For the last few years, when you work on a big studio film set, you have to sign a behavior Oath. You can be fired from the set for being critical of Wokeness and Diversity. So the exact thing that is destroying the Industry is not allowed to be discussed within the Industry.
Click the featured banner next to the satire banner... It's also there so it's your choice to decide wether it's click-bait or not... Enjoy the rest of your day fren...
Times were different back then... People have been polarized and forced to show their preferences (politically, ideologically etc) because of the current situations today... Cheers fren... ☕️☕️☕️
This is utter hogwash. Never happened.
I'm very disappointed that Pedes here don't do enough research before posting crapoola such as this. Don't mean to offend you @Deadnought61... just being honest.
Anyhow, please try to research stuff before posting as factual. This doesn't pass muster at all. This is one of SO MANY of these things I've seen posted here, and too many just trust whatever is posted here and upvoted, or tagged by the mods.
I remember something about that. I watch TV, more older stuff before it was woke. I have watched two reality shows in my life. Some wrestler, don’t remember the name, he was funny only reason I kept watching. And some show on an island trying to win money. Not survivor. I probably won’t be watching his reality show. He does have a serious I think crime drama. I’ll probably watch eventually. It’s got to have 2-3 seasons before I invest time. So much is canceled now.
Hulk Hogan lol - that was the wrestler with the reality show. He and his wife split up during/after it and she hooked up with some guy younger than their daughter.
I haven’t heard of that show. This was a younger guy maybe 30-40. I’ve tried to find it it was a little crazy but good. He’s from up north and his dad is on the south some.
Huh then I don't know EDIT: ooh ok I know who you talking about now. His wife was involved in wrestling too. Moved to Texas from California- don't remember his name either lol
For the last few years, when you work on a big studio film set, you have to sign a behavior Oath. You can be fired from the set for being critical of Wokeness and Diversity. So the exact thing that is destroying the Industry is not allowed to be discussed within the Industry.
Even on the smaller sets, its basically implied that if you aren't leftist in mentality you aren't going to have any creative insight on the project.
They are running out of area to convince the left they are righteous in their design and mindset.
You can take all food away from someone and only serve them piles of cattle poop for meals, but they're still gonna know it's all BS.
Shitting in their own nest.
Seems kind of hypocritical to me... Cheers fren... ☕️☕️☕️
Leftist ideology is founded on pure hypocrisy. Hypocrisy is an inseparable quality of leftism.
Well said fren... Cheers... ☕️☕️☕️
Seems kind of insane and self destructive.
Being woke??? I couldn't agree more... Cheers fren... ☕️☕️☕️
these are fake quotes from some troll facebook group
100% facts
Hmmm... I'll have to look into that... Thank you fren... Cheers... ☕️☕️☕️
This is from 6 months ago, doesn't name the project and is listed under the satire section of the website. Lame click-bait.
Click the featured banner next to the satire banner... It's also there so it's your choice to decide wether it's click-bait or not... Enjoy the rest of your day fren...
Saw the same meme yesterday with Mel Gibson. Were they both involved in that project?
Good question... Cheers fren... ☕️☕️☕️
Very very nice win.
Would be if it wasn't pure satire. Completely fake.
I'm not researching piddly shit like this.
Took all of 30 seconds. Likely same amount of time and effort to reply =/
Sorry can be bothered.
Go give the OP shit.
Completely agree... Cheers fren... ☕️☕️☕️
I really don't know but you're probably right... Cheers fren... ☕️☕️☕️
Good decision because DeNiro WILL go down.
I wonder who the downvotes are from.. Deniro's fans? How odd
Dom Lucre is on it!😃
Agreed fren... ☕️☕️☕️
He worked with Arnold "Screw your Freedom" Schwarzenegger.
Recently or in the past??? Cheers fren... ☕️☕️☕️
In the past.
Times were different back then... People have been polarized and forced to show their preferences (politically, ideologically etc) because of the current situations today... Cheers fren... ☕️☕️☕️
I was thinking The Expendables 2010. Not recent.
