Yes, I've heard both sentiments about him and he does seem to be on the money a fair amount of time. He's very repetitive but I still go back for more...LOL! I heard his last name several years ago but darned if I can recall it. Whether it really was his last name, well, who can say?
I believe it was a conversation between Dave X22 and Praying Medic. The name "Lenz" or something similar comes to mind but, I am probably not remembering it correctly. They were also joking about the 2 Daves.
I agree. Very early debate. CNN guests/hosts are given talking points to hammer down after debate. They were quick to throw him under the bus. For 4 yrs they have ran cover for anything Bidens do, even straight up crimes like Ukraine, Laptop, border. And instead of covering or straight up lie, multiple people immediately threw him under bus.
Biden did have questions of debate beforehand though, so I find that part weird. They tried to give him an upper hand, but we're ready for new narrative if he misfired?
They have probably wanted to get Biden out and someone more viable in for quite some time. Some consider the fact that they have not been able to to be a devolution proof, that Biden is not exactly under their control.
Whether the campaign to switch him out will work or not is to be seen. Its' extremely late in the race. Personally, I think the chance that they will succeed in replacing him is about 20% to 80% not.
I don't think there is a way to do it without Harris. They need Harris if they want to pull the 25th & I think the campaign funds can only go to Biden or Harris's presidential run They might invent something but IDK how they can do it without Harris' consent, unless they assassinate her & Mike Johnson.
I suppose they could have a brokered convention if a significant percentage of delegates don't vote the way they are suppose to on the first round. That would be breaking rules that they would complain about if Republicans would do it but I guess they love to have double standards.
As far as I know, they are having a zoom convention, and that the candidate will be designated by the party, not in the usual way with delegates voting.
Usually that only happens when the politician actually does something right for their constituents. They couldn't ask for a better front man than Biden.
Either he steps down or they pull the 25th and force him out. A lot of people wanted Biden in jail but him facing Trump makes Trumps cruise to victory practically a guarantee. With a late-game swap, Trump's chances are far less certain.
So, libs are shocked by rising prices, doctors are shocked by the rise of sudden deaths and turbo cancers, journalists are shocked by Biden's and the D-Party decline. Who's next?
They've known about Biden's mental state for many months, even though they were calling the videos cheap fakes. Now, it's impossible to hide, so they have to pretend this is the first time they've worried about his mental fitness. They can't keep up the act, now. It's clear that if Biden had somehow made it through this debate looking half way credible, they would have kept up the charade that he's mentally capable to be
president. It exposes what liars they are, for all but the most indoctrinated to understand.
As far as I’m concerned, the media and DNC reaction to the debate is disingenuos. They ALL knew the state he was in before this debate. They’ve been planning for this for a while, and the media has been an active player in the process. The 1 big give away for me was that FJB never stopped on the lawn to talk to the press. He never went to the press room….and the media never questioned why. Trump was always stopping to answer questions, even from those who hated him. Do you think the media would have been silent if he never answered any questions? I don’t think so.
Anyone with some kind of brain knows the kenyan has been running the show. Also, if anyone thinks this death cult is just going to go away quietly they are wrong. Last night they lit the fuse.
Theory It was planned Camp David was to prep him to stumble in the transition can happen fast and they can get another candidate. Their version of "combat tactics" ( turn into the torpedo before it has a chance to arm) Trump looked like he knew this and had a civil above board tone. The whole CNN set up was to let Biden hang out there knowing this had to be decisive. Watch Trump adjust his tone and rhythm to adapt to the new normal. ( Like in the Rocky movie when Micky the trainer said " switch to southpaw!" )
It's funny to see the next deepstate move. It's all scripted, but maybe the criminal cabal is starting to get that they might not get Biden out of there. So now the pressure is on. I'm starting to think the whitehats want Joe to go the full mile on this. It'll be a beautiful thing to see the msm, democrats meltdown.
Trump talked about the 25th amendment being used against Biden maybe that was a glorious head fake. 🐸
The headlines act as if this is the first time they’re seeing his condition…
They’re shocked, shocked that gambling has been going on at Rick’s casino
Cannibals eating their own. Please pass the salt
Almost like they're ... baffled!
The new narrative coming out of CIA headquarters after seeing the polls.
Dave at X22 has called this for months.
He stated this is why they had the debate in June so they can replace Biden.
Bang on the money.
A lot of people don't like Dave but he is right more then wrong.
His identity is still unknow🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔.
Yes, I've heard both sentiments about him and he does seem to be on the money a fair amount of time. He's very repetitive but I still go back for more...LOL! I heard his last name several years ago but darned if I can recall it. Whether it really was his last name, well, who can say?
I never heard his last name.
I believe it was a conversation between Dave X22 and Praying Medic. The name "Lenz" or something similar comes to mind but, I am probably not remembering it correctly. They were also joking about the 2 Daves.
