You're most welcome. And back to you, I appreciate you and this thread. I don't know why this topic is so difficult for many GAW members to absorb. Many seem to prefer to stay in the "comfort zone" of the fraud they've been conditioned to believe their entire lives, instead of looking at the facts. This topic is VITALLY important to understand what is going on today, and not "meaningless ancient history."
Near the top of the document are the population statistics of the world's religious groups, both in 1933 and 1948. The images can be expanded by clicking on them.
I don't know why this topic is so difficult for many GAW members to absorb.
I think it's simply because the majority of Zionism tainted Christianity teaches the lie of psuedojews needing blind respect from misrepresenting what the Bible is saying. Most fly the flag of Israel and have no clue what it stands for. Most churches have sermons that don't dive deep enough into the historical aspects of the Bible and focus more on the message, relating different verses and chapters. That's why the most popular translations of the Bible that are used in churches are not literal translations. Which in a basic sense I'm not knocking, because it is easier to read.. but most people only know of the KJV and NIV, and more recently the CASB and NLT. Research what Bible the Founders brought to America was. You will find it was not the KJV, it was the Geneva Bible, the peoples Bible.
There's also often no room for debate in a church. It is sometimes scorned upon to suggest there are different interpretations of scriptures, so that ignorant mentality allows no progress of understanding. Which causes the problem you highlight.
I think it's simply because the majority of Zionism tainted Christianity teaches the lie of psuedojews needing blind respect from misrepresenting what the Bible is saying.
100% accurate.
Most fly the flag of Israel and have no clue what it stands for.
Exactly. They are too lazy to look up that the 6-pointed star on the flag (which is also on the Pope's hat) is the Star of Remphan, which is an evil symbol, not a good one. Also, the 2 stripes are symbolism that the jewish plan from the beginning in 1947 was to annilate all non-jews in Palestine.
And since the jews have nothing at all to do with the Israelites of the Bible (they have always been "name-stealers"), it shows how fully indoctrinated most Christians are today.
Most churches have sermons that don't dive deep enough into the historical aspects of the Bible and focus more on the message, relating different verses and chapters.
Right. 99% of Christian pastors/preachers will take one small snippet of a verse (often, out-of-context) and then tell some personal story about themselves or a friend of a brother of a parishoner blah blah blah ... some bullshit story (probably fake to begin with) that supposedly explains that small snippet of a verse.
They will NEVER actually talk about the CONTEXT of what that passage was actually saying IN THE BIBLE. This is what they are taught to do in their fake seminary education.
There's also often no room for debate in a church.
It was even worse for most of Christianity. For 1,000 years, the Roman Catholic Church ruled over Christianity. The popes and the bishops just made up whatever the fuck they wanted to about what the Bible supposedly said, and called it the church doctrine. ANYONE who said or wrote anything in disagreement was guilty of heresy and EXECUTED. That included all the translators and scribes who were writing from the original Hebrew or Greek, even if they discovered something that was not in agreement with the church doctrine.
Martin Luther finally learned of this blastephemy by the Roman Catholic Church, and that is what sparked the Protestant Reformation (not that the Protesants today are any better, but the split was due to all the LIES of the RCC).
The lies persist today, just like lies in medicine, law, politics, etc.
But most people are so bought-in to what they already believe, that they refuse to consider the possibility that they may have been misled -- whether accidentally or intentionally.
Thank you for the elaboration. I know all of this but it's a very good readout for others who don't know. Thank you for the time you took to do it. I think everyone should have a copy of the Geneva Bible and the NASB/NET to go along with their current one.
You sure have a lot of info. I appreciate it. I stumbled across this about a year and half ago. it was a Canadian engineer's article. He was working for the Canadian government and came across the concentration camps ovens and capacity. The math didn't add up and so he started to investigate and he ran into lots of resistance. By hooks and crooks he was able to get into the camps to look at the equipment and conclude that there's no freaking way what they said were true.
Well, Auschwitz is just like a little town with office buildings. It was primarily a working camp, although it does have a crematorium in the middle of town with 4 ovens iirc. It was relatively easy if you were sent to Auschwitz, you just had to be a slave laborer essentially.
A few miles away is Birkenau, that was the extermination camp. Now that place gave me the creeps.
