Invariably, when pedes post 'proofs', or get all excited about deltas, etc, invariably I fall on the side of devils avocado. 80% of the time, I think that people make too much out of [everything]. So i guess I'm a sort of skeptic in that respect. (I'm 120% on Q's legitimacy, not so much on all the q-related things people latch on to).
But more and more, the Muskovite has been dropping this, that and the other things.
I have a pet theory, one that no way has enough proof (so far) to be called exactly credible or viable, but for some time now (since the first half of 2022 when Elon actually bought Twitter) I've been like, "Wait till you find out who's been talking to you here....."
Musk is/was the largest MILITARY contractor in the Trump Administration. Heavily involved in military tech areas. Also, very much an autist.
I really would not be surprised if Elon was part of the Q plan. Curiously, since he got on to twitter / X, he's been increasingly dropping Q stuff, and dropping hints that he's at the very least Q-wise.
Only a handful of people..... only three are non-military.
Dude. Didn't you read /sarc at the end? Or see the big whopping grin :D? Or the over-the-top use of "grammar national socialist" instead of 'grammar nazi'?
I was JOKING with you. Too. Sarcasm, fren. Sarcasm.
Here. Let me break it down for you.
You write : maybe it was a spell check change? (implying advocate got changed to avocado, a very reasonable possibility)
Me: I twist this on its head, and pretend that you are talking about the missing apostrophe rather than the change of advocate to avocado (which is the obvious thing to point out).
So, I put on a 'voice', pretend its all about the apostrophe, do the bit, making sure to point out SARCASTIC at the end, with a grin. to let you know I'm doing a bit.
Sigh. Text is so hard some times.
Dude. I was NOT calling you a grammar nazi. I was going along with you.
Don't know who down voted you. (Wasn't me.) Perfectly fine comment. Apologies if I gave you the wrong impression. People who read my stuff regularly KNOW that I do this sort of thing. But yeah, text is limited....
by the way, seriously, no its wasn't a spell check thing. I just like the expression, and it stuck with me. I'll use Devil's Avocado these days when the mood is light.
Definitely a possibility. But this is why one has to take in a wide range of information and data points, and see where they converge. When you see 12 or 16 different data axes cross each other and converge, you can get a handle on hte likely proximity of the truth.
So, with Musk....
One, largest military contractor under DJT. You think DJT is going to get some globalist Schwabian to handle the US defense? I don't think so.
Two, ostensibly took over the Cabal's most powerful global communications platform. (what is the likelihood that this just 'happened'? How was it possible?)
Three, is continually promoting things and viewpoints that are a) anti-deep state b) anti-globalist c) have a powerful connection with the great awakening
Four, has had great chats with Babylon Bee and others, playing an influential role.
Five, is directly setting up a global satellite network that can and will play a critical role in Defense of Freedom.
Six, listening to him, it's easy to see that his viewpoints have been often misrepresented, re: 'artificial intelligence', re: human-computer interfaces, etc.
He does love to troll, but so far, since two years back, all his trolling has been in ways the deep state hates.
Has he read the Q drops? Absolutely. Not much doubt about that. And, he KNOWS the power of the Q meme points: pepes, certain phrases, etc. So, why would he mess with us? To what end? To what purpose?
Overall, I'm confident that Musk is like every other patriot: not a perfect person, but an honest and sincere one, dedicated to a higher purpose (than self) that aligns with Heaven's direction.
For me, two big surprises in the last 8 years: one was learning that DJT is who he is rather than the image of him I had. Two is probably realizing the same thing about Musk. And I think the two of them are a lot closer than what appears on the surface.
True - no outside Q drops. But he - and others - might be "doing a little trolling" (the net effect of which increases interest in and knowledge of the drops/the Plan, and triggers the enemy).
This is how I currently see things: The q operation had a specific timeline, plan and objective. It was run, with less than ten people who knew the whole operation parameters, but many other assets ll around the place on a need to know basis. As an operation, it had a start, middle and finish. It achieved certain objectives. After the operation was completed, the operations team would be disbanded, because the operation is over.
