I've actually been there. I was on a POW-MIA assignment in 19?99, during Boner Bills era.. We brought nine boys home.
This place is like nothing you can imagine as compared to the rest of this country's buildings and infrastructure. It's isolated in an island in the river that's runs through Pyongyang. There is much more going on there.
Go to that video, watch how Russia communism was freemasonry.
Look into why China went communism. Yale of China - Trains Mao - Freemasonry, Secret Societies, 322 Skull and Bones. Communism wins because of funding and propaganda. Promises of UTOPIA.
Its not hard to see all the connections to Freemasonry's control. They force communism on Countries. China was the trial run. Central bank keeps us in a FOG OF WAR. We have no idea how bad it is. Because of Funny money.
We are watching a battle of secret societies.
Things are a mess and itll be interesting to see what the plan has for us.
While I agree, and fully acknowledge that not all lodges are bad. All lodges do have oaths to freemasons in general afaik. That is enough for me to know to repent it in its entirety. The historical involvement of secret societies is egregious. You can see them still working today. How many Judges in Georgia are freemasons Vs are not?
You miss the main point , they are primarily "effectors" carrying out policy/plans/tasks. Not the policy makers, or those ruling or attempting to rule mankind. Just Front organizations like WEF & Klaus...Bishops & Rooks in the game of chess.
No they take a very powerful oath and fulfill a very important mission. Never underestimate how wide spread and smart the Masons are. A king is not what produces. Its the people underhim that make the kingdom operate.
Kings and Presidents and Prime Ministers are merely pawns too. Freemasonry is a faction within the death cult but there are others, such as the Knights of Malta, the Black Nobility, the Roscrucians and others we may not even be aware of. When you put psychopaths into groups they may cooperate while facing a common threat or to achieve a goal but each is also angling towards its own supremacy. I think this is the ultimate weakness of the death cult. They are willing to backstab each other in pursuit of supremacy.
And it is the unity among the people that Q preached that will win the day. It is something they ultimately lack.
The mason's guild is the organization that the Cult chose to operate behind. They have infiltrated everywhere but I think they ultimately reside in the Tri City State, especially the Vatican, one of the oldest lairs. Maybe Jerusalem can be added to the list now.
Anyone know the origin of the name "Freemasonry"? I do not, but wondering if it had to do with the hidden secrets of using free energy for masonry work.
All great digs people but dont forget about the nazis. The didn't lose they just shipped their best and brightest all over the world. And Switzerland being the sisters of Isis where the nazis began
TY for the info fren! I looked it up. It's an English speaking school. That means he very easily could have made secret plans with Trump with out even translators around. Just saying
This is why the Swiss government claims neutrality. They instigate the conflicts then aid and abet both sides. Strangely, though, Switzerland is fairly gun friendly for citizens.
Not so much what I was told it's more about connecting dots and following the symbolism . NASA run by nazis NATO run by nazis. Look into the leaders or most important figures early on in the inception of those org
One thing certain - whoever had the power to erect the original pyramids is doing it all over the world, ages later. Is it purely a flex by powerful people? Or do modern “pyramids” serve a similar mystical power to the pyramids of old, as beacons and waypoints for extraterrestrial travel? Functional, or strictly symbolic? Is it really a mystery that pyramids were built concurrently in different parts of the world?
Cool comments, but I wish I remembered all the old digs about Google, and the symbolism of that Clinton picture and other stuff in relation to NK. I feel like there's so much of importance to talk about, outside of the esoteric.
I've actually been there. I was on a POW-MIA assignment in 19?99, during Boner Bills era.. We brought nine boys home.
This place is like nothing you can imagine as compared to the rest of this country's buildings and infrastructure. It's isolated in an island in the river that's runs through Pyongyang. There is much more going on there.
thanks for your help in getting those boys home
You were JPRA? You guys are awesome. Top-notch professionals every time I worked with them.
Yo this is crazy! I think theres a chance you've seen my comments. I pointed out this building a few times on here!
Check this out. Symbolism will be their DOWNFALL.
First Image, that pyramid is a hotel. How many Metres tall? 33...?
The Ryugyong Hotel (Korean: 류경호텔; sometimes spelled as Ryu-Gyong Hotel), or Yu-Kyung Hotel,[3] is an unfinished, topped-out 330-metre-tall
What are the odds?
Go to that video, watch how Russia communism was freemasonry.
Look into why China went communism. Yale of China - Trains Mao - Freemasonry, Secret Societies, 322 Skull and Bones. Communism wins because of funding and propaganda. Promises of UTOPIA.