Another important things for everyone to know is about the movie "Schindler's List." Most people think it was a documentary or some sort of historical factual account, due to the deceptive way that Steven Spielberg (a jew) directed and produced it.
It was based on the book, which (from Wiki) ...
Schindler's Ark is a historical fiction published in 1982 by the Australian novelist Thomas Keneally. The United States edition of the book was titled Schindler's List; it was later reissued in Commonwealth countries under that name as well. The novel won the Booker Prize, a literary award conferred each year for the best single work of sustained fiction written in the English language, and was awarded the Los Angeles Times Book Prize for Fiction in 1983.
... fictional dialogue and scenes added by the author ...
... its highly successful 1993 film adaptation directed by director Steven Spielberg ...
Much like Anne Frank's Diary. It was written in ball point pen, a new creation at that time that only the ultra-rich had. And some people say, well she wrote it and her dad embellished it, but handwriting experts say that the same hand wrote the ball point portions and the other portions. And her father was sued, and lost in court, to a man he owed money to for helping him write it. So basically the whole thing is BS and they are still teaching that crap in school.
Historical fiction means it is fiction based on fact, so the events are real but told in a fictional manner with private dialogue (etc) that can’t be known but only speculated.
What's the purpose? I don't understand why this topic is vital today.
In the words, if people lied about this, what changes? Victim-based history is the left's MO. I care about what people do today and don't inherently ascribe the sins of the fathers to a particular ethnic group.
Israel is already not to be trusted for many other reasons.
Entire history books have been created to hide who the bolsheviks were, and their role in WWI and WWII. If the world realized that they are jews, fulfilling their myths and legends for world domination and control, the entire advantage of hiding behind lies about history evaporates. It's too much for a brief post here, but the goals of Zionism and judaism, including how goyim are to be treated and lied to, are pretty horrific.
They demonized not only Hitler, but an entire COUNTRY, humiliating and demoralizing them to serve their purposes. That alone should infuriate the world. All to cover their own crimes. Estimates go as high as 60 million Europeans murdered between 1915 and 1950 by the bolsheviks.
They control the media, banking, corporations (including pharmaceutical companies -- vaxx anyone?), social media and the internet, and entire governments. Money is stolen from us through currency manipulation and interest rates.
Certainly, if you've spent any time at all on this message board, you are aware of the "cabal" and the "New World Order." If you learn about the above, it becomes clear who is behind all this. In fact, in their twisted system of logic, they must TELL YOU what they plan to do. If you hear it, and do nothing, their have essentially agreed to it. I could provide many such confessions of jews of what they plan for world domination, or their interpretations of the Talmud for the same.
I hope you understand why this is important. Their plan never stopped, and continues it its operation.
Sure - do you have any details on the following topics (feel free to create as a new informative post):
Why did Hitler invade Poland and bomb England in your view for example?
Primary sources for a Talmud translation and some of the quotes you mention. I'm aware of specific evil individuals like Soros, Huvari, bureaucrats in the Biden admin, etc.
What was the Bolsheviks involvement in WW1 and WW2? I have heard of the Russian genocide but not any specific involvement in those wars.
Evidence specifically indicating an ethnic based conspiracy outside of the Bolsheviks. A lot of the evil seems to be from people who identify more with atheism than the Talmud specifically.
I have a few friends who are Jewish and they have no part in a broader conspiracy.
Otherwise, you cannot learn the TRUE lessons of history, which means you cannot figure out what to do in the future.
I find your question to be absolutely shocking that you would not understand that you MUST learn from history in order to make better decisons in the future.
"He who fails to learn from history is condemned to repeat it." -- Santayana
And the REASON people fail to learn from history is because they are LIED TO about history.
I already know that people are evil and often lie, including in history. I'm asking in this specific case what do you feel like was an important takeaway.
Now. I really appreciate this link. Great one.
You're most welcome. And back to you, I appreciate you and this thread. I don't know why this topic is so difficult for many GAW members to absorb. Many seem to prefer to stay in the "comfort zone" of the fraud they've been conditioned to believe their entire lives, instead of looking at the facts. This topic is VITALLY important to understand what is going on today, and not "meaningless ancient history."