They may be veterans of the operation, and some may still be involved in related things, but the operation itself, and therefor the team that ran it, no longer exists or operates in the current time as "the Q team".
"No outside comms" was a parameter than explained that the Q team would ONLY be dropping and communicating via the chans. It was necessary to establish the parameters, so that anons and others would not go fishing on all sorts of wild goose chases, or be ensnared by DS disinfo operations.
So, if one adopts this perspective, it's certain possible that persons previous working as part of the Q team might communicate or do "comms" - why else did Q get anons and patriots to "learn our comms"? - but if they are using comms, its not as part of the Q team.
For example, if Scavino uses comms in his stuff, or DJT uses comms, which playing a wwg1wga theme at his rally certain would qualify as, or even Musk or anyone else (if they were part of the Q team), then they are NOT doing it NOW as the Q team, and so "no outside comms" simply would not apply.
But having had all the anons and patriots learn at least something about how comms work in the intel world, then it becomes possible for DJT, or scavino, or others to use comms, even if they are not doing so as "Q".
Musk might very well be using comms here, but its NOT as Q. It's as musk. In this particular case "Attacks will intensify", it seems pretty darn clear that Musk is using comms, aka communicating with Q-patriots in a non-regular, coded way.
He's saying things on two levels. One, that attacks are going to intensify, and two, that [wink, wink] those in the know know that we are in the war that Q told us all above and revealed to us. aka Go team.
No outside comms only made sense and was only necessary when Q was posting. Q's not posting, and it seems pretty clear that the operation itself has either finished or is on an extended pause. But if we have learned how to read and use comms, then it opens up a whole other layer of information sharing that was not accessible to us when we were normies.
Sure. He's just letting us know whose side he's on - letting us know he's one of us. We all do that. It's like using a common signal to find other like-minded people. The earliest Christians would draw a simple outline of a fish to find each other. This is much the same.
If X flipped too quickly, or leaned too far, it wouldn't be able to bring along the BILLIONS of users that need to have access to its platform in order to be exposed to the truth.
If X is in fact an operation (where the White Hats grabbed and nabbed THE key communications asset of the Deep State, which it was), then it has to unfold in a certain way.
Changing the entire world takes time, as DJT and Q have shown us. Sometimes we need to think about strategies.....
Yeah but Elon could word it in any fashion he chooses but yet he goes with a 3 word post that pertains? He definitely either reads the drops or knows whats up.
I look at it this way. Trump won by a land slide never seen before. If the votes were going to be cheated then it wouldn't have been a land slide, if he won at all.
He’s done quite a few Q and frog tweets over the past year.
This one is pretty extraordinary
Invariably, when pedes post 'proofs', or get all excited about deltas, etc, invariably I fall on the side of devils avocado. 80% of the time, I think that people make too much out of [everything]. So i guess I'm a sort of skeptic in that respect. (I'm 120% on Q's legitimacy, not so much on all the q-related things people latch on to).
But more and more, the Muskovite has been dropping this, that and the other things.
I have a pet theory, one that no way has enough proof (so far) to be called exactly credible or viable, but for some time now (since the first half of 2022 when Elon actually bought Twitter) I've been like, "Wait till you find out who's been talking to you here....."
Musk is/was the largest MILITARY contractor in the Trump Administration. Heavily involved in military tech areas. Also, very much an autist.
I really would not be surprised if Elon was part of the Q plan. Curiously, since he got on to twitter / X, he's been increasingly dropping Q stuff, and dropping hints that he's at the very least Q-wise.
Only a handful of people..... only three are non-military.
Good one!
Spell check?
"I highly resemble that remark!" - Norm Crosby
Jeeez. Talk about being a grammar national socialist!
Oh, all right then. I'll fix it....
devil's avocado
There. I hope you are satisfied.
I was joking that maybe spell check changed advocate to avocado. I've seen spell check do some crazy sh.. stuff
Dude. Didn't you read /sarc at the end? Or see the big whopping grin :D? Or the over-the-top use of "grammar national socialist" instead of 'grammar nazi'?
