Catherine Herridge remains one of the finest investigative journalists of modern times.
To fire her is a sign they are about to burn down themselves. Good riddance CBS.
Catherine Herridge remains one of the finest investigative journalists of modern times.
To fire her is a sign they are about to burn down themselves. Good riddance CBS.
White hats slowly dismantling the MSM.
The long, slow suicide of the MSM. I dig it.
At the worst time possible in a narrative war.
For them!
Follow the pen? 'dasting' @RealAF_Patriot: "HOLY SHIT!! FOLLOW THE PEN!!" "Was Catherine Herridge just βactivated", like Tucker, so she can help with DECLAS?"
Now that is a point worth contemplating. Good work.
Dasting! Thank you fren.
She can work for the Truth network, especially when they get into broadcasting.
Maybe she was just there to collect internal info on the mockingbirds?
Catherine Herridge will find another place to land. She did after FOX and she will after CBS. CBS didnβt deserve her, and she was far better than that, accepting a position at CBS. She will come out far better. Maybe she will be an independent contractor, start her own path (like Tucker), or end up in the Trump administration. MSM is a sinking ship anyhow. There is a reason for everything in life. God has a plan for her too.
OP's Gif obligates me to do a re-posting of this timeless classic
A real classic! Thanks fren!
Thought she was a turncoat when she left FOX news
The underlying assumption from this perspective, if I am interpreting it correctly, is that Fox News is good, and Catherine was a turncoat for leaving.
I personally feel Fox News is pure evil. They were the signal flare on election night when they called AZ early and battleground states stopped counting for the night and switched over to manufacturing ballots.
To me, this was an unforgivable sin and I have never watched them since.
I feel like Catherine Herridge is a great reporter, but her problem is she feels the need to work for MSM and none of them will ever let her report the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
As long as any reporter works for any MSM, they are controlled.
The only way to break free is to do what Carlson, Dobbs, and others have done, including Megan Kelly and Bill O'Reilly (cringe).
I hope she joins Tuckers news channel. Kick them in the teeth , fast.