Been in since the Gulf of Tonkin BS. (Two North Vietnamese patrol boats attack a US DESTROYER! Let that sink in!) Next thing the war went into overload and the Military Arms dealers were chomping at the bits! I told people back then it was BS and they killed Kennedy only to be pushed aside as a dumb teenager. Watching tweedle dee and tweedle dum get "selected" every year and the only changes we got were higher taxes. Reagan tried to make a difference but I figure since he loved jelly beans so much, they slipped him something that made him lose his mind in the beans------another time I was told I was nuts. I gave up for years and did not vote telling people it did not matter who you voted for, the same ones behind the scenes ran everything. George Carlin had the government figured out before me but I knew he was right when he said we were not part of the "CLUB". Finally we get a President for the people and I was so excited only to see him betrayed by the media, the Congress and even those around him, Finding the Q drops gave me hope of the "Plan" to change America once and for all. We now have a chance, a LAST CHANCE to set thing right when the "Plan" comes to fruition. MAGA
Im 14 years younger than you but the first stirrings of my awakening happened at around the same age. The impetus was the assassination attempt on Reagan, the Hinckley family's close ties to the Bush family and the Brady bill gun grab. The lack of an internet definitely slowed the ride down though. With the advent of the internet I became known as the full blown conspiracy theorist in the family.
Now though my conservative leaning normie family listen to me more. Dad even told Mom I have been right all along.
They tried to put me on statins but I refused to take them. Statins are suppose to help with the calcium and cholesterol in your blood but my bones are made of calcium and my brain is made up with Cholesterol so tell me how can a statin tell the difference? Check out how many knee and hip replacements there have been since statins! How many dementia patients increased since statins! Hmmmmmm
I've tried to bring down my BP but still take lisinopril. Next week I've got a regular yearly appt. to get the lisinopril refilled and I'm curious what she'll say when I tell her I'm not taking the statin anymore.
Don't bow to me, my life has been a great ride and at 72 I am looking forward to the One I will bow to for giving me the opportunity to live this life!
It is amazing to how many around us haven't a clue even now as to what is going on. It is like they have blinders or something. I told a friend that Colorado was trying to remove Trump from the ballot----been in the news for 2 weeks---and he hadn't heard about it! AMAZING!
My father is about the same age as you sir. My hope is that both of you will get to live long enough to not only see the light at the end of this very dark tunnel, but get to bathe in its radiance, and experience a true golden age for America and the world. Just to make up for all those years of seeing through the veil.
Thank you! Been working on election fraud and trafficking via elite government rings since 2002.
My group was small but active.
When Trump was elected everyone thought I was working for him or that he had read every email and piece of information I ever sent out. Trump made my job so much easier to take a break and relax, continuing to do what I do.
Now as Trump's voice reaches so many more and like you so many more are now awake. Your thanks mean a lot. 🤗
Thanks for sharing your story, it’s great to read!
It matches my experience quite a bit too. I leaned more Republican, but I definitely frequented all the places you did, and bought into a lot of it.
I actually thought during 2016 that Hillary Clinton would be the lesser evil over Trump, if you can believe that.
But like you, I saw the visceral hatred for Trump that just didn’t match his actions. During COVID, I saw Trump say one thing live on TV, and then saw the media completely make up that Trump said another thing by the evening news.
But the real eye opener was watching the election be stolen in 2020, and then being suspended from nearly every platform just for asking questions.
Once you see all the lies and manipulation, you can’t unsee it, but I’m grateful for that and grateful you’re here too!
I remember thinking that it was such a shame that Jenny McCarthy was so smart in many areas, but obviously an idiot about vaccines. Jenny, if you're here, I'm sorry.
