Blockbuster Bill Would Eliminate Most Wyoming Property Tax, Hike Sales Tax 2%
Rep. Steve Harshman's blockbuster tax reform proposal that would eliminate most property tax in Wyoming in return for hiking the sales tax by 2% passed the House Revenue Committee on Tuesday. “Our people need this and want this,” he said.
Property taxes mean you never own your property; you are just renting it from the government. It has to go.
Amen! 👍 People are forced to pay property taxes on property they bought with money they've earned which they already paid tax on. It's robbery and enslavement. Has to end if we are to make America great.
Property taxes were first proposed by Marx in the Communist Manifesto.
Of course because they do not believe in private property. All property, including our bodies, are owned by the state in their utopia...
Hear hear.
You are correct, and people in the northern part of WY will drive to MT to make major purchases as MT has no sales tax.
I know people from the northern part of WY that do just that for very large purchases.
Yay!! This is an awesome start. Property tax must go!!
Property tax first proposed by Marx in the Communist Manifesto.
Wow. I didn't know that. Not surprised though. The state wants to own everything (communism). You just get to rent it from them. The people quickly become impoverished.
I read it when I was in college in the 70s. I was apolitical before that. I’ve been conservative or Patriot ever since.
Yes yes yes!!
Great idea, especially if you don’t buy many things. On the other hand, bad idea if you make lots of purchases or big purchases like a car, boat, refrigerator etc.
Property tax is theft. It has to go.
Most types of tax are theft. However, I would agree that property tax is actually the worst type of tax. It's a form of enslavement. It prevents people from buying a plot of land and living on it removed from society (and other taxes). Anyone who tries to do that still has to get a job from time to time to cover the property tax which has to be paid in US dollars. It also hits seniors and retirees hard. Want to retire on a plot of land you've work your whole life to payoff and maintain? If you're not rich enough to keep covering the constantly increasing property tax (and who is these days with the Xiden economy), you can't.
Exactly. We've all heard horror stories of people losing their homes/land when taxes are sky high and the people can't afford them anymore.
All taxation is theft, but there's a special kind of theft on taxing something you already own.
It's so obvious when you finally look at the whole Ponzi scheme that the financial/tax system is a debt slave system enforced by the police state. Thank God we are all seeing it. It will collapse soon. It'll probably seem chaotic but must happen if this country is gonna survive as a free and prosperous nation.
It makes the welfare class pay taxes as well.
Yes, everyone pays a little more. Probably have to give them a cost of living raise so they can eat.
Property taxation is immoral. If people would just STOP and consider what actual NECESSARY services their town would provide and stop everything else AND get rid of almost every town employee and especially the endless closed-door committees, any contributions to the running of a town's legitimate business would be very small. The schools are raping the towns AND teaching Marxist crap, teaching the kids to hate themselves, their parents, their country, God, and so much more. Go back to homeschooling and watch the kids actually learn and enjoy it.
Property tax was first proposed by Marx in the Communist Manifesto.
Well, that says a lot right there.
Very little cash ends up going back to the city/state/country anyway.
Most of it goes into pockets of the politicians, their families and friends (through "contracts"), pet projects or to sustain unnecessary government spending (e.g. "affordable housing", where people on welfare get all sorts of benefits while they then go on to terrorize their neighborhood).
One of the most successful gaslight campaigns in history, I think, is convincing people that there needs to be direct taxation on all of these things in order to fund run down roads.
Yup. And our roads are getting worse and worse!
Wyoming Is The Epicenter Of America’s Fake ‘Red State’ Problem
Own property in Wyoming. Drive to No Sales Tax Montana to buy things.
Montana has very high property tax. Families have a hard time keeping property for generations bc of this.
Property Tax and Income Tax must go. Sales tax would be the only thing I'd agree to. I should be allowed to keep what I make and the house and land I buy is not a freaking rental.
Even sales tax. All that needs to be funded can be done many other ways. We just have to come outta the cloud of slavery to get good ideas on how to do it.
The richers in Jackson are going to love this!
Property tax needs to go, but hiking sales tax will only slow economic growth.
Awesome! They are looking into something similar in FL as well... I would love to see all property (and income) tax abolished. Taxation is theft.
At this point I would watch every politician's moves. Eliminating the property tax is/seems great. Tacking onto the sales tax gives the politicians a way to keep bumping up their income by passing bills that raise the sales tax whenever they need a/the bump. We need to make sure-especially the people in Wyoming-that this is being done for the right/non-Communist reasons. If this takes off, I would definitely like to see my state, Maryland, get rid of property taxes (however, I think that is a slim chance, if any)..
Yes! Here the freaking sales tax is 11% on most stuff. Even certain essentials are taxed. Our income is taxed and when we spend our taxed dollars we are taxed again. Eventually 45% or more of our income is taxed. That an abomination when you consider that money is representative of our life currency. The cabal/banksters are sucking the life outta us, literally.
Yes, yes they are sucking our life's blood out of us. They need the retribution that Trump has promised he will bring to them. The sooner the better.
You mean legalize in Wyo?