Friend I am sorry but there is no scriptural authorization for the office of "pope." I pray that God does protect this man and this is the way he finds out that the truth is not in the creeds of men but in the scriptures of our Lord.
There are only 2 positions of authority listed in scripture and they are both for roles at local congregations, elders and deacons. With elders having a list of requirements for the position in 1 Timothy 3:2
The early Christians were pretty clear on the Chair of Peter. I trust they had a clearer understanding of what exactly Christians believed as opposed to us nubs 2000 years later
The Lord says to Peter: “I say to you,” he says, “that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of hell will not overcome it. And to you I will give the keys of the kingdom of heaven . . .” [Mt 16:18–19]. On him he builds the Church, and commands him to feed the sheep [Jn 21:17], and although he assigns a like power to all the apostles, yet he founded a single chair [cathedra], and he established by his own authority a source and an intrinsic reason for that unity. Indeed, the others were also what Peter was [apostles], but a primacy is given to Peter, by which it is made clear that there is one Church and one chair. . . . If someone does not hold fast to this unity of Peter, can he think that he holds the faith? If he deserts the chair of Peter upon whom the Church was built, can he be confident that he is in the Church? [Unity of the Catholic Church 4; first edition (Treatise 1:4) (A.D. 251)].
This is 100% true. There is no evidence that Peter was a Pope in history other than this misconstrued verse. Peter was also married and after Jesus' death Peter was seen showing favoritism to the Jews and Paul "withstood him to his face." So Peter needed to be corrected because of his actions as we all do. The way the Pope is portrayed, as basically a God to be worshipped on Earth, Peter would want nothing to do with this heresy.
"no evidence that Peter was a Pope in history other than this misconstrued verse"
Our Lord Jesus Christ . . . has placed the principal charge on the blessed Peter, chief of all the apostles. . . . He wished him who had been received into partnership in his undivided unity to be named what he himself was, when he said: “You are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church” [Mt 16:18], that the building of the eternal temple might rest on Peter’s solid rock, strengthening his Church so surely that neither human rashness could assail it nor the gates of hell prevail against it [Pope St. Leo I - Letters 10:1 (A.D. 445)].
Peter, πετρος, signifies a stone, or a fragment of a rock; and our Lord, whose constant custom it was to rise to heavenly things through the medium of earthly, takes occasion from the name, the metaphorical meaning of which was strength and stability, to point out the solidity of the confession, and the stability of that cause which should be founded on the Christ, the Son of the Living God.
In other words:
Upon this very rock, επι ταυτη τη πετρα - this true confession of yours- I am the Messiah.
Scripture often referrs to Jesus as a Stone, or a rock.
Psalm 118:22
Isaiah 28:16
Eph 2:20 Peter is one of the pieces of the foundation but Jesus is the cornerstone.
I Peter 2:4-5
Jesus did not say, on thee, Peter will I build my church, but changes immediately the expression and says, upon that very rock, επι ταυτη τη πετρα, to show that He neither addressed Peter, nor any other apostles.
There are many proofs, over 5000, of the scriptures that have been preserved. If you can show me where any of the verses I quoted have been reconstructed I will gladly accept the correction. But to think a man writing a long time ago is correct just because it's dated is dangerous.
John warns of the many antichrists that came from our own. The entire epistle of II Peter is about false doctrines and false teachers leading people astray, perverting the word of God.
Look at the Greek text concerning Matthew and you will see.
Maybe you shouldn't have established a religio-political, tyrannical, unholy, ungodly, carnal heirarchy and such a blasphemous position as "Vicar of Christ" and you wouldn't be having these problems in the first place! The RCC was a FORETOLD bad idea from the start, and Jesus did not tell us to make such a structure. Neither did any of the other apostles.
This is the correct answer. The truth is Francis is no different than many popes in the past. I like Vigano, but this current Church is the "real Church". It has been this way since Constantine.
While I in general agree with you, this isn’t the time and place. Why are you attacking someone clearly trying to fight the good fight.
Doesn’t matter what you think of the RCC, they have millions of members and if Vigano wakes people up to the corruption of the globalist take over of the church then he is a friend of mine.