Began in this fight in 1964 as a kid in Rhode Island helping my dad hand out Goldwater bumper stickers and cans of ginger ale emblazoned with Goldwater labeling on it. Difficult to stand tall at time when the world was still mourning Kennedy, but we did our best in that 1964 electoral rout. Dad was a doctor - refused to participate in the Johnson Medicare system when enacted in 1965 - eventually swore off all insurance re-imbursemnts - cash paying customers only, and charged a fair price. Applauded the rise of Reagan in 1966 when he won CA gov. He was actually strongly looked at in 1968 for Pres on the back side of delivering his famous "A time for choosing" speech at the 1964 RNC convention. It wasn't his turn. It was Nixon's
When Nixon was elected in 1968, dad breathed a sigh of relief even as his father did when Ike was elected in 1956. When Nixon took the US off the gold standard in 1971, and through Kissenger cozied up to China and effectivley abondoning Taiwan in 1972 - big misgivinings arose about him - too much Council on Foreign Relations cabal infestation - Rockefeller mischief. Nixon wins landslide in 1972, bombs the shit out of Hanoi finally, was begins to win down. Pissed off the warmongers - CIA entraps Nixon in Watergate. Gone 1974. Ford (part of Warren Commission) becomes Pres, almost assassinated. Reagan challenged him in 1976 - RINOs ruled the RNC. He waited till thenext time Ford loses to the Rockefeller Trilateral Commission pawn, Carter - who has us raped with oil, paying jews and arabs US dollars to stop ME fighting. Destroyed US standing internationally on the backside of US withdrawa from SE Asia. Iran takes US hostages.
Reagan elected in a lanslide against Carter in 1980 and takes Senate. Too few on this board appreciate Reagan, and they too soon forget he bankrupted the USSR and won the Cold War without firing a shot. Won 49 States in 1984. Bush's still doing deep state shit to undermine him even to te point of failed assassination attempt in 1981.
Most people's familarity with Ron Paul starts with his campaigns for Pres beginning in 1990's - mid 2000's. I was reading about his activity in Congress back in the then current late 70's early 1980's. Used to read a newletter back then wriitten weekly by a former WWII correspondent (we only had paper and pamphlets to pass around back then) entitled "Don Bell Reports" (no relation to Art Bell). Paul was leading the charge for sound money and audit/end the Fed back in the early 1980's. He's still doing it today, and son Rand is in thr Senate.
We watched the Iron Curtain fall in Europe - the inevitble outcome of Reagan's policy, and promptly watched GHWB cozy up to China post Tiananmen Sq. massacre (1994), and betray us all to the CCP. I am guessing most on this board were awake during the Clinton-Bush-Obama War on Terror years, and the loss of Consitiutional freedoms this has presented at least since 9/11.
I'll end this here thanking the Cheeky Skunk for acknowlging the efforts of those who have remained true and uncompromisingly so to our core Conservsatism for many decades, and were the faithful Conservatives before Conservative was "cool".
Bill Clinton - N.A.F.T.A - 1993 The death throes of US heavy industry.
I knew then that most politicians qualified for a summary execution.
Solution? Washington DC needs to be a smoking hole in the ground.
Obama & Biden have given Iran most of what it needs to make that happen.
When Congress sells the mullahs a couple of B52s they will have a delivery service
No, you arent. you have no idea how deep this rabbit hole goes, and i would be banned for sharing here if i said just a few of the most important things people need to know...but sadly, our minds are too programmed to accept some realities, even when the proof is on the horizon
Been in since the Gulf of Tonkin BS. (Two North Vietnamese patrol boats attack a US DESTROYER! Let that sink in!) Next thing the war went into overload and the Military Arms dealers were chomping at the bits! I told people back then it was BS and they killed Kennedy only to be pushed aside as a dumb teenager. Watching tweedle dee and tweedle dum get "selected" every year and the only changes we got were higher taxes. Reagan tried to make a difference but I figure since he loved jelly beans so much, they slipped him something that made him lose his mind in the beans------another time I was told I was nuts. I gave up for years and did not vote telling people it did not matter who you voted for, the same ones behind the scenes ran everything. George Carlin had the government figured out before me but I knew he was right when he said we were not part of the "CLUB". Finally we get a President for the people and I was so excited only to see him betrayed by the media, the Congress and even those around him, Finding the Q drops gave me hope of the "Plan" to change America once and for all. We now have a chance, a LAST CHANCE to set thing right when the "Plan" comes to fruition. MAGA
Im 14 years younger than you but the first stirrings of my awakening happened at around the same age. The impetus was the assassination attempt on Reagan, the Hinckley family's close ties to the Bush family and the Brady bill gun grab. The lack of an internet definitely slowed the ride down though. With the advent of the internet I became known as the full blown conspiracy theorist in the family.
