Yes there was autism in 1952 when I was born. The question is at what %%? It appeared extremely RARE in my day! Now it's a true epidemic. The %% of children w/autism has definitely been increasing. Just go back 20 years - wasn't the detection good during that period of time?
I believe the main thing driving the autism rate is the childhood vaccine schedule. Again I got 2 vaxxes as a child. How many are "recommended" today? Over 70?!
I believe it, I was at a Independence Day BBQ and out of a dozen kids present at least 1/3 of them were showing various symptoms. One was also showing signs of being a budding psychopath the way she was interacting with some animals that present (we were at the host's farm.) Same girl was also an utter pussy during the fireworks, whining about the noise even after someone gave her earmuffs.
There's a reason that most "mental illness" is just one big amalgamation of overlapping symptoms. It's not fake, it's just not real either. The root cause is likely not whatever bullshit the doctors say, and in many cases there is no disorder or illness, and it's just them trying to make life hard for undesirables.
It's weird human categorization of the variety of human conditions. 99% of it could be chocked up to "he's just weird". Lotersl childless cat ladies coming up with label after label for no actual reason. People eat it up because then they don't ever have to confront their shortcomings. It's not "I need to get better self control and stop being crazy" it's "I have adhd"
I'm torn on ADHD, because on the one hand it's a very real condition (disorder is debatable), but on the other hand it seems like when people are told about it they become lazy fucks. Meanwhile, plenty of boomers and gen x who would now qualify as having it are living perfectly fine lives with some difficulties that they've learned to manage.
The labels, as you say, often take away people's ability to improve by making them unable to see past some supposed disorder. Can't improve if your problem is "incurable brain defect". But people can and do improve, so it's clearly not as clear-cut as the people who push the labels and the people who hide behind the labels would make it seem.
Children who were prematurely born will also have issues. Doesn’t make the “pussies”. Their brains haven’t developed yet. Just because you are born doesn’t mean the brain is fully developed
If someone is scared by a firework, that's kinda some pussy shit. Maybe there's a valid reason, maybe it's not in their control, maybe it's not as easy as them "getting over it", and calling them that directly certainly isn't helpful in any way, but I don't necessarily see how the term doesn't apply.
I'm 72! Born in 52! I believe "back in the day" we had a total of 2 (maybe 3) "vaccines". Autism was unheard of when I was in elementary school. I didn't know anyone in my circle who had autism.
Yes! But what's sad is the argument against the conclusion that it's the vaxxes causing the autism in children. It goes something like this: "Well years ago there just wasn't the awareness of autism....and we have better ways/means to diagnose children who might have autism".
OK so let's go back a mere 20 years. Haven't we been able to diagnose autism during the last 20 years? Yes we have. So what have we seen in the last 20 years in regards to autism? The rate of autism has gone up right! Now look at the number of additional "vaccines" that have been added to the childhood vaccination schedule. Seems like there's a clear correlation between the # of vaccines recommended and the autism rate.
Well, I was born in 1944 and I thought the same thing but when I was looking into my grandson's autism I found I identified strongly with Asbergers. I had a lot of the symptoms but it didn't have a name back then.
I was probably better off not to have a label but it was helpful to learn about it later.
I really seriously wonder WTH was wrong with me when I was young. Something, that's for sure. Since I tested with a high IQ it isn't retardation... but you'd think it was, if you knew the awkward things I had done! Oh Lord. I am still embarrassed, in my tarnished golden years. Maybe I had oxygen deprivation during birth or something. But what I suspect most of all is Asberger's. And it has shown up in my extended family.
Yes, we are losing our children, and thus, the future of America. Autistic people can rarely live totally independent lives. The more severely autistic, the more "services" needed, including housing, sheltered jobs, special education and a whole host of other things normal people can get for themselves. Plus, they will not be in committed relationships, i.e. marriages, so there is more destruction of the family. Nor can they care for any children they might produce. They are simply a drain on our resources and they do not pay back what they are given. This will be the end of America. I'm not trying to be harsh, but logic should tell us, at the very least, that vaccines are killing America.
I work in education. The amount of resources (time, money, etc.) is even more than you can imagine.
The somewhat severely autistic ones get one on one help in schools.
They try to mainstream (inclusion in regular education classrooms) as many as they can to the detriment of the class; the entire class has to be taught at a lower level overall.
They “pass” all special education students with pretty high scores since they “are meeting their needs.” In fact, even normal kids can’t fail.
Fun observation: most special education teachers are quite “special” themselves.
