Welcome to General Chat - GAW Community Area
This General Chat area started off as a place for people to talk about things that are off topic, however it has quickly evolved into a community and has become an integral part of the GAW experience for many of us.
Based on its evolving needs and plenty of user feedback, we are trying to bring some order and institute some rules. Please make sure you read these rules and participate in the spirit of this community.
Rules for General Chat
Be respectful to each other. This is of utmost importance, and comments may be removed if deemed not respectful.
Avoid long drawn out arguments. This should be a place to relax, not to waste your time needlessly.
Personal anecdotes, puzzles, cute pics/clips - everything welcome
Please do not spam at the top level. If you have a lot to post each day, try and post them all together in one top level comment
Try keep things light. If you are bringing in deep stuff, try not to go overboard.
Things that are clearly on-topic for this board should be posted as a separate post and not here (except if you are new and still getting the feel of this place)
If you find people violating these rules, deport them rather than start a argument here.
Feel free to give feedback as these rules are expected to keep evolving
In short, imagine this thread to be a local community hall where we all gather and chat daily. Please be respectful to others in the same way
Guy goes into a bar in Bunkie, Louisiana where there's a robot bartender.
The robot says, "What will you have?" The guy says, "Whiskey." The robot brings back his drink and says to the man, "What's your IQ?" The guy says," 168."
The robot then proceeds to talk about physics, space exploration and medical technology. The guy leaves, but he is curious...So he goes back into the bar.
The robot bartender says, "What will you have?" The guy says, "Whiskey." Again, the robot brings the man his drink and says, "What's your IQ?" The guy says, "100." The robot then starts to talk about NASCAR, Budweiser, the Saints and LSU Tigers.
The guy leaves, but finds it very interesting, so he thinks he will try it one more time. He goes back into the bar. The robot says, "What will you have?" The guy says, "Whiskey," and the robot brings him his whiskey.
The robot then says, "What's your IQ?" The guy says, "Uh, about 50."
The robot leans in real close and says, "So, you people still happy with Biden?” 😂🤣😂
Last week had surgery. It was an interesting experience and still a time to recovery. Total Hip replacement. Posterior.
When they were starting to get me ready for surgery I took the meds they wanted and before I knew it I was on the bed on the journey to the operation room. It gets colder as we get closer to the room. The room is bright with X-rays on the walls and people waiting.
I am hugging a pillow. The anesthesiologist is behind me. I close my eyes. It is black. Time is different and I see a red line. The is angled from bottom left to upper right..then I awake and carry on with then wanting me to walk with a walker while being dosed with more drugs than I have ever taken from birth all at once. I barf and immediately my brain feels better. But the pain I was behind on for a couple days.
The red line is interesting. Don’t think it means anything but it seemed to appear and before I was capable of focusing on it I was awake.
Thank you for the prayers and I want to get back to work now.
I’m glad surgery went well and praying for quick successful recovery.
Well im a little late to this one LOL but yeah I've spent the last almost 24 hours (about 21 at this point lol) in the hospital...again...
Pancreatitis (but maybe not. still waiting on some test results and stuff), and a Gout attack hit at the same time. So, my paycheck is gonna be garbage this week cause Mon+Tues are where most my hours come from. But, shitty jobs come and go - a shitty body youre stuck with.
Praying you find the answers to help and hope you get to feeling better.
much appreciated. got some news that isnt exactly good (ive developed type 2 diabetes mellitus) but oh well just a bump in the road
I replied to this but I think I forgot, not sure if I mentioned this. Look at ancestral supplements, organs from cows. They have great email support! Basically the beef organ helps that organ in you. I’ve been taking liver about a year. If I stop it I get old symptoms back. It’s not cheap but it’s quality and not synthetic vitamins. I’m gradually adding a couple of the supplements. If I already mentioned it I apologize.
