Welcome to General Chat - GAW Community Area
This General Chat area started off as a place for people to talk about things that are off topic, however it has quickly evolved into a community and has become an integral part of the GAW experience for many of us.
Based on its evolving needs and plenty of user feedback, we are trying to bring some order and institute some rules. Please make sure you read these rules and participate in the spirit of this community.
Rules for General Chat
Be respectful to each other. This is of utmost importance, and comments may be removed if deemed not respectful.
Avoid long drawn out arguments. This should be a place to relax, not to waste your time needlessly.
Personal anecdotes, puzzles, cute pics/clips - everything welcome
Please do not spam at the top level. If you have a lot to post each day, try and post them all together in one top level comment
Try keep things light. If you are bringing in deep stuff, try not to go overboard.
Things that are clearly on-topic for this board should be posted as a separate post and not here (except if you are new and still getting the feel of this place)
If you find people violating these rules, deport them rather than start a argument here.
Feel free to give feedback as these rules are expected to keep evolving
In short, imagine this thread to be a local community hall where we all gather and chat daily. Please be respectful to others in the same way
Katt Williams shows Donald Trump’s mugshot on stage and the crowd goes wild
Katt Williams predicted it.
Pls explain what he predicted. The video gives me headache.
More context, this is what Katt said:
also he predicted diddy
Does anyone know where this video is?
I would love to hear it. Joe Biden Speaking to Reporters Sept. 11, 2001.
Here, CNN says he was not there: https://www.cnn.com/2023/09/11/politics/fact-check-biden-ground-zero-next-day/index.html
Here he says he was on the Amtrack
Since when were commercials for "full body deodorant" a thing? They even said "for your pits and your bits" UM EXCUSE ME? Also how gay to call it "your bits" what in the hell is that? I swear the world is turning more and more degenerate faggot by the day, even saw a commercial for BUTTCRACK DEODORANT LOL
Humans, especially western ones, are obsessed with smelling like detergents and chemicals at all times
An old saying someone once told me "you can't polish a turd!" 😆
Just clean yourself and put some natural deodorizers under your arms and you'll be fine! smh
Fun thing happened today as I was getting my hair cut. The stylist was talking, and I was picking up some hints that she was awake. She is Gen Z. She started telling me about some conspiracy theories she knows about. She was telling me about the crap they are releasing in the air. I said Chem Trails, and she said yes. That she was pure blood because she did not get the vax. She said these and that her whole family is awakened to the Globalists trying to take us down. I told her I needed new conspiracy theories because the ones we have now have come true.
I wonder if those times where time seems to fly by and others where it seems to drag on forever are clues into eternity / "timelessness"...
MTG put forth her motion to vacate the chair. There is a 5 minute yeas and nays vote that just started. I'm watching it right now on OAN. 3 minutes left.
Edit - the vote is for tabling her MTV - looks only just under 30 are voting to not table. She is gonna lose this one.
359-43. Motion tabled. MTG lost this one.
Eggs = Brain cells, Hair, Nails'
Try to eat 3-4 eggs a day if you're 55+
Beef = Iron, magnesium, and everything your body needs.
Try to eat a steak daily.
Same with butter, sauerkraut.
You can survive on those.
Look at this 82 y.o woman Maggie looking like she's in her 60s!
So i see ole evil jo is campaigning in racine today. How fitting. Probably went there to kiss the ring.
Why take a chance? Attend church a bit and get baptized it's a very easy process....
We can attend, and set them right.....
Keep looking then, it's getting a lot harder to find a good church.
Are you just looking for a reason not to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? To be saved from your sin, take these three steps: Ask forgiveness for your sins; be willing to turn from your sins; and believe that Jesus Christ—our Lord and Savior—died for your sins and rose again. If you have done these things, you are saved! Now, you have no reason not to be saved by Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior.
The Bible clearly teaches that the moment a person turns from his sin and trusts in Jesus to be forgiven of his sin, he is saved (Acts 2:37-41). He has passed from spiritual death to spiritual life (John 5:24) and has been declared not guilty in God’s court of law (Rom 3:21-26). From God’s perspective, his salvation is an objective reality that cannot be changed (Rom 8:28-30).
This part bothered me so much for so many years and I had hours of debates with Christian friends to no end, driving them crazy.
The answer, after I found Q, is very simple.
Jesus came here to give us the blueprint to free ourselves from sin. What is the original Sin? Eve sleeping with the Devil and begetting Kane. Its the descendants of Kane that are the folks behind the shadows ruling out world, aka, Evil - Cabal as we loosely term it.
So what does it mean to free ourselves from Sin? To free ourselves from the shackles of the Cabal.
How do we do this? By understanding what Jesus taught and accepting it. You will never believe Jesus's teaching will free us from the Cabal unless you believe Jesus was real and he suffered to free the world.
That is all the meaning of "accepting Jesus" is. It saves us from the Evil Cabal. We dont go to heaven or we dont become "special" when we die. When we free ourselves from Evil we get to enjoy the bounties of this World that God blessed us with.
No, someone else is not needed. God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are witness to it. however the Bible does say confess with your mouth. Meaning do not deny him before men.
Romans 10:9
"If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."
I will say you are missing out on worship - it is one of the best experiences on the planet if you are truly opening yourself to God.
Some people might be ingenuine. It depends on the church and people. I can't stand services that have the lights + fog machine etc or self centered songs.
Worship also doesn't have to be at church. Sometimes I sing at home when no one else is around. Just me & God. It can even just be quietly reflective, listening to music you like that honors him.
