I don't know, I think he was just a puppet. We know the true powers behind the curtain never reveal themselves publically. We can't just go around hanging anyone we think might be responsible, we have to be better than that. When President Trump comes back in power, we need to have both mercy and justice. I think it will be enough for people like Dr. Fauci to know that they were used by the establishment and did terrible things. Guilt is often its own form of punishment.
I'm really not sure about those. We kept hearing of Biolabs and tunnels, but there has been no release of evidence from Russia from the territories they've taken over. I remember them talking about labs specifically in Mariupol, but after the Russians took the city, absolutely nothing.
I'm not sure if he even knows or not if he's just a puppet. Even if they did exist, I'm not sure if he could tell the truth, if his family is being held hostage.
The history behind hanged/hung is actually very interesting and full of inconsistencies dating back centuries, and may very well have just been a legal term that never changed with the language.
Though as we know, not all linguistic evolution is good.
I was referencing only accepted modern usage and not history or evolution
Thanx for the extra data - I went to the source to check it out:
As a method of execution the word [hang] is attested in late Old English (but originally specifically of crucifixion). A Cincinnati source from 1838 describes it euphemistically as "encountering atmospheric suspension" ["Tales and Sketches of the Queen City"]. The meaning "to come to a standstill" (as especially in hung jury) is from 1848, American English. Hung emerged as past participle 16c. in northern England dialect, and hanged endured in legal language (which tends to be conservative) in reference to capital punishment and in metaphors extended from it (I'll be hanged).
Good for Marjorie, I guess, but where are the teeth? Will there be any repercussions, or is this another grandstanding session? Will Jim Jordan do anything? Or will it be more tough talk on boomer Hannity? What will it take to ever get a modicum of justice and not just a fuckin sound bite?
Take comfort the truth is coming out and uniting the world. They will face justice here before facing God for the final justice. They can not claim double jeopardy with God.
MTG should have not simply shown the dogs but named the experiment: "Where your approved experiment allowed sand fleas to bite dogs eyes until they were howling in pain constantly, until your researchers cut out their vocal cords" You get THAT on camera, and it would have totally F'd Fauci's reputation
I am sure we will have the full hearing soon. Fauci later goes into it is complicated on the effectiveness of the jabs. The truth is never complicated but the deception is. There is your sign.
How does the legislative branch cause anything to happen without the cooperation of the executive branch?
The executive branch won't do anything. Proven track history.
So this is one of those "It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing." kind of things that we have become conditioned to accept. Like all congressional inquiries and interrogations and interviews over the last 4 years. "Lets call the president of university X in front of us", "Lets call the CEO of company z in front of us", "lets call general Y in front of us"...
And... we accept it as some kind of action. Read that Shakespeare quote above one more time and let it sink in. Repeat until it sinks in.
Rock Band fist pump until... nothing ever happens.
I am not trying to be a Debbie Downer but how does one turn the words into action when the system is obviously broken?
We can circulate petitions until we are blue in the face and have 100 million signatures and still... nothing will happen.
We can file a class action lawsuit that will take years to litigate and millions of dollars to push through the "system" and... nothing will happen.
There seems to be a piece missing where an American citizen can make something happen. When did that disappear? Was it ever there?
The question in all of this appears to be, what can WE do?
I certainly don't have the answer. The only thing closely related to a Q answer would be class action lawsuits.
What would the crime be? We are mad at you for lying to us? That even sounds stupid. Would it be dereliction of duty? Intentional incompetence? Treason? I thought only congress can accuse someone of treason. And we are back at square one.
I debated posting this due to no answers and only questions. My XO on the submarine said never to go to the captain with a problem unless you have a solution. So, I have lots of problems with no solution at this point. This is where you ask the crew for insight.
Those class action lawsuits need to happen. In the Philippines it is npw coming out about the deaths from the jabs and gaining traction. The whole world will soon demand arrests.
Medical doctors seem to be the only people who refer to THEMSELVES as Dr.______. People with PhDs don't usually refer to themself as Dr. ______. What is funny is that medical school graduates are just trade school graduates, but have somehow elevated themselves to be considered well above their rightful status.
Our local news just had a quick clip where it was stated, "A local man heckled Dr. Fauci" :)
Jill Biden calling herself "Doctor" is probably the case in point of how ridiculous it is for many, if not everyone who does it, to refer to themselves as "Dr. _______" when introducing themselves. I think she received equivalent to an online degree, but I'm not sure. Unless you have to do some kind of original, significant, research, that involves a dissertation and defense of that dissertation, I don't think anyone should be called "Dr. ______", and certainly shouldn't refer to themself as such.
