UNITE!
Thank you OP.
Of course! I think it hurts our movement when we post someone who is clearly a fake but said something we wanted to hear. All we end up doing is muddying the waters, boost Viveks platform and eyeballs on him, and may inadvertently sway/influence people toward him because at the end of the day - we've become trusted news to so many that are waking up... but what happens when the trusted news [us] promotes a snake? It makes us no better than the fake news.
Exactly. Everyone is free to run for POTUS if they want, and no harm discussing that of course, but who in their right mind would even admire a guy that wants to keep Trump out of the White House a little bit at this point?
They may as well kiss up to Fani Willis and Jack Smith, that rotten judge, the corrupt FBI, Biden, Hillary, Soros, and the rest of the rotten filth shitting on our futures that are also working hard and doing interviews trying to keep Trump from being re-elected. Those people say good things too when they want something, but I don't see posts here talking about how wonderful they are.
I think he is a spoiler, he knows he has no chance at winning. He’s saying what needs to be said and will step aside when Trump wins the nomination.
Extremely well said. It absolutely matters who says what and it matters that their actions speak louder than their words. When their history is at odds with their words we shouldn't be promoting them.
Why the fuck should anyone trust us if we're promoting a guy who's a known wef puppet, pharma bro, hedge fund bro, soros fellow (everything we supposedly hate) We might as well be hyping up DeSantis and Haley while we're at it.
We're here to help steer people to the truth. What people here aren't understanding is that people will vote based off short clips they view, and we're pushing short out of context clips of vivek pretending like he's CrUsHiN tHe LiBs
I think I want to have your baby.
Not Jeb, but “ Dick Cheney in 3-inch heels”. To which Nikki replied , “ “They’re 5 -inch heels”. I bet she thought that was cute, and liberating to reveal who she truly was, without having to work at it. But at least WE know the truth, because of truth tellers like Vivek. And sorry, but it makes NO sense if you’re voting for Trump, to assume the candidate who defends him the most is a deep state stooge . Did you not hear that he threatened to sue the WEF for misrepresenting him. He’s not a member. I don’t hear anyone suspicious of Tulsi Gabbard lately, so what’s the difference with him? And this leads me to my last point. We’re worlds apart mentally, from Where we were 8-9 years ago. I would Not have viewed Big Pharma with the disdain that I do today. I consider my last several red pills to be from the election fraud of 2020, and the death jab. And Vivek is younger than I. Maybe he’s learned a LOT since 2014, as we all have .
He. Is. A. Snake.
Im getting really tired of seeing conservatives cheering obama swamy.
Controlled op doesn't get any more obvious.
He's a WEF 3rd worlder. Disregard anything coming out of his curry hole.
Calling people "Jeb in high heels" or "go get some lunch" are NOT gotchas. Those things might "win the day" in 3rd world politics, but they don't actually mean anything.
A REAL "gotcha" is disassembling your opponent's narrative, not their appearance or appetite.........or even mere rhetoric like "so and so is the most fascist person on stage"....<< that's just saying stuff. Holding up signs.......none of that sh** means anything at all.
He's playing a literal Swamy with the coconut shells by saying lots of stuff without saying anything meaningful at all. Like John Madden.......
People need to stop falling for vivek. This is why we never win.
It's not their heritage; it's their hatred and persecution of the host nation's peoples and culture.
He's saying what he knows you want to hear. He's not to be trusted. I don't get how people want to follow him.
vivek sued the WEF