Now though my conservative leaning normie family listen to me more. Dad even told Mom I have been right all along.
When President Reagan survived the assassination attempt he knew that he couldn't run this country the way He wanted. Hinckley was under mind control.
All one has to do is pay attention. They missed Reagan and had to go to plan B. Spike the candy and destroy his brain!
Yeah now whenever I hear about someone having Altzheimer's I wonder how long they'd been taking statins. I took myself and my husband off our statins.
They tried to put me on statins but I refused to take them. Statins are suppose to help with the calcium and cholesterol in your blood but my bones are made of calcium and my brain is made up with Cholesterol so tell me how can a statin tell the difference? Check out how many knee and hip replacements there have been since statins! How many dementia patients increased since statins! Hmmmmmm
I've tried to bring down my BP but still take lisinopril. Next week I've got a regular yearly appt. to get the lisinopril refilled and I'm curious what she'll say when I tell her I'm not taking the statin anymore.
I take the lisinopril also for high blood pressure but I am thinking if I quit looking at politics it would go down naturally! KEK
(She isn't going to like you going off statins!)
Boy, you Trump my awakening by 2 decades ol' frog!
The Admiral responsible for the gulf of Tonkin is the father of Jim Morrison
Yeah, a perfect example of a BAD parent.
God Bless you.
He already has and bless you too!
You probably didn't notice, but I just bowed to you.
Don't bow to me, my life has been a great ride and at 72 I am looking forward to the One I will bow to for giving me the opportunity to live this life!
It is amazing to how many around us haven't a clue even now as to what is going on. It is like they have blinders or something. I told a friend that Colorado was trying to remove Trump from the ballot----been in the news for 2 weeks---and he hadn't heard about it! AMAZING!
My father is about the same age as you sir. My hope is that both of you will get to live long enough to not only see the light at the end of this very dark tunnel, but get to bathe in its radiance, and experience a true golden age for America and the world. Just to make up for all those years of seeing through the veil.
Thanks my friend!
Yay! The reserves are here!
Thank you! Been working on election fraud and trafficking via elite government rings since 2002.
My group was small but active.
When Trump was elected everyone thought I was working for him or that he had read every email and piece of information I ever sent out. Trump made my job so much easier to take a break and relax, continuing to do what I do.
Now as Trump's voice reaches so many more and like you so many more are now awake. Your thanks mean a lot. 🤗
Thanks for sharing your story, it’s great to read!
It matches my experience quite a bit too. I leaned more Republican, but I definitely frequented all the places you did, and bought into a lot of it.
I actually thought during 2016 that Hillary Clinton would be the lesser evil over Trump, if you can believe that.
But like you, I saw the visceral hatred for Trump that just didn’t match his actions. During COVID, I saw Trump say one thing live on TV, and then saw the media completely make up that Trump said another thing by the evening news.
But the real eye opener was watching the election be stolen in 2020, and then being suspended from nearly every platform just for asking questions.
Once you see all the lies and manipulation, you can’t unsee it, but I’m grateful for that and grateful you’re here too!
I remember thinking that it was such a shame that Jenny McCarthy was so smart in many areas, but obviously an idiot about vaccines. Jenny, if you're here, I'm sorry.
