Why would you? The last sacrifice has been done, all debts paid. We but only to accept Christ as our savior and believe the sacrifice and the resurrection, and you’ll be washed in the blood. God is so good.
The obligation of the punchline is to actually put the blood on the doorposts since that action fits inside the framework of my OT reference and the blackout.
Sacre-Coeur, or Basilica of the Sacred Heart, in Montmartre. It was built during the Third Republic as an apology to God for the moral degeneration that led to France’s defeat in the Franco-Prussian War and the Paris Commune—and it was built at a high point of the city, dominating the skyline of most traditionally leftist neighborhood of the city, on the Left Bank of the Seine. French leftists HATE the cathedral (seriously, the history is fascinating), but it is the second most popular tourist destination in Paris after the Eiffel Tower. A beautiful building!
"He attributed the defeat of France to the MORAL DECLINE of the country since the French Revolution, and proposed a new Parisian church dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus."
God doesn't dwell in buildings made with man's hands. Its the light of God in Christ in the believer that can not be quenched except by the believer themselves disregarding God's truth.
It doesn't make any difference. They are opposed to Jesus Christ my God therefore they can just die. They trying to replace our savior with the lightbringer. They can eat shit and die. Drown them violators in buckets of piss water.
No apologies given for crudeness. Our Lord and Savior is also a brutalizer. He will dye his robes in his enemies blood and then sarcastically talk to Isaiah about how he had no one to join him. Read the Book of Isaiah. We serve a badass King yall.
A light that shines in the darkness. Sounds familiar.
God's light cannot be hidden by the dark, no matter how much the left promotes and celebrates it...
LOOKS and feels like a WHat OP to me. AND they work for GOD.
Same thought. A real F YOU to the satanic pos by Q team. Bet they were seething. Epic.
God works in us and through us.
Light over darkness.
And the darkness will not overcome it.
'People' Mock GOD Forgetting that he Sees ALL...🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Generac for the win.
A Song: https://youtu.be/xBYs3wmhUVc
Have a blessed day.
I’m guessing nobody put blood on their doorposts last night.
Why would you? The last sacrifice has been done, all debts paid. We but only to accept Christ as our savior and believe the sacrifice and the resurrection, and you’ll be washed in the blood. God is so good.
LoL, I had to to sound out the letters and then I got it. At first I was like..what he call me? 😁
kek 💛🍻
The obligation of the punchline is to actually put the blood on the doorposts since that action fits inside the framework of my OT reference and the blackout.
Every country should just have gone home after that opening.
I saw a video with the exact time the power went out. There was a different church in the background that still had some exterior light on.
I love this. Thanks!
Moves and counter moves...
Was it Divine Intervention?
Or White Hats (backed by the Divine) showing who's really in charge?
Sacre-Coeur, or Basilica of the Sacred Heart, in Montmartre. It was built during the Third Republic as an apology to God for the moral degeneration that led to France’s defeat in the Franco-Prussian War and the Paris Commune—and it was built at a high point of the city, dominating the skyline of most traditionally leftist neighborhood of the city, on the Left Bank of the Seine. French leftists HATE the cathedral (seriously, the history is fascinating), but it is the second most popular tourist destination in Paris after the Eiffel Tower. A beautiful building!
From the Brsilica's WIKI:
"He attributed the defeat of France to the MORAL DECLINE of the country since the French Revolution, and proposed a new Parisian church dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus."
Ohhh the symbolism.
Reminds me of the church in Lahaina that was left unscathed during the fire there.
Hmmm Interesting that the architecture is neo-Byzantin3, as in the style of Orthodox Catholics, who don’t follow the pope.
God doesn't dwell in buildings made with man's hands. Its the light of God in Christ in the believer that can not be quenched except by the believer themselves disregarding God's truth.
What it looks like when you think catholics aren't evil. Just look how they brag.
Indeed, we must look deeper. Satan is disguised as a being of light after all.
Nah, that's lucifer? Slight difference. Laveyians are claiming satan and catholics are claiming lucifer.
Not that it makes much difference.
It doesn't make any difference. They are opposed to Jesus Christ my God therefore they can just die. They trying to replace our savior with the lightbringer. They can eat shit and die. Drown them violators in buckets of piss water.
No apologies given for crudeness. Our Lord and Savior is also a brutalizer. He will dye his robes in his enemies blood and then sarcastically talk to Isaiah about how he had no one to join him. Read the Book of Isaiah. We serve a badass King yall.
But they're the people that killed a guy and published the book about it. They're the ones than named the guy jesus in the first place. Ji-Zus
Ji: roman latin meaning marry/spouse Zus: roman latin pronunciation of zeus.l
You're living a roman faggot lie and they're the only ones that know it.