Just don’t assume there is nothing that can be done. Chlorella. Herbal foot pads (Amazon) Green juices. Zeolite drops. Oregano oil. CoQ10. Many different kinds of God’s healing can be found and used. Just don’t take No for an answer. We used several of the above methods to help my grandbaby. Issues started after her two year old shots but we didn’t tie it with that so that by the time she got to her 5 year old pre-kindergarten vax she was have significant issues. Inability to concentrate, stuttering and blinking profusely! It was debilitating! Using chorella, herbal footpads with tourmaline, zeolite drops and greens juices we pulled out the toxins. It took 4 months. By the time she attended kindergarten she had no more issues. Her pre-evaluation suggested speech therapy. Surprised the school when she arrived with NO ISSUES! It can be done there is always hope.
Vaccines don’t help. The food preservatives, dyes, hormones, fertilizes, pesticides, forever chemicals, emulsifiers, and flavorings are just as bad as the vaccines. Parents waiting until age 40 to have kids is the biggest problem, and the genetic damage doesn’t go away, so you pass it onto your kids, and it gets worse as it passes from parent to child.
It’s not just autism, it’s OCD, schizophrenia, dyslexia, bipolar and attention disorders. Also chromosomal syndromes.
Jonathan Nolan’s Westworld (seasons 2-4, not so much the first season) was a look at our future had the Great Awakening never happened. The show, set in 2070 onwards, was about how social media had been weaponized to control and influence and pre-destine humanity. Westworld also shows how the control mechanisms could have swept up and imprisoned neurodivergent (autistic) outliers. Westworld shows what happens if the timing of the Great Awakening is off. AI and social media lead to societal collapse. Westworld is about what the world would look like if Silicon Valley had infiltrated the Military instead of what we believe to be happening, the Military infiltrated Silicon Valley and took down the Cabal.
Notice that Jonathan’s brother Christopher worked together on movie Interstellar. In that movie, in the future, there are no phones, no social media. People in the future eat at the dinner table as a family.
At some point, we must let military technology (Internet, smartphones, etc) subside. We must go back to jobs that operate by pen and paper and filing cabinets. We need physical currency and family dinners without TV or phones.
The internet and smartphones only exist because the Cabal is subsidizing this ungodly technology and picking winners and losers. And this technology incentivizes us to do what the pharmaceutical companies tell us to do. The technology, and vaccines, are all a vicious cycle. Work 40 hours a week to afford the phone, you need the phone for your job, you need the University degree for the job, and you can't afford to start a family until you are 50. Then the economy doesn't grow because 50 year old dykes are only having one kid if any.
We must get back to living like the Amish. Slowly get the people to get out of the cities, touch dirt, raise chickens, till the soil, grow food, take care of animals, and cook what they kill. No vaccines, no public schools. No taxes. None. We need to incentivize families to have 8 kids or more.
We need financial incentives for parents to marry in their late teens instead of 40s.
The Great Awakening will be for nothing if a decade from now everyone is still living in the cities, having their first and only kid at age 50, and everyone is still on TikTok doom scrolling and looking at trivial shit.
We must get back to living like the Amish. Slowly get the people to get out of the cities, touch dirt, raise chickens, till the soil, grow food, take care of animals, and cook what they kill.
The Jeffersonian ideal of the educated yeoman farmer being the backbone of the Republic may be worth revisiting.
I hope we can get a cure established once Trump is back. Maybe it is just a matter of getting all the right nutrients and conditions to let the body heal itself of the damage.
What exactly os autism tho? Is it a fact that autsistic people are smarter? Im curious the actual mechanism but i guess people dont know. No doibt some autists are smart, but some also have major deficits
In general they are not smarter but some are "savants" who have a specific skill, such as piano playing or telling you what day of the week a specific date was/will be. But socially they can be highly disfunctional.
Most of us "autists" here are just what I would call "slightly on the spectrum". Maybe with a tendency to concentrate on one task to the exclusion of all else. Maybe awkward with other humans. Probably high I.Q. Maybe incredible attention to detail (so I spot spelling mistakes at a glance and get banned for pointing them out). Like the 7 above.
Precisely, it would be in something that is common to the vaccines which came after 1983. 1 in 10’000 does not imply something quite evil in the first 10 vaxxes.
the accident was creating an army of frogs. ya done fkd up
Nature is healing
The come back is always something like this: "well we have better ways of diagnosing autism now as compared to earlier years".
Well again - growing up I can't remember one child in my school (or outside of school) who had autism. I was born in 1952.
I remember in elementary school we had ONE autistic girl who refused to talk. Aka mute. That's the Only autistic person I knew growing up in the 80s.
Now I have friends with 100% of their kids being severely autistic and unable to live normal lives.
It's fucked
Ask them if detection is so good. Where are all the discovered 65 y\o with autism? It should be easy because they have not been treated.
