I wasn't totally anti-jab until covid. I thought the flu-shot was a scam and never took that, but others like tetanus, I would still get that.
Not anymore. I will never get another vax jab, and will be suspicious of going into surgery where I'm sedated and am left wondering what kind of junk will they slip into the IV when nobody's looking.
I also eliminated the "organ-donor" thing on my driver's license. Go into the OR and they just might see that I have a strong heart and other good highly-profitable parts.
The only thing the medical community is good for these days is stitching up cuts or digits that have been separated.
I am exactly the same. We had neighborhood friends when my kids were little who were anti-vax and I thought they were crazy. Both kids in their twenties doing just fine. I really wish I hadn't vaccinated my kids. If I had to do it again I would have home schooled them too.
I share your feelings, and your wisdom. It took this Covid situation wake me up, even though my third child had terrible reactions to his infant DPT shots, that resulted autoimmune overreactions/problems most of his childhood.
I donāt trust any meds put out by big Pharma now. I wonāt take anything prescribed until and unless I can sue them if I am damaged.
I no longer trust the medical profession either, because of how easily intimidated they have become, not to stand up to hospitals, insurance companies, and remember their oath to do no harm. Now they will do anything for money - witness that lifel long damage done to children thinking they would rather be another sex!
I will trust god, and maybe surgeons, in some circumstances, like auto accidents or falling off the roof!š
Tetanus isn't the Tetanus vaccine any longer. Now it's combined as DTaP and they'll just give you another full dose because you came in for stitches.
Organ donors look like giant sacks of money to a Hospital. Deny. Plus, they harvest your organs while you are alive and without pain killers... because you're dead, right?
DTaP is the childhood vaccine series. Only small children get it. It has a larger dose of the Diphtheria antigen (hence the capital D) and the Pertussis antigen (capital P). This provides a stronger immune stimulus to their developing immune systems, and has been proven to be both safe and effective for years.
Td is the booster to which you're referring. It is given every 10 years or if you have a traumatic incident where you come into contact with rusty metal or soil bacteria to protect you from the tetanus toxin. It, too, has been around for decades, widely given, and is both safe and effective.
Tdap is an adult combination vaccine. It contains the pertussis antigen at an adult dose, which is smaller than the childhood dose. It is recommended only 1 time per lifetime. One and done. We give it to pregnant women in order to have circulating antibodies around to transfer to their newborn via breast milk. The strategy is proven to save lives, and again, we've had these products for literally decades. We give it to pregnant women. It's safe and it works.
If you're curious as to why the d (small d, small dose) of diphtheria is still in the adult dose, the reason is that it amplifies the immune response, so you get better protection than from the tetanus antigen alone. There are a fair number of other vaccines that are conjugated to (attached chemically to) to diphtheroid antigen specifically for this purpose - to give a stronger immunity.
Now, you may be offered Tdap as a booster. Nothing wrong with that. Most clinics or pharmacies simply don't want duplicate inventory by stocking both the Tdap and the Td, so they stock Tdap as the single product for their adult patient. It saves money and does not compromise your safety.
Just because the COVID vaccines are garbage doesn't mean the old, proven-successfully vaccines are garbage too. We don't throw out the clinical experience we have of literally decades of giving these shots to millions around the world simply because Pfizer and Moderna lied to try and corner the market on mRNA tech.
I took it with my girlfriend and mom at the same time same long line. After that FUCK The United States government. No more shots for me. No jab for me 47 years later
I have not gotten any vaccines in the last 20 or so years. I have skipped every flu vaccine too, and oddly I don't get sick very often. Never had the best diet for a significant portion of my life and I am both a night owl and someone who prefers not to see a lot of sunlight, but I am always extremely certain to wash my hands after touching shared surfaces or before interacting with food.
I would be remiss if I didn't point to the vaccines themselves as a major cause of winter illness.