I was JOKING with you. Too. Sarcasm, fren. Sarcasm.
Here. Let me break it down for you.
You write : maybe it was a spell check change? (implying advocate got changed to avocado, a very reasonable possibility)
Me: I twist this on its head, and pretend that you are talking about the missing apostrophe rather than the change of advocate to avocado (which is the obvious thing to point out).
So, I put on a 'voice', pretend its all about the apostrophe, do the bit, making sure to point out SARCASTIC at the end, with a grin. to let you know I'm doing a bit.
Sigh. Text is so hard some times.
Dude. I was NOT calling you a grammar nazi. I was going along with you.
Don't know who down voted you. (Wasn't me.) Perfectly fine comment. Apologies if I gave you the wrong impression. People who read my stuff regularly KNOW that I do this sort of thing. But yeah, text is limited....
by the way, seriously, no its wasn't a spell check thing. I just like the expression, and it stuck with me. I'll use Devil's Avocado these days when the mood is light.
Or he read the Q drops and is messing with us.
This is what I want to believe.
Definitely a possibility. But this is why one has to take in a wide range of information and data points, and see where they converge. When you see 12 or 16 different data axes cross each other and converge, you can get a handle on hte likely proximity of the truth.
So, with Musk....
One, largest military contractor under DJT. You think DJT is going to get some globalist Schwabian to handle the US defense? I don't think so.
Two, ostensibly took over the Cabal's most powerful global communications platform. (what is the likelihood that this just 'happened'? How was it possible?)
Three, is continually promoting things and viewpoints that are a) anti-deep state b) anti-globalist c) have a powerful connection with the great awakening
Four, has had great chats with Babylon Bee and others, playing an influential role.
Five, is directly setting up a global satellite network that can and will play a critical role in Defense of Freedom.
Six, listening to him, it's easy to see that his viewpoints have been often misrepresented, re: 'artificial intelligence', re: human-computer interfaces, etc.
He does love to troll, but so far, since two years back, all his trolling has been in ways the deep state hates.
Has he read the Q drops? Absolutely. Not much doubt about that. And, he KNOWS the power of the Q meme points: pepes, certain phrases, etc. So, why would he mess with us? To what end? To what purpose?
Overall, I'm confident that Musk is like every other patriot: not a perfect person, but an honest and sincere one, dedicated to a higher purpose (than self) that aligns with Heaven's direction.
For me, two big surprises in the last 8 years: one was learning that DJT is who he is rather than the image of him I had. Two is probably realizing the same thing about Musk. And I think the two of them are a lot closer than what appears on the surface.
excellent points. I think Musk is who he appears to be as well - as in, he's on our side. If he isn't, he's not on the cabal's side, either.
"Cuetardian".... That's a great handle!
I appreciate everything you said. And I also believe you are correct.
I have also said when Trump reads the snake poem, he “could be” referring to himself.
I don’t want to believe any negative about Musk or Trump, but it could be a possibility.
Trump I'm all in on. Never been more convicted in my life, really. (Not to say he is perfect).
Musk, less so, but my conviction is building.
With regards to Musk, I agree, yes, we should consider other possibilities, and not just believe because we want to.
Balance is key, and in the end, what we do ourselves is far, far more important than if we think Musk is a great guy or not.
Very well said -- and I love your writing style and tone, fren. :)
I'm borrowing "devil's avocado" for my own use, so that when I toss it out there I can gauge whether folks are really listening to me... ;)
Kek! Wow. That's great! I started using the expression about a year ago. Somehow, it stuck with me.
Hey, thanks for the praise! Warmly appreciated!
"No outside comms"
True - no outside Q drops. But he - and others - might be "doing a little trolling" (the net effect of which increases interest in and knowledge of the drops/the Plan, and triggers the enemy).
This is how I currently see things: The q operation had a specific timeline, plan and objective. It was run, with less than ten people who knew the whole operation parameters, but many other assets ll around the place on a need to know basis. As an operation, it had a start, middle and finish. It achieved certain objectives. After the operation was completed, the operations team would be disbanded, because the operation is over.