🙏✝️🙏🕯✝️🕯AND GODS PEOPLE SAY, Amen!!!!
I literally had to stop what I was doing to make this post.
OK here we go… so I’m out in front of the house working on a little herb garden for my mom. There’s a little old man that lives across the street. Apparently… He does DoorDash. 🤷♀️ Who Knew?
Anyway… He comes walking up to me with a bag from McDonald’s. He tells me the DoorDash order was canceled, but he can’t bring the food back to McDonald’s…. Would I like it?
Of course I would like it! 👏👏👏
I take the package, and I say thank you very much, and tell him what a blessing he is to me 🙏
I take the bag inside, to see what’s in it…
•1 Sausage McMuffin •3 hashbrowns •2 pieces of bacon •2 apple pies
WOW 🤯 mind blown.
The funny thing is, I didn’t eat breakfast this morning, and I was going to eat after I got done doing the gardening. I just happen to love the McDonald’s, apple pies, and I eat bacon every morning. 🥓 We also have an air fryer to reheat the hashbrowns.
God is so amazing! 👏👏👏
HE really showed up this morning, and I just wanted to share it with everyone. What an Awesome and Mighty God that we serve. 👑
I am humbled, blessed, and ecstatic! 💃💃💃
Thank you Jesus for fantastic neighbors, for meeting my needs, and showing up in a most uncommon way.
Thank you Jesus 🙏
I generally hate McDonalds and think that their hamburgers are trash, but even I admit that their breakfast is good. Their sausage and egg muffins, hashbrowns, and pancakes are good.
I was too tired today to get up and check the stock market at 8:30, I worked till 2 in the morning.
I asked God to keep an eye on it for me and went back to sleep with no worries. I work up at 1 o clock and was well in the green today.
Praise the Lord!
Wonderful Godwink! He knows just what we need!
All I want for Christmas: is Trump
Ok... I'm buying that now!! Thanks moody! 😸
Oh glad you like it. I don’t have a flag pole on the house anymore. We took it down when we got vinyl on the house. I was shopping for my daughter’s birthday and ran across it.
You are a good fren. You suffer so we dont have to. Please keep us posted1
FYI In 1998 the Physician's Desk Reference put out an Herbal Medicine text that's pretty helpful and steers away from pharmaceuticals
Who had RFK Jr with a dead worm in his head on their BINGO card?
Same..I was complaining about which shampoo to buy and a few hours later Lo and Behold! Shampoo ad shows up. Is there a way to turn off the mic on PC?
Over which front page? Chrome definitely seems to listen when open
I would highly recommend Brave instead and configure it to show no ads.
Edge is arguably worse than Chrome.
Happens all the time to me and same with others I talk to. Basically, if you have a device that is an AI assistant they constantly send whatever they pickup to the sever (for "training purposes") but, that gives the loop hole to do other things with it.
Hi! This is front door used computer pick-up. We understand you have some used computers for us. ❤️
My problem is too much clutter in my home. This Summer my main project is downsizing my storage unit. I'll go on Steam once in awhile to escape the World. But since Wokeness has infiltrated the Gaming Industry, I've been boycotting spending another penny in the Industry. My Contempt for Larry Fink is off the charts.
Those Golf games are addictive. I've been watching a lot of PGA golf this Summer. Lots of Canadians doing well this year. Not remotely interested in watching the LIV Golf..
Does anyone here have any family or close people who took the clot shots suffering from dementia? I have one, possibly two (the second is a prime candidate, but has yet to be diagnosed). I tried to warn them. I told them that it would be no good. They took the injections right away, and I told them that they'd only have about 3-7 years left to live. Now they realize that the shots are crap, but they figure that they'd get over the effects somehow and that everything will be alright. Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way, and consequences must be lived with.
Yeah my aunt did, and then she was confiding in my mom afraid out of her mind she's going to get dementia..she's only 72. I told her to eat 2-3 eggs daily as they're cholesterol for the brain cells.
Make sure they aren’t on statins. It causes dementia or Alzheimer’s. Dr Anthony Chaffee has videos. I think he has links to the studies. He’s on Rumble and YouTube. Other doctors say this also but I don’t remember the names. FYI: his main platform is eating carnivore as well as talking about the medical and food industry lies.
Yeah, one was on Lipitor. I told him several months ago that statins cause dementia, so he stopped. I think the damage was already done though.
Oh I hope he can reverse it. I think there are supplements that will help. Seems like Vitamin B complex helps, not sure. Also possibly the many amino acids that our bodies need but are lacking.
if there’s anybody here that’s near any of the universities that are protesting, I have a great idea…
Cook a pancake breakfast next to the protesters with plenty of bacon 🥓 😂😂
Just think of it. If both the Muslims and the Jews could only embrace the delicious taste of bacon, maybe they'd chill out and stop murdering each other.
THIS is SO true! 🥓
I was telling my mom yesterday, the frat boys at the colleges need to have a pancake breakfast at these protests. They need to cook plenty of bacon. 🥓
Neither the Muslims or Jewish population would be able to enjoy such a wonderful delectable treat.
Because it’s all American. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Tell me about it. I sort-of friend-dated a vegan in high school. She put me in the "friend zone" rather quickly. Going out with her was easier than the anorexic I dated in college though. Then I found my wife, who likes eating steak. 95% food compatibility with her.
Did the storms today/tonight disperse any university protestors?
God bless you, frens.
A Song: https://youtu.be/MBPfp1V_yjE
Have a blessed day.
God bless you, fren.