I finally figured out how to look up key words in Q drops. Your post saying that Q says there will be no civil war had me intrigued so I think I found the post you were pointing out:
Q !CbboFOtcZs 07/01/2018 20:13:38 ID: 8704f4
8chan/qresearch: 1991829
There will be no civil war.
Coordinated MSM hysteria designed to instill fear - change narrative.
NK is NOT advancing their weapons program.
Coordinated MSM hysteria designed to instill fear - change narrative.
That gives me some comfort, yet I cannot help but wonder about the millions of foot soldiers who may or may not be white hats masquerading as illegals, while some say nope, they are UN soldiers and others show photos of illegals with ankle monitors attached. If it's all part of the show, then this show is not only confusing but it's longer than a Kevin Costner movie. Don't get me wrong, it's been an action/adventure movie for sure, but I'm ready for the part of the movie where the bad guys are blown to smithereens and the good guys saunter away all badass like with the carnage of the cabal in flames and ashes.
To a degree we already have one. It just doesn't encompass all of us in a kinetic war. Also, this civil war has external influences that control one side. So it's civil war by proxy inside a world war. If it went kinetic at the civilian level who would we even fight against?
Rafal Gan Ganowicz (April 23, 1932 - November 23, 2002) was a Polish Anti-communist Mercenary, soldier-in-exile, Journalist, member of the right wing National Council of Poland, and a Political and Social activist. He was active in Europe, Congo, and Yemen. He is quoted as responding "I wouldn't know, I've only ever killed Communists", when asked what it was like to kill another human. He wrote an autobiography about his experiences. A documentary film was made about him and was controversial in Poland. [1] [4] [3]
This is not just Jewish and Catholic. Try all 501 c3s. Greed. Wait for it. They will all be exposed. That is what it means by "It will be Biblical" The FAKE temples of God will be Razed. Thrown out of the Kingdom of Heaven.
The Kingdom of Heaven ie: Temple of God is within each of us. Not a 501 c 3. There will be a lot of large beams showing up in religious people's eyes. Crickets will be heard as they will still spew that they and only they have the Truth.
It’s been textbook sedition since 2016 from the entire msm, legal, medical, educational and cultural entertainment Industries. They all rejected our president and formed a silent coup against him. That alone should have triggered our military. Obama did some serious damage before Trump got in and made it so they were effectively neutered.
After the Covid weapon attack, vaccine mandates and stolen election + millions of illegal invaders into our nation it is at this point treason to America and our constitution. I pray every day our military will take action against this corrupt regime but I am losing my faith fast.
When the Founding Fathers were looking for who was going to save them where did they look? In the mirror. The same place we should be looking. The Declaration of Independence is our guide, but the action has to come from a people willing to pay the price to secure liberty.
BCFS is huge and no one ever mentions them. They run most of the "unaccompanied minors" camps. Guards there won't say anything about it because they make $50 an hour, work 12-hour shifts, 7 days a week, with 2-3 week deployments (meaning they're getting 44 hours of OT at $75 per hour every week) - I know this from having a couple of friends that took jobs with them.. They hire mainly retired public safety (LEO, FFs, BP, etc.) for these roles and they all turn a blind eye to what is going on because they are rolling in fat money on top of their retirement checks. It's straight up human trafficking and those that should be trusted the most are all corrupted for cash.
Are you afraid of something? Name one enemy that you could go attack today that you can prove has committed treason. One you personally have access and proof of crimes. I know of people I believe are treasonous and I have zero access to get them. If we can't get them then those who can must do it. Who might that be? If you can name any at all, then tell us all why you haven't done anything no stop them yet. Tell me your only experience with war is television without saying it.
I've been sent after our supposed enemies before, had to take someone's word for it they were worthy of destroying. I wouldn't even know who I could personally target in this mess amd neither do most on this forum. That's why ridiculous abstract comments about cowards should be disabused as idle chatter of a non thinking frustrated person. Smh.
Almost every person I know is fearful of so many things and that is the basis of all their decisions.
I base my decisions on my belief in Jesus and in God. If that results in some hardship then I just need to live with that, but I won't let that stop me making the right decision.
That attitude has put me in some tricky spots to be sure, but I couldn't have lived with myself if I'd chosen the coward's way.
