I think if more people saw things like this be the norm, a repeat offender getting a long sentence, then it would deter the behavior in others. The fact that she has done it so much before now and never got a long punishment is why she kept going. It is a safe bet that when she comes out at 60 she won’t be doing it again. The goal of justice system should be to remove people from society that infringe on others rights and have been proven beyond a reasonable doubt to have done so. I feel like her being in for so long will make less new criminals and make businesses know they can stay in that city because the system is working unlike most other areas of country.
Okay, this is just another stupid sentencing. While someone involved in pedophilia gets one year, and illegals who murder get released. Why nor give her 1 year, double the restitution, and meaningful, supervised community service? If she has a second occurrence tack on more years to the second judgement.
Tell me you haven't seen the video without saying you haven't seen the video.
The woman is a career criminal and a repeat offender. And the sentencing happened in Florida, not New York or California.
I know there is a crim wave happening in this country, but DO NOT let what is happening in the two biggest leftist states color your thoughts on the more reasonable states.
Yes, I saw the video, but 30 years seems harsh when compared to illegals who murder and pedophiles getting one year or less. How can the theft be justified for 30 years? Taxpayers are footing the bill for 30 years. Put her on a daily work gang, home confinement with an ankle monitor, let her figure out how she pays her rent, utilities and food bill. It would force her to work evenings or nights from home with some type of remote work or live with friends/relatives. I am tired of paying for criminals to live out their lives in prison. Save the prisons for serious stuff or start harsher penalties: murder conviction=death penalty; theft=chop off the hand; graffiti=make them restore the entire wall/fence plus financial restitution; property destruction=replacement value x4; rape=chemical or physical castration or death penalty; pedophilia=death penalty. Mandatory sentencing. No mercy for mentally ill, “poor” or abused childhood. Until we intercede with tougher, mandatory sentencing, nothing will change. Taxpayers should not have to bare the consequences. Compare the streets, subways, bus stops in our cities to other nations. We look like we are the slums. Trash everywhere. Graffiti everywhere. Waste products and drug abuse everywhere. Make those defecating and urinating in the streets clean up the mess for 1 full year, I bet they stop. Stop treating prisoners with kid gloves: exercise rooms with equipment, no work gangs because it is cruel and unusual punishment. Make them work in prisons or on the outside. There is plenty of road work, shoveling, city repair, tree trimming, wood chopping, street guard rail repairs, mowing city property, that can be done. Make them earn their keep. Make prisons working prisons where they learn skill while earning their keep in food service, laundry, making appliances, license plates, clothing, etc. instead of buying from foreign countries.
The answer to your issue isn't to reduce the penalties for career criminals, it is to increase the penalties for the other people that are getting far too light of a sentence.
By your rules, eventually all crimes would be reduced to nothing since we can't be too harsh for some.
I agree with your second paragraph. 30 years for theft, when a pedophile gets 1 year is ludicrous. I would like to see murderers and pedophiles executed. They are worthless to society and can’t be rehabilitated.
Yet pedo’s might get one year. The sentencing system needs to be revamped. I think it’s up to the judges it’s still not right. Should be the same across the board.
It's actually depending on the state. Some states allow all criminals to walk and probably hired them to do contract work. Some states are a lot more strict and you better not try anything.
I think if one were to receive a lash for every $1k stolen plus restitution it would deter said activity. The prison system is big business and paid for via taxes. We should only give long sentences to violent criminals.
I don't know about this particular case, but courts often do this to deter people from taking their case's to trial. The court system would collapse if everyone took their case to trial. They depend upon people taking plea deals. It's a problem.
"Oh, I'm charged with XY and Z. I know I'm guilty of X, but not Y and Z. But I don't want to know what will happen to me if I fight the charges. I'll plead guilty to all of it (plea bargain) and just live with it."
30 years for that? Says repeat offender. She will be paroles in 2 or three then on the hook until she tops out. Supervised so if she screws up tjey just toss her thieving ass back in.
It's amazing how actual CONSEQUENCES cause people to reconsider their actions. Even if the consequences apply to blacks the same way they apply to everyone else.
First, offered pleas shouldn't be so different from possible sentences. I would put the limit at half the years at least.
Second, what a waste. Whatever she stole that was unrecoverable needs to be paid back in multiples. She needs to be working to pay it. Pushing a broom. Crushing rocks. Picking cotton. It doesn't matter how. She should pay her literal debt to those she harmed at which point she should be freed. There is no way 30 years of work couldn't pay it back.
I think if more people saw things like this be the norm, a repeat offender getting a long sentence, then it would deter the behavior in others. The fact that she has done it so much before now and never got a long punishment is why she kept going. It is a safe bet that when she comes out at 60 she won’t be doing it again. The goal of justice system should be to remove people from society that infringe on others rights and have been proven beyond a reasonable doubt to have done so. I feel like her being in for so long will make less new criminals and make businesses know they can stay in that city because the system is working unlike most other areas of country.
I like your summary. This will deter some. I sure hope so.
Didn't read entire thing, but guessing she's not from california.
The case is in Florida. Had this taken place in California or New York, we would be reading a different story.
Okay, this is just another stupid sentencing. While someone involved in pedophilia gets one year, and illegals who murder get released. Why nor give her 1 year, double the restitution, and meaningful, supervised community service? If she has a second occurrence tack on more years to the second judgement.
Tell me you haven't seen the video without saying you haven't seen the video.
The woman is a career criminal and a repeat offender. And the sentencing happened in Florida, not New York or California.
