I'm surrounded by normies, especially at work, being an elementary teacher. Today in the lunchroom, the big topic was Princess Kate, and my fully vaxxed coworker is talking about how the recent pictures are so obviously photoshopped and is thinking that there is a conspiracy to cover up a serious illness or possibly death.
My other fully vaxxed coworker says, "Nah, they could take better pictures of they wanted to...this is all some kind of distraction so that we don't notice something else."
I can't believe my ears. If these ladies are getting red and black pilled, the Great Awakening is truly upon us. Kate is some kind of psy-op, that's for sure.
Try asking them what they think about the whole Where's Kate thing. Don't teach, don't preach, just ask questions.
There's a haunting line from the Matrix, when Neo wakes up and wonders why his eyes sting so much; Morpheus replies, "Because you've never used them before." Waking up is hard to do.
Exactly! Ask questions and middleman in a way. Sometimes straight to the point turns their brain into fight or flight. We must encourage and have patience
Ask them if they can define the difference between a conspiracy theory and a reasonable suspicion. Whatever their answer is, keep it in your back pocket until it's time to talk about pizza or Q related topics.
I would steer them from "conspiracy theory" to the term "organized crime." No reasonable person denies the existence nor the deep-penetrating influence of the various mafias of the world. They corrupt police officers, government officials, and judges. How do mafias go from minor-league bands of criminals to powerful mafias? Could there be a mafia of mafias that rule above them all? How likely is it that no powerful crime syndicate would desire to achieve that position?
Because Kate is missing with the kids, I think she is being protected by the WHs. I think she will be Queen Regent. She will protect her king to be son.
I think Kate and her children and parents are in hiding/protective custody. Charles participated at Epstein Island. I think maybe William did too. The Queen protected William from any bad press because the crown was to go to HIM, so everyone would think he was good.
I agree a little stretch since not an exact match, the phonetic similarity to the Q drop is interesting. You’d have to ask the TS OP how they got there.
Does the question "Do you attack the KING in the beginning or middle-to-end?" make sense? Attacking the KING means either "check" or "check mate" so clearly its the end of the game regardless on the duration of the game.
Wish I knew how to post one of those mind-blown gifs. This may be "way out there" but I've learned not to immediately write anything off. Very intriguing!
Flipping the script and ignoring a Country that isn't ours, because I don't see the King of England as being the head of the snake.
You attack the king after you have developed your pieces and secured your own King.
What pieces have we developed? Well, I'd buy we have a Supreme Court majority. We have a slim hold of the House as well. That's about it that I can see.
Does our King look secured? Because our homeland certainly isn't, we've been invaded. Trump looks more at risk than at any point since he left office, having lost $300 million some dollars in civil suits and fines, and if ANY of his criminal trials go against him he's facing years in prison, barring an Appeals Court or the Supreme Court stepping in.
I'm surrounded by normies, especially at work, being an elementary teacher. Today in the lunchroom, the big topic was Princess Kate, and my fully vaxxed coworker is talking about how the recent pictures are so obviously photoshopped and is thinking that there is a conspiracy to cover up a serious illness or possibly death.
My other fully vaxxed coworker says, "Nah, they could take better pictures of they wanted to...this is all some kind of distraction so that we don't notice something else."
I can't believe my ears. If these ladies are getting red and black pilled, the Great Awakening is truly upon us. Kate is some kind of psy-op, that's for sure.
This is so encouraging! I work with normies, too, and one must proudly be on the 4th or 5th booster, still plagued by TDS. 😒
Try asking them what they think about the whole Where's Kate thing. Don't teach, don't preach, just ask questions.
There's a haunting line from the Matrix, when Neo wakes up and wonders why his eyes sting so much; Morpheus replies, "Because you've never used them before." Waking up is hard to do.
Exactly! Ask questions and middleman in a way. Sometimes straight to the point turns their brain into fight or flight. We must encourage and have patience
They are starting to think tactically, next move is to think strategically. Tell them we hold class here every night.
Ask them if they can define the difference between a conspiracy theory and a reasonable suspicion. Whatever their answer is, keep it in your back pocket until it's time to talk about pizza or Q related topics.
I would steer them from "conspiracy theory" to the term "organized crime." No reasonable person denies the existence nor the deep-penetrating influence of the various mafias of the world. They corrupt police officers, government officials, and judges. How do mafias go from minor-league bands of criminals to powerful mafias? Could there be a mafia of mafias that rule above them all? How likely is it that no powerful crime syndicate would desire to achieve that position?