I’m sorry to hear that. Look into the carnivore diet. It’s been a life changer for me as far as feeling better. It’s a big adjustment at first. Nothing makes me full like beef or eggs. I’ve been doing it about five months. My sweet tooth isn’t gone and occasionally we eat off the plan. Grocery shopping is a breeze you skip most of the aisles in the grocery store. Keto might also help. I’m too lazy to count carbs and macros. Dr Anthony Chaffee & Dr Ken Berry has good videos. Dr Chaffee has lots of videos with doctors and ordinary people that have been eating like this and it’s cured many conditions including diabetes. If you are on Facebook join some groups. I did long enough to learn ordinary people have improved their lives. Groups aren’t my thing so I just did it about a month. If you have any questions about it I’ll try to help. There’s some herbs that will help also, at the moment I don’t remember them. I can research. Bottom line the seed oils in most foods are terrible as well as oats and grains. Just more lies from the medical system and government to keep us on very toxic foods.
So my uncle is doing chemo for prostate cancer and NIH website clearly said Ivermectin helps in supressing some stuff and helping cure cancer and especially people doing chemo. So I told him and his wife and they didn't want to listen saying it's horse's medicine and conspiracy theory, Trump's theory blah blah blah... eventhough it's written in an NIH publication, they just put me down completely.
I tried. Now I just hope for the best.
that makes sense for them but not for most of us here imo.. they have a defeatist mentality while we want victory, miracles, faith, do not surrender until last breath kind of attitude lol
Sometimes I feel like an outsider watching a house burn down and can't yell because they're deaf
https://clifhigh.substack.com/p/choose-your-future-flavor?utm_medium=reader2...,...Check this out
Can anyone suggest a supplement for a broken fibula? I have broken my ankle and I want to heal as quickly as possible. Thank you!!
I hope you heal quickly. I can’t recommend supplements or internal herbs because I don’t have experience with them. Comfrey salve topical is recommended but it’s something you have to do daily. Research Solomon’s deal herb in tincture or salve. I was just reading about it last night, I’m looking for something as well. If I find something I’ll share. Dr Christopher’s is a good brand. Herb Pharm tincture brand is good. If you can’t find someone that makes salves and tinctures those brands will do. Good luck
Thank you, I appreciate the info
Actually have supplements that help build your bone mass. Think of it right now and I’m not home so I can’t go look at my supplements. But it’s something to do with bovine. I remember taking it when I was going to be having implants put in my mouth. It helps to prepare your bone and keep your bones strong when you get it done. ✅
Please share the supplement you used. I had implants last fall and feel in December, should have gone to get xray. Double whammy! I know I broke a bone in the bottom of my foot in the pad behind the toes. Also one toe looks crazy. The pain didn’t start until a couple months ago. It’s going to take several months to heal and not hurt. I’m taking beef organ supplements that could help. Also a topical comfrey salve. Thankfully walking doesn’t hurt unless I aggravate it. No shoes on the beach last week flared it like crazy.
as a person who has had foot surgery at least three times, take care of your feet. Find yourself a fantastic podiatrist, and make sure you get that handled. It can affect your gait, which affects your hips and your knees.
Standard Process (company name) Bio Dent
or any other bovine product. What you’re taking may actually actually do the same thing but I’m not educated on what you’re taking
Thanks, I do need to go to a doctor about it. I’ve had so much going on medically and hubby has to get off work to take me. I’m taking several Ancestral brand supplements. I’ve been taking liver supplements about a year. Hopefully carnivore diet will help also.
Oh, thank you. I hope you respond with the name.
Well you’re in luck… My mom has an account here and she read the comment that I made. And out of the goodness of her heart, she sent me a picture of the supplement that I have at home. You can thank u/basedpedegrandma for that!
The company name is Standard Process
The supplement is Bio Dent
However I’m sure you can find another brand that you can purchase at a health food or supplement store near you. But this is the one I was taking.
I have taken standard process enzymes for gallbladder and I liked them. I’ll check this out, please tell your mother thank you, I sincerely appreciate it and thank you for sharing this with me. <3
You’re welcome!
she’s a good mom to everyone. 😇
Get on ketosis. It speeds up regenerative cells
I’m on omad but I’ll consider reducing carbs. Thank you.
u/pbman2 u/merf
Scaramucci voicing his opinion
Edit: I mean his masters opinion.
Let's buy 2 million shares each and bump the price today.......
what % of your shares are DRSd?
I had all of them DRS,now its about 50%. I bought a bunch at 15 two weeks ago.
Sounds like the same situation I am in, although I'm at 60% DRS. You going to DRS the new shares?
