Nope, sorry fren you are wrong. Count the eagles again. There are 17 - there’s one that is right in front of the other just above the “T” in Trump on the podium. 17 flags on the stage. The large banner version above all of them doesn’t count because it’s not the same.
That’s not the end of fun:
5 small stars below the microphone, on the signboard
TRUMP - big letters below the stars
12 big stars below, on the floor
5 + 12 = 17
yep....I counted them when the room was still empty.....there are no coincidences
I count 18 including the big one in the background.
I demand a recount
I get 17 :)
Yep, banner on the front of the stage isn't a flag 🤣
The 18th one snuck in at 2am in the morning.....
That one counts as Q+ = 17(+1)
That's how I read it!
Ah, be a party pooper.
But "18" (R) has significance in certain circles, too. Not necessarily "my" circle, but interesting, nonetheless. ; )
Gold fringes
The most interesting thing is that even though the stage was too small for 17 flags that they put 17 flags up there anyway.
Alright alright alright
17 standing plus one huge one behind them
I count 17 flagpoles on the stage by way of counting the Eagles. I count an additional flag behind those flagpoles.
You might want to recount it - I just double checked and it's 16 on the stage and then 17 when you count the big flag behind them all :)
Nope, sorry fren you are wrong. Count the eagles again. There are 17 - there’s one that is right in front of the other just above the “T” in Trump on the podium. 17 flags on the stage. The large banner version above all of them doesn’t count because it’s not the same.
Good eye! Totally missed that one hiding in the back
I ruined 17 comments. Sorry! Counted them prior and kept getting 16
Master Troller! Fake News cannot even bear to talk about it! KEK
Yep! They squashed two flags on top of each other as if they were told "you have to make 17 fit! " .
There's two of them that are almost on top of each other from the angle.
The 17th movement maybe
Does the gold color framing each flag mean anything?
19 flags
Count the eagles
Count the hat :)
With the hat it's 18 flags. The 11/12 flag you have circled looks like only one flag to me.
the eagles shows it's 2 flagpoles
'zactly. it's clear that there are two different rows, and because of the angle of the photographer, one set of front-back appear almost overlapping.
I figure 13 in the back row, and 4 in the front row.
Looks like one eagle to me.
compare them to the others. it's the only one with 4 wing tips. all the others have 2
But on the stage there's 18
on the flagpoles it's 17
That 11/12 in your pic (more pixelated than the original) looks like gold ropes to me.
That said I could be wrong. Interesting catch.
Where do you see the other two?
I see 18 if you happen to count the one on the person's hat toward the bottom right, but I don't figure that's part of the intended message.
Besides that, can anyone make out the number given on the Text Trump sign? Coms have been delivered through those before.
count the hat
You messin' with us, Willis?