I bought RFK Jr.'s book. Disturbing. And interesting that for all the "lies" he tells about specific individuals, no one has sued him yet! You'd think he'd be a pretty deep pocket. So you have to wonder if it has something to do with truth being a complete defense to defamation.
Nearly fifty years ago they duped the public into taking the Swine Flu shot by telling them Swine Flu would be a killing pandemic unless they did. And that "Mary Tyler Moore took it!" Lies.
The only thing that is different from when they tried to poison us nearly 50 years ago is that the manufacturers now have nearly total immunity from civil suit. AND, the taxpayers are paying for these clot shots. For the love of all that is Holy, Wakey Wakey people!!
The swine-flu hysteria was the beginning of my vax wake-up call. If I get the flu, it's some chills, a little headache and diarhea. One day thing. So for me, the fear-mongering hysteria was obvious. Never took any flu shot, and rarely get sick.
The thing with being sick is that it always feels like the worst thing ever while you're sick, people never look back and say "Ah, it really wasn't that bad", instead they fear ever getting sick again.
Only now that fear has been played up to a totally irrational level of fear about getting sick, like they'll literally die if they do.
At this point, if a single vaccine goes into an arm ā I know it's not beyond them to come out 2-3 years later saying "ah yes that batch was one of our experiments, and it included X,Y,Z in it."
These people have no morals, and see us as cattle.
Do any of the media's articles decrying falling vaccination rates bother to mention this as one of the causes? Or aren't they allowed to admit that, just like they're not allowed to admit our illegal invaders across the southern borders are bringing all sorts of terrible illnesses with them like TB?
Woodrow Wilson intentionally infected us with the Spanish Flu in order to win the 1918 midterms too...and they tried to steal the 1968 election from Nixon with the Hong Kong Flu (would have been the second election they still from Nixon.) Intentionally infecting your population with a virus and then using the aftermath to steal an election is not new, it's been in the Chinese playbook for millennia.
The Spanish Flu even had mask mandates and such, a bit of history I had never heard of before 2020 until articles were showing up about it, first talking about how the masks did nothing back then then a couple months later talking about it as historical precedent about why the mandates were a good thing and needed to be followed.
Just listening to that lady, you can see how much the media and their controllers has poisoned society compared to today. Everyone was so much more classy back then.
What Iām curious about is why they keep coming out with new ones that they push every year, particularly the flu shot. That one is pushed hard, every year, everywhere.
Does that indicate that whatever they put in the vaccines wears off or is cleared out by your body over time and needs to be replaced? Or are they stacking on top of previous injections, adding to the permanent damage already done?
Mostly adding to previous damage, a bit of preventing your body from repairing and healing. The vaccines protect you a bit from the specific disease they target, but make you overall more likely to get sick and those illnesses you get more severe. Over time, your body very slowly clears out the toxins they inject, but it takes many years, even decades, depending on the dosages and your general health. Childhood vaccines are the most dangerous and harmful, because they affect the development of the body. The autism epidemic is 100% being caused by vaccines, and not just the vaccines being given to the children but also the vaccines the mother had taken before even getting pregnant.
I think they are stacking, because it would make it very difficult to trace the root cause. The boostered people seem to have had the most problems, for example. The whole "subscription service" for the flu shot always seemed weird to me even when I was a lot less skeptical.
I will never touch MRNA, but I do believe the original concept of the vaccine- weakened cells your immune system can fight- is solid. It just needs to be far better regulated. But yea, total anti-vaxx is still leftist hippie shit in my eyes.
Yes. You do question everything. Even if it sounds like GOOD news.
I don't even know what medical students are learning or have been for awhile. Or any topic for that matter. They are probably making up information in all areas of our lives that will have the cumulative effect of killing us one way or another i.e. less Pap smears to check for cervical cancer.
Skepticism is a good thing. Let's be clear about that. But so is actual evidence. The best evidence you can get in medicine is large-scale clinical experience. When you're giving it to millions of children or adults every year, we get a really, really good idea of what it does in the general population - far better than any phase 3 clinical trial.