This is sickening and horrible, and it needs to stop. Does anyone think "the plan" includes taking care of this invasion? Because the worse it gets (and the longer it goes on), the harder it takes to remedy the situation.
I called this back during the Bush Jr administration when they changed rules to allow religious based charities to receive government money to do their charitable work. The corruption ramps up once the government money starts flowing in because the focus of the charity switches from doing good deeds to help others in need to bringing in big bucks from the government.
Hopefully, Trump as CIC has his plans in place. The NG being deputized a few years ago is still a good sign in my mind. Still very concerning to see the sheer volume of $$ and people involved though.
It has been reported that even if Trump tries to do massive deportation, Congress won't provide the funding, so unless there is a HUGE replacement of Democrats and RINOs by true conservatives, it seems unlikely it can be reversed.
This is what happens when the cabal controls your government.
All the white countries are designated for destruction because white people are their number one enemy. White people are standing between them and them owning and controlling every last thing on the earth.
... and Q said that there will be no civil war? Well... let's hope so. Because ^^THIS^^ right here is the kind of thing that starts civil wars.
It's beginning to look like we have two choices. Civil war or roll over and be destroyed.
I finally figured out how to look up key words in Q drops. Your post saying that Q says there will be no civil war had me intrigued so I think I found the post you were pointing out:
Q !CbboFOtcZs 07/01/2018 20:13:38 ID: 8704f4 8chan/qresearch: 1991829 There will be no civil war. Coordinated MSM hysteria designed to instill fear - change narrative. NK is NOT advancing their weapons program. Coordinated MSM hysteria designed to instill fear - change narrative. FAKE NEWS! Q
That gives me some comfort, yet I cannot help but wonder about the millions of foot soldiers who may or may not be white hats masquerading as illegals, while some say nope, they are UN soldiers and others show photos of illegals with ankle monitors attached. If it's all part of the show, then this show is not only confusing but it's longer than a Kevin Costner movie. Don't get me wrong, it's been an action/adventure movie for sure, but I'm ready for the part of the movie where the bad guys are blown to smithereens and the good guys saunter away all badass like with the carnage of the cabal in flames and ashes.
My way is to pray for the best but prepare for the worst. I think we all need to do that.
True, but I think Trump and the good guys have this covered.
To a degree we already have one. It just doesn't encompass all of us in a kinetic war. Also, this civil war has external influences that control one side. So it's civil war by proxy inside a world war. If it went kinetic at the civilian level who would we even fight against?
I'd guess anyone who even vaguely promotes commie ideology. Which reminds me of something I read a while back:
Rafal Gan Ganowicz (April 23, 1932 - November 23, 2002) was a Polish Anti-communist Mercenary, soldier-in-exile, Journalist, member of the right wing National Council of Poland, and a Political and Social activist. He was active in Europe, Congo, and Yemen. He is quoted as responding "I wouldn't know, I've only ever killed Communists", when asked what it was like to kill another human. He wrote an autobiography about his experiences. A documentary film was made about him and was controversial in Poland. [1] [4] [3]
Religious Wars.
Well, that is redundant isn't it.
This is not just Jewish and Catholic. Try all 501 c3s. Greed. Wait for it. They will all be exposed. That is what it means by "It will be Biblical" The FAKE temples of God will be Razed. Thrown out of the Kingdom of Heaven.
The Kingdom of Heaven ie: Temple of God is within each of us. Not a 501 c 3. There will be a lot of large beams showing up in religious people's eyes. Crickets will be heard as they will still spew that they and only they have the Truth.
Bring it on.
It’s been textbook sedition since 2016 from the entire msm, legal, medical, educational and cultural entertainment Industries. They all rejected our president and formed a silent coup against him. That alone should have triggered our military. Obama did some serious damage before Trump got in and made it so they were effectively neutered.
After the Covid weapon attack, vaccine mandates and stolen election + millions of illegal invaders into our nation it is at this point treason to America and our constitution. I pray every day our military will take action against this corrupt regime but I am losing my faith fast.
^^^ THIS ^^^ Nailed it.
When the Founding Fathers were looking for who was going to save them where did they look? In the mirror. The same place we should be looking. The Declaration of Independence is our guide, but the action has to come from a people willing to pay the price to secure liberty.
