Disgusting 🤬 Joe Biden Gives Nancy Pelosi Presidential Medal of Freedom For Her Actions on January 6 Despite Her Role in Failed Security - Biden also gave climate fraud John Kerry a Medal of Freedom. (VIDEOS)
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮
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That medal now means nothing
it hasn't for a long time. Obama gave out lots of them to pedophile hollywood 'elites'.
Demoralization tactics. Not worthy of attention. The rats wish to blackpill you.
they love to promote themselves
Is this their last appearance. Was probably not held in the White House.
This reminds me of when he gave Ruby Freemen a medal for her actions in the 2020 election.
Freedom to coup.
Participation award?
They sure do like stroking each other dont they?
I tell myself that since this is a stolen election, none of this is really happening and can all be taken back. Just like if a thief steals the diamonds and gets caught, he has to give them back.
Taking care of the cronies.
It's just part of their rotation to get J6 in the mainstream media yet again. Can't have normies forgetting how evil that insurrectionist orange man is.
The medal is the mark of the beast. And many times Academy Awards are too. And being knighted.
Everybody in the club gets a medal. Jan 6 was Pelosi's pet project.
JRB will eat crow when all is revealed re. Pelosi, Kerry, and others he gave the Medsl of Freedom to. That medal is going the way of the Nobel Peace Prize! Meaningless started with BHO.
Great acting/storyline