Example: The clinical trials said the COVID shot was 95% effective totally safe, no rare but serious side effects. You would have a good chance of feeling miserable for a day or two, bad enough to stay home from work, but that was specifically to cause a strong immune response. That's what they told us. Then, we gave it to more than a billion people around the globe, et voila, we saw the rare, but serious stuff they covered up (lied about): myocarditis, micro-clots, sudden deaths, etc. The large-scale data told us the truth. The shots didn't prevent infection, prevent viral production, prevent viral shedding and spreading of the disease. At best, all they did was reduce your risk of having an infection bad enough to put you in the hospital.
Now, think back on all of those other vaccines you're now questioning. Hundreds of millions of flu shots are given every year. Are they killing people? Are we seeing wave upon wave of death or other disease that clearly delineates between those who get the shots and those who don't? No. Do the flu shots provide strong protection? It varies from year to year, but generally, it's pretty weak: 30-60% from year to year. For context, FDA generally won't approve a vaccine if it can't show 50% efficacy. So, they're not great products. But they're not killing large swathes of people either. The reason you get a flu shot is to protect kids and elderly people at higher risk, and to give yourself a reduction of severity if you're a healthy, working age adult, so you're less likely to miss work and more likely to quickly recover if you do get it. Can you go without? Absolutely. But it's not going to kill you if your job (ie healthcare, child care setting, etc) requires it.
Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater because Pfizer and Moderna cheated like hell with the COVID vaccines in hopes of cornering a $100 billion COVID vaccine market and more importantly, gaining control of mRNA manufacturing technology. Look back at the long-term clinical experience and see for yourself.
Would we even notice if flu shots were causing chronic illness? We've been giving them for so long. First it started with just vulnerable & elderly (to protect themselves), then healthy adults (to protect vulnerable) then children. It's been a gradual increase for decades? Is the rate of chronic illness /autoimmune issues decreasing or increasing?
Furthermore, would primary care doctors even correlate their patients developing chronic illness timed with their flu shots when so many people don't even get their flu shot from their doctor, they get it at their pharmacy, grocery store, workplace etc.
Hundreds of millions of flu shots are given every year. Are they killing people?
Are we seeing wave upon wave of death or other disease that clearly delineates between those who get the shots and those who don't?
People who regularly get vaccines end up with depressed, dysfunctional immune systems, and do indeed get sick more often and die earlier. Vaccines in general cause this problem, and the more you take the worse it is.
This fact is covered up by the way they game the stats for their government approval. If a vaccine protects you with 50% efficacy for a year for that year's seasonal flu, but causes a 2% increase in all cause mortality, it will be approved and the danger it poses will never be divulged.
I am pretty objective and analytical by nature, I think. The incidence of systemic disease in women between 40 and 60, for example, was the same in the breast implant and not breast implant population when suing for that was all the rage. I was not then and am not now convinced that there was any evidence whatsoever to suggest causation.
RFK, Jr.'s research on vaccines is pretty compelling though. The amount of autism, autoimmune disease and sids deaths since the dramatic and exponential increase in the number of "essential" childhood vaccines is VERY suspect. As is the fact that you are not allowed to ask any questions or request more clinical testing without being pilloried as an "anti-vaxxer!"
In general, I don't think they (Reagan) should have given tort immunity for vaccinations. Whenever the legislature eliminates your Constitutional rights to a jury of your peers, and some executive branch bureaucracy takes over to ensure consumer "protection" through things like the National Childhood Vaccine
Injury Act of 1986, where the protection is really for the manufacturers, the little guy gets screwed.
I wasn't totally anti-jab until covid. I thought the flu-shot was a scam and never took that, but others like tetanus, I would still get that.
Not anymore. I will never get another vax jab, and will be suspicious of going into surgery where I'm sedated and am left wondering what kind of junk will they slip into the IV when nobody's looking.