The movie "Rain Man" was cover for the explosion that was coming. It gave the impression that it was a thing for decades. Dustin Hoffman is old.
Yes there was autism in 1952 when I was born. The question is at what %%? It appeared extremely RARE in my day! Now it's a true epidemic. The %% of children w/autism has definitely been increasing. Just go back 20 years - wasn't the detection good during that period of time?
I believe the main thing driving the autism rate is the childhood vaccine schedule. Again I got 2 vaxxes as a child. How many are "recommended" today? Over 70?!
I believe it, I was at a Independence Day BBQ and out of a dozen kids present at least 1/3 of them were showing various symptoms. One was also showing signs of being a budding psychopath the way she was interacting with some animals that present (we were at the host's farm.) Same girl was also an utter pussy during the fireworks, whining about the noise even after someone gave her earmuffs.
Most signs you are seeing are made up bullshit anyways not sure why people here put much stock in doctors diagnosing any of this made up shit
There's a reason that most "mental illness" is just one big amalgamation of overlapping symptoms. It's not fake, it's just not real either. The root cause is likely not whatever bullshit the doctors say, and in many cases there is no disorder or illness, and it's just them trying to make life hard for undesirables.
It's weird human categorization of the variety of human conditions. 99% of it could be chocked up to "he's just weird". Lotersl childless cat ladies coming up with label after label for no actual reason. People eat it up because then they don't ever have to confront their shortcomings. It's not "I need to get better self control and stop being crazy" it's "I have adhd"
I'm torn on ADHD, because on the one hand it's a very real condition (disorder is debatable), but on the other hand it seems like when people are told about it they become lazy fucks. Meanwhile, plenty of boomers and gen x who would now qualify as having it are living perfectly fine lives with some difficulties that they've learned to manage.
The labels, as you say, often take away people's ability to improve by making them unable to see past some supposed disorder. Can't improve if your problem is "incurable brain defect". But people can and do improve, so it's clearly not as clear-cut as the people who push the labels and the people who hide behind the labels would make it seem.
ADHD is mostly a product of eating shitty food and expecting children to sit for 7 hours a day
Children who were prematurely born will also have issues. Doesn’t make the “pussies”. Their brains haven’t developed yet. Just because you are born doesn’t mean the brain is fully developed
If someone is scared by a firework, that's kinda some pussy shit. Maybe there's a valid reason, maybe it's not in their control, maybe it's not as easy as them "getting over it", and calling them that directly certainly isn't helpful in any way, but I don't necessarily see how the term doesn't apply.
I'm 72! Born in 52! I believe "back in the day" we had a total of 2 (maybe 3) "vaccines". Autism was unheard of when I was in elementary school. I didn't know anyone in my circle who had autism.
I’m 65, same here. Autism wasn’t even a diagnosis.
Yes! But what's sad is the argument against the conclusion that it's the vaxxes causing the autism in children. It goes something like this: "Well years ago there just wasn't the awareness of autism....and we have better ways/means to diagnose children who might have autism".
OK so let's go back a mere 20 years. Haven't we been able to diagnose autism during the last 20 years? Yes we have. So what have we seen in the last 20 years in regards to autism? The rate of autism has gone up right! Now look at the number of additional "vaccines" that have been added to the childhood vaccination schedule. Seems like there's a clear correlation between the # of vaccines recommended and the autism rate.
Well, I was born in 1944 and I thought the same thing but when I was looking into my grandson's autism I found I identified strongly with Asbergers. I had a lot of the symptoms but it didn't have a name back then.
I was probably better off not to have a label but it was helpful to learn about it later.
Same here.
I really seriously wonder WTH was wrong with me when I was young. Something, that's for sure. Since I tested with a high IQ it isn't retardation... but you'd think it was, if you knew the awkward things I had done! Oh Lord. I am still embarrassed, in my tarnished golden years. Maybe I had oxygen deprivation during birth or something. But what I suspect most of all is Asberger's. And it has shown up in my extended family.
Yes, we are losing our children, and thus, the future of America. Autistic people can rarely live totally independent lives. The more severely autistic, the more "services" needed, including housing, sheltered jobs, special education and a whole host of other things normal people can get for themselves. Plus, they will not be in committed relationships, i.e. marriages, so there is more destruction of the family. Nor can they care for any children they might produce. They are simply a drain on our resources and they do not pay back what they are given. This will be the end of America. I'm not trying to be harsh, but logic should tell us, at the very least, that vaccines are killing America.
I work in education. The amount of resources (time, money, etc.) is even more than you can imagine.
The somewhat severely autistic ones get one on one help in schools.
They try to mainstream (inclusion in regular education classrooms) as many as they can to the detriment of the class; the entire class has to be taught at a lower level overall.