There was Escape Plan 1 in 2013, but still not recent.
Before the MAGA era the libs of pedowood probably didn't worry about wokeness because it had just started setting in... Cheers fren... ☕️☕️☕️
Stallone and De Niro did Grudge Match a decade ago.
This meme seems fake
Kekekekek... Deniro is definitely a pedo... Cheers fren... ☕️☕️☕️
There was a movie with the two of them in 2013. Grudge Match. My cousin was the writer. This was before I realized what a raging lib DeNiro was.
Interesting... It's cool that your cousin was the writer... Cheers fren... ☕️☕️☕️
Unfortunately, that side of the family seems to be infected with the lib virus. Nice people though. Never talked about anything but family with me.
I can imagine.. my side of the family for Thanksgiving we had to sit in 2 separate rooms - the vacc and unvacc LOL
In 2021? 😉
Kekekek I understand fren...
This is utter hogwash. Never happened.
I'm very disappointed that Pedes here don't do enough research before posting crapoola such as this. Don't mean to offend you @Deadnought61... just being honest.
A single website mentions this, under the satire section:
There would be mentions around the web about this from credible sources.
Mention here, not true:
There's also a version of this where Stallone rejects a 100M Bud Light endorsement over the whole Mulvaney woke thing.
(Snopes is a leftist website, but they do often have valid information... ok?)
Anyhow, please try to research stuff before posting as factual. This doesn't pass muster at all. This is one of SO MANY of these things I've seen posted here, and too many just trust whatever is posted here and upvoted, or tagged by the mods.
Thank you for your input and I'll look into it more... As for snopes, I'll take my chances on my own... Cheers fren... ☕️☕️☕️
Rocky was the 1st movie I saw...that fighting spirit America needs right now.
I completely agree fren... Cheers... ☕️☕️☕️
Money ain’t everything! Looks like Sly gets it.
Agreed fren... Cheers... ☕️☕️☕️
He moved his entire family out of California and to Florida. From everything I read, he is definitely not a libtard.
I didn’t know this. I’ve seen a few posts about him that made me believe he’s awake and anti liberal.
I don't watch TV but apparently he and family are doing a reality show about their life lol - or were. Don't know if it's still on or not.
I remember something about that. I watch TV, more older stuff before it was woke. I have watched two reality shows in my life. Some wrestler, don’t remember the name, he was funny only reason I kept watching. And some show on an island trying to win money. Not survivor. I probably won’t be watching his reality show. He does have a serious I think crime drama. I’ll probably watch eventually. It’s got to have 2-3 seasons before I invest time. So much is canceled now.
Hulk Hogan lol - that was the wrestler with the reality show. He and his wife split up during/after it and she hooked up with some guy younger than their daughter.
I haven’t heard of that show. This was a younger guy maybe 30-40. I’ve tried to find it it was a little crazy but good. He’s from up north and his dad is on the south some.
Huh then I don't know EDIT: ooh ok I know who you talking about now. His wife was involved in wrestling too. Moved to Texas from California- don't remember his name either lol
No way he said that. really?
Is Sly based?
And willing to be publicly based? Wowzers let's hope!
It would appear so but a few anons have said it's fake and click-bait... Cheers fren... ☕️☕️☕️
The movie industry died out a while back.
Agreed... Cheers fren... ☕☕☕
And it's listed there under SATIRE
Tap the banner next to satire and its there as well... Trending I believe it is... Cheers fren... ☕️☕️☕️
I'll be damned. Something big has changed in hollyweird if all these actors are openly choosing trump suddenly.
Even though many actors are flaming libs, I think several were always either conservative or not radical as libs... Cheers fren... ☕️☕️☕️
Oh boy!! Geriatric fight!!! Punch drunk Rocky vs The raving Bullshitter!!! Sponsored by Depends. A real yawner!!!
It's still a Pedowood production. just different positions of those who believe they are something and have nothing.....
This is fake, satire, not real.
Hence my comments..... LOL
I put my money on Stallone... Kekekekek... Cheers fren... ☕️☕️☕️