BIG Bibl[i]cal Events coming over the next several days. If [P]ossible, be with your Family Sunday Jun 30th... [G]od Wins. Eyes [2] the...
For sauce, first ask yourself What did Trump gift the pope?
What is the significance of the Lotus?
WHO is the Lotus?
We all have so much fvcking more than we know.
The Keystone - T CrB (Corona Borealis). Relation? Solar/Celestial phenomena - Sky Event. Relation?
0:57 [Jun30] is a day to remember.
[non-Q coms everywhere if you can SEE]
Learn to understand the QClock.
0:57 to 0:00 Big
0:00 to 0:10 Bigger
"Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed— in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed."
"From the time that the daily sacrifice [Trafficking] is abolished and the abomination ['Biden'] that causes desolation is set up, there will be 1,290 days. 1.17 EO?
[2020 Election] "Blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the end of the 1,335 days."
"In the end, All Shall Be One And One Shall Be All!" ~ Hermes Trismegistus
Edit 2:35am: to be clear I'm suggesting something big is linked to that date. Anything is just conjecture/conversation. Because I have no idea, just like the rest of you guys.
PLEASE, give me the label!
u / # datefag
(AI-generated answer. Please verify critical facts.)
Brother this is probably the wildest take on the 1290 and 1335 days prophecies I've ever seen kek
Let's see what habbens! Maybe Q decided to use it. I trust that you will keep tabs on this?
Because of course aAI would leave out the real gem... eyes rolling...
It was a Bronze Lotus sculpture with the
inscription "RISE ABOVE"
now that's interesting. I don't know much about the lotus symbolism. What do you think was meant by it? What's it usually mean?
Edit- you got me curious u/JohnTitor17
The lotus flower has been a symbol of spiritual growth, rebirth, and enlightenment across various cultures and esoteric traditions. Here are some of the key meanings associated with the lotus:
Purity and Spiritual Awakening: The lotus is often seen as a symbol of spiritual awakening, representing the journey from darkness to light. Its ability to grow in muddy waters yet remain pure and untouched by the surrounding environment is a powerful metaphor for the human soul’s capacity for spiritual growth and transformation.
Rebirth and Renewal: The lotus’s life cycle, which involves emerging from the mud, blooming, and then returning to the mud, is often seen as a symbol of rebirth and renewal. This cycle is reminiscent of the human experience of birth, growth, decay, and rebirth.
Connection to the Divine: In many esoteric traditions, the lotus is associated with the divine, representing the connection between the physical and spiritual realms. The flower’s beauty and fragrance are often seen as a manifestation of the divine presence in the world.
Spiritual Growth and Ascension: The lotus is also seen as a symbol of spiritual growth and ascension, representing the journey of the soul towards enlightenment and union with the divine.
Detachment and Inner Strength: The lotus’s ability to grow in muddy waters yet remain unsoiled is often seen as a symbol of detachment and inner strength, reminding us that true spiritual growth and enlightenment require us to rise above the challenges and difficulties of the world.
Esoteric Associations
In esoteric traditions, the lotus is often associated with various spiritual principles and concepts, including:
Buddhism: The lotus is one of the eight auspicious symbols of Buddhism, representing the path to enlightenment and the attainment of spiritual awakening.
Hinduism: The lotus is associated with the god Brahma, representing creation and spiritual growth.
❌winner winner❌ Egyptian Mysticism: The lotus was associated with the sun god Ra, representing the cycles of birth, growth, and renewal.
Alchemy: The lotus is often seen as a symbol of spiritual alchemy, representing the transformation of base metals into gold and the attainment of spiritual enlightenment.
The lotus flower is a powerful symbol of spiritual growth, rebirth, and enlightenment, representing the journey of the soul towards union with the divine. Its esoteric associations with various spiritual traditions and principles remind us of the importance of detachment, inner strength, and the pursuit of spiritual awakening.