Who’s military? Biden’s military?
BCFS is huge and no one ever mentions them. They run most of the "unaccompanied minors" camps. Guards there won't say anything about it because they make $50 an hour, work 12-hour shifts, 7 days a week, with 2-3 week deployments (meaning they're getting 44 hours of OT at $75 per hour every week) - I know this from having a couple of friends that took jobs with them.. They hire mainly retired public safety (LEO, FFs, BP, etc.) for these roles and they all turn a blind eye to what is going on because they are rolling in fat money on top of their retirement checks. It's straight up human trafficking and those that should be trusted the most are all corrupted for cash.
By the way the "B" in BCFS stands for "Baptist".
and yet when the country around them is destroyed and the dollar has turned valueless, what will they say then?
Even in the concentration camps there were Jews who would take "sonderkommando" positions for a little better food and accommodation for a few months.
All the sonderkommando were periodically liquidated but they never had trouble filling those jobs even though the outcome was known up front.
People are strange
People are cowards and live in fear.
Are you afraid of something? Name one enemy that you could go attack today that you can prove has committed treason. One you personally have access and proof of crimes. I know of people I believe are treasonous and I have zero access to get them. If we can't get them then those who can must do it. Who might that be? If you can name any at all, then tell us all why you haven't done anything no stop them yet. Tell me your only experience with war is television without saying it. I've been sent after our supposed enemies before, had to take someone's word for it they were worthy of destroying. I wouldn't even know who I could personally target in this mess amd neither do most on this forum. That's why ridiculous abstract comments about cowards should be disabused as idle chatter of a non thinking frustrated person. Smh.
Are you sure you responded to the right comment?
Almost every person I know is fearful of so many things and that is the basis of all their decisions.
I base my decisions on my belief in Jesus and in God. If that results in some hardship then I just need to live with that, but I won't let that stop me making the right decision.
That attitude has put me in some tricky spots to be sure, but I couldn't have lived with myself if I'd chosen the coward's way.
👍👌Thanks for the info...
Yup. It’s not just the Catholic hierarchy that’s evil. Plenty of Protestant “churches” too.
COME OUT OF HER. The Church is NOT a building or Religious organization.
Planned invasion, funded by you and I via tax dollars, to Jewish Family Services and subsidiaries.
Oh, and with absolutely no accountability.
This is sickening and horrible, and it needs to stop. Does anyone think "the plan" includes taking care of this invasion? Because the worse it gets (and the longer it goes on), the harder it takes to remedy the situation.
The melting pot intensifies *
JFS and Catholic Charities also does a lot of good work for needy families. All that's good is being corrupted.
I called this back during the Bush Jr administration when they changed rules to allow religious based charities to receive government money to do their charitable work. The corruption ramps up once the government money starts flowing in because the focus of the charity switches from doing good deeds to help others in need to bringing in big bucks from the government.
Was just going to post something like this. Nailed it. They get paid per head, definitely human trafficking.
Catholic, Luthersn, and Episcopal charities have been supporting migrants into the US for decades. Wake up
So what! That doesn't undo the extreme evil they're willingly doing with this invasion.
This is what POS brandon is doing for payment from china,this is the smoking gun.
and this is why we've all felt sick for the last 3 1/2 years
I know a lot of people here don't like Facebook, but posting videos like this may wake a few people up.
Hopefully, Trump as CIC has his plans in place. The NG being deputized a few years ago is still a good sign in my mind. Still very concerning to see the sheer volume of $$ and people involved though.
It has been reported that even if Trump tries to do massive deportation, Congress won't provide the funding, so unless there is a HUGE replacement of Democrats and RINOs by true conservatives, it seems unlikely it can be reversed.
Watch them deport 250k and call it a day. Thats the number of anchor babies in a month
You think thatbwill stop trump? Seriously after whatsoever witness before? Not me.
God bless Redacted and all others bringing us the truth at great risk.
So they are government “non” government organizations
This is what happens when the cabal controls your government.
All the white countries are designated for destruction because white people are their number one enemy. White people are standing between them and them owning and controlling every last thing on the earth.
Asian cultures are compliant. This is their ideal society. 1984
This is really truly terrifying. But nothing new. I’d love to know WHEN.
I saw this it is incredible. Our government is the enemy of the people.