You may also be interested in this link: Near the bottom of the document is the Red Cross statement of the true number of deaths in the German camps. Auschwitz had 52,389. The total dead in all camps was 271,507 -- 90% of them from typhus.
Near the top of the document are the population statistics of the world's religious groups, both in 1933 and 1948. The images can be expanded by clicking on them.
I think it's simply because the majority of Zionism tainted Christianity teaches the lie of psuedojews needing blind respect from misrepresenting what the Bible is saying. Most fly the flag of Israel and have no clue what it stands for. Most churches have sermons that don't dive deep enough into the historical aspects of the Bible and focus more on the message, relating different verses and chapters. That's why the most popular translations of the Bible that are used in churches are not literal translations. Which in a basic sense I'm not knocking, because it is easier to read.. but most people only know of the KJV and NIV, and more recently the CASB and NLT. Research what Bible the Founders brought to America was. You will find it was not the KJV, it was the Geneva Bible, the peoples Bible.
There's also often no room for debate in a church. It is sometimes scorned upon to suggest there are different interpretations of scriptures, so that ignorant mentality allows no progress of understanding. Which causes the problem you highlight.
100% accurate.
Exactly. They are too lazy to look up that the 6-pointed star on the flag (which is also on the Pope's hat) is the Star of Remphan, which is an evil symbol, not a good one. Also, the 2 stripes are symbolism that the jewish plan from the beginning in 1947 was to annilate all non-jews in Palestine.
And since the jews have nothing at all to do with the Israelites of the Bible (they have always been "name-stealers"), it shows how fully indoctrinated most Christians are today.
Right. 99% of Christian pastors/preachers will take one small snippet of a verse (often, out-of-context) and then tell some personal story about themselves or a friend of a brother of a parishoner blah blah blah ... some bullshit story (probably fake to begin with) that supposedly explains that small snippet of a verse.
They will NEVER actually talk about the CONTEXT of what that passage was actually saying IN THE BIBLE. This is what they are taught to do in their fake seminary education.
It was even worse for most of Christianity. For 1,000 years, the Roman Catholic Church ruled over Christianity. The popes and the bishops just made up whatever the fuck they wanted to about what the Bible supposedly said, and called it the church doctrine. ANYONE who said or wrote anything in disagreement was guilty of heresy and EXECUTED. That included all the translators and scribes who were writing from the original Hebrew or Greek, even if they discovered something that was not in agreement with the church doctrine.
Martin Luther finally learned of this blastephemy by the Roman Catholic Church, and that is what sparked the Protestant Reformation (not that the Protesants today are any better, but the split was due to all the LIES of the RCC).
The lies persist today, just like lies in medicine, law, politics, etc.
But most people are so bought-in to what they already believe, that they refuse to consider the possibility that they may have been misled -- whether accidentally or intentionally.
Thank you for the elaboration. I know all of this but it's a very good readout for others who don't know. Thank you for the time you took to do it. I think everyone should have a copy of the Geneva Bible and the NASB/NET to go along with their current one.
Truth in advertising...
Oh. Interesting.
You sure have a lot of info. I appreciate it. I stumbled across this about a year and half ago. it was a Canadian engineer's article. He was working for the Canadian government and came across the concentration camps ovens and capacity. The math didn't add up and so he started to investigate and he ran into lots of resistance. By hooks and crooks he was able to get into the camps to look at the equipment and conclude that there's no freaking way what they said were true.
How I start to research this.
Ernst Zündel?
Fred Leuchter testified for him in the 80s
Blackpilled did a stream about Leuchter: (he starts talking about it at the 3 minute mark through around 2 hours)
worth a watch if you are interested.
Thank you. I am going to flag this one so I can look at all these valuable info everyone is giving me here.
Well, Auschwitz is just like a little town with office buildings. It was primarily a working camp, although it does have a crematorium in the middle of town with 4 ovens iirc. It was relatively easy if you were sent to Auschwitz, you just had to be a slave laborer essentially.
A few miles away is Birkenau, that was the extermination camp. Now that place gave me the creeps.
I have not heard of Birkenau. There was even a swimming pool there. I did not know all that until quite recent.
Part of what woke me up to this lie was the video David Cole in Auschwitz...