I'm just going to hold for now,I don't want my shares in transite,my etrade takes weeks to move them. Last time I moved them in smaller blocks over time.
I'm still waiting for it to go down moar. Don't really want to raise my cost basis. But it seems like something big is coming in the next 2 weeks.
I just noticed I needed 69 share to give me an even 1000 in my trade account.
So I pulled the trigger.
Anybody watch anything worth sharing about Antarctica lately? New discoveries or revelations?
I watched Juan talk about Antarctica as a secure coms site and why obongo, cankles, kerry and gingrich went there, in relation to 2020 cheating...
Tore Says has an interesting series on Antarctica, lots packed in there!
Cool thanks. I'll try to find it unless you have a pointing...
Link to first episode.
When is a belief everlasting?
When it is based in Truth.
❓Question of the Day ❓
What is the one thing that you hate the most, that people do when you’re out in public?
Change their voice or speech habits based on who they are speaking with.
This is a clear sign whom you're speaking with's intentions are disingenuous if not dubious. Fakery with intent.
oh, this is a good one. Yes…. I think they’re referred to as narcissistic sociopaths
Dig tunnels & Crawl out of sewer grates
😂😂😂 When you nose, you 👃
Well… He’s not wrong. Definitely don’t like people getting caught digging tunnels in New York. 😂😂😂 And yes, it’s very annoying.
promiscuous clothing. I don't want to see Any of that when I'm in public, especially nowadays when they're so fat & sloth like. scary sometimes, especially when they think it looks good🤢
Agreed! This generation who wears gym clothes everywhere they go. Everything so tight you can see every crack in their cheeks … ewww
Spitting, acting mental, evil energy or mental vibe, being rude and entitled and completely disregard people around and being inconsiderate to their environment, on their cellphone or not looking when they cross the streets (mostly the younger people) like they expect the cars to take responsibility for their lives. If I see someone mental or bad vibe I just say a quick pray for that person and try to be as far away as possible and not make eye contact at all. The world is a scary place so always have your guard up. Ideally I feel the safest in Japan / Southeast Asia where people are genuinely kind and respectful. For 3rd world countries, they have way more class than western civilization.
Spitting… yes! I find this so disgusting. if somebody spits in front of me, I just looked them straight in the eye and say…
Well That’s Attractive! 🤮
The phone thing is my huge pet peeve. I cannot stand people being on speakerphone, and having conversations with people when they’re wandering around a store, or in the waiting room of a doctors office. It’s so disrespectful. If it gets really bad, I’ll look them in the eye and tell them… Nobody Cares 🤷♀️
I also agree with you when you’re trying to shop. I specifically will move my cart out of the way and put it somewhere so it’s not in anybody’s way just to walk around the fruit and vegetable area and get what I need and go back to my cart. This is the worst area in the market where people just block everything. It’s so frustrating.
With blocking the Isles…. People are so self unaware, they only think of themselves, what they want, and what they need. I’m literally like… please just move!
For this reason alone, I’m so angry about Covid. There are so many reasons to be pissed off about Covid, however… I used to do my shopping in the middle of the night. Walmart, the middle of the night… Fry’s grocery store the middle of the night… Wallgreens, the middle of the night. It’s so hard to find a 24 hour store anymore. 😡
Ripcord out their chest when you pull it, "Me, me, meeeeee!" (Like planes trains automobiles)
Well yeah, there is that... especially the further away from rural you get as parking lots are way smaller.
Ever see someone smack into a light pole in the middle of an otherwise empty parking lot? It's like they didn't even see it...
While the libtards are going after Harrison Butker for talking about family values, they are distracting us from looking at what all these leftists are saying at graduation speeches this year.
It usually doesn't matter what is said at these kind of speeches. The reason is because the only thing that really matters is that someone important gets an honorary degree and then gives the graduating class a few words of wisdom. But there is one speech that stood out and it is Jerry Seinfeld's at Duke given that he simply admitted that Duke is trying to replace them with new kids.
Psalm 34:15-18
The eyes of the Lord are toward the righteous and his ears toward their cry. 16 The face of the Lord is against those who do evil, to cut off the memory of them from the earth. 17 When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles. 18 The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.
Amen. I hang onto these verses.
Me too. 💕
I as well fren.