I feel like Trump was trolling him... Mystery Babylon is exposed - sun god worship = Lucifer worship. Bill Cooper was probably kekking his spirit-ass off when he gave him that, assuming those who fell asleep are able to watch things occur on earth at this time.
Also a bronze lotus... which kingdom was associated with bronze on Nebuchadnezzer's statue dream? - Greece, the one right before the "baton was passed" to Rome! (they all just kept conquoring their predecessor... "The secret societies are all in agreement that the world should be ruled by a One World Government. The only thing they disagree about is who will rule it." ~ Bill Cooper, Mystery Babylon Hour 36)
Trolling or warning?
that too^
u/winn I always love interacting with you. You think.
Bingo my friend. But now ask yourself a question… Where does the term "where we go one we go all" come from?
Is it a play on an an ancient Hermetic slogan: "In a time that is yet unborn, all shall be One and One shall be All."?
It came from the movie White Squall afaik. Also I could say that what Q meant by using it was:
"united in purpose of exposing and defeating [the cabal]" (Could be a lil snarky usage of their own philosophies...or could be something else / what I said + somethings else...)
it's in brackets to show that it's the target, and it is quite a loaded term, encompassing numerous groups around the world as well as numerous agendas, but for one ultimate goal. Some lean more on x, others on y, but they all seek z.
u/winn regardless of what movie it was in, it's one of the most commonly known hermetic slogans dating back to the middle ages at a bare minimum. I private messaged you to explain a little better Re:: "sun god worship" vis a vis the Lotus
"In a time that is yet unborn, all shall be One and One shall be All."
I can see this being a meaning of WWG1WGA but also see it meaning what I said about united in purpose, in common enemy, in our own little's a great troll too.
However if MAGA begins to go the route of Nazi Germany, let's say, in terms of "WWG1WGA", then there will need to be a shit-ton of alarms sounded. However based on the apparant trajectory things allude to the opposite. We are told to think for ourselves and even question Trump. Time will tell, and Jesus is Lord, halellujah 👊
The driver here is desperation, the acts of a "savior", and the trust placed in such a person tho wield power in such a way as to always benefit the well being of the people.
Such power requires the surrender of the authority of the individual. And therein lies the rub. You would not surrender your own authority.
An imperial presidency is actually very close to the position acquired by Hitler. And such a position was never envisioned by the founders, not even when they had to amend the articles of confederation into the Constitution to facilitate the resolution of the debt situation.
However, the imposition of war required another amendment which lead into the 1933 disaster, giving rise to facilitation of the power of the deep state.
The point that I'm trying to get across is that WWG1WGA is a direct, deliberate play on a hermetic slogan and Trump/Q et. al. KNOW it.
Diogenes of Sinope in response to Alexander the Great “Yes, Alexander, please move out of my sunlight.”
The Cynics imitating dogs in the sense that they had no interest in culture, or in how they appeared to others, hence the term cynic came to mean anyone whose behavior was brash and honest to the point of rudeness. Somehow rings familiar.
I suppose we could agree Jesus was also "content with nothing", for he certainly wasn't about worldly things, no?
Thank you for the compliment. Sincerely.
He's referring to a legend about when Alexander The Great went to meet a sage whom he admired…
"Diogenes was sunning himself in a grove near Corinth when Alexander, having heard of his reputation as a sage, came out to meet him. Standing over him, Alexander said, “Ask whatever you wish of me!” Diogenes replied, “Stand out of my light. This ambiguous phrase can mean, “Stop blocking my sunlight”, but it can also mean, “Don’t block the light I am giving to the world.”
Alexander said, “If I were not Alexander I would be Diogenes.” But Alexander, who was committed to conquering Asia, could never have been Diogenes, who was content with nothing."
⬆️ This is because having nothing and having something is exactly the same thing friend.
Jesus had the advantage of not needing Faith. When you have everything , you want for nothing , other than what he came for.
Creating what you want is what Faith means. From a tiny mustard seed grows the World. If you recognize God's Kingdom. Did Alexander get what he wanted ? Like Diogenes ,the homeless believe they are not going to play the Worlds/ mans game. They play , they are just the worst players.