I'm not attacking him personally I'm attacking the entire corrupt diseased temple that is the RCC. Godbless Vigano and I pray he gets revelation of the whole truth and doesn't stop halfway at just "reforming the RCC" "we just need a good pope" no such thing as a good pope, the whole concept of a pope is blasphemy!
Vigano is an interesting character in this movie. I'm keeping my eye on him!
agree with this Cardinal....he's calling out the evil....I beg people to stop donating to the Catholic church except if its a traditional church or school....
Truth to power. We’re witnessing it everywhere today. From local school board meetings to courtrooms in NYC to even the Vatican. I pray truth wins out peaceably because if it gets to the streets God help us.
naw, +Vigano and other Traditional Catholics have done nothing but stay where they are. It's Bergoglio and his sycophants that have defenestrated themselves.
Sorry but it's just the exposing of the underbelly of what was always there Mr. Vigano. As shocking as they was when I first discovered it 35 years ago. Amd its deeper still than you are willing to believe.
There have been many good, honest, devout, Christian (followers of Jesus) individuals who have called the Roman Catholic Church their home. That said, I have been curious how someone with any discernment or logical intellect could be part of something so wicked. I love history, studied history most of my adult life...and the history of Roman Catholicism casts (by far) the greatest shadow over the entirety of Christendom. From the rampant idolatry (worship of Mary, the Apostle Paul and Peter), to the Inquisition and genocide of the Waldenses (which almost ended Christianity) to the rampant (again) child rape amongst its Fathers, Bishops and Cardinals; Roman Catholicism has done nothing to lead it's followers to a life saving relationship with Jesus Christ and done everything to enrich its own coffers (the selling of indulgences for instance) and ruined countless lives in the process! I guess one could say that Jesus is building His true Church not because of Roman Catholicism, but in spite of it.
My two favorite Catholic Fathers would be Mr. Vigano and Malachi Martin...both of whom made it their life's work to expose the truth about Roman Catholicism and it's tireless work on behalf of the New World Order. One of the most fascinating books I have ever read was Windswept House by Malachi Martin. Spoiler alert!...In the Prologue Martin explains in depth the satanic ritual sacrifice that occurred in the Vatican wherein the Roman Catholic Church was given to satan. I think this happened in the mid 60's after Vatican II. In any case, the book was written as a novel, but Malachi Martin said in interviews that everything in the book was indeed fact...including the Galveston Mansion.
Bankers' best guesses about the Vatican's wealth put it at $10 billion to $15 billion.
Of this wealth, Italian stock holdings alone run to $1.6 billion, 15% of the value of listed shares on the Italian market. The Vatican has big investments in banking, insurance, chemicals, steel, construction, real estate.
The total Roman Catholic Church holdings world wide include well over 5,000 church properties and other real estate. Estimated total net worth of everything, all included, is possibly $50 Billion.
Maybe Elon Musk can buy the Catholic Church... and then install Ab. Vigano as Pope. It's worth a thought.
I and millions of my fellow Buddhists were excommunicated by the High Priest. Our lay organization regards the act as our spiritual independence from an authoritarian priesthood. We even recognize the day as our Spiritual Independence’s Day.
I am a member of the lay organization, SGI-USA, formerly Nichiren Sho Shu of America. The high priest of Nichiren Sho Shu excommunicated the entire lay organization. Now we are spiritually independent.
Thank you brother. I came to Buddhaism by the book "The Docrines of the Buddha" by George Grimm. It is as he says all reason and logic. But to find your inner self, one has to practice, which I do with the Matra of Maharaj: I am.
Although I have not reached Enlightment yet, I am on the way.
I will have a look of what you propose. Thank you again.
Here is specifically some information. We no longer have priests, though some left the priest hood through this. You have your text, the Bible and your basic practice of faith. I think Catholics may need priests as there are some rituals that is pretty hands on. We have a strong lay organization with leaders, that take on the responsibility of leadership and raise others up. Our basic practice doesn’t need a priest. We all do the same basic practice in our homes.
Please God, protect this brave man against all evil, so that he may become the true pope, Amen.
Friend I am sorry but there is no scriptural authorization for the office of "pope." I pray that God does protect this man and this is the way he finds out that the truth is not in the creeds of men but in the scriptures of our Lord.