Its not hard to see all the connections to Freemasonry's control. They force communism on Countries. China was the trial run. Central bank keeps us in a FOG OF WAR. We have no idea how bad it is. Because of Funny money.
We are watching a battle of secret societies.
Things are a mess and itll be interesting to see what the plan has for us.
Saying "Freemasonry's control" is the same a saying Some Full Bird Colonel's control in a war. While true , not complete .
While I agree, and fully acknowledge that not all lodges are bad. All lodges do have oaths to freemasons in general afaik. That is enough for me to know to repent it in its entirety. The historical involvement of secret societies is egregious. You can see them still working today. How many Judges in Georgia are freemasons Vs are not?
You miss the main point , they are primarily "effectors" carrying out policy/plans/tasks. Not the policy makers, or those ruling or attempting to rule mankind. Just Front organizations like WEF & Klaus...Bishops & Rooks in the game of chess.
No they take a very powerful oath and fulfill a very important mission. Never underestimate how wide spread and smart the Masons are. A king is not what produces. Its the people underhim that make the kingdom operate.
Yup, one oath is never to judge against another FM, They are critical to the cabal, the cabal oaths are more important to them than their family.
If a "good-guy" mason is on a jury and they see the signs that the accused is also a mason you HAVE to vote Not Guilty.
It's the way these monsters have gotten away with their crimes for centuries.
All true. But psychopathic rulers have always been an issue even for their Praetorian Guard
Kings and Presidents and Prime Ministers are merely pawns too. Freemasonry is a faction within the death cult but there are others, such as the Knights of Malta, the Black Nobility, the Roscrucians and others we may not even be aware of. When you put psychopaths into groups they may cooperate while facing a common threat or to achieve a goal but each is also angling towards its own supremacy. I think this is the ultimate weakness of the death cult. They are willing to backstab each other in pursuit of supremacy.
And it is the unity among the people that Q preached that will win the day. It is something they ultimately lack.
The mason's guild is the organization that the Cult chose to operate behind. They have infiltrated everywhere but I think they ultimately reside in the Tri City State, especially the Vatican, one of the oldest lairs. Maybe Jerusalem can be added to the list now.
Freemasons are but a mere step in a heirarchy, and easy cannon fodder.
33 ya say? Did you know there are 33 names of the Antichrist in the Old and New Testament? Now you know why there are 33 levels in Masonry.
Anyone know the origin of the name "Freemasonry"? I do not, but wondering if it had to do with the hidden secrets of using free energy for masonry work.
Jesus was also 33 (.5) years old when they killed Him
I didn't, but great minds tend to think alike!
u/#q193 u/#q725
All great digs people but dont forget about the nazis. The didn't lose they just shipped their best and brightest all over the world. And Switzerland being the sisters of Isis where the nazis began
Look here not there
kim jung un was trained in switzerland as well. boarding school.
I didn’t know that!
Right?! This seems the weirdest thing to me!
TY for the info fren! I looked it up. It's an English speaking school. That means he very easily could have made secret plans with Trump with out even translators around. Just saying
That's true, but it's a very strange fact, he studied abroad and needed to know english, but nowadays he can't speak English at all.
They would have changed him and now they use a double.
This is why the Swiss government claims neutrality. They instigate the conflicts then aid and abet both sides. Strangely, though, Switzerland is fairly gun friendly for citizens.
Not so much what I was told it's more about connecting dots and following the symbolism . NASA run by nazis NATO run by nazis. Look into the leaders or most important figures early on in the inception of those org
BTW thats news to me about the flower. Very Interesting.
Flower: White Lily, symbol of purity, virginity
Deflower: to make impure, to take virginity
One thing certain - whoever had the power to erect the original pyramids is doing it all over the world, ages later. Is it purely a flex by powerful people? Or do modern “pyramids” serve a similar mystical power to the pyramids of old, as beacons and waypoints for extraterrestrial travel? Functional, or strictly symbolic? Is it really a mystery that pyramids were built concurrently in different parts of the world?
Who controlled NK....
Currently in WH hands/working with whitehats..
Cool comments, but I wish I remembered all the old digs about Google, and the symbolism of that Clinton picture and other stuff in relation to NK. I feel like there's so much of importance to talk about, outside of the esoteric.
The building in the upper middle. Funded by a Rothchild. Memory serving to their specifications.
IDK but who the F puts such a weird looking building in an ancient city like that... Unless they are forced to?
All faggotry aside that's a cool ass building