I also eliminated the "organ-donor" thing on my driver's license. Go into the OR and they just might see that I have a strong heart and other good highly-profitable parts.
The only thing the medical community is good for these days is stitching up cuts or digits that have been separated.
I am exactly the same. We had neighborhood friends when my kids were little who were anti-vax and I thought they were crazy. Both kids in their twenties doing just fine. I really wish I hadn't vaccinated my kids. If I had to do it again I would have home schooled them too.
I share your feelings, and your wisdom. It took this Covid situation wake me up, even though my third child had terrible reactions to his infant DPT shots, that resulted autoimmune overreactions/problems most of his childhood.
I donāt trust any meds put out by big Pharma now. I wonāt take anything prescribed until and unless I can sue them if I am damaged.
I no longer trust the medical profession either, because of how easily intimidated they have become, not to stand up to hospitals, insurance companies, and remember their oath to do no harm. Now they will do anything for money - witness that lifel long damage done to children thinking they would rather be another sex!
I will trust god, and maybe surgeons, in some circumstances, like auto accidents or falling off the roof!š
Me too. Wish I could do a do-over
Tetanus isn't the Tetanus vaccine any longer. Now it's combined as DTaP and they'll just give you another full dose because you came in for stitches.
Organ donors look like giant sacks of money to a Hospital. Deny. Plus, they harvest your organs while you are alive and without pain killers... because you're dead, right?
Now, you may be offered Tdap as a booster. Nothing wrong with that. Most clinics or pharmacies simply don't want duplicate inventory by stocking both the Tdap and the Td, so they stock Tdap as the single product for their adult patient. It saves money and does not compromise your safety.
Just because the COVID vaccines are garbage doesn't mean the old, proven-successfully vaccines are garbage too. We don't throw out the clinical experience we have of literally decades of giving these shots to millions around the world simply because Pfizer and Moderna lied to try and corner the market on mRNA tech.
There is iirc evidence that tetanus boosters are unnecessary and that fears and cases of lockjaw were highly overhyped
Also what of the MRNA reformulated time proven vaxes coming down the pipe?
"Oh its just a tetanus shot" but it's Pfizer new MRNA tetanus shot?
Wouldn't regular exposure to soil bacteria keep us "immunized" against Tetanus?
Fuck every single vaccine. Hopelessly naive if you still think any of them are "safe and effective".
But, they are.
Upvoted for the information. Do with it what we will, it's important to have this part of the story, regardless.
I removed the organ donor because ohio hospitals would not do transplants on unjabbed....McDonald's house threw out healthy parents cause unjabbed
They will be to greedy not to put it on the bill
Same dude. Now I question everything that came before with a new lens.
My sister took the swine flu jab and was sick for weeks...I refused
I took it with my girlfriend and mom at the same time same long line. After that FUCK The United States government. No more shots for me. No jab for me 47 years later
I have not gotten any vaccines in the last 20 or so years. I have skipped every flu vaccine too, and oddly I don't get sick very often. Never had the best diet for a significant portion of my life and I am both a night owl and someone who prefers not to see a lot of sunlight, but I am always extremely certain to wash my hands after touching shared surfaces or before interacting with food.
I would be remiss if I didn't point to the vaccines themselves as a major cause of winter illness.
you think that's ugly, look up pre-2019 web articles about anthony fauci and the 1980s aids epidemic...
I bought RFK Jr.'s book. Disturbing. And interesting that for all the "lies" he tells about specific individuals, no one has sued him yet! You'd think he'd be a pretty deep pocket. So you have to wonder if it has something to do with truth being a complete defense to defamation.
well you know,
That and Discovery being an Iron Bitch...
Yep never again for me or y wife or our animals. No trust is given ever again.
Nearly fifty years ago they duped the public into taking the Swine Flu shot by telling them Swine Flu would be a killing pandemic unless they did. And that "Mary Tyler Moore took it!" Lies.