Fuck this bastard. Public execution is what is needed. Where is a DA filing charges against him like they did with Trump. People love their pets more than they love humans. This POS ever walks out his house without his detail, I would imagine he would run into some unhappy folks.
Hanged not put in jail.
Time for arresats and trials for Crimes against Humanity.
I don't know, I think he was just a puppet. We know the true powers behind the curtain never reveal themselves publically. We can't just go around hanging anyone we think might be responsible, we have to be better than that. When President Trump comes back in power, we need to have both mercy and justice. I think it will be enough for people like Dr. Fauci to know that they were used by the establishment and did terrible things. Guilt is often its own form of punishment.
Amen, he follows orders. I am wondering why nobody has asked about Biolabs in the Uklraine ?
I'm really not sure about those. We kept hearing of Biolabs and tunnels, but there has been no release of evidence from Russia from the territories they've taken over. I remember them talking about labs specifically in Mariupol, but after the Russians took the city, absolutely nothing.
Early on there were some reports coming out. But since we had him on the hot seat why not just ask him ?
I'm not sure if he even knows or not if he's just a puppet. Even if they did exist, I'm not sure if he could tell the truth, if his family is being held hostage.
Fauci made sure not to mention it was his wife that approved it and claim it was ethical.
Correct - send him to Guantanamo and find out where ALL the orders came from.
Hanging too fast, he needs to suffer.
Maybe so.
It's the least we ask for.
BTW, hanged not hung ;)
I fixed it.
The history behind hanged/hung is actually very interesting and full of inconsistencies dating back centuries, and may very well have just been a legal term that never changed with the language.
Though as we know, not all linguistic evolution is good.
I was referencing only accepted modern usage and not history or evolution
Thanx for the extra data - I went to the source to check it out:
Amen, there is the illusion of being a leader and the reality of being a leader.
Good for Marjorie, I guess, but where are the teeth? Will there be any repercussions, or is this another grandstanding session? Will Jim Jordan do anything? Or will it be more tough talk on boomer Hannity? What will it take to ever get a modicum of justice and not just a fuckin sound bite?
This is showing the people, and will gain more support for we the people.
Are you guys waiting for the American people to be more active and demanding change?
Basically 100th effect?
Be as lawfully loud as possible.
Demand the truth.
It must come from the masses.
Not from within.
What methods of communication should the masses be using to express their desire for transparency?
I ask because EVERYONE I speak with is mad as hell and wants to know the TRUTH NOW.
Paper pamphlets willingly offered in public areas with concise; evidence based claims, and guidance going forward.
Do not lecture.
Only open the door.
They must choose to know.
u/#q3724 u/#q1105
Q: Is there sealed indictments for people involved with vaccines?
A: They have committed other crimes. Collateral damage from fallouts will clean things up.
“The world is watching” (22 Q posts https://qalerts.app/?q=THE+WORLD+IS+WATCHING)
It gets into the congressional record the sentence "You should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity."
No MTG, he should be executed.
The judges at the trials for crimes against humanity will determine the sentencing since it is a Capital Offense.
God forgive me, but I will be filled with joy when his smug smirk is replaced with the look of fear as he is put down. Pee puddle forming.
Herm,an Goring did the same at the Nuremberg trials until he committed suicide. Do not buy into the DS BS act he is trying to sell you.
I could throw the switch, pull the lever, or push the button...
Take comfort the truth is coming out and uniting the world. They will face justice here before facing God for the final justice. They can not claim double jeopardy with God.
Amen Anon.
Amen, Gods will be done.
So basically, this ends at 4 minutes, when the idiots in the top middle babble some technicalities?
You are very correct, she missed her best chance.
100% THIS
Is it that she's not prepared enough to take that shot or that she doesn't want to for some reason?
I can't think of a benefit to not airing out more details on that when she had the chance.
I agree she did unoptimally.
I am sure we will have the full hearing soon. Fauci later goes into it is complicated on the effectiveness of the jabs. The truth is never complicated but the deception is. There is your sign.
How does the legislative branch cause anything to happen without the cooperation of the executive branch?
The executive branch won't do anything. Proven track history.