They may be veterans of the operation, and some may still be involved in related things, but the operation itself, and therefor the team that ran it, no longer exists or operates in the current time as "the Q team".
"No outside comms" was a parameter than explained that the Q team would ONLY be dropping and communicating via the chans. It was necessary to establish the parameters, so that anons and others would not go fishing on all sorts of wild goose chases, or be ensnared by DS disinfo operations.
So, if one adopts this perspective, it's certain possible that persons previous working as part of the Q team might communicate or do "comms" - why else did Q get anons and patriots to "learn our comms"? - but if they are using comms, its not as part of the Q team.
For example, if Scavino uses comms in his stuff, or DJT uses comms, which playing a wwg1wga theme at his rally certain would qualify as, or even Musk or anyone else (if they were part of the Q team), then they are NOT doing it NOW as the Q team, and so "no outside comms" simply would not apply.
But having had all the anons and patriots learn at least something about how comms work in the intel world, then it becomes possible for DJT, or scavino, or others to use comms, even if they are not doing so as "Q".
Musk might very well be using comms here, but its NOT as Q. It's as musk. In this particular case "Attacks will intensify", it seems pretty darn clear that Musk is using comms, aka communicating with Q-patriots in a non-regular, coded way.
He's saying things on two levels. One, that attacks are going to intensify, and two, that [wink, wink] those in the know know that we are in the war that Q told us all above and revealed to us. aka Go team.
No outside comms only made sense and was only necessary when Q was posting. Q's not posting, and it seems pretty clear that the operation itself has either finished or is on an extended pause. But if we have learned how to read and use comms, then it opens up a whole other layer of information sharing that was not accessible to us when we were normies.
Anyway, that's how I see it now.
Sure. He's just letting us know whose side he's on - letting us know he's one of us. We all do that. It's like using a common signal to find other like-minded people. The earliest Christians would draw a simple outline of a fish to find each other. This is much the same.
Q operation - at least the dropping part - was completed quite a while ago.
No outside comms directly pertains to that operation, when Q was posting and dropping on the chans.
No longer a relevant parameter, imo.
This one is very good.
X still isn't a free speech platform.
True but it's 10,000 % better.
For only a select few like Alex Jones. The rest of us are either banned or shadow banned still .
People are being red pilled hard on x right now.
To many frogs would scare everyone away to fast.......
Don't claim X to be a free speech platform then
I said true in my first response.
If X flipped too quickly, or leaned too far, it wouldn't be able to bring along the BILLIONS of users that need to have access to its platform in order to be exposed to the truth.
If X is in fact an operation (where the White Hats grabbed and nabbed THE key communications asset of the Deep State, which it was), then it has to unfold in a certain way.
Changing the entire world takes time, as DJT and Q have shown us. Sometimes we need to think about strategies.....
Still leagues better, a lot of not nice words are slung every direction too.
It's great, because now people have to defend their ideals or turn away from responding to social media which is a win/win.
Not really. Censorship has only improved for a select few conservatives. The rest of us are treated like peasants.
I have seen conservatives all over the place, loud and clearly so. There is literally not a thread that goes by where conservatives aren't in there.
It is leagues better. It may not be for you, and that sucks and should change, but do not mistake that for the experience of everyone else.
They still filter the truth that gets spread by hand picking "conservatives." The fact this doesn't concern people on TGA is worrying.
I'm not exactly impressed, because at this point anyone can search for the drops and quote them.
Yeah but Elon could word it in any fashion he chooses but yet he goes with a 3 word post that pertains? He definitely either reads the drops or knows whats up.
Well, to me, at best its a nod to anons, and at worst its a 3 word phrase that is a three word phrase.
I wouldn't say that Iowa proved anything. Did anyone doubt that Trump would win the republican nomination?
I look at it this way. Trump won by a land slide never seen before. If the votes were going to be cheated then it wouldn't have been a land slide, if he won at all.
We will see, but thats how I look at it.