The only thing that is different from when they tried to poison us nearly 50 years ago is that the manufacturers now have nearly total immunity from civil suit. AND, the taxpayers are paying for these clot shots. For the love of all that is Holy, Wakey Wakey people!!
Ford ordered us to do it..(no mandates like now)...and not ONE mask
The swine-flu hysteria was the beginning of my vax wake-up call. If I get the flu, it's some chills, a little headache and diarhea. One day thing. So for me, the fear-mongering hysteria was obvious. Never took any flu shot, and rarely get sick.
The thing with being sick is that it always feels like the worst thing ever while you're sick, people never look back and say "Ah, it really wasn't that bad", instead they fear ever getting sick again.
Only now that fear has been played up to a totally irrational level of fear about getting sick, like they'll literally die if they do.
This is the best analogy--- I wasnt anti before, but now??? No needle will ever pierce my flesh!
For how long has our DNA been modified? Decades, millenia?
How many diseases (chronic and infectious) are "man-made"? 5%? 95%
Elohem done it
Don't forget Donald Rumsfeld stood to gain from the "final solution" for the swine flu, Tamiflu.
Always the same players
Trust = broken.
At this point, if a single vaccine goes into an arm ā I know it's not beyond them to come out 2-3 years later saying "ah yes that batch was one of our experiments, and it included X,Y,Z in it."
These people have no morals, and see us as cattle.
Before pharma was allowed to advertise on CBS.
Do any of the media's articles decrying falling vaccination rates bother to mention this as one of the causes? Or aren't they allowed to admit that, just like they're not allowed to admit our illegal invaders across the southern borders are bringing all sorts of terrible illnesses with them like TB?
Woodrow Wilson intentionally infected us with the Spanish Flu in order to win the 1918 midterms too...and they tried to steal the 1968 election from Nixon with the Hong Kong Flu (would have been the second election they still from Nixon.) Intentionally infecting your population with a virus and then using the aftermath to steal an election is not new, it's been in the Chinese playbook for millennia.
I did not know this! Interesting especially the China roots of it all.
The Spanish Flu even had mask mandates and such, a bit of history I had never heard of before 2020 until articles were showing up about it, first talking about how the masks did nothing back then then a couple months later talking about it as historical precedent about why the mandates were a good thing and needed to be followed.
Just listening to that lady, you can see how much the media and their controllers has poisoned society compared to today. Everyone was so much more classy back then.
What Iām curious about is why they keep coming out with new ones that they push every year, particularly the flu shot. That one is pushed hard, every year, everywhere.
Does that indicate that whatever they put in the vaccines wears off or is cleared out by your body over time and needs to be replaced? Or are they stacking on top of previous injections, adding to the permanent damage already done?
Mostly adding to previous damage, a bit of preventing your body from repairing and healing. The vaccines protect you a bit from the specific disease they target, but make you overall more likely to get sick and those illnesses you get more severe. Over time, your body very slowly clears out the toxins they inject, but it takes many years, even decades, depending on the dosages and your general health. Childhood vaccines are the most dangerous and harmful, because they affect the development of the body. The autism epidemic is 100% being caused by vaccines, and not just the vaccines being given to the children but also the vaccines the mother had taken before even getting pregnant.
Thank you!
I think they are stacking, because it would make it very difficult to trace the root cause. The boostered people seem to have had the most problems, for example. The whole "subscription service" for the flu shot always seemed weird to me even when I was a lot less skeptical.
Because they tricked people into it being an annual thing so they can make money off of it every year.
I will never touch MRNA, but I do believe the original concept of the vaccine- weakened cells your immune system can fight- is solid. It just needs to be far better regulated. But yea, total anti-vaxx is still leftist hippie shit in my eyes.
Good analogy
And you should! They wanted to kill us. It is democide.
back when the news actually contained news.