So this is one of those "It is a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing." kind of things that we have become conditioned to accept. Like all congressional inquiries and interrogations and interviews over the last 4 years. "Lets call the president of university X in front of us", "Lets call the CEO of company z in front of us", "lets call general Y in front of us"...
And... we accept it as some kind of action. Read that Shakespeare quote above one more time and let it sink in. Repeat until it sinks in.
Rock Band fist pump until... nothing ever happens.
I am not trying to be a Debbie Downer but how does one turn the words into action when the system is obviously broken?
We can circulate petitions until we are blue in the face and have 100 million signatures and still... nothing will happen.
We can file a class action lawsuit that will take years to litigate and millions of dollars to push through the "system" and... nothing will happen.
There seems to be a piece missing where an American citizen can make something happen. When did that disappear? Was it ever there?
The question in all of this appears to be, what can WE do?
I certainly don't have the answer. The only thing closely related to a Q answer would be class action lawsuits.
What would the crime be? We are mad at you for lying to us? That even sounds stupid. Would it be dereliction of duty? Intentional incompetence? Treason? I thought only congress can accuse someone of treason. And we are back at square one.
I debated posting this due to no answers and only questions. My XO on the submarine said never to go to the captain with a problem unless you have a solution. So, I have lots of problems with no solution at this point. This is where you ask the crew for insight.
Those class action lawsuits need to happen. In the Philippines it is npw coming out about the deaths from the jabs and gaining traction. The whole world will soon demand arrests.
dont talk about it ...do it ...the troll needs a major spanking...or hanging
Important we share these truths around the world to all Gods children.
The fisters for Fauchi are out in full force today. The brainwashing of the Marxist is mind blowing.
Proof that brainwashing works.
Amen, and thanking MTG for getting Gods truth out to the people around the world.
Instead of giving in at the end and calling him Dr. Fauci, she should have just called him to his face "Anthony Fauci".
Titles, like pronouns, are never actually required. The person's name can be used instead.
Medical doctors seem to be the only people who refer to THEMSELVES as Dr.______. People with PhDs don't usually refer to themself as Dr. ______. What is funny is that medical school graduates are just trade school graduates, but have somehow elevated themselves to be considered well above their rightful status.
Our local news just had a quick clip where it was stated, "A local man heckled Dr. Fauci" :)
Jill Biden refers to herself as "doctor". Medical insurance companies refer to medical doctors as 'providers'. Just sayin.
Jill Biden calling herself "Doctor" is probably the case in point of how ridiculous it is for many, if not everyone who does it, to refer to themselves as "Dr. _______" when introducing themselves. I think she received equivalent to an online degree, but I'm not sure. Unless you have to do some kind of original, significant, research, that involves a dissertation and defense of that dissertation, I don't think anyone should be called "Dr. ______", and certainly shouldn't refer to themself as such.
Fuck this bastard. Public execution is what is needed. Where is a DA filing charges against him like they did with Trump. People love their pets more than they love humans. This POS ever walks out his house without his detail, I would imagine he would run into some unhappy folks.
These people are beyond sick.
He needs to be publicly hung. Jail is insufficient.
Their trials for Crimes against Humanity should be made public .
Thrown in jail? The punishment for crimes against humanity is far greater than jail time. Let's quit being pussies about this and be honest.
Crimes against Humanity come with the DP.
Prosecuted and executed, along with the rest.
Time for trials for Crimes against Humanity.
Perhaps we should just make sure he gets the vax, and all of the boosters. After all, he said they were safe and effective.
Watch him quickly decline that offer.
I love her. Such a troll. MISTER fauchi. Lmao
All that is needed is God, prayer and truth.
Fraudci always worked for me.
Just another scumbag on the list of scumbags. He has to earn the right to be called Mister.
She’s right about what he deserves, but I think she came off cringy. Sorry.
People died and Fauci lied. Their lives mean more then his feelings.
He just needs to take a walk in a crowd. Enjoy his last breaths.
Thankfully the whole world is listening to this.
So do it....
This showing the world will gain world wide support for those arrests. Bringing the world together with one truth at a time.
Love the tactics she uses... pulls no punches and let's them land right on target!! We need more like her in office!!!
With all th facts that have been found and discovered best to nail them with facts, they either confess or perjure themselves.
Absolutely. Funny how they talk knowing a manila necktie appointment depends on themselves....
I suspect many of them will lie and deny until the end