Edit: The ISI connection is still speculation, and hence Awan as well. But hopefully the connection becomes official by the time we hit the Aug 29 delta.
Awan is finally coming to headlines. Awan is connected to Seth Rich, Ukraine, Clinton Servers, Russia Gate, and even Uranium One.
I think since they are pointing at ISI and Iran, I assume Israel is deeply involved. They always do this. Point that those who they WANT to take the blame.
Obviously. corps like BlackRock are involved as well. But I just blame the global Satanic deep state, which Biden/Obama are a part of.
Ah, there's that scummy little swampy Antifaggot Keith Ellison. I've been wondering when that commie ass clown's name would show up again. And look, we have the usual suspects as well:
In 2016, 2017, and 2018, Journalist George Webb and his research network outlined a Pakistani and Ukrainian spy ring on Capitol Hill run by Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
Same cover story as Sept 11, what a surprise. Of course Iran did it, because the Jews who rule the US and every other country desperately need Iran, Syria, and Lebanon to be wiped off the map, in order to clear the way for their plan for a 'Greater Israel' that goes all the way up to Ukraine, recreating the middle-ages Jewish state of Khazaria. Let's all cheer for war!! That's the goal.
To anyone even slightly conscious, any story offered by the US government in a situation such as this is obviously misdirection.
The Pakistani ISI has long been a proxy for Mossad, MI6 and the CIA. Official sources confirmed that the 9/11 hijackers were being paid by a top General in the ISI, yet the US government did absolutely nothing about it. They destroyed Afghanistan and Iraq instead. The ISI and their box-cutter hijackers was part of a nonsensical cover. Same as this story.
And I'm quite sure you know, George, that this is a nonsensical cover story. But of course the Trump cult must believe it, lest they face the fact that their hero is a key figure in the Khazarian mafia and enjoys 'messiah' status in Israel in the midst of their mass-murder frenzy.
The story the FBI is telling with their "source" is so stupidly sketchy, it reminded me of my grandson trying to explain some "incident" that happened in the Gorilla tag lobby. 😂
Not buying it. They want war with Iran. Convient that Iran all of a sudden is trying to kill Trump.
Most countries have a deep state.
But the scary question is how many of those deep states are the deep state.
A cabal, after all.
The Deepest of States.
Edit: The ISI connection is still speculation, and hence Awan as well. But hopefully the connection becomes official by the time we hit the Aug 29 delta.
Awan is finally coming to headlines. Awan is connected to Seth Rich, Ukraine, Clinton Servers, Russia Gate, and even Uranium One.
Here is a recent post about this.
But the most important connection is: "Saving Israel for Last"
My first thought also...
Also there is a good Awan delta, Aug 29:
Maybe noodles will bring him as her date to the Demonic Convention 😂😂😂
The fact that vile Vasservoman is still in Congress and not a cell proves 2 tier justice.
She is one of the top 10 perp walks, well dragged out by her hair, is something I definitely want to see.
Coverage on GWP
And on NY Post
Thank you bb!
That Maxwell Yearick guy had some antifa background.
Sniff sniff
I think since they are pointing at ISI and Iran, I assume Israel is deeply involved. They always do this. Point that those who they WANT to take the blame.
Obviously. corps like BlackRock are involved as well. But I just blame the global Satanic deep state, which Biden/Obama are a part of.
Ah, there's that scummy little swampy Antifaggot Keith Ellison. I've been wondering when that commie ass clown's name would show up again. And look, we have the usual suspects as well:
From the Substack comments:
This kind of “breaking fake news” on Iran is a set up for a False Flag provocation to start a war against Iran.
Iranian whitehats are going after CIA/MOSSAD in Isreal. Saved for last
The story the FBI is telling with their "source" is so stupidly sketchy, it reminded me of my grandson trying to explain some "incident" that happened in the Gorilla tag lobby. 😂
Actual Headline:
Police will probably release this rare photo of the assassin.
Seriously though, interesting post. Makes some good conections.
But of course it was the Pakistanis!
Did you think the DS and Demmunists would stoop to such things?
(Insert montage of Demmunists calling for targeting DJT.)
Ok, so how is our SS, DOJ, FBI and CIA involved in this plot because I don't believe they just got caught off guard.
could the encrypted data on the former SS directors phone tie her to this?