Massive Fire Engulfs Feather Crest Farm Chicken Plant in Texas, Reportedly Following Large Explosion (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundi...
A massive fire has engulfed Feather Crest Farms, located east of Kurten, Texas, in Brazos County, causing widespread alarm and prompting a massive response from multiple fire departments.
So, "President" Biden, how's that open border policy working out for us, eh? Vast numbers of military age men, terrorists, layabouts, and parasites... how's that working out for the American People, mister treasonous asshole?
The only issue I have with your post is that it's probably the Globohomo/Biden ghouls that actually blew this plant up.
You vill eet ze bugs.
I’m split on whether it’s black hat “you vill et ze bukgs” or white hat “these criminals were manufacturing poison and this whole place is tainted and must be cleansed.”
Arson is a great tool for criminals to stay undetected. God will also come to cleanse the world with fire.
I don’t think we are going to be able to tell the difference until future proves past.
Great time to repent.
There is the dark Brandon version of this story. Which really sucks.
And that is that, perhaps, these ghouls may be putting things into our food supply we would not like. Such as pesticides and all of that, sure. But, more darkly, such as perhaps baby parts, etc.
It's a weird world.
Yeah, but I suspect we both know they’ve been putting things in our food supply that we wouldn’t want for a long, long time.
Time put out an article about how (estrogen producing, unfermented) soy was a miracle food that was going to save [the world] in the mid-90s. Now, for reasons that cannot be discerned, we have scraggly bearded, bitchy, mid-20s tranny soy boys running all over the place. Tuskegee, Spanish Flu, etc.
Who knows how these things happen!!! How far back does this go?
Where that news would become good is that we are clearly a lot harder to kill than they thought.
God’s turn, demons.
Why did [the world] need saving in the mid-90’s, anyway? Have these losers been losing longer than we thought?
(Spoiler Alert)
I always say that Chemo "Therapy" is a process based upon the fact that humans are hard to kill.
I've felt that "chemo therapy" will be as highly regarded as a medical treatment some day as "blood letting" is now. (and it only took how many hundreds of years for blood letting to be discontinued?)
You are correct, in my view. Chemo therapy is the theory that if we 90% poison you to death, we might kill the cancer.
As am I. Hat tip.
first thing i thought this morning when i heard about this,there hitting Texas in retaliation ,first LNG export leases ,now chickens ,i guess train derailments and cows are next.
Yeah I'm actually pretty worried about the cows. I can't remember the exact year but about 15 years ago I was living in Central Texas and we had a massive drought. I was near Austin, and we had more than a month straight of 100+ degree temps. I know - AZ gets worse, but that area in Texas has a lot of cattle that rely on there actually being grass to eat. Lots of cattle died or were slaughtered early, leading to a big beef price increase. It took several years to recover.
I could see Biden going after cattle. It would punish not only Texas but conservatives in general since the vegetarians/vegans tend to be leftists. It would also feed into the whole WEF bugs thing. Chickens were much easier to target (and it is still going on with "avian flu". Targeting cattle is going to take a lot more work and hopefully the farmers and cowboys are going to take care of that issue if it arises like something out of Yellowstone.
I remember that year, there were about a dozen fires in different huge farms.
Just out of curiosity, what is really flammable at a chicken farm?
Grain, really isn't that flammable. Chicken shit is liquid. metal buildings, not so flammable. Methane from the chicken shit - ok, but some ventilation will remedy that.
Grain dust is extremely flammable. Just do a search for grain dust explosions.
Absolutely, but grain dust explosions were more common in the Grain Elevators (municipal sites, when large amounts of grain were transported), and people were smoking in the area. I grew up in an agricultural area, well aware of the dangers.
But, they are just not that common, as most sites drop grain in unlit, buildings through a roof vent. The grain is then drained, as needed through a gravity feed system. Grinding machines generally have magnetic bars to capture any metal (nails, nuts, etc) to prevent sparks. Don't know how many thousands of tons of grain we ground for farm food over the decades. Dozens of tons a week. Pretty much every farm has a grinding system.
Does it happen? Yup - but getting hit by lightning is probably more common. i could see a propane heater leaking and going off - but again, this just isn't a common thing.
Poor little things 😢
I like how chicken Barns just blow up that's cool. I have a single light in my chicken coop, that's literally it lol
Does the plant owner have any leftover ballot boxes that, by any chance, were being stored on premises?
But seriously, raising chickens isn't too hard. It requires that you live outside a city though, because city folk hate country things apparently, and rather put themselves in cages instead. You need decent feed supply and an initial outlay of work and/or funds to build or buy a coop and a run. They can be entertaining as well, and easy care for kids to cut their teeth on. Fertilizer for gardens, combined with ashes from your fire pit.
Saw this IRL yesterday :)
Big smoke. Had shit to do so couldn't worry about it but was visible from college station/bryan highways/in town easily.
G l o b o h o m o s maybe.
But also, aggies aren't the best with fire control.
They were saying on the news that there is an avian flu outbreak in California poultry farms.
Please get your own chickens or if your like me and for several reasons you don’t want any, find a local source for fresh non toxic eggs. I’ve been getting local eggs for over a month. At $4 a dozen for non toxic eggs you can’t beat it. Also the chickens live like they are meant to. Those poor chickens in that egg factory were saved today. Sure it might have been a bad way to but living like that is inhumane.
I actually believe this is White Hat destruction of cabal tainted food companies. I think all the food plants being destroyed are deliberately done by White Hats.
How long has it been since we had a plant catch fire or blow up anyways? I lost count at 96.
Edif: not counting this one, lol.
Ever since I heard them say beef causes cancer and we should eat white meat I stopped trusting chicken
I don't think they ever stopped.