They “pass” all special education students with pretty high scores since they “are meeting their needs.” In fact, even normal kids can’t fail.
Fun observation: most special education teachers are quite “special” themselves.
They created and funded their own demise.
To whom are you referring? They who?
The people pushing vaccines. Weaponized autism will be their undoing.
Just don’t assume there is nothing that can be done. Chlorella. Herbal foot pads (Amazon) Green juices. Zeolite drops. Oregano oil. CoQ10. Many different kinds of God’s healing can be found and used. Just don’t take No for an answer. We used several of the above methods to help my grandbaby. Issues started after her two year old shots but we didn’t tie it with that so that by the time she got to her 5 year old pre-kindergarten vax she was have significant issues. Inability to concentrate, stuttering and blinking profusely! It was debilitating! Using chorella, herbal footpads with tourmaline, zeolite drops and greens juices we pulled out the toxins. It took 4 months. By the time she attended kindergarten she had no more issues. Her pre-evaluation suggested speech therapy. Surprised the school when she arrived with NO ISSUES! It can be done there is always hope.
Vaccines don’t help. The food preservatives, dyes, hormones, fertilizes, pesticides, forever chemicals, emulsifiers, and flavorings are just as bad as the vaccines. Parents waiting until age 40 to have kids is the biggest problem, and the genetic damage doesn’t go away, so you pass it onto your kids, and it gets worse as it passes from parent to child.
It’s not just autism, it’s OCD, schizophrenia, dyslexia, bipolar and attention disorders. Also chromosomal syndromes.
Jonathan Nolan’s Westworld (seasons 2-4, not so much the first season) was a look at our future had the Great Awakening never happened. The show, set in 2070 onwards, was about how social media had been weaponized to control and influence and pre-destine humanity. Westworld also shows how the control mechanisms could have swept up and imprisoned neurodivergent (autistic) outliers. Westworld shows what happens if the timing of the Great Awakening is off. AI and social media lead to societal collapse. Westworld is about what the world would look like if Silicon Valley had infiltrated the Military instead of what we believe to be happening, the Military infiltrated Silicon Valley and took down the Cabal.
Notice that Jonathan’s brother Christopher worked together on movie Interstellar. In that movie, in the future, there are no phones, no social media. People in the future eat at the dinner table as a family.
At some point, we must let military technology (Internet, smartphones, etc) subside. We must go back to jobs that operate by pen and paper and filing cabinets. We need physical currency and family dinners without TV or phones.
The internet and smartphones only exist because the Cabal is subsidizing this ungodly technology and picking winners and losers. And this technology incentivizes us to do what the pharmaceutical companies tell us to do. The technology, and vaccines, are all a vicious cycle. Work 40 hours a week to afford the phone, you need the phone for your job, you need the University degree for the job, and you can't afford to start a family until you are 50. Then the economy doesn't grow because 50 year old dykes are only having one kid if any.
We must get back to living like the Amish. Slowly get the people to get out of the cities, touch dirt, raise chickens, till the soil, grow food, take care of animals, and cook what they kill. No vaccines, no public schools. No taxes. None. We need to incentivize families to have 8 kids or more.
We need financial incentives for parents to marry in their late teens instead of 40s.
The Great Awakening will be for nothing if a decade from now everyone is still living in the cities, having their first and only kid at age 50, and everyone is still on TikTok doom scrolling and looking at trivial shit.
The Jeffersonian ideal of the educated yeoman farmer being the backbone of the Republic may be worth revisiting.
Given that Vitamins A and D seem to reduce autism:
Vitamin A May Be A Viable Therapy For Autism (human Study)
I hope we can get a cure established once Trump is back. Maybe it is just a matter of getting all the right nutrients and conditions to let the body heal itself of the damage.
I knew of no one in grade school with autism or any mental malfunctions.
While I sympathize with the intent of this post, at the same time the data shown here only indicates correlation, not causation.
"But but but that just means they are more diagnosed now!"
What exactly os autism tho? Is it a fact that autsistic people are smarter? Im curious the actual mechanism but i guess people dont know. No doibt some autists are smart, but some also have major deficits
In general they are not smarter but some are "savants" who have a specific skill, such as piano playing or telling you what day of the week a specific date was/will be. But socially they can be highly disfunctional.
Most of us "autists" here are just what I would call "slightly on the spectrum". Maybe with a tendency to concentrate on one task to the exclusion of all else. Maybe awkward with other humans. Probably high I.Q. Maybe incredible attention to detail (so I spot spelling mistakes at a glance and get banned for pointing them out). Like the 7 above.
Precisely, it would be in something that is common to the vaccines which came after 1983. 1 in 10’000 does not imply something quite evil in the first 10 vaxxes.