I know there is a crim wave happening in this country, but DO NOT let what is happening in the two biggest leftist states color your thoughts on the more reasonable states.
Yes, I saw the video, but 30 years seems harsh when compared to illegals who murder and pedophiles getting one year or less. How can the theft be justified for 30 years? Taxpayers are footing the bill for 30 years. Put her on a daily work gang, home confinement with an ankle monitor, let her figure out how she pays her rent, utilities and food bill. It would force her to work evenings or nights from home with some type of remote work or live with friends/relatives. I am tired of paying for criminals to live out their lives in prison. Save the prisons for serious stuff or start harsher penalties: murder conviction=death penalty; theft=chop off the hand; graffiti=make them restore the entire wall/fence plus financial restitution; property destruction=replacement value x4; rape=chemical or physical castration or death penalty; pedophilia=death penalty. Mandatory sentencing. No mercy for mentally ill, “poor” or abused childhood. Until we intercede with tougher, mandatory sentencing, nothing will change. Taxpayers should not have to bare the consequences. Compare the streets, subways, bus stops in our cities to other nations. We look like we are the slums. Trash everywhere. Graffiti everywhere. Waste products and drug abuse everywhere. Make those defecating and urinating in the streets clean up the mess for 1 full year, I bet they stop. Stop treating prisoners with kid gloves: exercise rooms with equipment, no work gangs because it is cruel and unusual punishment. Make them work in prisons or on the outside. There is plenty of road work, shoveling, city repair, tree trimming, wood chopping, street guard rail repairs, mowing city property, that can be done. Make them earn their keep. Make prisons working prisons where they learn skill while earning their keep in food service, laundry, making appliances, license plates, clothing, etc. instead of buying from foreign countries.
The answer to your issue isn't to reduce the penalties for career criminals, it is to increase the penalties for the other people that are getting far too light of a sentence.
By your rules, eventually all crimes would be reduced to nothing since we can't be too harsh for some.
I agree with your second paragraph. 30 years for theft, when a pedophile gets 1 year is ludicrous. I would like to see murderers and pedophiles executed. They are worthless to society and can’t be rehabilitated.
This may not be her first conviction.
The video mentioned she was in and out of prison for past theft crimes and a repeat offender. That probably caused the much stiffer sentence.
Had same thought but pedophiles need the death penalty period. Theives like this, all the time they can pile on.
She chose poorly.....
She is stupid. LOL
Why should we spend a penny feeding this beast? Give it a good whipping with a promise of more next time.
Ring valued at 8700...worth only $500 20k designer sunnies worth only $10
why would she be happy about 30 instead of 3? Did she WANT to be jailed?
A true moron or there is more to it
Maybe she didn't know math?
Her math wasn’t mathing
Beat me to it!
Bravo, Sir.
I know. Sad.
She would parole in 3 days to 3 months most likely.
Probably because she thinks she'll be treated like a queen amongst her fellow inmates.
Too bad real life is not like the movies.
Good riddance...
Yes. I would say.
Cannot agree more. LOL
Thoughts? Despite all those glasses, she didn't see this coming
Good point.
Yet pedo’s might get one year. The sentencing system needs to be revamped. I think it’s up to the judges it’s still not right. Should be the same across the board.
It's actually depending on the state. Some states allow all criminals to walk and probably hired them to do contract work. Some states are a lot more strict and you better not try anything.
…and that makes her smile.🥴
She thought zero means nothing there.
I think if one were to receive a lash for every $1k stolen plus restitution it would deter said activity. The prison system is big business and paid for via taxes. We should only give long sentences to violent criminals.
Public lashing? I like that idea. Singapore did this.
I think the decades of living in the inner city under democrat slavery preventing them to learn to read etc has devalued greatly their iq
You are probably right. 3 = 30, zero has no value. Howls.
why's she smiling at the camera lol you just got 30 years, that entitlement is thicccck I tell ya!
Release in 3 months.
Talk about playing stupid games...
In some countries they cut off your fingers/hands for theft. So, 30 years for repeated theft offenses is pretty lenient, imho 😂
Oh yes, we know.
I don't know about this particular case, but courts often do this to deter people from taking their case's to trial. The court system would collapse if everyone took their case to trial. They depend upon people taking plea deals. It's a problem.
"Oh, I'm charged with XY and Z. I know I'm guilty of X, but not Y and Z. But I don't want to know what will happen to me if I fight the charges. I'll plead guilty to all of it (plea bargain) and just live with it."
In this case, the woman has been stealing for many years and a repeat offender. Most likely supporting herself at others expenses for decade.
Justice would have been better served by cutting off one of her hands and then send her on her way.
30 years for that? Says repeat offender. She will be paroles in 2 or three then on the hook until she tops out. Supervised so if she screws up tjey just toss her thieving ass back in.
3 months.
Stealing. LOL
It's amazing how actual CONSEQUENCES cause people to reconsider their actions. Even if the consequences apply to blacks the same way they apply to everyone else.
I like to see more of it.
First, offered pleas shouldn't be so different from possible sentences. I would put the limit at half the years at least.
Second, what a waste. Whatever she stole that was unrecoverable needs to be paid back in multiples. She needs to be working to pay it. Pushing a broom. Crushing rocks. Picking cotton. It doesn't matter how. She should pay her literal debt to those she harmed at which point she should be freed. There is no way 30 years of work couldn't pay it back.
Make the punishment fit the crime. I got you. They did that in WA.