That was the Alfred Hitchcock moment. It was so fun picking up all the clues from the Culver Studios Oval Office. Patriots are now in control. This is one long movie 🍿.
Trump walked out of the White House and hopped on Marine 1 at 8:20 that morning. He landed at Andrews Air Force Base and gave a speech aprox 15 minutes later.
He then got on board Air Force 1 and flew to Florida. Not sure Trump could have attended the Biden inauguration. That is unless the Biden Inauguration happened the day before.
Many strange things happened that day. For instance, in Europe people were saying they watched the inauguration several hours before it happened.
Also, MSM pictures taken at the inauguration showed the Sun shinning however, alternative video and photos from that day shows there was complete cloud cover.
Here are the sunny pics taken that day. Notice the looks on all of the presidents faces, they look angry.
The media was not allowed in. Many were filming from a roof top like a mile away. The video footage showed cloud cover from horizon to horizon.
The Biden grand children were disappearing from the video at times.
The inauguration did not happen at noon, it happened 10 minutes earlier, at like 11:50am.
I think there were 2 inaugurations. Perhaps the first one was called the rehearsal. They blended the photos from both events together. I remember it was pointed out that Dr. Biden changed her shoes during the event. She walked in and walked out in different shoes.
Special effects and continuity are key aspects to any movie. Lots of things happened, we only know what we were shown, plus whatever else we found or heard later. Plus our reasoning, but plenty of room for speculation.
If that was him, he would not be in the middle of that crowd like that. Especially with everything that was going on at the time. That would’ve made him a very easy target to eliminate.
When you sit at the head of the table, you won’t be used as a napkin. 😂🤣
So, if we have our positioning correct, then it appears the "suspect" is to the right of the main stairwell that Biden is walking up in the OP image, correct?
Also the people behind By-den being sworn in , kept changing places every time the camera shot went from By-den to the Justice. Like it took more than 1 take? I thought it was weird they were moving around when they should be standing still watching the swearing in.
Remember that first video of Biden's from The Oval Office where The Don strolled past the window outside in the background?
It was indeed. I never knew about the photo in here before so the two things combined sure are interesting.
And the distorted reflection of Biden that kinda looked like Trump too.
That was the Alfred Hitchcock moment. It was so fun picking up all the clues from the Culver Studios Oval Office. Patriots are now in control. This is one long movie 🍿.
Trump walked out of the White House and hopped on Marine 1 at 8:20 that morning. He landed at Andrews Air Force Base and gave a speech aprox 15 minutes later.
He then got on board Air Force 1 and flew to Florida. Not sure Trump could have attended the Biden inauguration. That is unless the Biden Inauguration happened the day before.
Many strange things happened that day. For instance, in Europe people were saying they watched the inauguration several hours before it happened.
Also, MSM pictures taken at the inauguration showed the Sun shinning however, alternative video and photos from that day shows there was complete cloud cover.
Here are the sunny pics taken that day. Notice the looks on all of the presidents faces, they look angry.
Like I said, in contrast, there are photos that show complete cloud cover like here.
The media was not allowed in. Many were filming from a roof top like a mile away. The video footage showed cloud cover from horizon to horizon.
The Biden grand children were disappearing from the video at times.
The inauguration did not happen at noon, it happened 10 minutes earlier, at like 11:50am.
I think there were 2 inaugurations. Perhaps the first one was called the rehearsal. They blended the photos from both events together. I remember it was pointed out that Dr. Biden changed her shoes during the event. She walked in and walked out in different shoes.
Special effects and continuity are key aspects to any movie. Lots of things happened, we only know what we were shown, plus whatever else we found or heard later. Plus our reasoning, but plenty of room for speculation.
If that was him, he would not be in the middle of that crowd like that. Especially with everything that was going on at the time. That would’ve made him a very easy target to eliminate.
When you sit at the head of the table, you won’t be used as a napkin. 😂🤣
Look at at the next link...folder in his hand as well as others....Dasting!
I remember seeing a high res, interactive, panoramic picture of the inauguration that day....lemme see if I can find it again.
Found it
So, if we have our positioning correct, then it appears the "suspect" is to the right of the main stairwell that Biden is walking up in the OP image, correct?
Your picture shows Bernie wearing a tan parka, yet the photo of him, which became a meme, shows him wearing a dark parka.
Found him: It's this guy from this larger picture.
Here's the video in high quality.
But there's still that epic time it looked like Trump walked outside the Oval Office behind Biden.
Q did say that this is a movie, and since it is, Donald Trump is the director.
Also the people behind By-den being sworn in , kept changing places every time the camera shot went from By-den to the Justice. Like it took more than 1 take? I thought it was weird they were moving around when they should be standing still watching the swearing in.
Are you sure it wasn't a parallax illusion?
AND ..check this out!!
FWIW, the 'Biden' that made one of his first speeches from the WH did say that Trump had left him a letter with "some very interesting things in it".
It’s not him. You can see the guy is wearing glasses. Trump doesn’t.
He said he won't attend the inauguration.
but was in an actual "inauguration"? That's the big question after this interesting photo.
that is correct. He attended the show, the movie!
Have you ever watched a “Presidential inauguration” include to a graveyard “visit “ ? 1st time for everything, how many shots fired?
Whoever it is appears to be wearing mask. So that's not Trump. No ss showing . Wherever Trump is he would have many peoples attention.