Jersey goes RED!!!
Because they literally CAN'T explain it.
They drank the kameltoe Kool aid and was TOLD to hate, but wasn't given a reason other than, "He rayciss" - again with ZERO proof of that.
So you have a whole lot of retards that don't even know what they really believe or why they believe it.
Discovering "THE REASON WHY" is too hard!!! It requires two things they must NEVER DO under ANY circumstances!!!
Self evaluation or scrutiny
Actual thinking - yes, cupcake, "All by yourself and everything" - with no help.
So you see, right there... they're retarded by choice. They're so mentally lazy that actual thinking has atrophied to the point it will be completely bred out if them.
Direct quote from this man in the video. Probably the most important thing he said for the duration:
The Royal Secret is... You can live forever by sexually vampirizing children.
And there it is. Now think about all the trafficking, the pedos, the innocent tortured lives from thousands of years ago until the present day.
Ego aside, who would want to live forever in the physical?
Answer: Someone stuck in very low vibration that believes they are their physical body and thoughts. Someone who has not taken the time to find the truth that: the Kingdom of heaven is within you (them). Someone who has never experienced the Christ directly.
And THIS subhuman trash like this, is calling the shots on this planet...
Think about THAT for a second.
It was espoda replace usd, can and peso into one worthless pos, in line with the rest if the NAFTA disaster...
I find it fascinating when people who are supposed to be on the same team, nitpick, judge and condemn each other over the slightest error or difference in opinion or perspective...
They heard what the F you meant, yet chose to split hairs. It's always related to a certain religion too.
And the message of that religion is lost in the sauce of hair splitting....
Ain't much neighbor lovin going on when they do this shit...
But don't mind me...Just observing the hypocrisy of it all. Carry on. Get each other all pissed off at one another...Cue the emperor from Star Wars - "Yes! That's it!!! SEETHE!!!!"
I'm not replying to anyone specifically...I'm just so thankful I'm no longer religious
EDIT: These cowards will dv but not dare to ever address what it is they disagree with or find disagreeable. CINOs. Total. Cowards.
There are MANY MANY layers to the language of symbolism, as it relates to the subject at hand.
For instance, there's an entire REALM of symbolism dedicated specifically the branding of everyday things - that are right there in your face, but most have no clue and they just blend into the scenery.
One particularly fascinating area of study, is the focus on Saturn and Saturnian symbolism everywhere. Things like the Nike Swoosh (ring of Saturn), automotive logos like Toyota and Ford, and other references to Saturn like the "Black Rock", the black cube, geometry and religious symbols derived from both the hexagon at the poles of Saturn and the 6-sided cube. Saturn encapsulates many eating children, the X symbol and "father time" aka Chronos. It's a very large area to study.
Then you have symbols and icons from Babylonians, Phoenicians and Pharaonic Egypt - many times cast or engraved in stone. Even things that may appear to be simple decorations, have meanings behind them - such as the obelisk, obelisk with sphere on top, the urn, pinecone/artichoke (our pharaonic seed is here) etc.
It's plain to see masonic symbolism is in reality, Egyptian symbolism - used throughout the ages in rituals and regalia - right there out in the open. These symbols are their calling card to one another - essentially saying to each other - Hey don't screw me over - we're kin. A "brotherhood" for lack of better term.
Here are some links that show symbolism and some meanings behind them for your own study. It is in no means comprehensive:
Michael Tsarion - Use of Sacred Symbolism In Modern Times
Jordan Maxwell Exposes the Illuminati (Imperial Roman Sun Cult) and Its Symbol HIdden in Plain Sight
Jordan Maxwell : symbol origins and their meanings
Where History Ends Lecture by Michael Tsarion - Part.1
Where History Ends Lecture by Michael Tsarion - Part.2
Shills, Scams, Psy Ops & Bill Cooper was Right about Alex Jones
Secrets of Pharaoh & Knights Templars: Swastika is NOT a Hindu Buddhist Indian Sanskrit symbol
The Octogon Swastika Puzzle of the Knights Templars from their Swiss Nazi Hideout
Use your own discernment. Open your eyes and realize you don't know everything that you think you do...You can spend DECADES here with all the advantages access to the information gives you, and still make new discoveries as you study and learn about this occult knowledge. (you know "occult" just means, "hidden" and nothing more, right?)
If you have links or pointings to other things that you have found helpful while decoding and learning - post them up for others.
A short excerpt from The New Freedom, a 1913 book compiled from Woodrow Wilson's presidential campaign speeches:
Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it. They know that America is not a place of which it can be said, as it used to be, that a man may choose his own calling and pursue it just as far as his abilities enable him to pursue it; because to-day, if he enters certain fields, there are organizations which will use means against him that will prevent his building up a business which they do not want to have built up; organizations that will see to it that the ground is cut from under him and the markets shut against him. For if he begins to sell to certain retail dealers, to any retail dealers, the monopoly will refuse to sell to those dealers, and those dealers, afraid, will not buy the new man's wares.
So a retard got a laser engraver... they're like $300 now.
Amateur hour...curved text base circle doesn't match the curvature of the "coin" profile...
For all we know Liz Colon's kid made them because she was desperate for a story...
From what I remember... since I pulled the cord on network and cable TV years ago... There's nothing but bullshit on these channels anyway. Reruns, slapstick smacked ass sitcoms and blatantly communist programming - interlaced with drug commercials.
Shut it down
If you read/listen to what symptoms her child had - it immediately became clear to me that they are eerily similar to what mk ultra and trauma based mind control subjects experience - shattering of mind, split personality, compartmentalization etc.
Are they assisting Mass formation psychosis psyops by "helping" these children via trauma?
Sure as phuck seems like it.