The entire SpyGate, "Russia, Russia, Russia", impeachment 1 and 2 shams, and everything that was done to Trump as part of the insurance policy was run by the United States Intelligence Agencies, in Collusion with foreign intelligence agencies, foreign government leaders, global MSM, global Big Tech, and many more.
Being run by the top intelligence agencies and top law enforcement agencies, these groups thought they were untouchable. After all, if the cops and judges are party to the crime, do you call the cops or take them to court? How foolish.
This is the shadow government. The shadow government selected the shadow president, ob_ma. The shadow government has likely "selected" many president's overtime.
Trump, the non-Selected, but rather, the Elected, destroyed this system.
The gnashing of the teeth and demon screams we have heard ever since 2015 is the result of exorcizing the demons that have infiltrated our country.
What you have just eluded to along with Purkiss80 leads me to believe that WHEN this ALL goes WILL NOT BE is going to come down ALL AT ONCE...ALL the layers, no matter how deep will be done at the same time and there will be NO STOPPING until the end result is: HUMANITY IS FREE AND CLEAR OF THESE EGOTISTICAL PARASITES...
Gitmo is awaiting it's first customer...Let's create a spreadsheet and see who goes first...My money is on: OBAMA'S BACKER!!!!! That is where it started....
It took this long to open a lot of liberal eyes. Without some of the liberals supporting the idea of "we have a deep state running the world" then it would simply be an "us vs. them" strategy. I don't think Q wants the white hats to completely crush all lefties. Some lefties are opening their eyes and Q wants to save them. Plus, it is a lot harder for the deep state to push back against 75% of the country who opposes them. That is why this has taken so long. Plus, if Q would have put his plan in motion the first month Uncle Joe was sworn in, then the deep state would have had three years to figure out a plan to thwart Q.
I think Q meant it took this long to get DJT or get us an honest non compromised candidate.
DJT is the only Patriot I can think of who could fund his own campaign. Can you imagine the planning, implementation and loss of the lives of Operators to get us to the perfect time to insert DJT !?!
SO much planning to get us to this point since November 22, 1963...
We owe everything to the Patriots whose names we will never know.
How doe one bribe a self-made multi-Billionaire, who loves this country, and loves fellow patriots? A man who can afford the absolute BEST security team this country has to offer (and I am specifically NOT referring to the Secret Service). I would think that Musk and Pres. Trump would be among the best tier of customers a private personal security team, could hope for.
"they knowingly unmasked" ... This seems so insignificant after all the rapes, murder, trillions in money laundering, framing a potus, pedophilia, etc. who gives a shit about unmasking, Q....
The entire SpyGate, "Russia, Russia, Russia", impeachment 1 and 2 shams, and everything that was done to Trump as part of the insurance policy was run by the United States Intelligence Agencies, in Collusion with foreign intelligence agencies, foreign government leaders, global MSM, global Big Tech, and many more.
Being run by the top intelligence agencies and top law enforcement agencies, these groups thought they were untouchable. After all, if the cops and judges are party to the crime, do you call the cops or take them to court? How foolish.
This is the shadow government. The shadow government selected the shadow president, ob_ma. The shadow government has likely "selected" many president's overtime.
Trump, the non-Selected, but rather, the Elected, destroyed this system.
The gnashing of the teeth and demon screams we have heard ever since 2015 is the result of exorcizing the demons that have infiltrated our country.
Good summary of the war Trump and we are in.
What you have just eluded to along with Purkiss80 leads me to believe that WHEN this ALL goes WILL NOT BE is going to come down ALL AT ONCE...ALL the layers, no matter how deep will be done at the same time and there will be NO STOPPING until the end result is: HUMANITY IS FREE AND CLEAR OF THESE EGOTISTICAL PARASITES...
Gitmo is awaiting it's first customer...Let's create a spreadsheet and see who goes first...My money is on: OBAMA'S BACKER!!!!! That is where it started.... 😯😁😁😯😯😯😯😯😯😯🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨
Like :
How did you go bankrupt?....Slowly at first , then ALL at ONCE.
Is "it took this long for a reason" to mean that "something", maybe in the background, has been wrapped up?
Or is it really to say "it's TAKING this long for a reason"?
It took this long to open a lot of liberal eyes. Without some of the liberals supporting the idea of "we have a deep state running the world" then it would simply be an "us vs. them" strategy. I don't think Q wants the white hats to completely crush all lefties. Some lefties are opening their eyes and Q wants to save them. Plus, it is a lot harder for the deep state to push back against 75% of the country who opposes them. That is why this has taken so long. Plus, if Q would have put his plan in motion the first month Uncle Joe was sworn in, then the deep state would have had three years to figure out a plan to thwart Q.
Gotcha! I can't argue with that.
What metric does one use to decide liberal eyes are opening? Polls or voting results might seem logical choices, except we can't trust either.
How about a NYC construction worker saying...."FJB" to a news reporter.
So, anecdotal? Also, consider in 2020 Trump got 23% of the NYC vote, amounting to over 690,000 votes.
We only get to see/hear what they want us to. Doesn't mean true results aren't out there.
The truth is always out there, but that doesn't mean we are capable of accessing it or verifying it.
I think Q meant it took this long to get DJT or get us an honest non compromised candidate.
DJT is the only Patriot I can think of who could fund his own campaign. Can you imagine the planning, implementation and loss of the lives of Operators to get us to the perfect time to insert DJT !?!
SO much planning to get us to this point since November 22, 1963...
We owe everything to the Patriots whose names we will never know.
How doe one bribe a self-made multi-Billionaire, who loves this country, and loves fellow patriots? A man who can afford the absolute BEST security team this country has to offer (and I am specifically NOT referring to the Secret Service). I would think that Musk and Pres. Trump would be among the best tier of customers a private personal security team, could hope for.
*a man who is not a psychopath, unlike the rest of them
Security is largely an illusion, even for the ultra-rich wealthy.
Yes we do
I never considered that. Wow, How many people it must have taken. Their patriotism is immeasurable. Goosebumps!
Yes!! ❤️🤍💙
This set of deltas from May 12,13 2018 is very encouraging.
"Now comes the pain"
The 13th is about half over, what pain are you seeing that isn't from the citizens still living under this clown show?
The Q op was going on before 2017. Plus the drops are meant to be reread. Q told us the climax is in 2025.
I remember that 2025 date. At the time I thought "oh no that's way too way in the future". Now, here we are May 2024. 2025 is not that far away....
Since November 22,1963 and before...
Infiltration instead of invasion.
maybe its the other they/them
"they knowingly unmasked" ... This seems so insignificant after all the rapes, murder, trillions in money laundering, framing a potus, pedophilia, etc. who gives a shit about unmasking, Q....
When you're anointed no one can succeed in bringing you down. 🙏
Is it coincidence that we're dealing with severe storms and tornado outbreaks? They scare the crap out of me.