30+ years of installation. Why would they worry now. My governor, my Supreme Court nomination for State, hell even the city's council is one giant nepotism pile. I own my home just for these ass clowns to triple my property tax. Stealing my wealth. I now pay 300.00 a month in rent to these assholes. Insurance has risin so high I have to budget a monthly escrow type account to pay for it. The only vacation we can afford is camping now. Trips to Florida are a pipe dream.
Stealing stuff from the left really pisses them off. So much fun. Using their buzzwords and buzz phrases against them leaves them going ba, ba, ba, ba, your a racist. 🤣🤣🤣
Any illegal act should be prosecuted equally. This is not a threat, but a statement that laws are to be followed. If you break the law you should be arrested, prosecuted and face punishment equally irregardless of race, religion, gender, nationality, or political standing-rich/poor, male/female, black/white/brown/yellow/ striped/polkadot, Christian/Muslim/Buddhist, European/Middle Eastern/Asian/African/American, Republican/Democrat/Independent, etc.
The demon rats are masters of the cheat. They have teams continuously working on adding new tricks that are difficult to detect and impossible to prosecute. They even throw it in our face. “ We have the most extensive voter fraud network ever”. They chuckle at our threats of prosecution. They’ll just stop the count in the middle of the night and there’s little outrage. We need to become more creative in our countermeasures. It’s hard when so many RINOS are part of their efforts. Personally I want us to adopt the purple finger dye used in elections in shithole countries. Sadly their elections are more fair than in the 3rd world country we’ve become.
Good luck with that given Trump wasn't even able to get his own Attorney General to do anything about this the last time he was President.
In my State they prosecuted an election worker who tried to show the system is insecure by MAKING UP THREE FAKE NAMES and Social Security numbers and then mailing the three unfilled in absentee ballots that were granted for those nonexistent votes to a member of the State Senate or House to show the problem. Meanwhile, the DA declined to prosecute the person who voted for a mentally incompetent individual in the nursing home when one of her children noticed she was shown as having voted.
Track down the past cheaters and make examples of them!!!!
Dominion, Smartmatic, et al, must be wiped out.
Eric Coomer….clink clink clink…come out to pla aay….
30+ years of installation. Why would they worry now. My governor, my Supreme Court nomination for State, hell even the city's council is one giant nepotism pile. I own my home just for these ass clowns to triple my property tax. Stealing my wealth. I now pay 300.00 a month in rent to these assholes. Insurance has risin so high I have to budget a monthly escrow type account to pay for it. The only vacation we can afford is camping now. Trips to Florida are a pipe dream.
Sounds like calirado…a shithole being dug deeper by a gay dual Israel citizen governor from california.
Why has it taken so long for someone to make this threat?
Deep State is powerful
Lara come to PA right now it will save time later.
Just like 2020 right?
Be careful. Indictments being handed out like party favors.
I'm all for instant justice too, I see someone cheating I'm beating the shit out them.
Let the Trump juices flow. Watch the media now say she plagiarized Beetlejuice.
Using what legal system....ours doesn't work anymore....unless you are a criminal of course...
You go girl. I believe the Trump team will take big bites out of the three major sources of the left’s fraud machine.
You go girl is a fed whistle just so everyone knows
Stealing stuff from the left really pisses them off. So much fun. Using their buzzwords and buzz phrases against them leaves them going ba, ba, ba, ba, your a racist. 🤣🤣🤣
Any illegal act should be prosecuted equally. This is not a threat, but a statement that laws are to be followed. If you break the law you should be arrested, prosecuted and face punishment equally irregardless of race, religion, gender, nationality, or political standing-rich/poor, male/female, black/white/brown/yellow/ striped/polkadot, Christian/Muslim/Buddhist, European/Middle Eastern/Asian/African/American, Republican/Democrat/Independent, etc.
Quickly and harshly. Everything is downstream from politics, making election integrity the single biggest issue.
Voter ID needs to happen nationwide.
The demon rats are masters of the cheat. They have teams continuously working on adding new tricks that are difficult to detect and impossible to prosecute. They even throw it in our face. “ We have the most extensive voter fraud network ever”. They chuckle at our threats of prosecution. They’ll just stop the count in the middle of the night and there’s little outrage. We need to become more creative in our countermeasures. It’s hard when so many RINOS are part of their efforts. Personally I want us to adopt the purple finger dye used in elections in shithole countries. Sadly their elections are more fair than in the 3rd world country we’ve become.
No standing
Good luck with that given Trump wasn't even able to get his own Attorney General to do anything about this the last time he was President.
In my State they prosecuted an election worker who tried to show the system is insecure by MAKING UP THREE FAKE NAMES and Social Security numbers and then mailing the three unfilled in absentee ballots that were granted for those nonexistent votes to a member of the State Senate or House to show the problem. Meanwhile, the DA declined to prosecute the person who voted for a mentally incompetent individual in the nursing home when one of her children noticed she was shown as having voted.
Not very high Hopes
Then she must have a bunch of tracking to do.