Thanks I never heard that before.
What exactly is Deep State up to here? They're throwing their own candidate under the bus.
This is planned so they can replace Biden
They never had debates in June.
I agree. Very early debate. CNN guests/hosts are given talking points to hammer down after debate. They were quick to throw him under the bus. For 4 yrs they have ran cover for anything Bidens do, even straight up crimes like Ukraine, Laptop, border. And instead of covering or straight up lie, multiple people immediately threw him under bus.
Biden did have questions of debate beforehand though, so I find that part weird. They tried to give him an upper hand, but we're ready for new narrative if he misfired?
Not even two weeks ago Joe and Mika were going on about how sharp Biden is and Trump was an idiot.
The video was posted here.
They have probably wanted to get Biden out and someone more viable in for quite some time. Some consider the fact that they have not been able to to be a devolution proof, that Biden is not exactly under their control.
Whether the campaign to switch him out will work or not is to be seen. Its' extremely late in the race. Personally, I think the chance that they will succeed in replacing him is about 20% to 80% not.
I don't think there is a way to do it without Harris. They need Harris if they want to pull the 25th & I think the campaign funds can only go to Biden or Harris's presidential run They might invent something but IDK how they can do it without Harris' consent, unless they assassinate her & Mike Johnson.
Harris and Clinton.
Then Harrus will bow out for Big Mike.
They do not need the 25th to replace Biden as the Democrat Candidate.
I suppose they could have a brokered convention if a significant percentage of delegates don't vote the way they are suppose to on the first round. That would be breaking rules that they would complain about if Republicans would do it but I guess they love to have double standards.
As far as I know, they are having a zoom convention, and that the candidate will be designated by the party, not in the usual way with delegates voting.
Hildawg incoming.
Usually that only happens when the politician actually does something right for their constituents. They couldn't ask for a better front man than Biden.
Either he steps down or they pull the 25th and force him out. A lot of people wanted Biden in jail but him facing Trump makes Trumps cruise to victory practically a guarantee. With a late-game swap, Trump's chances are far less certain.
There is NO ONE they have who will pur a dent in his following.
Even Big Mike.
He win win. We will win. God wins.
this is what i was thinking too.
Why are they saying this was the first debate, when there aren't any others being planned?
There is one more
This is why they pushed a debate so early lol. Perfect public excuse to clamor for a different Dem candidate
What's wrong with these news agencies? Biden did great last night.
Well, he didn’t sniff anyone on stage so I guess that’s a win, somehow?
He didn't need the ambulance parked outside either.
Is this planned? Or just a sign that most journalists plagiarize off eachother? (Not that the two are mutually exclusive now that I think about it.)
Of course it was planned.....I think Dave (X22) is calling things quite well.
So, libs are shocked by rising prices, doctors are shocked by the rise of sudden deaths and turbo cancers, journalists are shocked by Biden's and the D-Party decline. Who's next?
They've known about Biden's mental state for many months, even though they were calling the videos cheap fakes. Now, it's impossible to hide, so they have to pretend this is the first time they've worried about his mental fitness. They can't keep up the act, now. It's clear that if Biden had somehow made it through this debate looking half way credible, they would have kept up the charade that he's mentally capable to be president. It exposes what liars they are, for all but the most indoctrinated to understand.
As far as I’m concerned, the media and DNC reaction to the debate is disingenuos. They ALL knew the state he was in before this debate. They’ve been planning for this for a while, and the media has been an active player in the process. The 1 big give away for me was that FJB never stopped on the lawn to talk to the press. He never went to the press room….and the media never questioned why. Trump was always stopping to answer questions, even from those who hated him. Do you think the media would have been silent if he never answered any questions? I don’t think so.
Anyone with some kind of brain knows the kenyan has been running the show. Also, if anyone thinks this death cult is just going to go away quietly they are wrong. Last night they lit the fuse.
Obama doesn't run anything. It's called "Deep" State for a reason.
Same cabinet, same brain dead policies as the kenyan. I do agree there is a deep state I think the kenyan is serving a third term.
Theory It was planned Camp David was to prep him to stumble in the transition can happen fast and they can get another candidate. Their version of "combat tactics" ( turn into the torpedo before it has a chance to arm) Trump looked like he knew this and had a civil above board tone. The whole CNN set up was to let Biden hang out there knowing this had to be decisive. Watch Trump adjust his tone and rhythm to adapt to the new normal. ( Like in the Rocky movie when Micky the trainer said " switch to southpaw!" )
It's funny to see the next deepstate move. It's all scripted, but maybe the criminal cabal is starting to get that they might not get Biden out of there. So now the pressure is on. I'm starting to think the whitehats want Joe to go the full mile on this. It'll be a beautiful thing to see the msm, democrats meltdown.
Trump talked about the 25th amendment being used against Biden maybe that was a glorious head fake. 🐸
ON surprise here