Yes. You do question everything. Even if it sounds like GOOD news.
I don't even know what medical students are learning or have been for awhile. Or any topic for that matter. They are probably making up information in all areas of our lives that will have the cumulative effect of killing us one way or another i.e. less Pap smears to check for cervical cancer.
Skepticism is a good thing. Let's be clear about that. But so is actual evidence. The best evidence you can get in medicine is large-scale clinical experience. When you're giving it to millions of children or adults every year, we get a really, really good idea of what it does in the general population - far better than any phase 3 clinical trial.
Example: The clinical trials said the COVID shot was 95% effective totally safe, no rare but serious side effects. You would have a good chance of feeling miserable for a day or two, bad enough to stay home from work, but that was specifically to cause a strong immune response. That's what they told us. Then, we gave it to more than a billion people around the globe, et voila, we saw the rare, but serious stuff they covered up (lied about): myocarditis, micro-clots, sudden deaths, etc. The large-scale data told us the truth. The shots didn't prevent infection, prevent viral production, prevent viral shedding and spreading of the disease. At best, all they did was reduce your risk of having an infection bad enough to put you in the hospital.
Now, think back on all of those other vaccines you're now questioning. Hundreds of millions of flu shots are given every year. Are they killing people? Are we seeing wave upon wave of death or other disease that clearly delineates between those who get the shots and those who don't? No. Do the flu shots provide strong protection? It varies from year to year, but generally, it's pretty weak: 30-60% from year to year. For context, FDA generally won't approve a vaccine if it can't show 50% efficacy. So, they're not great products. But they're not killing large swathes of people either. The reason you get a flu shot is to protect kids and elderly people at higher risk, and to give yourself a reduction of severity if you're a healthy, working age adult, so you're less likely to miss work and more likely to quickly recover if you do get it. Can you go without? Absolutely. But it's not going to kill you if your job (ie healthcare, child care setting, etc) requires it.
Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater because Pfizer and Moderna cheated like hell with the COVID vaccines in hopes of cornering a $100 billion COVID vaccine market and more importantly, gaining control of mRNA manufacturing technology. Look back at the long-term clinical experience and see for yourself.
Would we even notice if flu shots were causing chronic illness? We've been giving them for so long. First it started with just vulnerable & elderly (to protect themselves), then healthy adults (to protect vulnerable) then children. It's been a gradual increase for decades? Is the rate of chronic illness /autoimmune issues decreasing or increasing?
Furthermore, would primary care doctors even correlate their patients developing chronic illness timed with their flu shots when so many people don't even get their flu shot from their doctor, they get it at their pharmacy, grocery store, workplace etc.
People who regularly get vaccines end up with depressed, dysfunctional immune systems, and do indeed get sick more often and die earlier. Vaccines in general cause this problem, and the more you take the worse it is.
This fact is covered up by the way they game the stats for their government approval. If a vaccine protects you with 50% efficacy for a year for that year's seasonal flu, but causes a 2% increase in all cause mortality, it will be approved and the danger it poses will never be divulged.
I am pretty objective and analytical by nature, I think. The incidence of systemic disease in women between 40 and 60, for example, was the same in the breast implant and not breast implant population when suing for that was all the rage. I was not then and am not now convinced that there was any evidence whatsoever to suggest causation.
RFK, Jr.'s research on vaccines is pretty compelling though. The amount of autism, autoimmune disease and sids deaths since the dramatic and exponential increase in the number of "essential" childhood vaccines is VERY suspect. As is the fact that you are not allowed to ask any questions or request more clinical testing without being pilloried as an "anti-vaxxer!"
In general, I don't think they (Reagan) should have given tort immunity for vaccinations. Whenever the legislature eliminates your Constitutional rights to a jury of your peers, and some executive branch bureaucracy takes over to ensure consumer "protection" through things like the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, where the protection is really for the manufacturers, the little guy gets screwed.