Could the ovens have been used for cremating the dead who died from disease/overwork, etc? That could be a logical explanation for their use.
Excellent post.
Another important things for everyone to know is about the movie "Schindler's List." Most people think it was a documentary or some sort of historical factual account, due to the deceptive way that Steven Spielberg (a jew) directed and produced it.
It was based on the book, which (from Wiki) ...
Much like Anne Frank's Diary. It was written in ball point pen, a new creation at that time that only the ultra-rich had. And some people say, well she wrote it and her dad embellished it, but handwriting experts say that the same hand wrote the ball point portions and the other portions. And her father was sued, and lost in court, to a man he owed money to for helping him write it. So basically the whole thing is BS and they are still teaching that crap in school.
Blackpilled's entire Burns Libel series is really good.
Historical fiction means it is fiction based on fact, so the events are real but told in a fictional manner with private dialogue (etc) that can’t be known but only speculated.
SOMETIMES it means that. But not in the case of "Schindler's List."
Here is an interview with Ernst Zundel, talking about the movie and the book.
Go to 6:30 of the video.
From the author's own words about the book:
It does NOT say: "based on a true story."
It DOES say: "a work of fiction, and a product of the author's imagination."
It is a book of FICTION -- according to the author.
I will take the word of the person who wrote it over your opinion, or that of anyone else.
What's the purpose? I don't understand why this topic is vital today.
In the words, if people lied about this, what changes? Victim-based history is the left's MO. I care about what people do today and don't inherently ascribe the sins of the fathers to a particular ethnic group.
Israel is already not to be trusted for many other reasons.
Entire history books have been created to hide who the bolsheviks were, and their role in WWI and WWII. If the world realized that they are jews, fulfilling their myths and legends for world domination and control, the entire advantage of hiding behind lies about history evaporates. It's too much for a brief post here, but the goals of Zionism and judaism, including how goyim are to be treated and lied to, are pretty horrific.
They demonized not only Hitler, but an entire COUNTRY, humiliating and demoralizing them to serve their purposes. That alone should infuriate the world. All to cover their own crimes. Estimates go as high as 60 million Europeans murdered between 1915 and 1950 by the bolsheviks.
They control the media, banking, corporations (including pharmaceutical companies -- vaxx anyone?), social media and the internet, and entire governments. Money is stolen from us through currency manipulation and interest rates.
Certainly, if you've spent any time at all on this message board, you are aware of the "cabal" and the "New World Order." If you learn about the above, it becomes clear who is behind all this. In fact, in their twisted system of logic, they must TELL YOU what they plan to do. If you hear it, and do nothing, their have essentially agreed to it. I could provide many such confessions of jews of what they plan for world domination, or their interpretations of the Talmud for the same.
I hope you understand why this is important. Their plan never stopped, and continues it its operation.
Sure - do you have any details on the following topics (feel free to create as a new informative post):
Why did Hitler invade Poland and bomb England in your view for example?
Primary sources for a Talmud translation and some of the quotes you mention. I'm aware of specific evil individuals like Soros, Huvari, bureaucrats in the Biden admin, etc.
What was the Bolsheviks involvement in WW1 and WW2? I have heard of the Russian genocide but not any specific involvement in those wars.
Evidence specifically indicating an ethnic based conspiracy outside of the Bolsheviks. A lot of the evil seems to be from people who identify more with atheism than the Talmud specifically.
I have a few friends who are Jewish and they have no part in a broader conspiracy.
We need to know about the lies that we are told.
Otherwise, you cannot learn the TRUE lessons of history, which means you cannot figure out what to do in the future.
I find your question to be absolutely shocking that you would not understand that you MUST learn from history in order to make better decisons in the future.
"He who fails to learn from history is condemned to repeat it." -- Santayana
And the REASON people fail to learn from history is because they are LIED TO about history.
Downvoted because you DON'T want to know about the lies you were told.
Thank you, Mr. Ostrich Downvoter! Glad to see you have your head firmly planted in the sand.
Nothing quite like a "Great Awakening" that starts with pretending that lies don't exist.
I already know that people are evil and often lie, including in history. I'm asking in this specific case what do you feel like was an important takeaway.
Thanks for responding.