Every time decent folk are held to account, anyway.
Of course, election law should be pretty easy and simple.
"Citizens get one vote. ID verification to receive and enter a ballot." from the voter end.
From the other end, we should do away with adjudication period. Ballots should be verified at point of cast, and any damage or destruction of ballots should require prosecution and imprisonment of every single person in chain of custody.
I don't really care that there are "good reasons" that "justifies" adjudication, it has done nothing but allow wiggle room for fraud where there should be none.
Okay, fine. FUCK HER. Now she needs to pay the consequences. Hold her lying, cheating, treasonous ass accountable.
The same assholes are trying to rewrite history and gaslight about all of the C19 mandates/lockdown bullshit, blaming it on the "C19 bureaucracy." Okay, fine. FUCK THEM, TOO. But they're not going to slime their way out of this...they deserve to pay even more consequences.
Yesterday I boarded a Delta flight from a USA city to Amsterdam without showing my passport at the gate. It was handled by a facial recognition camera. If they wanted the voting to be this secure, they could do it.
This how the two tiered justice system works. The powers that be can dub these actions as “No intent”, and move on. Just like Jim Comey did with Hillary when he privately and “off the record” interrogated her about illegal doings including her basement servers and illegal emails.
And to all that I respond -- America is NOT a fucking "democracy."
America is a Constitutional Republic...and there is a difference. Anyone who starts throwing around the word "democracy" in numerous, simultaneous sentences, at least to me, sets off numerous alarms for me, who (sometimes) doesn't understand that simple fact.
To be clear, not attacking YOU, fren -- because I'd like to think you probably know the difference -- but I am referring to all of those idiot who throw this word around like it perfectly describes the U.S. It's blatantly clear that "social studies" hasn't been taught as a subject in American schools in, literally, decades.
EDIT: Person I responded to deleted their post(s) on this subthread, so context is somewhat lost...although I will always rant on the "MuH dEmOcRaCy!" issue.
How many times have we been told that ignorance of the law is no excuse?
came here to say that
Every time decent folk are held to account, anyway.
Of course, election law should be pretty easy and simple.
"Citizens get one vote. ID verification to receive and enter a ballot." from the voter end.
From the other end, we should do away with adjudication period. Ballots should be verified at point of cast, and any damage or destruction of ballots should require prosecution and imprisonment of every single person in chain of custody.
I don't really care that there are "good reasons" that "justifies" adjudication, it has done nothing but allow wiggle room for fraud where there should be none.
Yeah, election integrity needs to be harshly enforced.
I would say it is the single most impactful issue that everything else stems from. We can't stop anything if elections can be stolen.
It doesn't matter what you've told, what matters is how THEY have applied to law to THEMSELVES.
Only for white privileged persons of interest (satire)
I dint du nuttin
Bummer. You do the crime, you will do the time.
Didn't Earn It,
didn't learn it.
can't do it.
That's entitlement for you. To think that fucked up excuse is acceptable for anyone.
Okay, fine. FUCK HER. Now she needs to pay the consequences. Hold her lying, cheating, treasonous ass accountable.
The same assholes are trying to rewrite history and gaslight about all of the C19 mandates/lockdown bullshit, blaming it on the "C19 bureaucracy." Okay, fine. FUCK THEM, TOO. But they're not going to slime their way out of this...they deserve to pay even more consequences.
Where is personal accountability anymore??
She can study up on the law during her 10-year prison sentence.
Ignorance is not a defense (unless you're a democrat)
She has those resting beach eyes.
Well, I'll go there -- she has those "I'm a DEI hire and I'm untouchable!" eyes.
Incmptence is not an excuse. Sorry.
Now give back the money they paid you
How much was she Paid to not 'understand' it?
Ignorance isn't possible. She knew exactly what her actions were causing.
She should have taken some courses, or never taken the position. these jobs are all political appointments. I’m sure she understood her paycheck!
That's no excuse. She belongs in a federal penitentiary.
Yesterday I boarded a Delta flight from a USA city to Amsterdam without showing my passport at the gate. It was handled by a facial recognition camera. If they wanted the voting to be this secure, they could do it.
Too bad, it was YOUR JOB to know... off with your head
This how the two tiered justice system works. The powers that be can dub these actions as “No intent”, and move on. Just like Jim Comey did with Hillary when he privately and “off the record” interrogated her about illegal doings including her basement servers and illegal emails.
Bet she's bla...yip. Doing nothing for the stereotypes folks.
i truly believe that sometimes its pure ignorance. but i kinda suspect this bish knew just what she was doing
The Federalist reported Jeffreys “has a history of trouble with election law.”
There's no excuse. They knew what they were doing
And to all that I respond -- America is NOT a fucking "democracy."
America is a Constitutional Republic...and there is a difference. Anyone who starts throwing around the word "democracy" in numerous, simultaneous sentences, at least to me, sets off numerous alarms for me, who (sometimes) doesn't understand that simple fact.
To be clear, not attacking YOU, fren -- because I'd like to think you probably know the difference -- but I am referring to all of those idiot who throw this word around like it perfectly describes the U.S. It's blatantly clear that "social studies" hasn't been taught as a subject in American schools in, literally, decades.
EDIT: Person I responded to deleted their post(s) on this subthread, so context is somewhat lost...although I will always rant on the "MuH dEmOcRaCy!" issue.
Agree, BUT ...
... what do you replace it with?