Who's a Rothschild himself. "Achilles" Alefantis.... Son of Philippine de Rothschild (who was Babushka lady watching JFK getting shot, as her paid entertainment)
What's funnier is that they refer to Wayfair in the article. Their links to Wayfair debunking are kind of the same as their Etsy debunking ... They just shout conspiracy theory several times. Only thing Wayfair had was the Dept of Homeland Security stating that they looked into it and it was nothing (uh huh).
For those who are unaware, Media Matters is being sued by X/Twitter for manipulating the algorithm to get controversial content to appear alongside advertising from major companies. They created accounts specifically to follow radical content creators and major companies. The idea was to get screen shots and send them to these companies to get them to pull advertising from X/Twitter, and it worked.
The folks at Media Matters are scumbags. If they claim this is a conspiracy theory, then we can be 99% sure it is true.
I do take issue with the use of the word "romantic" to describe the type of behavior those two were engaging in. I'm sure whatever they were doing to/with each other was perverse and dark.
The question for your normie friends is why the same media sources only pay attention to the same conspiracies and not the thousands of other conspiracies out there.
Soon pede soon. The Mike Rothschild Pedo apologized has already made a statement.
Next is Alex Kaplan and Wil Somers. 3 horsemen of child abuse apologists. This is an epic hill to choose to die on. Bold move Cottons
The same Media Matters that got busted trying to purposely get advertisers to pull out of X by fabricating an extremist algorithm? Who’s got that Nick Cage “ya don’t say” meme?
As a former etsy seller I found out how woke etsy is by what they will not let people sell. And obviously by what they DO allow. And Media Matters? y'all know, right, that it is Hillary's special baby.
"They claim pizza is a code word for pedophilia..." well, because it is. I hate these people vehemently.
That says enough about their integrity and what their agendas are.
It is understood and accepted fact that it is an acknowledged code word by the federal government no less.
Media matters are pedo enablers
David Brock is likely a Pedophile himself along with his ex homo lover who owns Comet Pizza.
Who's a Rothschild himself. "Achilles" Alefantis.... Son of Philippine de Rothschild (who was Babushka lady watching JFK getting shot, as her paid entertainment)
Interestingly they make no attempt to debunk the claims, just continuously referring to them as a conspiracy theory and comparing it to Wayfair.
I was just about to comment that!
Came here to say the same too! Where’s the “Here’s why it’s crazy.” Its almost like they want the reader to start digging into it themselves.
What's funnier is that they refer to Wayfair in the article. Their links to Wayfair debunking are kind of the same as their Etsy debunking ... They just shout conspiracy theory several times. Only thing Wayfair had was the Dept of Homeland Security stating that they looked into it and it was nothing (uh huh).
For those who are unaware, Media Matters is being sued by X/Twitter for manipulating the algorithm to get controversial content to appear alongside advertising from major companies. They created accounts specifically to follow radical content creators and major companies. The idea was to get screen shots and send them to these companies to get them to pull advertising from X/Twitter, and it worked.
The folks at Media Matters are scumbags. If they claim this is a conspiracy theory, then we can be 99% sure it is true.
And David Brock is / was inna romantic relationship with James Alefantis of Comet Ping Ping
I had forgotten to add that. Good point.
I do take issue with the use of the word "romantic" to describe the type of behavior those two were engaging in. I'm sure whatever they were doing to/with each other was perverse and dark.
It wasn’t reproductive sooooooooooo. I was trying to be neutral about the sodomy.
Now I know it's damn true
The question for your normie friends is why the same media sources only pay attention to the same conspiracies and not the thousands of other conspiracies out there.
Davids Brock d.b.a. Media Matters exonerated himself from the crime of pedophilia, which he claims, in parallel, shouldn't be a crime to begin with.
Wait, where's the debunking? Is labeling it as a Qanon conspiracy all it takes for their idiot readers?
These people are sick and must be stopped……
Notice how quick they jump up to stop the Etsy story.
Did Podesta start screaming " IT IS DEBUNKED!" again?
Has anyone seen that Media Matters is suing Ken Paxton, AG for Texas to prevent him from investigating them? copied from another post. They sure seem to be in the news alot lately. https://thenationalpulse.com/2023/12/13/soros-media-matters-sues-to-permanently-block-ag-ken-paxton-from-investigating-them/
Debunk is synonymous with validate
Media Matters protecting child pedos like their David Brock.
This just came out 3-4 days ago.
No one has investigated anything.
Soon pede soon. The Mike Rothschild Pedo apologized has already made a statement. Next is Alex Kaplan and Wil Somers. 3 horsemen of child abuse apologists. This is an epic hill to choose to die on. Bold move Cottons
The same Media Matters that got busted trying to purposely get advertisers to pull out of X by fabricating an extremist algorithm? Who’s got that Nick Cage “ya don’t say” meme?
As a former etsy seller I found out how woke etsy is by what they will not let people sell. And obviously by what they DO allow. And Media Matters? y'all know, right, that it is Hillary's special baby.
Cant wait to hear hear what Megyn Kelly