Truth, big accounts for the most part are still part of the problem. They are afraid to lose their precious followers if they say truths that are not widely accepted.
I can't count offhand how many times in the Bible Israel has been unfaithful to God. I don't think they've become more faithful as time has gone on and God has largely stopped intervening on the scale he used to since Jesus defeated sin..
I don’t side with either! Israel’s Jews and Gaza’s Muslims are the two sides of the same supremacist coin. Included in both their religious dogmas-> texts are verses of domination, oppression, enslavement and death of non-believers. Both have the predilection for sexually abusing children. Bottom line, “All Wars Are Banker’s Wars.” It was the Rothschilds that got Britain to enable the Jews to take over Palestine. The Rothschilds have funded both sides of the world wars. They’ve stolen American wealth through the Fed & our taxes, and poisoned our country with their Marxist bs! We’ve given Israel enough foreign aid. We’ve given enough aid to Hamas through funds to the UN NGOs. NO MORE AMERICAN BLOOD & TREASURE for the Deep State, global cabal, and Rothschild Central Banks.
Uncle Clif explains through the eyes of a Flat Earther...
The Flat Earther guys are terribly deluded & are reliant on the idea that the Old Testament of the bible is accurate historically and that the world was created as this jewish book (the Torah, translated & forced into the bible in 325 CE) says.
It was not. The Torah version (old testament) we have now is edited, but even it says humans & life here existed before the ELohim invaded.
People like this guy Phil Godlewski are providing total Bullshit, not information. He has never read the bible and has no understanding of its history, apparently.
The flat earthers have a real problem with their understanding & reliance on the badly translated Torah into the Old Testament of their bibles, mainly, that it is so recent. The version most of them are using was only codified in the 1611, and it was deliberately WRONGLY translated by a group of 21 jews that were told what results to produce by the power structure under King James in England at that time.
There are hundreds of thousands of books of all forms that predate the bible & torah by tens of thousands of years, ergo, the ELohim, the space alien abusive 'gods' of the jews & the old testament, did NOT create our planet nor our species. Nor is there a 'firmament' over all of earth. They wrongly take that description of the GANZ (the 'gardens' created by the ELohim force field bubbles) and apply it to the whole planet. The ELohim were said to have established 20 GANZ in the region from Khazaria through into S. Egypt.
Someone needs to explain to me why we send billions of $$ to Israel, and provide them with all of their military needs, equipment and supplies, while also constantly, publicly supporting them, no matter what.
They have infiltrated our government, (look at Biden's cabinet, look at the dual citizenship in our Congress members and their staff), look at our media owners and talking heads, look who runs/owns our pharmaceutical giants, look at who is in charge of our television and movie programming. They and their minions are.
Why is this? How has this been allowed?
Their agenda is Globalism, NWO, LGBTQ, anti-white, anti-male and pro-mass immigration into our country.
Never do I see anything coming from the Jewish agenda that is pro-America, pro-Christian or pro-Caucasian!
They do nothing for us as a country, except take our money and treasure and undermine our country. What do they offer back?
Someone needs to explain to me why we send billions of $$ to Israel, and provide them with all of their military needs, equipment and supplies, while also constantly, publicly supporting them, no matter what....
Because of the alternative. What do you imagine happens if we allow Israel to become militarily weak? Think long and hard about that.
Nothing good for the USA, and the rest of the world who do not care to live under a muslim theocratic system of "government" comes from allowing Israel to turn into a mass grave for ALL non-muslims. We are simply not going to sit on our asses while allowing various muzzie death cults to conquer Israel, just because Allah claimed that place as his holy land 1,500 years ago.
The alternative is the spread of a global muzzie death cult theocracy, hell bent on forcing YOU to love allah, and never eat bacon again. And if you own any dogs, they will need to be killed too- allah demands it.
Your future is supporting Israel, or islamic theocracy. Pick one. I'm not happy about the choices either, but that's really what it all comes down to.
But how do they help us? They just seem to suck money from our coffers while promoting anti-white rhetoric and white supremacy and BLM and Antifa (all funded by Soros and other J pocketbooks). How do they help us?
Israel is the tip of the spear separating muzzie global theocracy, from the rest of the western world. Remember where Christianity started? How many Christians you got left in the entire middle-east, compared to the muslim population? Allying, or even trying to "live along side" with a radical theocratic death-cult is not an option.
The US gives Israel all of about $3.5 billion per year to support their military. Big. Fucking. Deal. $3.5 bil. These nazi loving cocksucking shills will come on this board and gaslight about "muh Israel funding!" as if that's some kind of justification to stop funding them, and allow allah cultists to march into Israel.
Meanwhile, they got nothing much to say about $75 BILLION going to nazi Ukraine- a nation the US doesn't even have a military alliance with, unlike Israel.
In just the last 3 years Ukraine has taken enough money from the US to fund Israel for the next 20 years. So get that nazi propaganda talking point about "US giving money to Israel" out of your mouth.