I really doubt that. Faith is not about a level of uncertainty but it is about trust. Breaking faith = breaking trust.
Or as Paul would have it:
Apparently, by God is an addition of the translator, so we can strike it.
hypostatis or understand. Like: A Judge posing the question:
It has nothing to do with grasping an idea but accepting an idea and taking it up. You could say: you jive with it. Knowledge is totally irrelevant here. It is the sacral (below the navel button): "yes" or "no", as a response to what is, as a matter of taking a position ( stasis or state).
This response, made in the now, typically involves not checking the trustworthiness of the scheme, but is merely a response based upon the implicit trust.
We often joke that the word: hypotheek (Dutch) or hypothecate (English) is a matter of the undertaker, which is not far from the facts, as mort-gage indeed is a payment with death.
Hope. This is not just a matter of looking for straws to cling to while drowning. Compare the actions of Herod. He had heard of Jesus, and was looking forward to a meet to entice Jesus to perform a miracle. He was looking for a circus, theater, that sort of thing, like a child looking forward to going to a fair, or hanging out with his buddies in front of the game console, immersed in the online game world.
So, there is some data, and that data is the basis upon which exists a reasonable, calculated expectation and potential within an individual.
Think of Prof: Walter Levin.
Note, that the data he knows, the mechanics he knows, requires elpizo. Now, here is Jesus, knowing the facts, knowing the mechanics. But to be subject to the workings or functions of them, is a matter totally different.
And like every instance in which the story of the events unfolding, can lead to an affidavit or martyreo, which can then be the basis for someone else to exhibit faith.
Tested proof. Like before buying a bottle of wine, you make a tasting. A little bit is poured into your glass, you smell it, turn it around, look at the way the wine is hanging on to the glass, you smell it again, taste it with a little air, etc. You get the picture, I am sure.
Well, this ain't a database but it is not far from it, as it concerns: facts, that which is the result or fruit of acts. Although, translated with the word: things, it is the wrong word. A "thing" is a suit at law, in the old days, either a restitution was paid, or a duel was fought. Such a suit was often organized by the tribes, and the leader there was the LAW-YER. So, basically, pragma means facts.
Faculty of perception, faculty to see. And this is interesting. Of course there are those facts which clearly can be perceived: like a tree, a car etc. These are material. Certain facts can no longer be seen. These facts may be anterior to current facts. It also may be forces at work.
To go wild with this, let's assume Jesus could see people's aura. It is still normally something unseen, yet, can be perceived.
On the other hand, certain things must be visualized by the mind. Later, on I will make mention of such a fact unseen. It is a little like Q saying: check mate before the game has been played. That fact, is already clear to Q.
The facts [pragma] without the faculty to see, is what it says, literally.
Often related to bishops, but actually, seniors, or anteriors/ ancestors, people of older time/ past times.
When you go and make a deposition, that is what this is. It is a witness testimony in an affidavit under penalty of perjury.
If you would study the next verses, you' ll find that even God himself provides "martyreo". It is often translated with approval, but that is not it and very weak in terms of conveying the knowledge.
At any rate, these elements are what Paul figures faith to be.
Interestingly, Paul also wrote about this: Phillipians 2:8.
Here he says that Jesus became obedient until death, and death on a cross. The word here used for this obedience is a related form of hypostatis: hypēkoos:
At any rate, faith is a faculty needed to persevere. And I am saddened by the fact that this aspect is not clearly discussed in scripture, except for the gospels when Jesus says: I saw satan thrown down .... this is the aspect of seeing facts not seen by the faculties of sight.
On the other hand, James juxtaposes faith and doubt as two opposites in terms of creation, as doubt will only make people sway in all directions, as a wind vane, depending on the vanity of the day (in vogue)
So, yes, based on the 7 laws of nature, mentalism, frequency, cause and effect as the main and easy to spot items, to trust the forces God put into place is an act of faith based upon the martyreo or affidavit He provided. Just look around into nature.
