Disbanded? I'm stiff 'baffled' as to why there aren't more whistle-blowers and mass resignations from the CDC. Everyone in that organization who doesn't speak up is complicit with mass murder.
Highly ironic that the FDA just tried to ban Berkey water filters - which filter out Covid 19 as well as lots more.
Also, the WEF just had a meeting about how no one cares about “climate change” anymore. That they need to get more personal - like push how people’s water might be “affected”. These people are criminals. WATCH THE WATER.
Q Post 4 👉 Focus on Military Intellingence/ State Secrets and why might that be used vs any THREE LETTER agency
What SC decision opened the door for a sitting President to activate - what must be showed?
Why is POTUS surrounded by generals ^^.( All three letter agencies are corrupt to the core)
If "patriots" are in control, then they are just as bad as the members of the bureaucratic cabal who are orchestrating the murder and mayhem.
And anyone trying to convince the populace to relax and get comfy, because it's just a show, is complicit.
If the "good guys" are carrying out some kind of well developed operation, then their plan is rubbish.
Children are being raped and murdered. And everyone in DC knows and are in on it.
People are in financial distress and will lose everything.
No one from this government is going to save us.
After 3 years of misery, time is up.
We the people, need to take control.
Its up to us.
TBF, anons on 4chan were suggesting that the reason it’s currently very high is because it’s designed to spread through wastewater via…splashing…during use.
Not once in my life have I checked with any organization to see if in should go do
what i wanted to go do. In fact I don't think 100 percent t of Americans check with the cdc.
I am terrified, I think I just pinched off a covid log, can I please get Fauci's address? I need a Nazi poop expert to give me some scientific analysis on this specimen.
I'm not sure if i'm remembering this correctly, but I remember reading multiple peolpe on here and telegram channels saying that "covid detected in the sewage" in an area was code that children were being rescued from dumbs or the like. Never was confirmed by any of the proclaimed insiders but it's certainly a worthwhile data point.
The CDC should be disbanded, all employees fired, their buildings demolished and the ground salted so nothing ever grows there again.
But I mean that in the best possible way. 😏
Disbanded? I'm stiff 'baffled' as to why there aren't more whistle-blowers and mass resignations from the CDC. Everyone in that organization who doesn't speak up is complicit with mass murder.
I'm stiff 'baffled' as to why there aren't more whistle-blowers and mass resignations from the CDC.
Because $$$.
You got it! Crimes against humanity!
I will add that employees complicit in crimes against humanity must be prosecuted and penalized.
Well then, don’t drink toilet water. Problem solved.
Loved this comment.
What a flipping idiot.
They do.
Highly ironic that the FDA just tried to ban Berkey water filters - which filter out Covid 19 as well as lots more.
Also, the WEF just had a meeting about how no one cares about “climate change” anymore. That they need to get more personal - like push how people’s water might be “affected”. These people are criminals. WATCH THE WATER.
Remember California wants to reintroduce "TOILET TO TAP". Once TOILET TO TAP happens, I will be drinking bottled water only.
How does one detox?
Spring water not filtered tap
Watch the water?
This is the absolute best explanation of what the "water" is that Q has talked about.
water = information
There can be multiple meanings though.
Thank you.
Q Post 4 👉 Focus on Military Intellingence/ State Secrets and why might that be used vs any THREE LETTER agency What SC decision opened the door for a sitting President to activate - what must be showed? Why is POTUS surrounded by generals ^^.( All three letter agencies are corrupt to the core)
If "patriots" are in control, then they are just as bad as the members of the bureaucratic cabal who are orchestrating the murder and mayhem. And anyone trying to convince the populace to relax and get comfy, because it's just a show, is complicit. If the "good guys" are carrying out some kind of well developed operation, then their plan is rubbish. Children are being raped and murdered. And everyone in DC knows and are in on it. People are in financial distress and will lose everything. No one from this government is going to save us. After 3 years of misery, time is up. We the people, need to take control. Its up to us.
CDC STILL has covid-19 vaccine mandates in place for greencard applicants. They can get fucked: https://www.cdc.gov/immigrantrefugeehealth/panel-physicians/vaccinations.html#covid-19-vaccination
I'll volunteer my septic tank, maybe the CDC wants to crawl in there and check out my sh!t.
TBF, anons on 4chan were suggesting that the reason it’s currently very high is because it’s designed to spread through wastewater via…splashing…during use.
They are putting it in the water supply too, no doubt.
Don't watch THIS water.
they must be using smart pipe.
I recall something along the lines of (paraphrasing from memory) "the coming water crisis will affect everyone" from our buddies at WEF.
They're crazy enough to shut off water to the world to save grandma.
They don't give a rat's about grandma or any human beings.
Not once in my life have I checked with any organization to see if in should go do what i wanted to go do. In fact I don't think 100 percent t of Americans check with the cdc.
you haven't met my liberal family. CDC is their bible.
Not only CDC all of those three letter agencies. Including the ones in every state.
I am terrified, I think I just pinched off a covid log, can I please get Fauci's address? I need a Nazi poop expert to give me some scientific analysis on this specimen.
I'm not sure if i'm remembering this correctly, but I remember reading multiple peolpe on here and telegram channels saying that "covid detected in the sewage" in an area was code that children were being rescued from dumbs or the like. Never was confirmed by any of the proclaimed insiders but it's certainly a worthwhile data point.
They have been doing this wastewater surveillance nonsense from the beginning. It's comms to say where they are spreading the "virus" next
Hmm, that makes more sense especially given the source of the comms. Thanks for that.
There's other gravity fed water systems that are similar to Berkey. Do you think they will work also? Serious question here frens.
Time to treatyoself to a good Berkey water filter & filter that covid poop out 😏