$3.5 billion a year going to a nation that battle tests, and helps develop our US military equipment, in addition to providing a small space of land in the middle east that is safe for non-muslims to live is nothing. The US pisses away far more than $3.5 billion per year on all sorts of more useless, and outright nefarious expenditures. Funding Israel is near the bottom of the list of things to complain about for anyone legitimately concerned with US spending.
I stand with "Israel" as well, as far as Muslim countries need to leave Israel alone. I do not stand with the needless violence going on with all of them, including Israel. I do NOT stand with nor want to see any of the Radicalized religions spread further, any of them that dictate that it is ok to kill or rape a person if they are not of your religion.
I side with peace and both Israel and Muslims there do not want peace, unless one is doing it out of self defense but I doubt it so no, not standing w/ anyone until the real real truth comes out. Fix our own home first!
Fuq them and anyone else that ain't America. Fuq 'em all. Let's clean our room first, the worry about the rest of them sunz-a-bitches. You don't have to pick a side.
He's been swatted several times and he's an old dude who lives by himself with pets in the panhandle of Florida. It wouldn't be hard to get to him, even without blackmail.
Not to be rude, but I stand with the USA. Let's get that fixed before feed more warmongers.
Not to be rude, but I stand with Texas
Anyone versed in 9/11 knows Israel was involved, not to mention USS Liberty and potentially even JFK since he wouldn't let them have Nukes.
Israel absolutely fucking sucks and HAMAS is simply a Mossad operation.
If anyone on this sub is still under any illusions about Israel you need to snap the fuck out of it
Well put.
Catturd is on twitter full time instead of having a job, is it possible for him not to know this stuff?
Is he controlled opposition?
It would have been easier to believe he might just not have known before:
He isn't a deep thinker.
That may be true. I might be over looking the obvious!
It's hard to tell hes likely just naive and is picking a side because leftists support Palestine but who knows.
That is also possible. I shouldn't leap to a conclusion based on only 1 piece of data. But it is certainly a piece of data worth bearing in mind.
Definitely worth bearing in mind.
"Be careful WHO YOU FOLLOW."
"Some are profiting off this movement."
Wish I could upvote this 10 times
Catturd also still thinks all this is about Democrats vs Republicans
Truth, big accounts for the most part are still part of the problem. They are afraid to lose their precious followers if they say truths that are not widely accepted.
A vote for the Democrats is always a vote for the cabal A vote for the Republicans is possibly a vote for the cabal.
I think there are two Israels:
The Israel that exists today and is led by a corrupt Government.
The Israel that God intended.
Romans 9:6
But, I can’t attest to whether or not Catturd has a similar belief.
You are right dude,
The real problem is the Khazarians occupying Israel
👆 that
I can't count offhand how many times in the Bible Israel has been unfaithful to God. I don't think they've become more faithful as time has gone on and God has largely stopped intervening on the scale he used to since Jesus defeated sin..
I stand with all of the innocent decent people in the world regardless of what country they live in or what flag they wave.
I oppose the bad people who organize the murder of those people regardless of what country they live in or what flag they wave.
I don’t side with either! Israel’s Jews and Gaza’s Muslims are the two sides of the same supremacist coin. Included in both their religious dogmas-> texts are verses of domination, oppression, enslavement and death of non-believers. Both have the predilection for sexually abusing children. Bottom line, “All Wars Are Banker’s Wars.” It was the Rothschilds that got Britain to enable the Jews to take over Palestine. The Rothschilds have funded both sides of the world wars. They’ve stolen American wealth through the Fed & our taxes, and poisoned our country with their Marxist bs! We’ve given Israel enough foreign aid. We’ve given enough aid to Hamas through funds to the UN NGOs. NO MORE AMERICAN BLOOD & TREASURE for the Deep State, global cabal, and Rothschild Central Banks.
Fuq 'em all. Fuq 'em.
Well, there’s that. 🙂
Fuq 'em.
Chill please. The Christians had their Bible sabotaged by the KM. Dispensationalism. They think their text was translated correctly.
Uncle Clif explains through the eyes of a Flat Earther...
The Flat Earther guys are terribly deluded & are reliant on the idea that the Old Testament of the bible is accurate historically and that the world was created as this jewish book (the Torah, translated & forced into the bible in 325 CE) says.
It was not. The Torah version (old testament) we have now is edited, but even it says humans & life here existed before the ELohim invaded.
People like this guy Phil Godlewski are providing total Bullshit, not information. He has never read the bible and has no understanding of its history, apparently.
The flat earthers have a real problem with their understanding & reliance on the badly translated Torah into the Old Testament of their bibles, mainly, that it is so recent. The version most of them are using was only codified in the 1611, and it was deliberately WRONGLY translated by a group of 21 jews that were told what results to produce by the power structure under King James in England at that time.