This is what Cicero wrote his son in De Officiis: a mind molded by nature.
Of course there are also mind not molded by nature but molded by an overload of ne-gotiation, or an overload of not having leisure time to be molded by nature. This is the current mind of many people, as they are totally consumed by the system requiring their hypokoos, obedience till death, and death by vaxx.
I love the interaction u/standingoak but this particular topic falls firmly in the categories of "those who were dancing in the rain were thought to be insane, by those who could not hear the music." & "I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you."
Trying to find the Q post/photo of US gov delegates meeting Kim Jong.
The wall and ground painted with a water/pond mural. The front row of people have their chairs positioned on top of painted lotus (water lily) plants.
Any ideas what Qpost it was?
Ok found it. It was Qpost 849.
Its Bill Clinton sitting with Kim Jong-il (the dead father of Kim Jong-un) on the lotus plant. And thats John Podesta standing behind them.
High-res copy of the photo here: has a description for the photo:
Also ties in with the image of Kim Jong-un posted in Q846
They ALL look miserable...
not sure what Bronze symbolizes, but the 17 foot statue of George Washington at the masonic memorial is made out of bronze...
and the Lotus awakens slowly, petal at a time.
and I think RISE ABOVE means to Ascend...rise up out of the swamp🌞
The lotus is often symbolic of your crown chakra - your connection to your higher self and God.
It may also be symbolic of Ascension...
I Corinthians 15:51-52 NKJV "Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed- in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and
we shall be changed."
I ask, how many are ready? Right now? This second...
What else in your entire life matters more? 🤔
As a catholic, I denounce the current imposter claiming to be the pope. He is a jesuit marxist subversive degenerate.
The “artwork” behind his throne in the serpent hall is all you need to see to understand this.
His actions over the past years have moved me further from the church and closer to God. I now realise that the church is nothing more than a middleman attempting to place themselves between me and God in order to profit.
People have been saying this for 20 years everyday lol. Why is it true THIS TIME?
Wait for it
I’m glad you posted this, I’ve been watching @penisse day count threads for years and today is 1335. I fully expected something to go down.
He's counting 'the day' of the election as 1, instead of counting the next day (nov4) as 'it's been one day since...' etc.
It has been 1335 days tomorrow since nov3.2020 The abomination that's causing desolation in our country was definitely a white hat "set up."
The bigger question is, does the 1335 start the day of the stolen election OR the day the abomination was set up (in office)?
I have my reasons for believing the former but Im know time traveler
Neither, the book of Revelation is not referring to the stolen election in America
You're referring to the 2020 election? And you're saying the white hats setup the steal or it was a sting operation and the white hats were observing it all go down?
So today is 1257 since Jan 20, 2021. I guess we should wait until Monday Sept 16, 2024? At some point that bible prophecy is going to be revealed. 🤷♀️
You are completely misapplying the book of Revelation
Not understanding this at all, but I'm not Q expert. How do you know the "daily sacrifice" is trafficking and not the overturn of Roe v Wade? What's 1.17 EO? I assume EO is executive order but not sure about that as I don't believe I've seen reference to a 1.17 EO. How is 0:57 June 30th?
The problem is that this isn’t Q. This is someone twisting the Bible to try and fit a current event that it is not talking about.
u/HopefulSkeptic do you have one of my favorite usernames and I enjoy your skepticism. So the following is not a personal attack.
Q said "Biblical" how many times?
Did he say it bc it's catchy?
Maybe bc it 'sounds cool'?
Maybe to 'fool Christians'?
Or maybe some think it's because this is all just a game?
If you ask yourself enough questions, you can scare the stupid right out of your own thoughts.
This leaves one with little else but: It's actually going to be Biblical.
Nothing personal. I do it to myself all the time when a former conclusion doesn't make sense.
So something was supposed to happen yesterday?
Sept 16
So this is the new updated date because it sure sounds like you were referring to this past Sunday. If the date has changed, why?