They tried a sniper. Now they won’t be able to try that again, security will be higher than ever. My guess is that they go for car bomb or IED next. Putting this out there so that people are on high alert for suspicious packages or vehicles near Trump. We are Trump’s protectors - STAY ALERT PATRIOTS
🤔💭 Theory 😲💡

All the more reason to continue praying for protection for Pres. Trump. There’s power in prayer. It’s something we can all do.
I believe the only reason Trump is alive right now is because of God. His will be done. I'm not worried anymore. God is Good and He's in control.
Amen to that.
True but it's not automatic. We have to continue to ask God and expect His protection for us all. The devil still gets a vote if we don't.
yes I think our previous prayers were heard & thats what saved Trump. Keep praying for his safety & our nation. I think they will go full WWIII now b/c NCSWC!!!
“We are Trump’s protectors”
That says it all. SS, Police and even the military seem to be unable to do the job, we need to step up for Trump and our country.
Unless God be the watchman the watchman wakes but in vain.
OH they can take down buildings, too. Cause fires and explosions.
Let nothing be off our radar.
I've seen anime where a guy blows up an entire building to kill one man.
They'll try it.
drones far more likely
Came here to say this. Drones are pretty scary if you’ve seen some of the videos. He needs to be far more insulated to protect from them.
The war in Ukraine makes it abundantly clear that the future of warfare is drones and perhaps other remote or autonomous machines.
No worries! Just a friendly robo doggo... with a .50 cal mounted on it's back
The plane. They’re going to fuck with his plane and hope for a JFK JR situation
Or they launch a massive country wide terror attack with the thousands of radical islamists they've imported over the years. Just like Vegas, you can hide the real purpose of the attack amongst the noise. I don't put anything past the deep state. If they're willing to kill 3,000 of us on 9/11, there is no limit to the carnage they'll unleash to maintain power or cause as much trouble as they can while going down.
Absolutely correct. They've killed billions and destroyed multitudes of nations with their owning of the game board for centuries... until now.
imo now they assinate biden via "maga trumpster bent on revenge"
He’s announced that he’s got covid. We’re off to the races.
He will have Covid from now until November
This is an echo of what Alex Jones said right after the shooting.
AJ thinks poison is most likely the thing they’ll use next.
Watch the short puts to clue in on timing...
Nuke next?
from orbit?
Rods or Blue Beam or a little of both?
… outsourced to foreign ‘enemies’ of course
Bro just plagiarized Alex Jones
Follow the wives. Jill bidet had a competing rally in Pittsburg at the same time. If jill or big Mike are in the same state as president Trump I would be extra suspicious.
Probably one of those cellulose moab, laser guided bombs like they dropped on kemp's daughters boyfriend and claimed it was a collision with a tractor trailer. Then the usss will claim the slope of the road was too dangerous for them to clear all trucks off of.
17AbsoluteRedux76 @RealAbs1776 I absolutely forgot about the missing ammonium nitrate from a couple years back... 93
Bodhi Karma @Bodhi Karma .1m So the attempt on Trump is used to create a FF on the DNC. Angry right wing MAGA extremists... So what happened to the ammonium nitrat...
might be poison too. the cabal has spies everywhere and poison is a good way to get things done.
DC_Draino TS post -
Let's not forget drones, poisoning, or even a bridge collapse. See someting, say something.
Watch out for a Ryder truck with Timothy McVeigh behind the wheel.
that was deep state also to eliminate evidence against Hillary.
It's over. They'll never be able to pull a stunt like that again.
You can only catch someone off guard once, from then on he'll be on high alert.
God is trump and allow out protectors. With out him kiss it goodbye.
Why wouldnt they try it again?
How has Hollywood went after presidents? They like to telegraph their moves through media? Sum of All Fears?
Trump needs to stay clear of Biden. They will take that opportunity to take both out.
Russians use a lot of cheap drones with attached explosives.
Our deep state probably been taking notes.
Alex Jones is saying the same thing.
I'd fear poison - hope they can keep him safe