Because Kate is missing with the kids, I think she is being protected by the WHs. I think she will be Queen Regent. She will protect her king to be son.
I think Kate and her children and parents are in hiding/protective custody. Charles participated at Epstein Island. I think maybe William did too. The Queen protected William from any bad press because the crown was to go to HIM, so everyone would think he was good.
Post 4241 has the REAL Queen---Lindsey Graham!
The OG Bottom Gun, Lindsey Graham
That’s not the Queen of England, that’s the Queen of South Carolina silly.
So, are you saying there's a chance?
The struggle is real...😹
So, are you saying there's a chance?
She really need to get off that Charlie Ward crap.
Shits starting to get real crazy folks.
getting 'crazier';)...
this is when it started to get 'real crazy' for me🤡
I 'found' Q two days before;)
#100 Anonymous ID: L8quGPI9 No.148143562 📁
Nov 5 2017 18:41:11 (EST)
Who is the Queen of England?
How long in power?
With power comes corruption.
What happened to Diana?
What did she find out?
Why was she running?
Who did she entrust to help her flee?
What was the cover?
Why is this relevant?
Why now?
Bad actor.
London Mayor.
Connection to Queen?
British MI6 agents dead.
What was reported?
What really happened?
Why is this relevant?
Secret society.
Why are migrants important?
What are assets?
Define assets?
Why are migrants so important?
What are assets?
Why are migrants so important?
What are assets?
Why are migrants so important?
Who follows?
What political leaders worship Satan?
What does an upside down cross represent?
Who wears openly?
Who is she connected to?
Why is this relevant?
Spirit cooking.
What does Spirit Cooking represent?
What is a cult?
Who is worshipped?
Why is this relevant?
Snow White
Godfather III
Thanks for the post Anon. Those days feel so long ago. What a time to be alive my frens
Moar 🍿🍿🍿🍿
I need 4 more bags, I just spilled 4 bags...DAMN...3 yrs, 10 mths, 6 hrs, 57 mins.
***damn I love autist frogs. Hadn't even considered this link!!!
Interesting play on the Kate saga.
HOLEEEEE SHIT!!! 😳😲😯😮😀😅😂🤣😉😍
... and then O Butt Hole shows up to 10 Downing today - https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/barack-obama-rishi-sunak-downing-street-b2514470.html Shurely Shome Coinshidence. Who knows what the fuck happened in there. Honestly, anything.
Think it’s really him? Weird times.
So if Jacob Rothschild is purportedly the true King And William is rumoured to he his son ( they look sim) and Kate is da mommie tgen she is Queen?
Would seem so.🤫
It would be Lady Di. Prove me wrong.
Interesting, however, how do you conclude END = N ?
For me its a stretch, not the same.
I agree a little stretch since not an exact match, the phonetic similarity to the Q drop is interesting. You’d have to ask the TS OP how they got there.
Yeah I didn't mean you, my bad. But thanks for posting! It does seem very interesting indeed, since Middle-To-End is not a word.
Middle-to-end is not a word, it seems it was made up but for what purpose? As a clue perhaps.
I agree w/ ya on that.
Slang for Middleton. So weird! I love studying current events.
I love it when Q makes me feel like an idiot for not getting the clue years ago.
Happens to me often.
Does the question "Do you attack the KING in the beginning or middle-to-end?" make sense? Attacking the KING means either "check" or "check mate" so clearly its the end of the game regardless on the duration of the game.
Wish I knew how to post one of those mind-blown gifs. This may be "way out there" but I've learned not to immediately write anything off. Very intriguing!
Holy shitoli! I love it when these drops astound me like this!
Interesting. What were those finger comms about?
Aren't they the Americans who died at Benghazi, thanks to Hillary Clinton?
Yes, they are.
Watch the wives
Flipping the script and ignoring a Country that isn't ours, because I don't see the King of England as being the head of the snake.
You attack the king after you have developed your pieces and secured your own King.
What pieces have we developed? Well, I'd buy we have a Supreme Court majority. We have a slim hold of the House as well. That's about it that I can see.
Does our King look secured? Because our homeland certainly isn't, we've been invaded. Trump looks more at risk than at any point since he left office, having lost $300 million some dollars in civil suits and fines, and if ANY of his criminal trials go against him he's facing years in prison, barring an Appeals Court or the Supreme Court stepping in.
How does end = n?
I think you're lost. 😂
Lol right?!