There are only 2 positions of authority listed in scripture and they are both for roles at local congregations, elders and deacons. With elders having a list of requirements for the position in 1 Timothy 3:2
The early Christians were pretty clear on the Chair of Peter. I trust they had a clearer understanding of what exactly Christians believed as opposed to us nubs 2000 years later
Jesus is the Rock, Peter a mere pebble. Jesus was referring to Peter's confession that Jesus is the Son of God, not Peter.
This is 100% true. There is no evidence that Peter was a Pope in history other than this misconstrued verse. Peter was also married and after Jesus' death Peter was seen showing favoritism to the Jews and Paul "withstood him to his face." So Peter needed to be corrected because of his actions as we all do. The way the Pope is portrayed, as basically a God to be worshipped on Earth, Peter would want nothing to do with this heresy.
"no evidence that Peter was a Pope in history other than this misconstrued verse"
I meant through inspired writings.
As for Peter's confession in Matthew 16
Peter, πετρος, signifies a stone, or a fragment of a rock; and our Lord, whose constant custom it was to rise to heavenly things through the medium of earthly, takes occasion from the name, the metaphorical meaning of which was strength and stability, to point out the solidity of the confession, and the stability of that cause which should be founded on the Christ, the Son of the Living God.
In other words:
Upon this very rock, επι ταυτη τη πετρα - this true confession of yours- I am the Messiah.
Scripture often referrs to Jesus as a Stone, or a rock. Psalm 118:22 Isaiah 28:16
Eph 2:20 Peter is one of the pieces of the foundation but Jesus is the cornerstone.
I Peter 2:4-5
Jesus did not say, on thee, Peter will I build my church, but changes immediately the expression and says, upon that very rock, επι ταυτη τη πετρα, to show that He neither addressed Peter, nor any other apostles.
everticus + bible in 2024AD vs. Cyprian + bible in 251AD
Hmm .... who is the more credible witness?
There are many proofs, over 5000, of the scriptures that have been preserved. If you can show me where any of the verses I quoted have been reconstructed I will gladly accept the correction. But to think a man writing a long time ago is correct just because it's dated is dangerous.
John warns of the many antichrists that came from our own. The entire epistle of II Peter is about false doctrines and false teachers leading people astray, perverting the word of God.
Look at the Greek text concerning Matthew and you will see.
Strange, Eusebius in 312AD seems to understand reality different than AcesSilver in 2024 AD who is 1700 years removed from the actual events.
The scripture authorizing anything was authorized by the pope
II Timothy 3:16 - All scripture is given by inspiration of God.
God doesn't need man to authorize anything as He is the supreme ruler.
AMEN! 🙏🙌
lmao I see it coming a hundred miles away
Vigano for Pope.
If he gets excommunicated - that’s when the schism starts.
He is accused of schism but the Bergoglio will actually cause one.
He speaks the truth, the Catholic Church is being destroyed from within, a coup. Sound familiar? Evil does what evil does.
lol nah, Jesus said the gates of hell won’t prevail
Maybe you shouldn't have established a religio-political, tyrannical, unholy, ungodly, carnal heirarchy and such a blasphemous position as "Vicar of Christ" and you wouldn't be having these problems in the first place! The RCC was a FORETOLD bad idea from the start, and Jesus did not tell us to make such a structure. Neither did any of the other apostles.
This is the correct answer. The truth is Francis is no different than many popes in the past. I like Vigano, but this current Church is the "real Church". It has been this way since Constantine.
I found the Luther fanboy
I found the crusader pepe neonazi Fuentes fanboy? vaporwave music go brrrt? racewar naow?
acshually Luther said some pretty basednoticers himself! I think he was wrong, but could be wrong! kek
While I in general agree with you, this isn’t the time and place. Why are you attacking someone clearly trying to fight the good fight.
Doesn’t matter what you think of the RCC, they have millions of members and if Vigano wakes people up to the corruption of the globalist take over of the church then he is a friend of mine.
I'm not attacking him personally I'm attacking the entire corrupt diseased temple that is the RCC. Godbless Vigano and I pray he gets revelation of the whole truth and doesn't stop halfway at just "reforming the RCC" "we just need a good pope" no such thing as a good pope, the whole concept of a pope is blasphemy!
Vigano is an interesting character in this movie. I'm keeping my eye on him!