There are hundreds of thousands of books of all forms that predate the bible & torah by tens of thousands of years, ergo, the ELohim, the space alien abusive 'gods' of the jews & the old testament, did NOT create our planet nor our species. Nor is there a 'firmament' over all of earth. They wrongly take that description of the GANZ (the 'gardens' created by the ELohim force field bubbles) and apply it to the whole planet. The ELohim were said to have established 20 GANZ in the region from Khazaria through into S. Egypt.
Flat earthers are ignorant & dumb.
Uncle Clif always an interesting perspective. Thanks for posting this.
I agree.
Fuq ALL the ELohim worshipers. They're gonna get us all killed.
The KM sabotaged their Bible.
Lies and lies by omission. The biggest lie of all - ELohim is singular.
40,000 ft view. Solve the problem.
Someone needs to explain to me why we send billions of $$ to Israel, and provide them with all of their military needs, equipment and supplies, while also constantly, publicly supporting them, no matter what.
They have infiltrated our government, (look at Biden's cabinet, look at the dual citizenship in our Congress members and their staff), look at our media owners and talking heads, look who runs/owns our pharmaceutical giants, look at who is in charge of our television and movie programming. They and their minions are.
Why is this? How has this been allowed?
Their agenda is Globalism, NWO, LGBTQ, anti-white, anti-male and pro-mass immigration into our country.
Never do I see anything coming from the Jewish agenda that is pro-America, pro-Christian or pro-Caucasian!
They do nothing for us as a country, except take our money and treasure and undermine our country. What do they offer back?
Aren't most, if not all of those agendas just sugar-coated Luciferianism?
Is not their flag the star of Remphan, that God condemns them for raising in both the new and old testaments?
Acts 7:43 "You also took up the tabernacle of Moloch, And the star of your god Remphan, Images which you made to worship;"
Because of the alternative. What do you imagine happens if we allow Israel to become militarily weak? Think long and hard about that.
Nothing good for the USA, and the rest of the world who do not care to live under a muslim theocratic system of "government" comes from allowing Israel to turn into a mass grave for ALL non-muslims. We are simply not going to sit on our asses while allowing various muzzie death cults to conquer Israel, just because Allah claimed that place as his holy land 1,500 years ago.
The alternative is the spread of a global muzzie death cult theocracy, hell bent on forcing YOU to love allah, and never eat bacon again. And if you own any dogs, they will need to be killed too- allah demands it.
Your future is supporting Israel, or islamic theocracy. Pick one. I'm not happy about the choices either, but that's really what it all comes down to.
But how do they help us? They just seem to suck money from our coffers while promoting anti-white rhetoric and white supremacy and BLM and Antifa (all funded by Soros and other J pocketbooks). How do they help us?
Israel is the tip of the spear separating muzzie global theocracy, from the rest of the western world. Remember where Christianity started? How many Christians you got left in the entire middle-east, compared to the muslim population? Allying, or even trying to "live along side" with a radical theocratic death-cult is not an option.
The US gives Israel all of about $3.5 billion per year to support their military. Big. Fucking. Deal. $3.5 bil. These nazi loving cocksucking shills will come on this board and gaslight about "muh Israel funding!" as if that's some kind of justification to stop funding them, and allow allah cultists to march into Israel.
Meanwhile, they got nothing much to say about $75 BILLION going to nazi Ukraine- a nation the US doesn't even have a military alliance with, unlike Israel.
In just the last 3 years Ukraine has taken enough money from the US to fund Israel for the next 20 years. So get that nazi propaganda talking point about "US giving money to Israel" out of your mouth.
$3.5 billion a year going to a nation that battle tests, and helps develop our US military equipment, in addition to providing a small space of land in the middle east that is safe for non-muslims to live is nothing. The US pisses away far more than $3.5 billion per year on all sorts of more useless, and outright nefarious expenditures. Funding Israel is near the bottom of the list of things to complain about for anyone legitimately concerned with US spending.
What's his real name?
I stand with "Israel" as well, as far as Muslim countries need to leave Israel alone. I do not stand with the needless violence going on with all of them, including Israel. I do NOT stand with nor want to see any of the Radicalized religions spread further, any of them that dictate that it is ok to kill or rape a person if they are not of your religion.
I side with peace and both Israel and Muslims there do not want peace, unless one is doing it out of self defense but I doubt it so no, not standing w/ anyone until the real real truth comes out. Fix our own home first!
Fuq them and anyone else that ain't America. Fuq 'em all. Let's clean our room first, the worry about the rest of them sunz-a-bitches. You don't have to pick a side.
Could care less about any of them. It's a suckers game.
Has Catturd been gotten to? Has he taken a payoff? Why is he speaking on this subject?
He's been swatted several times and he's an old dude who lives by himself with pets in the panhandle of Florida. It wouldn't be hard to get to him, even without blackmail.
The interview with him was great btw