Schutlz's "before instant ramen hair" and "after ramen hair"? I'd like to see that. Every frickin' day she's got that "Sorry, I didn't have time to dry my hair this morning" look.
I'll probably get downvoted for this, but even Hillary was attractive when she was young. You can either grow old gracefully or grow old evilly. I turn 48 today and I arguably look better now than I did 15 years ago since I'm thinner and stronger than I was then.
Actually Schultz was very attractive when young. I've been looking for the side by side of her but cannot find it. I believe it was poste on here a bit ago.
Evil, inside out
And it shows. Like Madeleine Albright, Killary and a few others I can think of.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz. I wish I had saved her side by side.
That is one sorry looking hag.
Schutlz's "before instant ramen hair" and "after ramen hair"? I'd like to see that. Every frickin' day she's got that "Sorry, I didn't have time to dry my hair this morning" look.
I'll probably get downvoted for this, but even Hillary was attractive when she was young. You can either grow old gracefully or grow old evilly. I turn 48 today and I arguably look better now than I did 15 years ago since I'm thinner and stronger than I was then.
Actually Schultz was very attractive when young. I've been looking for the side by side of her but cannot find it. I believe it was poste on here a bit ago.
Ugh. And miserable too.
She now looks like a nightclub bouncer... Scary.
I club like Comet Ping Pong perhaps?
Wow, thay is more than simple aging.
Source for adrenochrome supply cut-off??
Is this really the same person? She was very pretty! Too many Double Quarter Pounders i guess…now she looks like a Double Quarter Pounder.
The demon trying to come out. There's no ageing gracefully.
She's only fifty?!
That took alot of demon seed.
Need to remember that one
Getting other people killed will do that.
Large Marge.
Pity she didn't have Dorian Gray's painter.
Forgive me, who is that?
Victoria Nuland
Victoria Nuland
Thank you.