Began in this fight in 1964 as a kid in Rhode Island helping my dad hand out Goldwater bumper stickers and cans of ginger ale emblazoned with Goldwater labeling on it. Difficult to stand tall at time when the world was still mourning Kennedy, but we did our best in that 1964 electoral rout. Dad was a doctor - refused to participate in the Johnson Medicare system when enacted in 1965 - eventually swore off all insurance re-imbursemnts - cash paying customers only, and charged a fair price. Applauded the rise of Reagan in 1966 when he won CA gov. He was actually strongly looked at in 1968 for Pres on the back side of delivering his famous "A time for choosing" speech at the 1964 RNC convention. It wasn't his turn. It was Nixon's
When Nixon was elected in 1968, dad breathed a sigh of relief even as his father did when Ike was elected in 1956. When Nixon took the US off the gold standard in 1971, and through Kissenger cozied up to China and effectivley abondoning Taiwan in 1972 - big misgivinings arose about him - too much Council on Foreign Relations cabal infestation - Rockefeller mischief. Nixon wins landslide in 1972, bombs the shit out of Hanoi finally, was begins to win down. Pissed off the warmongers - CIA entraps Nixon in Watergate. Gone 1974. Ford (part of Warren Commission) becomes Pres, almost assassinated. Reagan challenged him in 1976 - RINOs ruled the RNC. He waited till thenext time Ford loses to the Rockefeller Trilateral Commission pawn, Carter - who has us raped with oil, paying jews and arabs US dollars to stop ME fighting. Destroyed US standing internationally on the backside of US withdrawa from SE Asia. Iran takes US hostages.
Reagan elected in a lanslide against Carter in 1980 and takes Senate. Too few on this board appreciate Reagan, and they too soon forget he bankrupted the USSR and won the Cold War without firing a shot. Won 49 States in 1984. Bush's still doing deep state shit to undermine him even to te point of failed assassination attempt in 1981.
Most people's familarity with Ron Paul starts with his campaigns for Pres beginning in 1990's - mid 2000's. I was reading about his activity in Congress back in the then current late 70's early 1980's. Used to read a newletter back then wriitten weekly by a former WWII correspondent (we only had paper and pamphlets to pass around back then) entitled "Don Bell Reports" (no relation to Art Bell). Paul was leading the charge for sound money and audit/end the Fed back in the early 1980's. He's still doing it today, and son Rand is in thr Senate.
We watched the Iron Curtain fall in Europe - the inevitble outcome of Reagan's policy, and promptly watched GHWB cozy up to China post Tiananmen Sq. massacre (1994), and betray us all to the CCP. I am guessing most on this board were awake during the Clinton-Bush-Obama War on Terror years, and the loss of Consitiutional freedoms this has presented at least since 9/11.
I'll end this here thanking the Cheeky Skunk for acknowlging the efforts of those who have remained true and uncompromisingly so to our core Conservsatism for many decades, and were the faithful Conservatives before Conservative was "cool".
@TheCheekySkunk Account suspended X suspends accounts which violate the X Rules
Thank you Skunk, thank you. But its not over till its over, it ain't over yet.
Gird your loins, pass the ammunition and praise the Lord.
Bill Clinton - N.A.F.T.A - 1993 The death throes of US heavy industry. I knew then that most politicians qualified for a summary execution.
Solution? Washington DC needs to be a smoking hole in the ground.
Obama & Biden have given Iran most of what it needs to make that happen. When Congress sells the mullahs a couple of B52s they will have a delivery service
N.A.F.T.A was my awakening also. When both sides of the isle were for it, I knew it was a terrible sign that none of us mattered to them.
Who is "we"?
I wish everyone here for this to be a norm at some point.
What a lovely message (both: from her and your need of heart).
Let it be our New Year wish!
No, you arent. you have no idea how deep this rabbit hole goes, and i would be banned for sharing here if i said just a few of the most important things people need to know...but sadly, our minds are too programmed to accept some realities, even when the proof is on the horizon
I can relate to your statement 💯. By not stating the additional truths I know exactly what those truths are. Cheers
Crazy, right? Known taboos and we know we can't discuss in the open, even here
Thank You!
If she's single, I want to marry her.
What a catch.
Very nice indeed!