Maybe he'll tell us how he really feels next time. It's certainly good to see.
Wow he sure unloaded on the hierarchy. Did not mince words!
I hope he calls him out for what he is.
Anti pope, working as an accelerationist for the cabal
This IS Biblical. Nope
The current ''pope'' was not legally elected, he was installed, in order to destroy the church from within.
Churches are being attacked from within no matter what religious denomination.
agree with this Cardinal....he's calling out the evil....I beg people to stop donating to the Catholic church except if its a traditional church or school....
Truth to power. We’re witnessing it everywhere today. From local school board meetings to courtrooms in NYC to even the Vatican. I pray truth wins out peaceably because if it gets to the streets God help us.
synagogue of Satan
Congrats bro, now you're a Protestant
naw, +Vigano and other Traditional Catholics have done nothing but stay where they are. It's Bergoglio and his sycophants that have defenestrated themselves.
Sorry but it's just the exposing of the underbelly of what was always there Mr. Vigano. As shocking as they was when I first discovered it 35 years ago. Amd its deeper still than you are willing to believe.
There have been many good, honest, devout, Christian (followers of Jesus) individuals who have called the Roman Catholic Church their home. That said, I have been curious how someone with any discernment or logical intellect could be part of something so wicked. I love history, studied history most of my adult life...and the history of Roman Catholicism casts (by far) the greatest shadow over the entirety of Christendom. From the rampant idolatry (worship of Mary, the Apostle Paul and Peter), to the Inquisition and genocide of the Waldenses (which almost ended Christianity) to the rampant (again) child rape amongst its Fathers, Bishops and Cardinals; Roman Catholicism has done nothing to lead it's followers to a life saving relationship with Jesus Christ and done everything to enrich its own coffers (the selling of indulgences for instance) and ruined countless lives in the process! I guess one could say that Jesus is building His true Church not because of Roman Catholicism, but in spite of it.
My two favorite Catholic Fathers would be Mr. Vigano and Malachi Martin...both of whom made it their life's work to expose the truth about Roman Catholicism and it's tireless work on behalf of the New World Order. One of the most fascinating books I have ever read was Windswept House by Malachi Martin. Spoiler alert!...In the Prologue Martin explains in depth the satanic ritual sacrifice that occurred in the Vatican wherein the Roman Catholic Church was given to satan. I think this happened in the mid 60's after Vatican II. In any case, the book was written as a novel, but Malachi Martin said in interviews that everything in the book was indeed fact...including the Galveston Mansion.
That's a lot of topics to cover.
This channel covers a lot of basic questions if you have them.
Bankers' best guesses about the Vatican's wealth put it at $10 billion to $15 billion.
Of this wealth, Italian stock holdings alone run to $1.6 billion, 15% of the value of listed shares on the Italian market. The Vatican has big investments in banking, insurance, chemicals, steel, construction, real estate.
The total Roman Catholic Church holdings world wide include well over 5,000 church properties and other real estate. Estimated total net worth of everything, all included, is possibly $50 Billion.
Maybe Elon Musk can buy the Catholic Church... and then install Ab. Vigano as Pope. It's worth a thought.
I and millions of my fellow Buddhists were excommunicated by the High Priest. Our lay organization regards the act as our spiritual independence from an authoritarian priesthood. We even recognize the day as our Spiritual Independence’s Day.
How can a buddhaist be excommunicated, pls. explain?
I am a member of the lay organization, SGI-USA, formerly Nichiren Sho Shu of America. The high priest of Nichiren Sho Shu excommunicated the entire lay organization. Now we are spiritually independent.
Thank you brother. I came to Buddhaism by the book "The Docrines of the Buddha" by George Grimm. It is as he says all reason and logic. But to find your inner self, one has to practice, which I do with the Matra of Maharaj: I am. Although I have not reached Enlightment yet, I am on the way. I will have a look of what you propose. Thank you again.
Here is specifically some information. We no longer have priests, though some left the priest hood through this. You have your text, the Bible and your basic practice of faith. I think Catholics may need priests as there are some rituals that is pretty hands on. We have a strong lay organization with leaders, that take on the responsibility of leadership and raise others up. Our basic practice doesn’t need a priest. We all do the same basic practice in our homes.